I think i figured out how to solve the pedo problem here is what society needs to do.
1. Society needs to be more open minded towards adult/child love and adult/child relationships instead of flipping the fuck out . 2. Stop the bigotry and hate towards pedophiles. 3. Kids need to be taught about sex from an earlier age if they have the knowledge about it and know what they are getting into they would be able to consent. 4. Stop sheltering children from the real world some are very mature for their ages and can take on responsibility and make adult choices. 5. We need safety guides and books in stores that teach pedophiles how to practice child love without hurting children these guide books could help not only pedophiles but children as well on what to do and what not to do in sexual situations and could possibly prevent abuse from taking place.
6. Doctors and researchers need to do research on adult/child love and talk to people who have engaged in pedophilia as children and liked it
7 If an adult/child relationship happens the parents of the child should monitor the relationship to make sure no abuse takes place 8 Sex between teenagers and adults needs to be decriminalized in the US. 9 We punish actual abusers of children not those who are attracted to them and have genuine feelings of love or romanic feelings for them. 10 Young children also should have the freedom and choice to have sex with peers of their own age. 11 children should have the choice to get married if they want to.
Lincoln Howard
William Nelson
Pick on fucking pedo faggot How do you not understand this?
Owen Brooks
You can have a child/adult relationship even if it isn't sexual retard.
Christopher Martin
Please, explain to me what an adult could possibly have in common with a child Except your autism
Jeremiah Jackson
Loligarchy would solve most problems of the mankind tbh.
Christian Davis
Similar interest like MLP maybe??.
William Long
She is adorable
Jordan Gonzalez
Try again faggot
Jordan Johnson
We're both mostly made of oxygen and carbon.
Jacob James
Not good enough. By that logic you should be having a relationship with a cat
Xavier Long
Kek hey buddy i have befriended tones of children over the years and i can tell (You) that an adult can have similar interest with a child for example a child likes to watch horror movies and their parents let them the adult loves horror movies too or a child is fascinated by animals and her adult boyfriend loves animals too see what i mean.
Parker Turner
I have more common with kids than most adults tbh. It's hard to explain but it's how it is.
Anthony Torres
You're really grasping for straws here guys
The only reason a child and her would ever have anything in common is when the adult looks at the child with nothing more than their own sexual degeneracy
I.E. You are in favor of relations with children because you have no care in the world how it effects the child
You are all top tier faggots, and your autism knows no bounds
Josiah Collins
WRONG!!!! if the child didn't want sex i respect her wishes its more about companionship and having a intergenerational relationship between an adult and a child it is not always about sex and those who love their partner or who they are attracted to wouldn't generally hurt them.
Anthony Evans
You are terribly close minded.
Samuel Taylor
Hudson Perez
The same could be said about you faggots and the idea that what you're doing could be wrong
Landon Davis
It wasn't wrong a long time ago.
Kayden Ortiz
Slavery wasn't either
Xavier Collins
What are you implying?
Blake Cook
Not implying. Telling you that you abuse children
Dominic Walker
Abstaining from sexual relationships is wrong? Maybe I have to meditate over this.
Ryan Nguyen
That was progress child sex laws were not the aoc needs to go back to age 7 like it use to be.
Liam Harris
No, anything beyond platonic friendship with a child is wrong
Kayden Gray
Fucking moralfag
Dominic Baker
Fucking pedofag
David Bennett
Not all pedos are bad STFU
Cameron Collins
Pick one faggot
Luis Myers
Fuck off troll.
Jace Nguyen
It still isn't… at least in the US
Caleb Richardson
8 States already forcefully sterilize you pieces of shit With any luck the rest of you will be next And you all deserve it too
Hunter Rodriguez
Kek not if we dont come out we are not at risk if we dont tell.
Asher Cooper
who here /RIPhebe?/—-adderall edition
got me through my college courses if we're being honest here
John Howard
Josiah Cooper
Kek i dont mean it like that i mean some pedos pretend to be normalfags in society so we can fit in and nobody will know.
Brayden Hill
/hebe/ was the best i miss it.
Cameron Lewis
Justin Taylor
/younglove/ is still up here on Holla Forums.
Lincoln Sanchez
Noah Roberts
apples n oranges
Jackson Jones
Not really just pointing that out.
William Gomez
You should get out more often. I recommend walks around kindergartens or local schools. Very relaxing and does good for your health. :3
Tyler Barnes
Zachary Hall
Looks like you are running out of ideas how to troll properly tbh.
Lincoln Adams
Kek ikr what a fucking loser.
Jacob Roberts
Caleb Morris
Hudson Barnes
Last picture god dam.
Jaxson Morris
Brayden Garcia
Adam Flores
Ayden Parker
user swoops in for the win
Robert Ross
Luke Baker
Charles James
David Sullivan
Really thats all you gotta say no arguments huh??.
Jeremiah Howard
Christian Foster
Jaxson Perez
Mason Myers
Take your trans degeneracy back to cuckchan at least pedophilia is apart of the natural order unlike being trans also learn to sage newfag.
Dominic Butler
They are cute.
Landon Cruz
Brody Richardson
Ethan Wilson
Robert Watson
Ryder Ramirez
Luke Anderson
Ethan Brown
Brody Rogers
Gavin Hall
Jaxon Adams
Luis Richardson
Easton Hughes
Owen Davis
Henry Cook
Angel Rivera
Jaxson Brown
Goodbye you're not here
Lucas Thomas
Poor girl is being abused, probably
Kevin Taylor
Chase Evans
Xavier Phillips
Ryder Brooks
Asher Fisher
not gay
Evan Jackson
John Gonzalez
Isaiah Martinez
James Harris
Nolan Phillips
Luis Sullivan
Dylan Smith
Die newfags
Easton Hall
This tbh
Henry Rogers
Justin Sanchez
James Taylor
Jason Johnson
Connor Martinez
Gabriel Reyes
Zachary Smith
Leo Baker
Charles Scott
Anthony Cruz
Camden Cox
Caleb Harris
All these redditors and 4channers trying to fit in they are cancer they cant even sage a fucking thread correctly they are not real Holla Forumstards because real Holla Forumstards dont shame ANY fetish.
James Sanders
Charles Taylor
Aaron Rodriguez
Gabriel Jones
Jason Clark
Anthony Foster
Brody Thompson
Joshua Adams
Charles Wilson
reported for cp
Colton Gomez
Jonathan Rogers
Lucas Carter
David Martinez
Nuke this thread dysnomia!
Brayden Powell
Christopher Lee
How about you edgelords debate op instead of posting edgy shit you all are making yourselves look retarded.
Oliver Morris
sage this shit
Ian Collins
this, wtf that's going beyond normal pedo-posting
Caleb Ross
why faggot
Christian Garcia
Jonathan Johnson
you are as retarded as drake for replying to wrong post
Kevin Myers
Connor Lopez
You are retarded for not understanding his post
Elijah Cook
Isaac Harris
Brody Ross
David Sanders
Angel Allen
Andrew Hughes
Leo Nelson
Matthew Sullivan
hebe > pedo
John Morgan
since when does not wanting children abused make someone an sjw? gr8b8m8
Hudson Gray
He was able to at least get in two years of fucking before she was of child bearing age, Bareback and lying on his back while she rode the cock to orgasm. Bring back the good old days.
Christopher Hall
The cornrows are the real crime here.
Elijah Campbell
Adam White
Jack Murphy
Jayden Myers
Success! Thread is dead.
Nolan Johnson
Asher Cooper
Easton Thompson
Elijah Wright
Eli Flores
Ryan Reyes
Juan Perry
Joshua Rodriguez
I just noticed that none of them look like they're enjoying being in gay porn. It looks like they're all focusing really hard on keeping their boner
Eli Lopez
Joseph Taylor
Their faces are much higher than their dicks
Caleb Adams
Joseph Mitchell
Sometimes models pose for the pictures. Some aren't even gay. A lot of the softcore male pornstars are straight too.
Evan Morgan
kek ikr
Jackson Morales
Nathan Sanders
Pick one
Asher Anderson
Jose Adams
There's a documentary about it on jewtube. A lot of people were pissed of because they thought they were paying these porn producers money to see gay guys. But they were fake.
Jackson Gutierrez
niggawat? Porn is porn is porn. How the fuck were people surprised?
Luis Watson
source on second pic?
Austin Miller
nvm I found it, "jhai saric"
but there ain't no nudes
Aaron Russell
Jason Roberts
Carson White
Ethan Miller
nobody wants to read your treatise, just make a board so Jim can nuke you
Ryder Davis
Huh? Are you showing emotions on a fucking imageboard, nigger?
Ryan Allen
Aawfgh poor baby cry me a rivet faggot.
Luke Hughes
Lol can't sage properly go back to cuckchan newfag.
Henry Wood
Ethan Cooper
Children are open-minded. Unlike women.
You, sir, are a fucking piece of shit. You believe that that the only reason an adult would be attracted to a child is so they can fuck it. I suposse the only reason you're attracted to people your own age is so you can fuck them, right? Of course not, dumbass.
I would personally cut the balls off any man who abuses such a vulnerable creature as a little girl, but there are men out there who are attracted to them but would never dare to hurt one. They don't deserve the treatment people like you give them.
A man who loves a girl should not be treated as a man who rapes a girl.
Provide proof that consesual (i don't give a damn if they law claims it's not) sex with a minor is abusive to them.
Something to think about. 13yo girl has sex with 18yo boy. She gets constant counseling, told how bad it was, how bad he hurt her, how damaged she is, how much help she needs. She develops mental scarring and trouma, she'll never be the same. Now another 13yo girl has sex with 13yo boy. It's treated like it's not that big of a deal. If 13 is really too young, then why are the girls fucking boys their own age not suffering the same trauma and mantal scarring? Because it's not the act that hurts them, it's the victimization.