It's that time of the day again anons.
My cock is firm.
It's that time of the day again anons.
My cock is firm.
Why don't you boys post more anime it would make this site all that much more appealing.
Also Mikan. Peak girl performance.
go back to plebbit
norgay stop
Why are you bullying me all of a sudden? I thought we were close fuckfriends.
I've been watching Toraburu recently, it's super interesting.
Where are all the cuties? Get in my thread~
post boyhole
That's much too personal a place for strangers on the internet, I'd feel uncomfortable.
Not liking anime is a disease.
You're so distant today. Where did all that pent-up cocklust go? Don't you want your pretty pink butt kissed by cocks anymore?
Who is this rude Norwegian poster that has popped up? You are kinda giving us a bad rep, friend.
You should know by know that there is nothing I love more than playing with a nice penis, I have just been busy with life today~
Oh, you really are pent up, then? A little stressed out maybe? Then I think we both know what the remedy is!~
I actually just woke up from an unscheduled 2 hour nap, is it still morning wood then? It's hard, anyway.
I'm in this really odd state of drowsiness and horniness, I want to go to sleep, but my dick is keeping me up. I just need to blow this load and I would probably sleep like a baby~
Then you know what to do!~ Did you come here for help, perchance?
It's like a congregation of gay nords.
I've been pulling on my dick like a horny little monkey, but it just isn't fun when you don't have anyone to chat about it with…
I'm here for you user. Tell me what's cooking in your mind, let it aaall out.
Well, I guy was going to come over and I was really looking forward to it. Like, I was going crazy thinking about how I was going to pull down his pants as soon as the door closed behind him, get down on my knees, give his nice big cock a little kiss, and just start worshipping it, but something came up, and I had to cancel…
Aw, shucks!~ Cocksluts need all the release they can get, it's sad when you get blueballed like that!~
Why don't you get snug with me here then..? I can try and help you relieve some of that tension.
It's too hot outside. Maybe global warming is finally here to wipe us all off the face of the earth.
ah, I ended up blowing my load thinking about it, and now I'm really tired, I might tap out for a while…
Speedy Gonzales blew his load already, huh. Leaving me all alone…
That's the danger of teasing someone for so long, they might just leave you hanging~
About as new as Global warming. I love the heat, it brings out the best in people.
Bitter, too? Like your cum I bet.
It fucking is innit. I'm naked and I'm still sweating like a pig
How hot is it?
You mean sweat and their naked bodies? I agree. Although, there is nothing like feeling someone's warmth spreading inside you on a cold winter day~
I prefer the term catty~
Well, that too!~ Getting comfortable under the bedcovers together sounds like fun regardless of the weather, really.
No, I'm sure your cum has a slight tinge of salt to the taste. Just enough to get my blood pressure pumping all that much faster, especially down below..
I don't know. Probably not hot to anyone else
I just checked for you, and you are right, it was kinda salty! I actually like the salty taste, this one guy I blew a few weeks ago, I edged him for over an hour with my mouth, and when he came, I tugged his balls lightly. That guy could cum like nobodies business! But his cum tasted of almost nothing, and there was so much of it, I found myself actually missing the slight bitterness, it just felt weird swallowing it when it had such a dull taste. I still pulled back his foreskin and put my lips around the top of his helmet and sucked out every drop that was left in there tough~
Ugh, will you just cum already you horndog? It's obvious you're still jerking it…
I said I was tapping out, but not for how long~
I recover quick you know~
Strange, because I feel on fire today.
Such a lust for a dick, whooooo?
We need more people in here, boys assemble.
Funs over faggots
Cute invasion!
Anime will dominate the world!
I asked for boys, I guess.
Where I am it is 23°C, compared to last week when it was about 17°C. I admit, I don't handle the heat very well, but there's no air conditioning.
I find that a shower helps plenty with keeping the temperature in check. You get all sloopy and sweaty too, right? Go for it.
Must be nice constantly having less than 30°C weather.
I've learned to love showers during the hot and humid summers.
There is something about putting your hot and sweaty body in a nice shower that always gets me so hard~
I really want to suck a dick in the shower too~
I bet you take showers naked, slut.
I always do, I need to clean all over, you know? But I'm not a slut.
I'm so sleepy, maybe I'll head of to dream land~
Aww come on faggot. You can do better then that can't ya? If you are dealing with the spam this bad with filters on then oh boy, you will love it when IDs get removed.
Wait, daddy, you don't think you have driven me from any threads do far do you? Oh no, that's so sad…
Thanks for the response. Good to know those filters arent working. Enjoy the AJ's, faggot.
I mean, I always migrate to other threads because posting alone is just boring, and I can't even see your posts, I just assume you are making them. By the way, I'm here posting because I like to rub my penis while looking at anime pictures and chatting to other boys, but why do you do it? You are masturbating too, aren't you?
I always see the first post you make with a new ID, daddy! That what makes it feel so special when you switch, I suddenly remember you are always here, spurting your hot goo to our posts~
Different people find different ways to connect with the world…
Anyway it's cool enough now that I can give the dog her walk! Have a good nap user.
I will! But for some reason, I always feel myself craving a massage after orgasming very hard, so I know I will be twisting and turning in my sleep..
i don't understand the wrestlers. what is the connection here?
How about we wrestle for it? Whoever achieves an anal orgasm first wins~
back off, gay boy
How about I back my butt up on your dick?
Why don't you get out of that, uh, jabroni outfit?