How to we stop this happening to Holla Forums. We are currently at level 2 almost at level 3

How to we stop this happening to Holla Forums. We are currently at level 2 almost at level 3

Bestiality is the answer

Bestiality is always the answer, friend.

By removing ID


The only people who care about IDs are samefags who should be shot.

it's at level 7


Damn, ur dumb


Do you see a 'reversal' on that chart, you faggot? You can't un-cook an egg, you can only get a new one.

Or slow down how quickly it cooks.
Scare the newbies off with pedo and gore.

Hahahaha, I like your optimism but imageboards as a whole are at stage 6 while halfchan reached stage 7 leading us here.

I'm a dudebro m8. You were one of those two first no life losers who was posting on that tiny image board. You should find a good rope and do it already.

Gore, light pizza and
Also be mean to anyone you think is new

Nice fucking try newfag. All that shit will only attract shitskins and edgy teens.

Dick or gtfo!

We're at level 5 actually.

the best we can do is to stop sharing or spreading any information regarding about this website


we're actually at stage 8, where the BO decides to put IDs back in even though it's already been tried unsuccesfully at least 10 times before

the hobby is entirely unrecoverable at this point

Something's better than nothing.

Keep both it's not that big a deal. It also trips ip new samefaggers and causes country arguments.


so much this.

you assume that he is doing it for reasons other than for his own personal amusement.
there are no grounds for that assumption, and plenty of evidence that he *is* doing it purely for his own jollies.

you assume the BO gives a flying fuck about stats and board culture and you assume that he sees Holla Forums as something other than his own personal ant farm.

you are deluded.