When will you morons swallow the final pill? We own the world by 2025 guaranteed
He thinks (((whites))) are genetically, culturally, and intellectually superior to Asians
Asian thread?
let's go
show these Casper's whose superior
Name five major Asian accomplishments in science, medicine, art, philosophy and philosophy. I don't mean tweaks to pre-existing European creations either, I mean actual Asian innovations. Five in each field (I can name a lot more than just five European innovators in these areas).
*Engineering and philosophy
Asians have no souls.
That would be impossible, because the answer is there is not even one in one field. Every Asian 'accomplishment' is a regurgitation of decade old western science. This thread is a shitpost though, so w/e.
I'm pretty sure there are a few. They have some pretty impressive achievements from ancient times and they have their own philosophers too.
just because it's so incredibly easy, though, here you go:
1. decimal fractions
2. compass
3. gunpowder
4. papermaking
5. printing
whitey's are just fucking laughable
Nice reading comprehension Chang. Try again.
Nice, I get a chance to shitpost with more qts
Talking about current times, ancient times yeah of course, Chinese medicine was incredible for the period.
they aren't?
You would likely not exist if it wasn't for us (mainly because of the effects of the black plague and how our discoveries countered it).
Not at all Ling Wing, ancient chinese medicine was great, but it laid no foundations for the western european medicine (modern medicine) evolved from the work of european doctors and no others.
Also, Chinese medicine played no role in halting the black plague in europe, so I'm not sure what you're talking about
I am not white, or asian, so serious answer, biology isnt everything and whites right now are really fucked up, if the biology point is real then they will be living in mud hut, but cern is still in yurop and China cant steal properly obsolete commies weapons. Thats a fact, asians are great for keeping a house, not building them.
Eww. Please don't post white slags in this superior thread.
is a house worth building if one cannot keep it?
Traditional Chinese medicine was mostly invented under Mao to justify the lack of doctors. "Oh Chinaman, you so speciar, Westeln medicine no wolku on you, tly boil egg in young boy's piss and eat it, wirr cule arr that airs you" Mao told them as he had several Western doctors on his own personal staff.
That mindset unfortunately took root, and now in modern China you have the absurdity of doctors slipping Western medicine into TCM because nobody will take Western medicine, then when it works they pretend it was the TCM that worked.
Yes because eventually you build a house that keeps itself ride or die motherfucker I for one welcome my AI rulers
Take a break from the cuckold porn Lu Kim, it's warping your worldview.
You are absolutely delusional if you think the statement you responded to is false.
Just another instance of a charlatan of the white race trying to propagate disinfo
My sides will burst if you keep responding
Good work dude, such a shame that whites are losing that control to jews,niggers, and mudshits. Better luck next time!
Nice thread, op. You really manage a great trash can impression. It is really nice to know that even autists like you can become great comedians.
It's a tiny percentage of women. There are many more Asian women lusting after whites than there are white women lusting after niggers. I like how you still haven't answered this question.
I really want to fuck a nork bitch.
Fact: Asian men are the least sought after and sexually desirable mates among all races.
All you subhuman ant people will ever good for is making electronics and anime.
Asians are the best race after whites. How are they subhuman?
Stay salty white piggu
Don't forget about the superior woman as well. Sage negated, hope you don't mind too much.
I don't know, man. There is so many asians that at least some are good. But a lot have plastic surgery. So who the fuck knows.
Look up the video of chinese ignoring the little girl that got run over by a car and tell me those are actual human beings.
Being the best subhuman is like being the fastest retard. Only the proud and honorable Nipponese can ever be considered honorary Aryans.
Gookposter pls go.
You will never impregnate a childish looking gook girl idol with your seed and bear mongrel hapa children who end up resenting you later in life. You will never get to feel the sweet caress of a riceniggers hands on your fat, sluggish body. Btw, still waiting on that refutation kiddo. :^)
The reason why they ignored her is because by the wisdom of four thousand years of Chinese law, it has been ruled that the only reason someone would stop to help a person who is hurt is if they felt guilty, ie they were the one that hurt them in the first place. This led to the predictable consequence that nobody ever helps anyone, and the few who still have a soul get fucked.
If you want something really inhuman, here's a fun one.
In China, if you hurt someone in an accident, you're on the hook for their medical bills for the rest of their life. If you merely kill them instead, you pay their family one lump sum that is almost certainly smaller than the medical bills. This has also produced an obvious consequence: In China, people who hit a pedestrian with their car will often back over them and run them over again on purpose several times to make sure that they're dead. Because it's cheaper.
Exactly. Requesting dump of webms highlighting the inferiority of the subhuman chinee
I did this then impregnated a blonde blue eyed Aryan girl.
I win.
pics or it didn't happen faggot
How do I fuck a nork bitch?
Not posting my kid on such a site but you would have seen in other threads my gfs belly and her blonde hair I also have a harpa daughter.
Find one of the factories that are staffed by norks in eastern Europe and kidnap one of them as they make their way home. I'm pretty sure they wear surgical masks half of the time so good luck finding a decent one. That is literally your only option unless you have the money to purchase one.
What's it like being a traitor to the white race?
I think later in life I will call up my nigger Kim to hook me up. Until then I can fuck the south korea whores in my country.
I feel okay about it because I then made a Aryan son.
I think it is okay to spawn harpa daughters if you go on to produce Ayran men or girls.
Its just conquest really not traitor silly fool.
You know what, you're right user. Good on you. Make sure you make as many white children as you can.
Exactly your only a traitor if you only produce harpas and males should be aborted.
genghis khan may have been a mongloid but he knew conquest like no other.
Good work guys. Keep it up.
Filtered :^)
I've always been sceptic about the claim of "superior asian IQs" simply because of China.
If you think I'm going to take any statistic coming out of that communist shithole seriously, you're very wrong. They're over 1 billion in population, it would have a huge impact on the so called "Asian IQ" scale.
Someone link to IQ statistic of specific oriental nations like Japan or something if you want to make a point.
also, they don't seem to invent new things, so their superior pattern recognition might be kind of irrelevant
Somewhat true these days but Chinese invented a lot of stuff back in the day.
Gun powder, Compass ect.
Seem to have lost their way, but once they where even better then europe for the time.
You should be skeptical of Chinese IQ stats, all Chinese stats are extremely fraudulent. Cheating in schools is so rampant that parents in Zhongxiang rioted when the local schools tried to crack down on cheating, under the quite understandable fear that allowing an entire country to cheat except for one city would put their children at a steep disadvantage.
The worst cheating that comes out of China is fraudulent science. Chinese universities inherited the Western idea of "publish or perish", with the Chinese twist that it's much easier to publish if you just falsify your work. As far as anyone can tell roughly 80% of scientific papers published from China are either partially or completely faked. One-third of Chinese researchers admit to fabricating results. Western institutions weren't built to handle massive and deliberate fraud, they don't have the numbers to peer review enough papers, so they refuse them, so Chinese scientists have started roping in Westerners so they can put a Western name in the byline. It's poison in the well of human knowledge, the damage is impossible to estimate. Do the Chinese care? Of course not.
Mongolians raped them into oblivion. The people that made those ancient civilization's don't exist anymore.
Asian women are even more hideous looking than whites and that's even when they use makeup and cosmetic surgery to look more white
This. The "Chinese" are spiritually dead and need to be put out of their misery at this point
That isn't true they kept the mongols out thats why they invaded europe.
Also mongols are pretty successful people back in the day genghis khan wasn't a bad guy be BTFO the arabs and was pretty fair with his dealings.
It is somewhat like the slavs.
Communism does that.
Mad weaboo detected.
Lol, no. The Mongols pillaged them plenty of times before the wall was built. One Mongol leader was going to raze the entire country and slaughter it's inhabitants before he was talked around, I'm tempted to say it was Genghis Kahn but I'm not 100% sir if it was. The Mongols took a big shit in China's genepool.
Not as successful as the Chinese were before getting raped by them. Military success doesn't mean that they had an advanced culture with lots to teach.
Here. This took two minutes to confirm.
If slavs care at all about their fellow slavs, even remotely then they're better than the chinks
got qts, shit thread is good 👌
Found the jealous white trash, have fun with your old used up women and their roast beef curtains while you rp as a nazi online.
Atleast they aren't committing demographic suicide like the west is.
They are commiting environmental "suicide". Give it a few more generations and their land will be uninhabitable. The west can pull itself back at this point, China has already damaged its land irreparably.
Asia is a fucking shit hole dude. I was stationed in South Korea and Japan for over a year each and after a month of living there if you're not brain damaged you begin to realize just how shit it is. I had little South Korean niggers brag to me about stupid shit like having multiple toilets in their houses. If you want to know what Japan is like go watch some happy upbeat slice of life shit anime and imagine the opposite.
Soju and Sake do get you fucked up pretty good though, those were the only things that kept me from killing myself.
90% of Asian women aren't even bangable without significant help from liquor.
If white women are so horrible why do the gooks go to the trouble of trying to look white? And come back with an argument this time
It's funny to me how so much anime centers around highschoolers because that was the most enjoyable period of their lives. Also
Military? You don't want to die for Israel do you?
I joined because I was basically a NEET and got tired of being a piece of shit. They can send you almost anywhere in the world, I just got unlucky and got put in shithole Asia twice.
Nice joke dude, keep dreaming. Trump (your only hope) turned out to be another kike puppet.
Give it a few more generations and whites will become a minority in their own countries. Tis a shame.
Do you really think attractive asian women want to fuck white pigs who are forcefully inhabiting their countries and have bases on their soil?
No in my personal experience most will fuck you if you're decent looking but it's kinda taboo so most want you to keep it on the down low. It's just most of them are beat and you cant even get it up until you have some sake/soju in you.
I think you are the joker here. The west is still the dominant power in the world, retaining that dominance is guaranteed by waking our people up. I believe that is still possible based on my own personal interactions, you believe it isn't based on cuckold porn. I trust my own opinion more than yours.
The difference is that this I not guaranteed. China becoming uninhabitable is absolutely guaranteed.
They wouldn't want to fuck you either way
I'm going to sleep, the only thing I have to say is some of you dumb niggers should actually try living in Asia for a year or two before deciding to tongue it's anus on the internet.
Did you completely ignore or what?
This is what I get for looking at flags and ignoring the IDs
The Japs are on course to bred out of existance. Meanwhile, the ashkenazi kikes (highest IQ) are thriving.
Your right, there was no hope from the beginning, for western civilization kek.
The same west that is controlled by jews and is forcibly changing the demographics to majority shitskins.
Cool. However your personal interactions have no basis in an actual argument or the world outside of your little bubble.
Never once did I mention cuckold porn. I know it's tough for you but try to stop thinking about it so much, cuck.
Muslims and Africans invading europe while they breed like rats is just an opinion? K, keep being delusional.
It is though, perhaps instead of denying the truth you should go look up the number of 'refugees' europe is taking in and the demographic shift predictions in the coming generations.
True, these white pigs need to go home and stop lusting over superior woman.
The only western nation that is even close to being majority non white right now is America. Take a look at China if you want to talk about jews they have a chokehold there too.
My interactions with regular folk have no basis? They have more basis than media propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Interacting with people is stepping out of my bubble.
We all know you are thw same faggot from earlier with a different ID. Provide some sources for your claims that white women lust aftwr niggers that isn't cuck porn.
When my people wake up it would be a matter of months to remove those elements, I have faith that my people will awaken. I'm not delusional about the severity of the situation, I just have faith in my people.
Europe has been terribly damaged by Huns, Mongols, moors and Turks yet we are still here. There is hope up until the moment we are gone. China's has already sealed it's own doom with it's environmental policies.
The jews only "thrive" by using their old and otherwise stolen wealth to give the tribe "protected" status
I love how you go on about jews controlling the west while ignoring the fact that worst Korea is a jewish outpost. They aren't doing too well in birth rates either by the way.
I dare you to post a gook whore that hasn't had the porcelain doll treatment
We both know that's not true even if we take what you say is true, america is still western and not eastern so you made my point for me. I could go on for hours posting statistics and images/videos of Britain and other eurocuck nations being Muslimized, I am sure you have seen the many images of british classrooms with 2-3 white children and the rest mudskins. However instead of doing all that I would rather post qts and shitpost with angry larping nationalists.
Personal anecdotes have no basis in arguments. Didn't realize you were this brain dead.
I am not OP. I am the one who has been posting qts and shitposting the entire time, maybe you should scroll up and see how the thread started. However since you are blatantly losing this argument I am sure you will stick to your autistic judgments.
Holy fuck I am dying from laughter. Your people get massacred in a new terrorist attack every other week and they still haven't "awakened",face it retard your people are a bunch of pussies that would rather die then get called racist. You know who else has faith? The retarded normalfags on twitter and facebook who do #prayfor(insert location of terrorist attack). You are just as dumb as them if not worse.
So no actual argument but rather "muh hope" "muh faith in muh people" Ok dude. You're an actual lost cause just like Europe.
Just a point, China "won" in Korea, the most stupid, pyrrhic and retarded victory ever, but they managed to put the allies in the original borders the allies claimed beyond the mountains, Fun fact, they started to develop automatic grenade launchers to stop chinnesse rush.
It's ok m8 just look at the west's idols and relish in your glory.
This is just embarrassing and still not an argument. Idols are shit-tier sluts who act pure, which really says a lot about Asian "culture". But please go ahead and prove me wrong and post a gook slut who isn't caked in makeup and plastic surgery. You have at least a 5/6 chance of not posting the latter
Shows how much you know doesn't it? My statement is absolutely correct, maybe france comes close to U.S. levels on further thought but those are the only nations that are close to being majority non white at this point in time (France doesn't release racial statistics so it's hard to know where they stand at the moment).
They do in internet arguments. Also they are relevant, if I speak to people and they regularly tell me how disgusted they are with the state of the is nation this is relevant. When it has reached a point that i am regularly overhearing people voicing their disgust this is also relevant. You are the one who entered this argument with preconceived notions that you seek to validate.
Like I said, things have been much worse for Europe in the past yet we managed to rally our strength and overcome our aggressors. Of course i have faith in the greatest race that has lived, we have proves ourselves many times and I believe that we will eventually prove ourselves yet again.
We get it you are a butthurt anti white ricenigger or a blackpilled beta cuck with yellow fever. Why do you dislike white people? Is it because they outperformed your people historically or because Stacy was grossed out by you in high school? I will always have faith in my people and if they do allow themselves to be destroyed then that is just the law of nature taking course, so be it.
Teaching young girls to be pure is somehow a bad thing? You retards wonder why your entire civilization is failing when dumb shit like this comes out of your mouth.
Yup. That's exactly what's happening, glad you can admit it.
Pic is me beating your ass in an internet argument
GG no re ez
You are clearly a brainlet. If we are done here then surely you can answer my original post? This one inb4 You can't. To clarify I want five in every field, not five drawn from all fields.
Checked, but he is talking about the irony of that purity, they are basically transhumans dressed like western whores doing what tv western whores do but asians forget the part about talent, most korean groups are crap.
What is wrong with the lady in the fourth picture? She look like that she is suffering from body misshapen disorder or something. Is she inbred?
Still waiting for you to post a "natural" gook
She's a jewess, so yes she is inbred
Wait a minute, the jews marry their cousins? If that's true then that might explain why they look weird. Sometime look okay but others not so. Very uneven looking group.
They look much better than fake SK.
How DARE you insult a beautiful buxom babe. She don't need to abide by yo standards of beauty you fucking SEXIST PIG
Now that I won all these arguments I have so many internet points to spend. Where do I go to purchase my tendies?
They are very good looking, they have definitely transcended humanities standards of beauty.
kek stop making me laugh fam, I can't type out my post if you are making me laugh this much.
I have been posting them throughout the thread. Your tiny brain probably can't handle their beauty so it shuts itself down momentarily as a fail safe since it would fry up if exposed to such quality girls.
Okay but her body is not in a natural body so that means there is health issues for her to deal with it.
Called it. Stay mad brainlet.
Did I break gook's heart???
Maybe next time he should start his thread with just "Cute Asian girls", rather than talking about non existent "Asian superiority". Just a thought.
I blame myself for putting expectations where there shouldn't have been any.
Why do you guys choose to live? I'm so sorry you'll never get to experience having a GF is more alpha than you with the most qt Korean features