Hey anons,
I need more boys in my Steam friends list to balance out some ratios…
Add me up, if you please.
Hey anons,
I need more boys in my Steam friends list to balance out some ratios…
Add me up, if you please.
Help me out boys.
how many more threads are you making nigger
As many as it takes
I would be your friend, but I only want to be friends with one Norwegian.
But maybe you can convince me otherwise ;)
i don't see how you can expect me to friend someone posting the worst sister.
It takes exquisite taste buds to appreciate Lala as best girl. If you're a peadophile and like brats I'm sure you'll find the others more to your liking.
but I already added you weeks ago
Are you male? If yes, you might be gay, I hate gays. Are you a straight male? If yes, you must be a fag, as all your friends are female. I hate fags
Are you female? I yes, you must be one of those attention whores. I hate attention and I hate whores. Fuck off and die.
Only reasonable post ITT.
I am and you're damn right i do.
Heh, I actually like the brats too but they're only for raw dog fucking and not for sensual loving.
They say people look for themselves in others.. I think you and I would get along well. How would you like to unbuckle and fap to Nana while getting your prostate massaged from behind?
damn that actually sounds pretty nice.
It does doesn't it. I bet your boy ass would taste nice if I were to tongue it with my cock, too. You deserve a good fucking.
Two little cucks just added me. You're in for a treat~!
pls stop ur turning me gay
If the thought of having my penor kiss your pretty pink anus entices you then I'm afraid you already were.
b-but it isn't gay if i am looking at anime girls right?
Alright that's about enough of this bullshit cancer. I'm reporting you to the global moderators. This is literally the shit that belongs on halfshit. I'm ==DONE==. I actually have contacts that know dysnomia personally, you are officially more cancerous than pedos and would rather have CP than this gayness.
That sounds so fucking lame tbh. Oh noes user here is a "somebody" but I agree this shit is cancer but Holla Forums is cancer.
Dysnomia won't do shit, he is a lazy piece of garbage that gets off on his own userbase suffering. I realized it during the raid we did on /a/, other board owners delete spam and protect it's users, but dysnomia lets spam and garbage stay up cause his dick gets hard when he see's his own users suffer. At this point I would prefer fugthelug, a known dataminer, to have the board rather then that faggot.
If you just become gay you won't mind it.
Go away, Vargnigger
Spread your gayism elsewhere,faggot.
Get out of the closet, gay man
Get out of this board, gayboy.