Science and IT students struggle to get jobs upon graduation, study finds

Grattan Institute reports only half of those graduating with degrees in science found work within four months, 17% below the average for all graduates

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What do you expect when the market is flooded with dumbed down cookie cutter degrees and visa workers?

=(((The Guardian)))=

More evidence that we need to import more street shitters and chinks

So what's the next fad career, Holla Forums? Full innawoods handicraft?

Carpentry? Metal welding?

You bet your ass that'll become obsolete and oversaturated soon as well.


Duh, they're importing foreigners to do those jobs now. Thanks Jews.

8pol/ is compromised. Fun no longer allowed.

this. H1Bs take all the jobs that entry level CS students qualify for. It's disgusting.

This is due to H1B visas.

Trump has talked about this.

Trade skills.

Expect a bunch of nu-male hipsters to start doing it, the field gets flooded with apprenticeships/internships and many foreigners taking those jobs. This is largely the case already, a good deal of welding and plumbing jobs are held by outsiders and the government pumps up these apprenticeships.

If you're a code monkey maybe, but how many pajeets get into biochemistry and other related fields ?

eventually we are all going to snap at once and the event will be remembered through all time as the day of the rope.

This along with the current workbase in trades shutting down entry to new blood to prevent competition

A lot
graduate programs in the US are rapidly becoming, if not already majority foreign students

Enjoy being used as cheap labour as you live the life of a postgrad, forever sustaining yourself on barely enough grants, and never landing an actual permanent post as those are literally evaporating now.

so really you mean ST lords btfo

What kind of "jobs" did those gender studies fags get you nigger?

Thas right, fucking starbucks jobs.

STEM grads get good jobs you salty SJW degree fag

I didn't have an issue finding a job at all. But then again, I knew people.

Well maths is basically unemployable from the start anyway.

this is just the natural cycle of things

if you're a NEET moron, do something about your shit life and get into trades NOW, because there is still going to be a lag time before striver faggot poors realize they were fed a lie and drop their erudite aspirations.

not in your lifetime. Well, machinists are dime a dozen and quickly being replaced, but most of the trades are doing fine.

There is a catch. Theres this widespread misconception that trades are ez makework for dropkicks and no-hopers. Thats a joke, some of the pathways in the trades require high IQ and discipline, certain types of electricians for example have a huge dropout rate because losers cant handle the study required or are simply shit at maths.

Believe it or not, poo land does actually produce a good amount of scientists. India and china are very similar in this regard: a nugget of brilliance surrounded by a mountain of shit. Literal shit in India's case.

This is why I chose to work in a trade in the HVAC field. Plus global warming should push for more demand on services like I provide. I'll be making more money than unifags who studied for 4+ years. I went to school for 11 months.

how are they paying?

You're going to be out of work soon user

Used to work in STEM, have a degree in STEM, have a long work history in STEM as well. And for the last three years I've just passed on every STEM job offer that has come my way here in the Pacific Northwest (Including Google and Amazon).

The women and H1B shit in STEM is meant to do one thing, over saturate, drive down wages to hourly (entry level now in Seattle is no joke contract at minimum wage with zero benefits), and keep asset stock bubbles of tech stocks where they are through the labor cost size.

I make more through working a simple, non stressful, minimum wage job with tips, that acts as a stable income base as I have my business of custom bike frame making and bike mechanic work developing (work a fourth the hours, making as much as the other job already). I still get to use my STEM skills doing things like making custom e-bikes, designing and selling ARM based computers (Mostly Pi ones) for bikes and also mobile network usage (local wearable network stuff for fitness watches, cams, phone, wheel sensors, etc).

Exchanging your labor to tech companies is now on par with exchanging your labor to a fast food franchise. It does not matter your education, experience, etc, if the field is saturated, you're likely fucked even if you are competent and talented in the field, just a consequence of when a labor field is saturated. (Shit talent, in enough numbers, drives down employer demand if you can hire four dopes in dumbed down positions, for less than one competent laborer, and still keep shareholding morons happy)

Fuck the tech establishment as far as employers go. You have to find a way to make your knowledge and labor in that filed pay you directly, and cut out the middle men 'rent seekers' and patent trolls of Silicone valley and China.

Woah there big guy.


India graduate more engineers each year than America has graudates. So why the fuck am I going to hire an Americunt at 10x the price who might sue me for over 9000 different reasons when I can get a team of shitskins for half the price who know the same crap? It's the non-STEM cunts who have ruin the country with taxes and regulations and generally pozzed the shit out of everything where nothing gets done if anyone even wants to do shit here. Needz MOAR school shootings I tell you.

lot of scholarship money and a lot of graduate programs are more or less free once you get in

I work in a skilled trade in the most hipster filled city in Texas and so far we've had zero hipsters applying. I've noticed that the hipsters here have picked up some trades but only ones they can apply to drop in a conversation like leather working, knife making or blacksmithing. They don't want to work in the unsexy world of oil tool, aerospace and semi conductor production.

We are safe for now until they find someway to make welding non binary.

I could have sworn I've seen a screencap of a leftypol or int thread where spreading FUD about the inability to land a job as a STEM graduate was discussed as a means to demoralize the ebil white male.

Yeah, there are more people enrolling who shouldn't be there because they lack ability, so when they graduate with their barely passing marks and no summer experience and no contacts made through seminars, they find out that their piece of paper isn't equal to the white dude who has all of those things, contrary to the "great outcomes equalizer of universal higher education" shilling they bought into.

This isn't an issue if you aren't retarded.

I've heard indeed that CS in the US has become Java-in-the-loo tier. There's still a need for real programmers.

I may be stupid, but at least I'm not that stupid

Didn't you hear AC units are worse then ISIS, I would guess a ban incoming.

So, what I'm getting from this is:
1) There is no justification for allowing even skilled immigrants into the country;
2) Since STEM was the only productive thing about higher education, and STEM is no longer a viable path, we can burn them all down.

I mean your argument might make sense for shit tier engineering like civil but do you really think you wouldn't be making more bank if you went mechanical or software?

From IEEE Spectrum

It's not the fault of STEM fields that you failed

Wouldn't it be in that websites best interests to advertise that?

Stem is extremely overrated

You're going to be an assistant's assistant at best when you get out of college. It's oversaturated with other stemfags who aren't even good at what they do.

The goal is to move everyone over to the "life-time-wage". Which you get a sum each month, you're equally paid as everyone else and is completely dependant on the state to live.

And if you're not obedient, they will cut you off.


Every one keeps telling me i need to go to college so I will and when I fail well I'll just stop caring because I did tell them so.

That's because (((they))) basically made college into highschool that costs money.

It's funny because your article doesn't even support the point I think you're making. That article implies that from an employer's perspective, there won't be any shortages of applicants for positions, likely referring to H1B's and the like. There plenty of stem jobs for first rate engineering, but C average engineers will have a rough time.

College is only worth it if the college you're applying to has good recruiting. Do some research about the job fairs and see if companies you'd like to work for recruit aggressively there. If they don't, look elsewhere.

STEM workers are doing great. Our biggest home purchase loans from the

Now all i hear is trade but I'm not falling for that trick again.

Fuck, I'm really thinking of just saying fuck it and switching gears and just go into the medical field. Any good medical jobs?

I hate the idea of drudging through medical school but becoming a small-town family doctor sounds nice.

You could try testing new pharmaceuticals.

If you're set on that do nursing and go for nurse practitioner rather than being an actual doctor

Meanwhile tradejobs are in high demand and start you off on a living wage immediately, while paying you for training, which is only a few weeks, to 2 years depending on the apprenticeship program.

Leftists BTFO, Manly jobs are coming back and they're coming back hard. Hop on the tradskill bandwagon anons, you'll get /fit/, paid and respected, like the good ol' days.

Thats the big problem around. No one wants to hire 1 person for a stable fulltime position, they would much rather hire 2 people instead and pay them minimum to avoid fulltime pay with benefits. There needs to be more stable jobs.

A lot of them attend graduate colleges.

t. friend of pajeets

Here's the reality: Many are thinking the same thing and the number of spots in Med Schools is artificially low.

If you start right now, have a great transcript, and can score well on the MCATS then you're 4-5 years away from having a solid income (130k+ after loan costs).

If you go to a PA program, you're 2-3 years out from earning low 90's to mid 100's. Still very competitive/

If you go to a nursing program, you're 1-2 years out from earning low 40's to mid 70's depending on area and concentration. 4 year degrees are close to being universally required so it's to your benefit that you graduated. Not as competitive to get in, most go off of a point system where repeat applicants are preferred.

If you graduated with a STEM degree and weren't working to make the $18/hr+ I talked about then you set yourself up for failure, it's recoverable, you just need to get useful skills to combine with your degree or take one of the three medical routes.

I'm assuming if you post here that you're a white male so don't expect any extra help. But at the same time don't give up. I wish you success in the future.

a.k.a a B.S. in something like Biology or Physics or Chemistry is worse for post bachelor jobs than a B.S. Engineering. Well no shit sherlock, B.S. in pure sciences are geared towards pursuing masters and Ph.Ds unlike B.S. in engineering which is geared towards industry work

This was the first sentence of the article
OP is a fucking retard

a big factor in that was also the new healthcare laws
In the office I was working in at the time, they essentially cut all the full time people down to 30 hours and brought in new workers to make up for the slack in work hours

I had a finance major friend who got a good MCAT and went into med school.

Nursing is good since it's a undergrad major that grants jobs, but Pharmacy and Medicine gives dosh. Medicine is the hardest though.


Uhh user, silicon valley is the patent shithole. Silicone valley is where big budget porn was produced.

They did it in canada a long time ago. Its why most multimedia companies use contract and freelance workers, they hate paying benefits. Too bad the workflow is so much that they have to pay much higher than mimimum wage for freelancers.


Nigger what, it's probably the easiest one. That is if you did applied math of course.

First sentence of the article. You're either a very low effort troll or clinically retarded.

I fell for the biology b.s. - I wish I would ha e gone to a farm school instead. I would be living on my farm by now with my owni experimental plots and independence instead of scraping by in my fucking cubicle. At least I have a job actually applying science and engineering instead of the horseshit academics do. I'm just plotting on starting my own business soon.

Let me also say that biology courses are 80-90% fucking retarded females so if you're actually intelligent and speak english you get to the front of the pack easily

I was worried about this for a while. Then I stumbled into getting buddy buddy with one of my professors. Shit is cash and his name opens a lot of doors.

Thanks for the incite anons. I have more thinking to do but the doctor route just seems to hit all the right spots.

Yeah, I won't be working till my late 20s/early30s but it will allow me the option to move to a small, mostly white town, and earn a good amount of money to raise a nice big white family.

Being a nurse or something more specialized just seems to limiting/competitive. With everyone jumping to new job fields, my guess is nursing jobs, will become more competitive like said.

That or I can go into farming like said.

Except you're supposed to continue your education instead of getting a biology undergrad and expect to become Tesla from that. Biology undergrad = lab monkey.

Let's do some solid advice and share what has worked for anons that can get work. Here's what I got so far with my life.

Networking. It's about who you know more than anything else. A resume that is gold is trash if you are up against someone who has a good rapport with whoever is hiring for the job. You could have 20 years experience and you'd get beaten out by a nobody because he's the managers sons friend who helped him out a few years ago. There are companies that are the reverse, but this is the norm - the more they like YOU the more they are likely to hire you.

The point there is to do your homework on someone after you apply. Hell learn about them before you apply for that matter.

The way I scored my job was very much like this. I got hired on with a temp agency for tech support (temp to hire), and after a while I got to know the bosses and got their respect, and they hired me on to the company full time. Now I make 35k/yr and have the experience and social requirement to move up without too much hassle. Yes, it's low but I'd rather take something in the low-mid range and eat then scrub toilets forever at minimum wage, working myself into endless debt.

Yes, you sometimes got to get a little lucky. That doesn't mean you stop trying. Once you stop, you're done boii.

That's it exactly. This is where kissing ass comes into play.

Being an m.s. or PhD in bio is the same story. Extremely limited job choice with low pay and lots of competition. Worst of stem.

This is another huge red flag you need to be aware of actually, the "medical field" at the low end is going to be the next massively over saturated field there is. If you arent already in it or working on finishing it, I wouldn't bother.

"Nurses man, they make SOOOO much these days" is all thats been going around. Its a piss easy job that even my 50 year old near high school drop out father managed to pass the classes for and now works in. Its glorified baby sitting for the most part, either baby sitting an entitled patient, or entitled doctor, getting them things, or handing out pills, etc. Its all a joke and people are realizing this and seeing the pay scale because not enough people realized it already. So they're flooding in more and more to scoop up those jobs, which is going to drive down the wages paid by a huge amount in the next 5 years.

My advice? Go into accounting. Fuck all you dont even need a degree or "formal education" in fact to take your CPA exam. Its a hard as shit test, but you can actually just teach YOURSELF all the shit, theres courses online, books online, etc etc. Learn how to be an accountant, take the CPA exam, pass it, and make what my friend is. People talking about "muh stem starting at 80k!" is a joke. Few actually start that high, even in the harder/rarer areas. CPA friend of mine though? 5 or so years in, the guy is being promoted once again, and is already making close to $150k a year.

Its a lot of work, but the guy went from being a broke ass flake for most of his life, bumming around college, drinking pisswater beer, driving the same car till it had 300k miles on…. to brand new car, paying on one house, building another from scratch, and just got back from a month long vacation in europe (how he survived the mudscum hordes, I'll never know)

But yeah, accounting is the thing you hear about the least, but CPAs make fucking bank.

Yes, God - it will be as you have foretold

To add though, the reason you dont hear about it, is because the CPA exam is fuck all hard to pass. And you cant halfass your way through it like you can any other field. You also cant expect to have a piss easy job where you basically sit on your phone all day playing angry birds and occasionally doing a little work, which is what most people keep trying to find. No, you're going to work your ass off, and if you want promotions and raises out the ass, you're going to be taking work home at the end of the night for the first 5 years or so. But again, thats how my fat lazy fuck of a friend did it, fuckers loaded now.

I for one know for a fact that nano or micro are pretty good in terms of amount of research. Shit dude, even biomimicry would have been okay.

Thank you. Im going to take your advise.

If you're in IT and can't get a job.. Make one.


Accounting grad here, accounting is boring as all fuck. The job is pretty awful, though the pay is good like that guy said. I quit my accounting job, was making like 60k + benefits straight out of college. Closing in on a career change to infosec, shit is going to pay better and it won't be as aids as accounting was.

Accounting is the profession everyone pretends to like because of the money, but it's ghastly boring. Accounting people all go grey before their time.

Pretty solid tbqh. If you can get a job here and hold it down you're doing good.

Good on you mate. Now get married and make more white people, maybe we'll get lucky and one of them is a genius. Definitely need more white people to help conquer the earth.

I'm in IT and I did not complete college. I only have about half that debt. I got tired of transferring from college to college and wound up giving up on the bullshit. I learned a lot more from just reading books than i ever did from a course.

I'm a EE major starting his 3rd year.

What are some good websites where I can find some entry level jobs? All the resources will show "no jobs found"

Once trump rules all the immigrants will fuck off and we can do whatever career we like again. Blacks can work in the factories and McDonalds.

ZipRecruiter is pretty cool. It lets you know when the employer looks at your application. I've been using it with a lot of success since it lets you know if/when an employer looks at your application once, twice, or three times. Whenever I get a triple take, I email that company personally introducing myself. It works wonders.

Unfortunately all three of those are infested with spics. We need trump to MAGA.

OP are you a fucking feminist coming to Holla Forums to gloat about ruining STEM?

Isn't accounting one of the next fields to be killed by automation?

It seems to be a backfired attempt at sliding. This thread has turned into rather good discussion.

Same goes for admin stuff, HR, and auto insurance adjusting.

This is true also. I never said it was a fun or interesting or easy career. Its hard if it all doesnt come naturally to you, and its boring as all fuck. And it can be stressful as shit depending on where you work and what you're doing there.

But again, the money IS there. And frankly, if you work your ass off to move up, and instead of spending recklessly, you save, invest, and spend wisely, you could probably retire at 50 even if you got in as late as 30. All depends on what you want.

But yeah, the medical shit? Goes back to what people "want" in a job these days. They want piss easy work or "super interesting" work, and they want it to pay well either way. Thing is, "interesting" jobs generally dont pay well, and easy jobs certainly dont, not if there is a decent supply of labor willing and looking. Nursing as I said, is that next area. currently under staffed, piss easy, and word of mouth is spreading its the next "go to" area of work, which is going to drive wages into the dirt as it becomes over saturated like STEM has.

You'd have a hard time finding a career in agriculture or construction here

those should be your last resort, you're more likely to snag a job through a professor or on campus recruiter/career fair

This. A lot of my job was automatable, and the only thing they really had me do was forensics. SAP is killing accounting careers, so pursue CPA with this in mind.


Doesn't have to be immigrants when they can just outsource the work instead.

Unless you go for medicine, you are also walking a soon to be closed path.

Not really. Shits changing all the time. Formulas change, and theres always an element of advice/planning that a computer cant realistically do. And even if it can, you'd need accountants to review all the material that goes into the automation constantly to revise/update those things so they stay current and relevant.

I mean look at something simple like turbo tax. Did it completely put out of work local accountants? No. Despite how easy/fast/good it is, theres still local work. Why? Because most peoples taxes/finances are a fucking mess and they need a person who can sort it all out, and find good ways for them to spend money.

Corporate accounting? Maybe. It might go that way in another decade. But even then, I doubt it, because the higher ups re always looking for new ways to game the systems in place, and a computer cant figure that shit out, it can only do what you tell it, which even then requires accountants to know the material that goes into it, to update/adjust those things with the code monkeys help. Again gonig back to turbotax, even they keep accountants on staff to give advice to people despite how fucking stupid easy that system is to use.


I did corporate accounting, we were automating a ton of stuff with tailor made spreadsheets that fed directly into SAP. My division got cut in half and we still got the work done. That does not bode well for people planning on working in the field for the next 30 years.

Exactly, I left STEM years ago because of the high stress and relatively low wages. Tech companies are quickly becoming the McJobs of computing. The best thing someone in tech can do is realize you don't need those fucking leeches and start producing your own products.

Trump is planning to put a minimum 110k salary on H1B visas.

He really is looking out for you guys


There are several factors doing this.

1 - It was saturated to begin with because all the people who like working on computers

2 - H1B abuse by the big tech companies

3 - All the companies with non competition agreements so that they wouldn't head hunt each others top employees. They kept wages artificially low with this.

If you're not already in a field that has been pushed by colleges then don't bother. It WILL be oversaturated for the exact purpose of driving down wages. This is a trend that has been happening in a lot of fields other than IT. Does anyone have a link to the article where a bunch of disney workers got fucked by pajeet and schlomo?

Eh, but again if we're going this route, everything is getting automated anyway, so nothing bodes well for anyone.

The SOLE exception to "can be automated" are human services jobs that branch off from things like social work and psychology. And those jobs pay for absolute shit unless you're masters level, and then they still pay for shit compared to bachelors levels in other fields.. but hey they cant be automated, or at least wont for 50+ years until we're building AI to replace even doctors and lawyers.

But at that point, humanity itself is obsolete. So, really, every field is fucked if we wanna look at it like this.

That is a good thing, and I support it 100%.

How many are truly qualified though? Mass cheating one's way through a degree is a national pastime in China and India.

Doesn't help that there is a push for
Which has to include art, and we all know how "wonderful" the art field is these days. Its gotten bad enough that local elementary schools that are pro-STEM are willing to talk about it and even possibly use it.

Basic income bullshit incoming.

If we're going to slip in that fantasy we might as well expect human augmentation and genetic engineering. No, user, all paths do not end at gommunism. It's going to be a competition to be the best all the way to the end of the universe.

We need to cut back on automation. But selling that to a bunch of greedy kikes (and their goys) who want the most shekels possible for themselves is an issue.

Too many people and not enough work - either we'll have to start killing some of them or expand into outerspace - that's a real challenge facing us and it's just ripe for a resurgence of European manliness, orders of magnitude more challenging than building the New World.


Or this

Also, checked.

The other half were female

The tip is to go for jobs that can't be automated.

Want a secure job for life? Become a priest or a church organist at a cathedral.

How's that masters degree in gender studies working out for you?

I don't think its possible to fix it though. Too many useful idiots wanting more wages for basic jobs. Try to force minimum wages to be lower the $15/hour and you have a massive shitstorm on you as people descend to get you out.


I'm going to be a personal translator for moon gooks. Steady pay, work mostly my own hours, and impenetrable to career destruction because the moon men don't give a shit about silly gaijin political drama, all they see is some random English e-mail to delete.

Or hell, a random English e-mail for me to translate for them and tell them it's just spam.

no no no, you have it all wrong. as a priest, you're walking on thin ice. you slip and fall into a small boy, then fall out, then fall back into him one or two times and your reputation is shot for good.

get some basic electronic schematic analysis skills, som foundational mechanical knowledge, then go straight down a computer systems control path and you get to BE the asshole replacing everybody. you get to build and troubleshoot automated systems, you get to program them, you get to lead us to a brighter future.

To a point. Jobs have been protected by putting limits on automation. [CITATION NEEDED I know]. The issue is mostly just greed at the top levels. You have to either make automation non-profitable or stop it altogether. This probably won't happen until there is a reset on the elites.

I actually wasn't going this route… but okay.

Frankly we are almost at "basic income" anyway, its called welfare. That shits just going to get expanded as fewer and fewer people are needed to run the actual building aspect of our society/tech/etc. The rich will horde their wealth and use it to build large gated and guarded areas, the poor areas will become even worse with crime, and no one will be able to move up out of this due to all the land being "owned" even if not used, and people kicked off if they try to farm or build on it.

But hey, they'll hve their welfare bux for some drugs and a new flashy iphone20 that due to automation now only costs $100 brand new, so who cares if they cant ever leave their home or buy other nice things, they got their $100/mo cell service and new shiny gadget, the rest? meh, lets just blow the rest of the welfare on whores and drugs.

I dont see it as full distopian horror where the rich live like kings while we all effectively return to basically serfdom or peasantry living in squaller. But I do see us having no prospects for the future and basically welfare just affording us the ability to subsist and be entertained enough not to go on a murder spree and tear everything down since its made social mobility impossible

Network security jobs is fairly automation proof. Especially network architect.

Why the hell would you want businesses to purposely gimp themselves?

incidentally, this is likely why abortion is being pushed so hard, people are encouraged not to breed, zika and all that, and people are encouraged to "build a life first" so they're 30+ before they're having kids. Slowly shrink the size of the peasantry class, so that theres fewer to revolt if they tried, and over time, keep shrinking their numbers to the point they just stop existing or can be wiped out and no one will care.

How does stopping automation gimp businesses?



Automation exists because it is a cheaper and more reliable way to create a quality product. You are suggesting legislature that would force businesses to create worse products for a higher price. Fewer people would want the product and the business will suffer.

sorry to keep adding posts, but things keep coming to mind after I've clicked reply. Theres also the whole "muh global warming" push and the "sustainability" pushes. That shits going to eventually turn full on "population control" which will just drive the lower class further and further towards vanishing. Hell there are faggots out there right now that wont breed because "muh warming!" Oh and thats another thing, the pushing of faggotry and lesbianism and all these million genders shit. These people dont fucking breed. But they feel "special" for being these things, again, thinning out the population slowly.

Meanwhile, flood the nation with immigrants who are used to living in squaller and wouldnt fight that much going back into it. I mean, they already live 20 to a 1 bedroom house as it is. What would really change for them for the worse?

But yeah, automation is going to eventually kill anyone who isnt the top 10%. And and shit bring up certain fields… you're forgetting, AI. When a computer becomes smart enough to do your job, and do it faster, and program better without mistakes? yeah, you're fucked to. Dont pretend "automation" starts and stops at some assembly line shit.

Be careful if moving to AK. Generally you don't want to move anywhere unless you have a job set up, this goes double for AK. Right now AK is in a MASSIVE economic downturn. Most of the economy is linked to oil, and oil right now is crashing again and again. Right now there is debate on whether or not to put in a sales tax for the state. Jobs up there are shit. Unless you have something set up, I highly recommend you stay the fuck away from there.

Well considering china is at the front of the pack in successful gene editing, you can at least be sure that they arent incompetent.

India, more of a crapshoot.

Theres a misconception that scientists are universally brilliant. Most work scientists get is pretty much just moderately skilled labor and data collection. The kind of thing ant people and poo drones are perfect for.

an automated system can crank out more units in less time with more consistency than a bunch of filthy humans.
robots don't come to work on monday with a hangover. robots aren't staring at the clock all day on friday. robots don't need a lunch break. robots don't fraternize with coworkers. robots don't even to come home to their families. robots don't call in sick. and best of all, you don't even need to pay a robot minimum wage.

robots just do exactly what they're programmed to do exactly how they're programmed to do it for exactly how long you program them to do it for and they don't complain about it..

Alaska is fucked right now, m80. 140 shitskin communities are on permanent welfare and the biggest city is over 50% minority with some of the worst crime rates in the nation. Whites are second class citizens and there is a rapidly growing shitlib population of newcomers that are ruining the place.


Hello Reddit.

makes this a lot worse.

It is possible (and probable knowing US legislators) for that to happen. There are places where automation makes sense, and places where it doesn't. The issue is it removes a much needed human element to tasks where it is needed. And this goes overkill. Sure you get a cheap product/service, but it isn't always better.


le charlie epic random wildcard fake vidya xd tv/ editon ;^^^)

gentleman :—)


[YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed) [YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed)
[YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed) ]

le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
*unsheathes katana*
wellllllllll m’goodsir, I think u thought u had me beat, but wacht this !!!!
*charges up energy*
*goes super sainant*
*raises paw*


xD xD
[YouTube] eiffel65 im blue 10 hours (embed)


le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP

le epin troll i coax youed int o al e ruxze xD D D tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel
epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r :)



epic simply epic :^) i tip my hat to u sir

*tips fedora*

lol cool 1 bro i almost piss mystlelf in lafter xD
gud joke man


my sides r in space :)

is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee :^(
BAZINGA BAZINGA ZIMBABWE. top kek, toppest of keks. le rick from pawn stars? hahahaha le mayonaise
fucking epic ass meme

First there was STEM and it was good.

Then the Boomers came and dropped too much acid. Now we have STEAM. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Medicine)

Let's go full on postmodernism and promote STEAMER (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Medicine, Emotions, Religion)

And, hell, we can even break emotions down and turn it into STEAMINGCRAP (Science, Teachnology, Engineering, Art, Medicine, Identity, Nature, Government, Community, Religion, Anti-capitalism, Politics)

+1 kekel

Because the average IQ in India is barely any higher than sub-Saharan Africa.

Because Indian universities are absolute shit, where rote memorization and academic fraud is rampant.

Because an Indian "engineer" knows less than an American high school drop out.

Because a team of 100 flies cannot win against 1 elephant.

Because Americans don't poo on the street.

automation is the road to the future. regardless of who's responsible for it (the free market), you can either choose to help us move forward or try to be a parasite and get left behind.

of course humans who understand these systems should be overseeing and maintaining them. and that's the same set of skills and knowledge required to build and program them. but more automation is almost always better. "the human element" is fundamentally inconsistent and inconsistency is the enemy of mass production.


Doesn't really matter to me.


Organist is literally a post that cannot be automated.

If they could all the cathedrals would've replaced them with CD players by now.

Embed related. You can't automate the sheer amount of improvisation needed in the job.

The biggest problem, as already said in this thread, is the population. We can automate millions of more jobs now, but then we would have massive unemployment. Not everyone is going to be a scientist, work in the medical field, or be an engineer. Unless the population is culled, we have to find something for them to do.

That's because schools are churning out people with hats but no cattle and companies can't risk hiring a rookie.
You guys are running to get degrees like it matters if you have "engineer" before your name when you don't have stuff like having worked for big companies which would actually get you employed.
"science" means nothing if it's just "I know the theory". Can you apply science to create something that sells? Can your science generate a product or service that is needed?
And especially, stop going up to an employer while looking like a complete rookie who needs something from them.
What you have to do is to be an expert in something and make it so THEY need you, make them know that you are the best person and you're looking for a serious company which you can make successful.
Instead, when I have to hire people all I find is timid rookies who can't ever convince me that I need them, all they can do is list a bunch of knowledge, and don't even get me started on those who try to look corporate-y or enthusiastic.

You have to ask yourself "what can I do that employers ABSOLUTELY NEED?", if your answer is not convincing you are nobody. You can have 30 degrees and still be useless.
When you talk to an employer, the idea is that YOU are offering them something, YOU are the deal there not them.
You have to act like you can handle their business confidently and offer solutions that they never even thought of.

Don't worry, no charge for them.

any other 25+ year olds who fucked up their life by getting a humanities degree read these threads and get totally demoralized? looks like i'm going to be jacking off and playing vidya in my childhood bedroom for the rest of my life.

Get some certifications and go IT. EZPZ.

Thanks for the vaguely useful sounding rhetoric, Tony Robbins

How's life going for you STEM plebs?

Why doesn't Holla Forums just become inspirational speakers? They're basically the new priest caste.

Don't forget Indian culture. They are literally a culture of yes men because to say that you don't know will make you appear weak or unmanly. And the inability to understand anyone here… it's disastrous when people outsource to india.

Good points. This brings me to the next stop in my train of thought. Is this level of efficiency necessary? Do you truly need it to be competitive? You have a product that is consistent with what is being punched in to a machine, being inspected by several workers. But to put in all this automation you have many displaced workers, and the ones hired at a higher level to maintain this are not going to make up the difference. You can only sell the product to someone else who has money for so long before it dries up.

The thing is we will take what we want, and if you dont give it to us, god wont have mercy on your soul. You reape the chaos and the shit you sow.
The spergs will lack context, i wont.

That's not a lot, at all.

That's pretty rare user. Good work.

You don't need to be filthy rich to lead a fruitful life.

If you actually enjoy your job which simultaneously is an artistic outlet, and you actually get paid for doing that, you're basically living the dream.

If you had worked in STEM for 10+ years you'd know it's true.
If you can handle or improve a biz there is no way you can be unemployed, everyone wants to make more money.
Employers are just tired to have to train rookies who just want to collect their paychecks and don't really give a shit about the biz.

Very true. It probably depends on the area too. 43k in the Bay area means you're eating dog food. In the midwest you're probably pretty comfy.

Truly horrifying.

Very comfy.

We do have inspirational speakers, the thing is that you motherfuckers have become so dumbed down with all the shit influences you that you make a sound. All that ethical codes all that predicatable shit you see. Either money or blood, either organisation in common goals, or we will rip you comons into shred. And cybercommand psyops and analmouse, no philosophers, no mages will stop from the havoc we will drop on your retarded asses.
I will harvest your minds like they are pokemons and once i encounter one of them i will laser them. No shillaries and no donald trumps and no psyducks will save you. No good words and no karma shit will make a chink in our armor. All you betas and numales all you dumbed down right win retards will bow and i will make you bow.

How's highschool, buckaroo?

I don't live in the US, I'm currently in Bulgaria, and everything here is dirt cheap so 43k means I can easily afford myself a wealthy life, and still have some to spare.

Connections are everything, user.

That's good, forget my criticism. Wealth only matters compared to purchasing power.

I realize this is off topic but I want to know. What is Bulgaria like?

computers can actually make fairly natural sounding music pretty much on the fly. aesthetics is quite well understood and the use of algorithms incorporating the fibonacci sequence can produce rhythms as fast as they can add and divide.

frankly, that's going to have to be addressed in the way we distribute resources. im no commie, but the economics of job growth is fundamentally unstable in the long run.

no, but it's better.
who cares about being "competitive" when the end goal of any economy is to allow people access to things they need and want.
and as many of those should be replaced as possible as well
that's kinda the point.
then maybe we need to think of a better means of resource distribution. putting off the rise in automation isn't the answer.

I actually.. sort of already do this on a small scale. I work with kids in rehab as a counselor and what not, "role modeling," general life advice, teaching interpersonal skills and healthy living habits, so on and so forth. Politics doesnt come into it much, though I do try to push and get them to realize that media lies, constantly, and try to get them to understand the whole "research/look-into something for yourself, dont just trust what someone elses says, no matter if they have some glorified propaganda post to speak from or not"

Fighting the good fight I suppose.. on the small scale I manage. Friends have encouraged me to become a teacher, even people I went to college with and barely knew kept asking mutual friends why I wasnt doing that since I was so good at it. Which, I still dont have an answer to really.

… was this supposed to be english? Or just some shill trying to get Holla Forums to regress back to its days of unbridled undirected mostly incoherent rage at our fucked up society?

I am employed in stem. Check my autism (and these dubs). I was pointing out that what you wrote functionally useless, bucko. Just banter don't drop your shekels over it

arrest the propagandists and save America's education system!

Better for the owner and anyone that's left over yes. But the others? They may not be able to afford the product they were producing due to unemployment. If they can't buy anything then they wouldn't be able to get what they need and/or want. If you can't sell your product you either move on to the next market (and likely dry that up) or you go bankrupt.

The only way around this would be for forced re-distribution of wealth which would disenfranchise the owners who want to make as much as possible, and demoralize workers who in the long run are happier when they are doing something. Automation would cause owners to become akin to locusts, and in the short term become a very convenient avenue for marxists to push their agenda.

Automation can be good, but a balance needs to be made, otherwise everything gets fucked up.

This. If you're intelligent and tech savvy you'll enjoy IT. The certifications to break into Network Administration/Engineering aren't that difficult to get, and they're very affordable. Certainly more affordable than a degree.

As far as job availability, I've had precisely the opposite experience as that article. Just a month or two ago I got a 2% raise due to the lack of Network/Telecom employees in the area.

My salary is $47k/yr. It doesn't seem like much but it goes a long way when you don't have to pay back student loans.

I went from knowing very little about computers to having my Network+ and Security+ in 4 months. I'm now in the running for a F50 comfy job (salaried) as a network compliance analyst. Salary demans was 80k.

The people are really nice, and friendly. And not only because I'm a foreigner. No trace of cultural Marxism, or any sort of Jewish pushed degeneracy. In most cases people here are really conservative and absolutely hate gypsies and shitskins as a whole, especially Turks.

However the government is full cuck for the EU, and globalists as a whole. People here wuld rather see Bulgaria tighten it's ties to Russia because during communist times everything in Bulgaria prospered, it was one of the few countries that actually benefited from the USSR.

Anyways the nature is really beautiful, and Bulgarian girls are absolute qts. Rich history.

Overall I'd definitely recommend you visit here, you won't regret it.

How is your idealism trip my postgraduate friend?
Oh wait you still believe that once you put in enough effort you will get a decent job. Because that is what you all do. Study hard study the right thing and the companys will reward with a decent job. Dont forget to play the violine and other shit that makes you a decent human being. Be polite n shit. That is what grown ups like you retards do.

Looks pretty good. Probably one of the few countries not over-run by shitskins. I might have to do that.

Apparently healthcare administration is getting pretty popular. All those STEM kids need pencil pushers to do paperwork them you know.

It is no incoherent rage you dumb motherfucker, that is exactly what you will get. Because you motherfucker dont know. I have more context than you will ever see i can even predict your retarded responses. I just need to dig a bit in your minds for some times.
Once the time comes we ll make the vectors, and i already can smell the iron diffuse out of the sea (guess what sea).

You're lack of an education is really shining through in these posts, keep it up.

That church either used to be a mosque or it was heavily influenced by Pisan architecture.

That won't cut it.

The Gospal has just been read, and the Bible is being carried back. Is the reading glorious or sober? Should you do it on a particular Gregorian chant theme of the day or just whip out a free theme? How long should you improvise for? If the priest walking extra fast or slow today?

And that's just one particular moment. How about accompanying a choir with all its nuances in breathing and tempo changings by human beings that can only be reacted to on the spot?

Skip to 05:00 for the climax of the improv sortie embedded.

Try me retard, any subject.


These guys get it. I can only speak for the UK not the US but what is happening here sounds very similar to the US but worse in magnitude.

Apparently fewer than half of engineering graduates in the UK take up engineering jobs:

(link is complete by the way)

I know from personal experience that the findings of the report described in the article are truthful. The cause of this is that engineering and manufacturing companies are going bust and laying off staff all the time, the number of jobs avaible are disappearing. Others have said in engineering forums that your chances of getting a graduate position at a large company are probably 1 in 10.

Actual decent engineering jobs are few and far between and in order to be earning more than £30,000 you need to be prepared to move around, which people eventually give up on due to the conditions and become maths teachers instead, for example.

I don't want to come across as a shill who is putting people off 'doing' engineering degrees, I feel I ought to state the facts and my opinion of degress will follow in another post.

Enough with the christcuckery my dude. We get it, you like Jebus.

let me put it this way:
let's say we agree with what you're advocating for and draw a hard, legal line in the sand saying "this type of work cannot be automated." how long you think that's gonna hold up for? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? maybe up to a century or two? you and i both know it won't be forever though. there will eventually be a point where we'll just say "fuck it, we shouldn't settle for poor quality so the plebs have something to do."
what you're advocating for is to keep useless jobs that don't need to exist anymore simply so people have shit to do. no level of idealism is going to maintain that. what do you even plan on doing about the rising population? make more useless, trivial jobs?
however long you try to keep the charade up is going to be remembered in history as a black hole of innovation. where society chose an ideal over progress and held us back for however long because of it.

quite simply: not everyone needs to work, so why should they? there's tons of shit people can spend their time doing, pulling a lever all day doesn't have to be one of them. the only hurdle is how we deal with the jobs that are both unable to be automated (at the present time, at least) and that nobody would do on their own accord. how we address that, however, i am uncertain about.

How about the subject of your weird rambling posts where you spout nonsense like:
You do understand that no one gets what the fuck you're talking about, right?

Anybody with any experience with getting chemistry related jobs recently?

I guess I might as well become a farmer or a hobo

Goy, please.

sounds comfy, where do I start?

Plenty of organists live for the art and couldn't care less about the religion.

None of those, thing was built in 927. It is how traditional Orthodox churches look. Pic related, right in the middle of downtown Sofia.

I thought you had education, guess what subject.

Why the fuck shouldn't we just kick you out of your own business and run it by hiring Americans?

A: the law forbids it

We're trying to change the law to forbid you from hiring third worlders over americans which is forcing down our standard of living.

>oy vey, you have to pay us hundreds of thousands of dollars and waste four years of your life listening to my marxist drivel if you want a job, goyim!
>trust me goy, you need this magic piece of paper to be employed!

Whenever someone says they can't into maths, in my head I'm hearing that they can't just do practice problems.

Cert is like 2-300 bones per try, but I passed both my first try. I loved the Darril Gibson books for the exams, that's all I used. Just read the book and go sit for the exam once you feel you're ready. Shouldn't take long.

It's more the black and white stripes that triggers something in my brain about Pisan architecture. So many churches had it last time I went to Italy.

Any trade anons have any tips for getting into HVAC? I heard trade school is more-or-less a sham and having certs from a trade school will not land you an apprenticeship. I am going to self-study and get all the EPA certs I can get, but even then, I hear practical experience in the trade reigns supreme and I have none.

Jokes on you. I got a chemical engineering degree from a top 5 university and have zero student debt because I have loving and wealthy parents.

I also got a job 1.5 months after graduation because I'm not a retard and did internships and undergrad research over the summers.

That would mean that the work of machines is consistently a higher quality than that of humans (it just ain't so. Maybe in the future, but it isn't now). And that people would be content forever sitting around doing nothing. They would have to invent some way to keep themselves entertained.

Eventually someone will try and automate everything and have a society where nobody has to do a thing, but I do not see it working out well. Do you know the saying "Idle hands are the devils playthings?" This would be applied to an entire society that is out of work. The idealism that would keep people doing something is far preferable to everyone involved than a scenario where people have to invent things to do all the time and everything is taken care of for them.

People (as a whole) would get ugly. It wouldn't be overnight, but wouldn't be something that takes a long time either. We have all seen what happens to people who have everything taken care of for them. They are almost always shit. You'd have your automation, but that wouldn't last long in a society that is bored to death with nothing to do.

I think full automation is a good idea only in the very short term, and only when you have something to keep everyone occupied.

There are ways to get around this, but they are every bit as extreme as automating everything, and would only cause more unrest with people who have nothing to do.

They've dealt with them before, and that's why they don't let it happen again.

Oh, I can see that happening. Not an issue.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they have to fight the ottomans at one point? That would do a lot to redpill a country to the dangers of immigration.

get fucked prole, you aren't even a craftsman

Am I fucked?probably but I am kinda retarded so that accounts for more than the degree, I think


it is consistently consistent. the work produced is exactly as the engineer designed. with machine work, quality is defined solely on the design. with human work, it can falter on either the design or the craftsman. all adding a human does is create another potential point of failure.
not at all. as you described, they would invent ways to keep themselves entertained.
their hands wouldn't be idle because they're looking for shit to do constantly.
i'd even argue people would get MORE attractive over time. they would spend more time exercising and maintaining their appearance because the primary pressure left over would be social. you don't have to follow the straight and narrow anymore and you could just do whatever you want. only the lazy would be "sitting around with nothing to do."

drop out first semester freshie year and get into some nice craft field like EPA certified restoration/ HVAC/ truck driving,etc. and by the time you are mid 20s you will have a real job and can then figure what to do next, don't fuck around because time flies


Pick one nigger. Who told you that nonsense? You just have to apply yourself and usually those programs offer a job right after you get your qualifications on paper. Some trades don't even require school, but a few classes and weeks of training.

Absolutely, they've been constantly resisting the Ottomans, and when they finally had their chance at rebelling they joined up with Greece, Serbia and Romania on the first Balkan war.

Heck the fucking mad men had to defend a pass that led to the entire balkans, and when they ran out bullets they started throwing boulders and their fallen soldiers to keep the endless hoard of Ottomans from gaining access.

Called it years ago. Failed CS majors who kept saying my major was shit while I'm going for a PhD and working in a lab.

St. Louis needs carpenters and tradesmen like a motherfucker big housing boom right now you can get an apprenticeship just by walking in the door right now they need people so badly. Starts at 14.18 hr and top pay is 40.00 an hour after 3 yrs. Bout 1055.00 a week take home pay for 40 hours. Plus all the side jobs you can handle.

The task can be automated, if one cares to study it. Have a video of a jazz improvising robot.

Churches would be less likely to do such a thing, but don't delude yourself that it cannot be done.

You're putting carriage in front of the horse. What the fuck did you even expect?

who is that semon demon

The design can always falter, and machines do break. They require maintenance and upkeep. They are still a potential breaking point in production, and they do break frequently.

I used the expression to describe human nature. Granted not everyone would go downhill, but most would. Allow me to elaborate a bit based on what I provided earlier. (I'm positive you get it, but others are definitely reading and may/may not need this explained. That and I'm having too much fun to not be thorough.)

"Idle hands are the devils playthings"

This is a description of human nature, and what happens when there is a surplus of all necessities and time. People begin fucking with each other. At first it will be small things, but will eventually lead to bigger things. People will be deprived of the chance to rely on each other, and thus deprived the need for community. People, being social animals, will mostly not function in a positive manner due to the lack of a positive social structure. Some will find positive ways to spend their time and energy with the surplus given by complete automation, but I see many who will not. What we will have is a society raised on surplus, with no struggle to refine their character.

Their hands would no longer be idle because they would be the devils plaything.

As a result of full automation, and an easy lifestyle, I foresee is a society entirely of spoiled children. Some won't be so bad, but we have time and again seen what happens to the vast majority of them.

I'm having a lot of fun with this user, I tip my hat to you

Now that's a metal battle if there ever was one.

Pancake Cat.

Not to piss on AI development. I mean it's truly wondrous how we can now have learning AIs that can beat humans in both chess and go.

But that jazz thing you've just posted sounds really meh.

I used a line kinda similar to that in interviews which the interviewers very obviously drooled over when I said it. Was offered the job the next day

something like: "My degree doesn't say I'm a chemical engineer. It shows that I have an aptitude for picking up and quickly learning and applying advanced concepts with relatively little supervision."

That's what a STEM degree does for you. As long as you're at a top/respected university, your degree carries weight with it that this person is guaranteed to be competent and capable of picking up any job in a matter of days. Well, more E than anything else, but I may just be saying that because I'm a ChE-masterrace

You're missing one important detail though. We've already past the idea that AI can be programmed by conventional means. Instead, we're now developing neural networks, because this is how intelligence functions: it's an emergent phenomenon of billions simple units operating according to a handful of simple algorithms. We're now creating software and hardware that can simulate neural networks efficiently. Eventually, we'll be able to produce a neural network that's complex enough to exhibit a personality. Right now they can produce outstanding results already, but that's just because of the way neurons work, it takes orders of magnitude greater complexity than that for mind to emerge out of it.

If you're gonna LARP at least try to be entertaining about it

A degree by itself doesn't mean shit though. I've seen more than enough people with PhD in STEM that can barely grasp what the fuck are they doing, and it's a tendency rather than anecdotes. It's especially bad with programmers. I shit you not, where I work I have to fix god-awful utter fucking shit software written by supposed professionals with vast experience and profile education to boot. Those are the people that graduate elite universities.

So to reiterate, you don't get education to become a professional. You become a professional, and then you get education to become a better professional.

I don't want to get into your argument regarding how the law should handle automation, but the problem I always have with it as a concept is tied to what I will call the Wal-Mart effect.

Wal-Mart has a serious problem on their hands and it is a can they've continuously kicking down the road for a while now. Most americans I assume are familiar with the usual effects a Wal-Mart superstore has on a local economy in that it destroys all the local businesses through undercutting prices until they have a monopoly on the local commerce. While at first this seems like an ideal outcome for any staunch free-market capitalist, it has had the unforeseen side-effect of making Wal-Mart's own customer base poorer. As their customers become poorer, they have less money to spend and even though 99% of their spending is happening at Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart is still losing money in spite of capturing more of the market.

Automation will produce this "Wal-Mart Effect". Once you have impoverished your market, there will be no money coming in to pay the electricity bill to keep your automatons on.

The complexity required to reach or surpass human brains will probably never come unless we figure out how quantum computing actually works in applied ways.

The minisisation of silicon based electronics is already at a dead end. Massive palatalisation is hard, and graphene isn't as hyped up as it was.

I believe your experiences, it's not something I've been exposed to yet. I went to a technical institute and in the experience of my friends and myself, anyone who comes from our university at a company is more often than not the most competent person there, regardless of how long they've been working. This is a generalization of course, not absolute.

Further anecdotal evidence: I work at a manufacturing plant and after 3 weeks working here it is plainly obvious I am the most competent person.

Anyone here with post graduate degrees taking undergrad or lower requirement jobs?

this is something most do not understand yet

The luddites were not entirely wrong and we will all soon see that technological advances will eliminate most un-skilled and semi-skilled human labor. There will simply be far too many people for the number of employment positions available. It will go full throttle once real A.I. is here, you have heard they have a robotic arm that plays ping pong with master level skill, just think about it.

because most teaching jobs aren't really teaching, it's indoctrination of a foul sort.

a half truth and a foul lie
we know the source of this

what planet are you from again?
Adam Smith laid that one to rest with the tale of the blacksmith and the nail making machine.

less and less all the time user. there are automobiles that have no method of checking or adding transmission fluid. Its a sealed system and can only be replaced not re-filled if there were a leak.
The factory maintenance jobs these days are all looking for older more experienced workers because the just out of school people can't into the ancient equipment and are lost if it's not networked and PLC driven.

Further relevant information, myself and ALL of my friends have undergrad research and internship experience prior to graduating so we didn't just come out of college green. Every single one of us has at least a full year of real experience

and that's a problem regardless of whether it's a man or a machine following the design.
and so do people. but when they're in working order, they do the same exact job every time. humans, however, are fundamentally inconsistent. bear in mind what i said earlier:

as long as they don't break down, everything they produce is as perfect as the design provided to them. humans, however, come with a lot of asterisks and strings attached.

and those assholes are the ones you, as an individual, should avoid. and you would be completely free to do so since you're not rooted in place because of whatever shitty job you have.

as i mentioned earlier, that's a sign that our economic system needs to change, not that we need to create a barrier against innovation.

likely spam? accepting the kike and shitskin's frame of ever having validity in the first place? but i'll bite nevertheless.

the students do not study
the professors don't profess
the institutions are debt mills
it's all a shill game, pushing debt onto new account holders to keep geriatrics going while taking a shekel on the 'trade'.

currency is running out when the centrals can just print double of the full current account every year - no one not connected heavily to favoritism/cronyism can afford to purchase assets/capital/equipment and build a business.

stem isn't stem anyway, it's all a damn lie. white men don't need currency, they are the source trade and can choose any ledger they want. problem is, if they get cucked into needing central currency, become debt prostitutes, and become forced to trade their whiteness for shitpaper (just like all the other shits). if you're a minority, you'll get free gifts of currency and favoritism to help the system crush the son, but you'll still be shit, and the system will still sink. no work being actually done is no work being actually done.

in the short run, the game is to take on zero debt. once you have debt, you cannot compete. you are a debt prostitute. and you will hobble yourself. don't get entangled in the sandtrap made for sandniggers. that's what it is. that's what it is at least now. and any father that sends his son into it is acting on decades old data designed off of deliberate hall of mirrors. don't believe the lies…

in the short run, the game is also to not loose sight of how much you have and can do, just because your surrounded by shit. throw a dog into a cat-herd, watch it grow up thinking it's a cat, and never reach its potential.

in the short run, the game is to use your right of first exchange for hard assets. trade for as few currency fucktard units as possible, or if you have to accept them, immediately transfer / bail out into some other semi-liquid store of necessity exchange (exclude properties).

don't loose your sanity. don't do what shits do. and if you're shit and reading this, you have to go back to your own countries – less you think that favoritism can save you from you (or me) as the international clock ticks closer to feudalistic extortion. everything including the kitchen sink is going to be firesaled, the archkikes and oldest of moneys are going to cannibalize their shit hoards.

People forget that vast swaths of folk that should be learning trade skills are instead pressured into STEM fields. Immigration/outsourcineg is a major problem, but we also need to focus on returning to a trades and manufacturing focused economy.

I went into STEM thinking "there's always a need for intelligent people who can do advanced (relative to society in general) things in a field not much of the population enters."

I was wrong.

Adding to that, taking seriously memes like
is the reason why graduates can't find good jobs in the first place. Nobody gives a shit about your degree, only your skill and knowledge matter. And if you can get some half-assed tutoring, you get no fucking practical skills in the uni.

This, kek has spoken.

why? I can think of many opportunities that involve real estate. You just have to be able to plan for a few years. I agree with most of what you've said with the exception of your use of in the short run because many of your statements also hold true for the whole race

I went into STEM thinking "I'm #1 in my high school class, I'm really good at math, and I love (bio)chemistry, and my parents are rich. I might as well get this piece of paper that will certifiably help me more than hurt me/will definitely be better than not having it."

I've been right so far.

M8 we can produce electronic chips that work like neurons, and it fits a lot more neurons per unit of space than a brain does. Just wait and see until someone builds an appropriately sized neuron chip mainframe.

I think that's your confirmation bias and arrogance speaking. Dunning-Krueger effect and shit. I can say I'm the most competent programmer out of those worked there, but that's because I had 15 years worth of intense programming training and experience, because it's my #1 hobby, I program CNC machines, robots and distributed networks in spare time. I don't think 4 years of uni-tier studying is the kind of experience that nets you any kind of comparable aptitude.

What about IT: Software Development?

I was thinking of going for this degree on the top.

I already have an AA.

Holla Forums career advice?

Holla Forums actually helped me get a job not too long ago.

exclude properties because you can only plan for very short time frames at the moment. the hyper favoritism is beyond real. no one knows the timing. it's getting closer to october, which was locked in, so we all knew the hard date, but still, you don't want to have illiquidity. i don't know the exact timings. maybe you're in a position with better visibility.

opportunities in real estate are a hall of mirrors. you don't know what's real or isn't real. there is no discovery, and there is no economic chain / income streams to go with them – unless you position to shekel the shitskins and failed females (see: universities, property expansion done right, so long as the kike system ticks in 2x total account currency every X time. lately, it's taken 10x per year, and approached 10billion per month, likely exceeding that now/soon). the problem isn't real estate, it's estate + exchange. what's the exchange? are you dependent to keep the estate? dependency systems are not the place to be. i don't advocate for zero estate, but i don't know. yours is yours, you have to weigh you.

Look at the career fairs at this college and see if any companies recruit there that you'd like to work for. If not, don't. Unis are about connecting you with employers that you otherwise wouldn't be considered by.

Good advice. Thanks.

One product being a high quality does not mean all products are (or even most for that matter). Also, can you sauce me on the tale you are referring to?

Also, machines fail pretty frequently. From everything I and any source (that isn't a corporate report) have seen they fail no more or less than they did, they just fail differently. It will be a new part that breaks, or a new line of code that throws an error.

Agreed. This leads me to the next question: if a product or service is within the defined tolerances or what is considered acceptable, does automating really become necessary? You will still have products come out that are faulty with automation. The only difference is a cheaper machine that in the long run still only benefits the owner, and eventually leads to the strife that I mentioned here

I had no trouble getting back into STEM after a 3 year hiatus.

Visa people are a problem, and what makes it worse is they're horrible IT employees. Shitskin arabs, pakis, pajeets and various other 3rd world poo employees get hired but are the lowest productivity employees.
I work among mainly whites who excel at what they do, but we have a few jihadis who do okay but we fear one day they will come to work with AK-47s and give us a dose of the religion of peace.

We should exploit this shit like it is a gold mine. The only reason why they keep getting ahead is money and the accumulation of it. We should muncfacture trigger and turning points. Because all that matters in this fucked up system is money and nothing else. All you live for is money, you dont play the violine because you like it, you dont learn a 2nd language because you like it, and you dont go along because you like it. It is all about they money and nothing else,all that retarded psychology and philosophy to cheat your brain is to make money. All your retarded empty shit trolling and all your ideals are because of money, you are empty shells because you own nothing and you are nothing just sad trolls and a forgetten generation that floks to retards that do not get the context, all the psychologists are nothing than mitigators, all that "strengh" is nothing but a vector of money. In this current system it is nothing but maintaining that retarded shit. First in foremost what you discuss about is money, and the power that comes with it.

Indians are the worst. Before I work where I am now I worked in the public service sector. The worst con artists are Pajeets and their families. They will live 10 to a 2-room apartment, and then clog up everything else with sheer numbers. Nothing quite like standing there while some guy in his 40's lies to you about his age so he can get half off of a bus pass. Fuck 'em.

does it matter if it's "necessary?" automation is better in every aspect to human labor, why stop it?
only if there's a problem with the machines. in that case, it should be fixed.

in the case of a post labor society, you will get to hop on an automated, supersonic jet and fly to thailand on a whim, satisfy whatever sick fetish you came there for, take another trip to europe to sight see, and then come back before dinner and not have to worry about how you acquire that dinner. who the fuck has time to fuck with other people when you can literally do whatever you want?

Robots around the corner
Androids in a few generations. You're still good.

Real prediction power, real influence, real money, not that retarded illusionary shit. Real skill, real competition. Real freak shit, real genuis shit. None of that cuck shit. None of that shit you spam to make you like non cucks.


Let's see, I can hire a white male who can DO the job well….

OR, I can hire a third world affirmative action hire, who will call me a racist if I want them to do their job.

Well, which one costs less to hire?

Non of that lulsec retardation, non of that half social engineering, non of that empty dog shit, non of that harrasing of autistic whatevers, like bathomet. Non of that fbi asset shit. None of that analmouse shit, none of that kek shit. None of that larping shit. None of that public thinktank shit with extras.But first we pick a think dank shit of our choice. Nothing of that frog ranting, nothing about that military meme shit. Blood and bones.

That's a trap.

this means you're lazy. Speaking from experience, stop being a bitch and this will stop being a problem
Oh wait, this was serious? As an older user, please do not adopt this line of thinking. I guarantee you you will look back on it and regret it.

I'm a Fucking White Male in the US, preparing to go to college for Comp Sci. I move in to my dorm in a week and a half. What the fuck do I do?!

So, are we hiring people from other nations to do national security tech stuff for our own nation?

Like they won't betray us, or something?

Yep this hits the nail on the head.

you only have to look at the sheer number of pajeets working at microsoft to see what's going on.

I have worked with many of these 'scientists' who have apparently finished their doctoral dissertations and they are dumber than most first year students.

The minute pajeets are banned from using their shitty designated credentials is teh day the medical world will let out a collective sigh of relief.

stinky, subhuman, stupid fucking currys.
god damn i hate them so much.

You sure about that?

if you're loaded, it doesn't matter.
you could party / 'do the degeneracy'. you could not.

if you're not loaded, don't do it.

there will not be an abundance of currency units in the future, and all testaments otherwise are based off of deliberate lies of the past (which aren't around any more). there is not an abundance of currency units now. so if you take on debt rated to prior or current dollars, you lose: you won't be able to pay it off within a fiscal year, much less 10 fiscal years. and if you don't follow why 1 fiscal year > 10 fiscal years, then you clearly don't understand a damn thing i'm saying. deflation = more people sending currency back to central for destruction, less people with currency, less people to pay you, less currency each cycle = the first year past the first currency unit borrow is the max year of currency unit rate accumulation relative to the debt taken on.

alternatively, if you're shitskin, or failed female, or both, definitely go. please. go and don't worry. also, check out that duct tape silver spoon trick, it'll improve your writing skills to make them more white male like. and things. also, go to medical school, then do stem, then do a phd. trust me, you can't fail. you're still a failure, but the system won't let you fail – you're the perfect for it, and it loves giving you favors.

Yes. Cleversafe, a data storage company bank rolled by In-Q-Tel (the venture capital arm of American intelligence) loves H1Bs.

Sauce: I worked there.

Then why no loo?





I have two extended family members who are both doctors. One is in OBGYN and the other in pediatrics. The OBGYN one is barely making $55,000 after graduating med school. I think she needs to do like 5 years before they start paying her better.

The pediatric one barely hit 100k and that's after 12 years.

Now what about all the debt these doctors take on? Both doctors in the family have xxx,xxx in student loans and that includes whatever scholarships and grants they got. They both did undergrad, masters and medical school.

A doctor's true salary is yearly minus that god awful amount of debt from the jew.

Why dont you work there anymore? Did you work in in-q-tel or cleversafe?


because reasons.

And these people won't betray us to their own nation…. because?

I'm not loaded, at all. Parents literally pushing me to college FOR the degeneracy. Stepmom went to go get supplies for my dorm, literally assembled a "hangover kit" with things I can take if I have a hangover. They want me to party (nvm that I don't really like partying much, my "friends" will be partying too. I hang around my friends to fulfill social needs outside my fringe anti-normalfag interests, we don't even have much in common, I just emulate being a normalfag around them. I don't mind all that much but I'll be roommates with one of them, so they're about to become a bigger part of my life.) Obviously actually getting the grades are necessary, but they want the social aspect. I also want to get laid, and I think college makes that part much easier.

Essentially, I'm socially locked in for college, or else I'll be outcast in many ways. I'm really smart, I'm not bragging but it's relevant. I will be a very skilled, effective software dev. But the thought of wymyn and nogskins and H1Bs taking away my ENTRY into the field is horrifying. I will not be a cuck. And I refuse to work 50, 60+ hours a week. I just want to make a lot of money in a typically 40 hrs (maximum) a week job (allowing overtime to meet project deadlines, obviously part of industry). I figure that if I break into the industry properly, this ideal will happen for me.

Thoughts? Advice? Alternate Strategy Ideas?

each is an individual situation for sure.

translate all your shekels into real goods of some sort of another, keeping them in the bank may cost you dearly in the not so distant future.

dear user, I'd suggest reading the whole book but here
Wealth of Nations

Book 1, Chapter 1Of the Division of Labour
… the third paragraph pins are nails for those who don't speak 18th century english

this disparity is due to all of the "refugees" (invaders) taking up slots and using h1b visas


Haha, now there's a new one

And just like so, these rumination falter, for every man not of retardation knoweth quite well that there is no way to herd cats.

when mother nature rains, rumors say crops grow.
no one mentions when she floods, you drown; when she dries, you starve. turns out mother nature isn't very motherly, though quite natural, and quite convicted that her nature is hers and good and just. as if her history demonstrates knowledge of good or just ever even once.

arabic families are hyper agressive in appearance, because that's the public eye. 1+1=public and triggers the public script. guess it turns the ladies on, or at least fools them – with their awesome proven knowledge of knowing things. behind closed doors though, arabic families hyper cuck their men, their mothers are monsters and vile manipulators quite worse than western white females (including the failed ones, that's frakenstein for you).

sheboons send their black men, who so proclaim they are 'alpha' and 'muh dick is dickest longus', into perfect instinctual death traps: positioning themselves to brinkmanship/provoke an attack while in public view of their nog knights, who then attack, and get killed. the purpose is to use again drama to consume their 'alpha-in-fakes' via indirect force for more obamaphones and landwhale miles. outside of this, they keep their sistaa hoodrats tightly in line, keeping their men thirsty to no ends, and the whole lot of their men are man-enough-to-capitulate.

i don't know what to tell you. is her conviction real? certainly. to her. doesn't change anything though. the sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and for the last 10+yrs, we have had non-stop deflation on the ground with non-stop inflation in the sky. you have no ladder. do not expect one. certainly, do not expect one as you dig yourself a hole trying to please mother dearest, who will throw you under the bus as surely as the minute you get sick, the minute you can't walk away, the minute you can't grant her nothing like she so deserves. women are stewards to the throne, not kings, and have utter contempt for anything that can't wield the ball and scepter. it's stupid, but it is. you are expected to know this intrinsically, just as they do, while everyone pretends in the public light to be playing as if things are open and fair.

fairness is for the fair, the fair 'deserve' fairness – they've 'earned' it – is all you need to know.

if you must, play along. but suffer no illusions of motherhood while she feeds the father's son to degeneracy. as if your life will magically be better lived as a vicarious vessel (vassal?) for her.

as the system expands, as debt accumulates and more capitulate, as the dessert saga grows once more, you'll find you're not missing much by just walking away. if you can walk away. the alternate strategy is none. that's the purpose of currency: contrary to goyim sleepwalking, currency is a ledger: it is comprised of a stock and bond, a credit and debit, two halves, and if you take the bad half, you're going to have to be really god-mode to not only keep your sanity in the hall of illusions, surrounded by franeksteins (not the lovable noble savage tv versions), but make it to a ladder too.

so currys are white now?

"Women in STEM", affirmative action, predictable result.

as if it matters, the herd part is relevant only to demonstrate: a white, raised in arabia, isn't very useful in war.

nigger wat

What the hell? You know, her intentions are good, she's not fucking evil. She thinks degeneracy is just natural, but my parents are demanding that I keep a very high GPA. I don't blame them. But explain this "deflation on the ground, inflation in the sky, no ladder" thing. Are you just saying that you don't believe I can break into the real software industry?

Some people require alot of words to say very little.


yes. he did ask for it. there was a chance he wasn't a shill. time to move on.

Get bent.

It's not my fault you're so fucking verbose. I skipped most of that bullshit. Basically, all you said is you don't think CS majors can really break into the industry past shitty entry jobs, and my stepmom is fucking me over. You're not a master philosopher, quit LARPing.

And see

Back to reddit


Pour vous.

Why do women get useless bachelors in pure science? I've met a few with chemistry or biology degrees that they do nothing with.

This is how the world works. As a White man, impressing others with your comparative lack of retardation is a major advantage.

There is nothing useless about education. Why didn't you wife them, these maidens of good standing and intellect, oh lord of the plains?

Vile nepotism.


I started at more than you'll ever get in that position or in your field at all.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering user

P.S. It's pretty fucking good up here. Enjoy my trickle-down.

I could do a lot of things that may subjectively improve life, but does it actually improve life?

You could do whatever you want (maybe), but does it really improve life? Certainly in the material sense, and many people stop there and consider it a done deal. Everything from there will work out simply because material needs are met, and machines are perfect.

Resources are by nature scarce, and everyone can't have everything. In the case of a post labor society there will still be the ones who have it all, and they will shit on the ones that do not. Humans are social creatures, and we seek power. While humans do need contact with each other to be stable, we do not always seek it. Social contact is primarily accomplished by need, caused by scarcity of resources.

In the case of a hypothetical post labor society there is still scarcity as all resources are finite. There will be limits placed on how much one can have, and what. This in itself does create the beginnings of human contact and the creation of society that I defined above. Basic necessity (food, water, etc.) can be met, which resolves the need for basic resources. What I refer to here (if we turn to pic related) would be the bottom tier of Maslows hierarchy of needs - Physiological (and possibly safety, depending on the society in question).

So we have the society that has its very basic needs at the very least tended to. They *must* be, or nothing would work. I will assume they are. Beyond this there would be some very serious rationing on what can be had or done. This would most likely be done on an individual level, opening the door for conflict and competition among its residents, with possible relationships based on trade (again, very limited).

Simply put, you would need unlimited resources to achieve what you are seeking, which simply are not there. There would be competition, and mostly conflict that would threaten to destabilize and topple a civilization that would reach a post-labor state. The nature of resources being finite would ensure this.

sorry for the long reply, I'm fucking swamped at work

Thanks user, I'll check it out.

It works.

jump off a skyscraper and fucking obliterate an orphanage you massive flaming reddicuck ohpee

not so much if we're extracting them from space.
and recycling everything.
and utilizing organic materials.
we could produce for everybody and then some.

I guess that depends on your definition of working. Look at the fine mess that has become of US politics. Dynasties, I tell ya.

I hope you don't like having oaths.

Whites who take out loans for degrees can't complete with Poo's and Slant eyes that got free educations in their home countries.

Even still in IT I spend 60% of my day fixing crap the Poo's fucked up.

Its overall a disaster to save a couple bucks, but if they actually did accurate cost analysis and tracked how they are overall COSTING the companies money by fucking everything up.

We could. We should not.

it's time for your one way ticket back to the rancid 4chan dumpster you crawled out of

not leftypol you nigger i just like pepes

This is australia, australia has no tech industry. Name one australian tech company off the top of your head.

If I want an incompetent foreign tech team with weird hours, I can get 100 pajeets shitting in my streets to the ausie.

That only goes so far user, and this assumes that our lords have allowed for space exploration.

I was referring to getting a job. It's almost the only thing that works in most places anymore.

we could stifle automation. we should not.

I had 4 years of absolutely top tier in the US uni experience and 2 combined years of work experience for household names with chemical engineering. I am currently working for a company that is not a household name and as a consequence I am the most competent person on the staff. It is not a result of arrogance and some effect, it is reality.

Holla Forums you're pretty good today, that last one gave you away tho, stop using that word and you could pass for a generic shitposter around here

Civil Engineer here now working in Architectural Engineering. Do some STEM that is worth a fuck, be an engineer. Honestly none of the faggots can cut it when it comes to business in the real world. There are plenty of jobs to be had. The only ones that make it have social skills as well as tech and science knowledge. I have no idea where all the pajeets, ngueyens, and muhammedianas went once we graduated.

user 18K is a livable wage in Eugene Oregon

if I budget I can afford a car and an appartment and still have enough for food

The reason STEM grads aren't getting hired is because they aren't experienced. Businesses don't want to train newbs to the workforce, they're looking for people with on the job experience AND the prerequisite education. If more STEM students were more actively encouraged to take on internships you'd see a decline in this poor turn around.

Do more than live user. Invest for you future.


internship is just fancy way of saying being a coffee/errand boy

says the guy who never had an internship

I had some where I was paid around $25 an hour to do some P&ID work and monitor some levels. I never had to get any form of consumables for anyone

I had to do all that PLUS the coffee/errand shit.
And with a shit pay since I'm in Canada.

Well, that might be one way to correct their faggotry, but you're crazy if you think a bunch of hipsters won't get their face bashed in for being a total faggot for months on end.

I used to see it all the time.


There are way too many people in STEM (let alone the rest of college).

If you just flunked everyone who is getting under a 3.0 average (which is what should happen, because you're not studying hard enough if this is the case), then the percentage of students finding jobs would go up.

did i do well guise?

Too bad he's a businessman and they are good for him.

I started Automation Engineering this semester, and i plan going full /k/ in an absolute no-fun country. Wish me luck.
Praise /k/e/k/

Don't give the Guardian advertising money.

I'm going to learn machining. If I can't get a job then I'll go to Europe, make guns, and sell them on the black market. Guaranteed job security. This is a joke, FBI/NSA/ATF


You commie bastard, you want security? Work, slave, on your capitalist masters profit. Oh wait, you thought it would be you, right?. Hehe. Sucker.

no just too much spent on welfare and government, which takes too much resources from productive sectors/classes.
you should not allow people on welfare to vote.

I've always thought STEM was overrated. I'm sure the causes of this finding are obvious to us, but I'm going to point out ones I see, just in case anyone's having trouble connecting the dots as to how the most propagandized sure path to success in the working world isn't actually all that great.

1) H1B Visas

There has been a deliberate effort on behalf of corporations to drive down the cost of labor by importing a shit ton of foreigners, particularly Chinese and Indians, to fill jobs Americans could fill if the price was right. In order to achieve this, corporations have developed an elaborate system wherein they grant universities money (often through "non-profit" intermediaries) in exchange for…

2) Cheap education for foreigners

Foreign students are treated significantly better than Americans. Unless you're a genius or a star athlete, anyway. Usually they end up being paid massive stipends because of all the financial aid they've achieved while the average college educated American has been undergoing a two-to-three decade long tuition mountain climb. American tuitions have increased to such an extent, in part due to the federalization of financial aid, that 31% of the US federal government's assets are student loan debt, and they haven't even been in the game long. Meanwhile, foreigners arrive, maintain whatever standards their expected to, and are given free college and a sports car. It's not that they don't work for it, it's that they don't compete on a level playing field. These opportunities are not open to Americans because they are designed to brain drain the rest of the world while driving down domestic labor costs. As a result, among STEM degree holders, you'll see Americans competing with foreigners for the same jobs, but the American doesn't have a sports car and has $50,000 + of student debt that the foreigner doesn't. Because of our increased financial need, we cannot possibly out-compete the foreigner.

3) Foreign labor is easier to manage

East Asians are extremely intelligent, but lack agency. They tend to operate very well as cogs of a machine, they don't have a strong individualistic impulse to try to advance their own living situation, they just go for the most rational and smoothest ride. They are less likely to rock the boat: they won't ask for raises, they won't play politics to advance their careers, and they won't make public statements that companies will be pressured to reprimand them for. Furthermore, the corporation has them by the balls. If they are an H1B case, the corporation is in a position of power, because, as the employer, they can at any point, if given enough friction from the employee, fire them and replace them with another one. The employee gets deported (assuming the feds are doing their job, bad assumption) and his life falls apart. Dealing with an American, even an American under contract, we are given rights and access to social safety nets that they don't have (including better access to the legal system), which makes us more dangerous to our employers. I don't think foreigners should be subject to these benefits, they should just be booted, but the system incentivizes foreign labor in this manner.

4) Diversity means more browns

Diversity, diversity, diversity. Forced ideological suppression of white employment opportunity. Companies have, likely because of liberal/cuckservative management, but also encouraged by federal "Equal Opportunity" law and Affirmative Action legislation decided that diversity is something to be paid for at a premium (another possibility is increased productivity due to decreased socialization in a diverse work environment is useful to employers trying to milk their workers for what they're worth). Problem: you don't want to hire Tyrone, Paco, or Muhammad. Even if they hold degrees, those minorities are known to be of short temper, low verbal IQ, and be prone to "workplace violence". Solution: you kill two birds with one stone. You hire these brown POCs from East Asia who are known to be tremendously competent, intelligent, conformist, and calm who also happen to be tremendously incentivized through programs people in your industry likely set up. No one can accuse your Indian/Chinese/Japanese workforce of being too white, yet they won't cause severe productivity loss.


5) Not all STEM are created equal

This gets off the track of corporations and the foreigners they deal with fucking our workforce, but it needs to be stated. STEM is a broad category of different subjects, but a few legs of it are particularly weak. The most obvious one is technology. Outside of the occasional explosively growing start-up, there isn't that much money to be made in technology. There is a glut of people going for technology degrees because they are one of the easier STEM subjects (a disturbing amount of these people aspire to be "video game designers"), so finding a job in that field actually isn't all that easy. You pretty much have to be an entrepreneur to really succeed and if you don't have the requisite business managements skills or you don't sell out to someone who does, you're fucked anyway. Science has an extraordinarily limited amount of careers per major, so unless you could elevate yourself above the rest of the work-force you're unlikely to find a job in your discipline. Engineering's fine, but the H1B problem hits it the hardest (along with Technology). Mathematics is best.

I'm current studying for my CCNA, and will have my Security+ in a few months as well. I also have a few misc. shitty Microsoft certs but nothing really worth noting. Those two coupled with an AAS in Information Systems (3.9ish GPA) should at least land me an entry level help desk job, right? or am I as fucked as a lib arts major?

anybody's input would be much appreciated.

Halt deine fresse du verfickter hurensohn. Du und deine missgeburten, immer schön stehlen aber dann die große fresse haben. Ich werd in dein gesicht reintreten, weil ihr missgeburten mich nicht verarschen werden. Tldr. I will step on your face because you son of whores wont fuck me other.

we mgiht as well just go back to slavery if youre pissed off at all this free time humanity has not breaking its back doing manual labor

sour cream comes in bags there?

As an addendum, I've had another thought relating to a point from section 2.

They do and they don't. Foreigners are not held to the same standards as American students. Because they tend to be less proficient speakers of the English language, they are held to a different standard when it comes to forming ideas and professors tend to apply less scrutiny due to the suspicion that something is being lost in translation. Furthermore, they have access to English as a Second Language classes which are essentially 3rd-5th grade grammar classes, but are credited as if they are actual collegiate level courses. They are less likely to be penalized for academic misconduct such as plagiarism, because, if discovered, the professor will become aware that any kind of reprimand will force the foreigner to get deported, because there is no way they can afford to independently finance college in America. For this same reason, professors handle grading foreign students' work with kid gloves, they are less likely to mark down minor mistakes and are more likely to apply curves or otherwise skew the grading process to give the foreigner better marks than they deserve. I don't know how East Asians in particular think in terms of tribalism (it seems to me that they tend to act as a swarm/hivemind so they likely have intense in-group loyalty), but it's possible that East Asian professors and TAs may also be prone to advantaging their own kind, and because they're not white, they are never suspected/called out on it.

I implied the playing field in academia is level, but it really isn't. Foreigners have a massive advantage over us.

If your parents are pushing you into college make them pay for it as its seems like their dream for you to go to college, not yours.

Avoid all debt.

you could easily avoid college all together, for many it is a waste of time and give little benefit in terms of making money, while being a massive debt.

sex and drinking were what I remember were the best spent times in college, learning there was a waste of my time. i graduated 2 times.

As for what to study, programming and a minors in economics/accounting.

Aim to start developing software and sell licenses for people to use it even if it just $1 per license per year. develop passive income.

Don't plan on employment being a career, jobs just aren't there and are always affected by random policy changes (Affirmative Action etc).

If you are planning to fuck women make sure you secretly film it to prove consent. Don't let anyone except your lawyer see the films if you get a BS rape accusation.

its not too late to quit college now.

do you have a stroke

Experience is worth more than that. I'm a dropout myself but I make 35k doing tech support. Not much but now that I'm very been at it a few years and can get a ccent I have a pretty good chance at beating you on paper. Don't be afraid to take shit jobs for a bit to work up to good ones. He'll i worked here from a temp job, and now I can move up to the 50k bracket. But I live in a very low cost area, so I don't feel the pressure.

Sorry for atrocious spelling and grammar. Android cucked me.

Wow, thank you for replying with all this advice!

I am interested in college myself, too. I want to improve my social skills, and college will push me out of my comfort zone and make me be more sociable.

Will try to eliminate as much debt as possible, though I figure that a good CS career will do wonders to pay off my debt. Parents are helping on this front as well.

Experience trumps education, Certs are a valid CS path, trade school is extremely solid and safe industry especially now. I know. Again, my friends are doing the college thing, my family really wants me to go, and I'm on board too. It's worth the debt.

Sex and Booze are important!

This is my plan exactly, has been for long time. Parents suggested business minor, I think it's bullshit because business is too general and accounting is the most crucial aspect of business, while other aspects of business are more obvious or even just common sense (for smart people at least).

I like that! I think that doing my own independent programming stuff on the side while in college is CRUCIAL for building up my resume. Good idea, right?

I believe there will always be a place for smart, experienced, white male devs (unless we go full H1B chaos and totally fuck America over, Trump please win). But I think the entry level tiers are danger because H1Bs, pajeet, affirmative actioned wymyn and nogs, etc are a lot of obstacles for a CS grad. Certainly I will be fine once I escape the entry level shit?

I hate SJWs. If I get ACCUSED of rape, the college can and likely will just throw me the fuck out, right? I've heard about this. Realistically, I think all I can do is to be safe is only fuck sane, 100+ IQ, white women.

I know. I'll quit 2 years in if it's the right move, regardless of what family or friends think (family will be the problem in this situation). I'm always prepared to defy my parents and peers if I know they're taking me on the wrong path. I'm my own man, I will not cuck.

Thanks again for the advice, these are my thoughts. Definitely will do my own independent projects on the side to get passive income and build resume. Smart idea, I agree. By the way… What's your opinion on internships? Are they worthwhile, when to start finding internships, what to look out for, etc?

Do the internships even if it's minimum wage. Beat pajeet out of a job if you have to. Hell, a year on a reue of actually working means a LOT right now. Do it.

Interesting story, user. Would love to know more…

What specifically made you drop out?

If you have experience in internship(s), how would you compare an internship to a temp job in terms of helpfulness and such?

Anything you miss from college that you lost by dropping out and doing a different path? Do you keep in touch with your college friends?

I feel like there is a decent chance I will follow a similar path as you, which is why I'm interested in your experiences.

Reue = resume

Ah, that's what I suspected. Experience beats all else, right? Any red flags for an internship that would make you not apply for it? For example, I assume some internships pay zero and I should avoid those, right?

yes this is why I was setting the bar so low to start. do you recommend using a temp agency? my college has some job fairs and a placement program type thing I plan to utilize, but I wanted to take a full course load next semester so I can finish, or at least only have a few credits left, by the end of this year. next year I'll have to pay out of district tuition so I want to only leave a class or two of getting reamed in terms of tuition. I really want to try and get a position now, even part time, but I feel it might fuck my grades if I take 6 classes next semester as well. without a 3.8+ GPA I think my degree would be completely worthless, considering diversity quotas and shit. I've heard plenty of times how important experience is in this industry.

I mean, if I can get a a full-time entry-level position next year and only have to take two classes then I'll be grateful. almost completed AAS in Information Systems, A+, Security+, and hopefully CCNA… should this get me there? I'm willing to relocate.

I dropped out for 3 reasons.

1. I kept transferring. Credits and transcripts got fucked because I kept moving. 3 colleges will fuck you up and drain you. I got enough credit for a degree and then some but eventually ran out of steam. That and for tech you really don't need a degree. Kind of a waste if you don't network.

2. I didn't learn jack. I learned more reading books on my own and tinkering than I did sitting in lectures.

3. I already got the job I wanted. How I did it was getting hired on to a temp agency that did temp to hire. I wouldn't know much about internships other than experience means more than education.

This lead to me racking up stress and debt needlessly so I quit trying and let it go. I'm paying about half what most do for loan because I had to learn my lesson the hard way but in the end better late than never.

The only certs I currently have are an a+ and some bs Web and m$ certs. Got the temp job with that.

Personally I moved across a continent because home went to shit. That is a long story for another thread. Don't be afraid to be a hobo if it means you can get what you need later.

I know temp agencies well enough that I can walk in and know immediately if they are good or not. You gotta play it by ear.

What I wrote for applies. Also

Damn user, what an experience. It's good that you eventually got onto the right path. Were the certs expensive?

I'm still young, albeit quite a ways younger than most posters here, I still have a chance to do things or not do things you guys probably regret.

I guess, besides general advice, I would propose a few questions:

1. What field would be worth getting into? I'm a little faggot who hasn't committed himself to literally anything yet but wasting my own and others time. (Although, I've vowed myself to change this) So, I have lots of time and resources to dedicate myself to something I see interesting.

2. If you could tell yourself something in HS, what would it be? Like I said, I have a unique chance to not be such a retard in these crucial years. (But, like I also said, I haven't done anything meaningful yet)

I think I'm gonna drop out of college

You honestly have no chance if this is your plan. Your lack of moral spine is going to see you drift into a spiral of failure and shame.

If you lack any ethical compass, consider the following practical advice:
1. Don't touch the women on campus. Universal rule. Even if they're from the Christian Book Club, don't go near them. The reasons for this vary, but the resultant advice is the same.

2. Sex and booze are about the most unimportant things you can ever waste your time on. Do you have any positive male figures in your life at all? If you're wasting someones money on college, at least have the gumption to commit to it. Pro tip: spergy CS faggots don't get invited to parties. That means you.

3. You won't make money from selling your shitty newbie projects to people. Unless, of course, you're happy to host a website with a "donate" button somewhere, but I guarantee that your efforts would be completely wasted here.

4. See 1. but to expand on this, if you're going to (somehow) fuck around with the only sane women on campus, you must at least realise that you're ruining them for whoever decides they're worth committing to, and reducing the pool of sane, intelligent white women for everyone else. By avoiding the crazies, you would be creating more.

Because I don't like criticising for the sake of it, here's an alternative:

t. experienced programmer with qt aryan wife

They are only really expensive if you fail. Don't rush it. I have thankfully yet to fail one. When you are ready, you will know.

1. Whatever makes you happy that you can use to eat. That is the dream. If you love it but you can't eat with it, it's a hobby.

2. A lot really.

Just make sure you have a plan. Remember, gg no re.

Maintain at least a 3.0, take courses in programming java/c handy languages.

Learn the basics of database management, basic IT, etc.

Most importantly:
Be kind, considerate, confident, and know what you are talking about if you get an interview (and you will)

The thing with a lot of Indian and foreign devs is they absolutely suck at English and most employers want employees with SOME level of social ability. Foreigners make up a LOT of the unemployed, so it's not just you.

They are heavily unemployed as well because the best programmers and such are taken. Look for R&D companies, and make yourself obviously fitting of doing intern work.

All I did was sign up for some classes at a local community college for a few $100 a semester and I qualify as an intern. I only make $15 an hour but I am getting to know lots of people in the business, and forming a lot of cohesion with senior personnel.

If you do your job well, show yourself as part of the positive company enviorment, smile a lot, and generally dont spill spaghetti everywhere companies will want to keep you.

Don't give up in IT and especially not in programming. Just make sure when you get that coding interview you can write from memory and be a shining example of a wonderful human being. Smile, show respect, dress nicely, be prepared with multiple resumes, references if asked, etc.

Good luck user!

Me too user.

After this upcoming fall semester, I see virtually no other classes I'm willing to take or offer any benefit to my degree plan, though they be required.

Truth be told, I'm banking on the fact that Trump becomes Pres and the wall actually starts being built. There will be a huge demand influx no doubt and I can hop aboard any number of construction crews.

That or border patrol and I get to shoot some illegal pacos.

Colleges are a rip off, trade schools are non existent where i live, and i have no work experience or references. What to do fam?

Job corps if you are in the us and dirt poor.

It's mostly your fault but at least you realised it wasn't for you and bailed to get a job that suited you.

come up with a shitty fetish game for twine
open up a patreon
do nothing and watch the shekels flow in from autists

job corps is for spics

State school paid for my MA and gave me an income for three years, I'm not complaining. I don't have an awesome job from the degree but 0 in debt.

It also had the side effect of redpilling me about the Jews too.

Great for learning how to deal with them. And other minorities. Unless you don't want to learn in which case you can waste 2 years doing nothing but getting beaten up. Also


Top KeK!
I don't know where they all come from, working at a small company in a small SoCal down. Pretty much all white males except for the white receptionist female. Owner sells out too larger company, and they slowly start showing up. And they only FUCKING hire their own, no matter how bad a job they do. Only two hwites left in the company besides me.

They don't fucking do anything, they are not trying too make anything new or propel the company forward. They just yammer onto one another and develop things literally from books and training courses they buy.

If you can get 1 or 2 spic-tier jobs locally, you can find time to do a few free courses online. Make sure you do more than one because people will respect the dedication, and it definitely adds to your credentials.

Actually, you can string along a kickstarter-funded game for years if you release an alpha with new features every month or so. Overgrowth is a perfect example - "pre order now and get access to every alpha update!" Development for that game has been going on for about 7 or 8 years, and recently the main devs pretty much took their shekels, gave up on it, and handed over to a bunch of cucks to finish it off. Underhanded as fuck, but a great strategy for personal gain. the lead devs were jews ofc

not really sure what's going on here but I feel like I've been scammed.

user, studying hard and getting experience are the #1, 2, 3, and 4 things on my list of priorities. And I agree with almost everything you said. But do you really expect me to go to college and not get laid? That sounds like Hell. I've had zero experience with women yet, not just sex but relationships too (mostly my fault) and I have to change that. I don't even want to get married or have kids, ever. I just want to fuck a lot of women and be in short relationships. That might change later in life, but that's what I want now.

Sounds like good advice!

In my opinion, that's a very good idea, but I think you should keep a very solid plan B.

I work in IT for my college as a student employee and I can only work 20 hours a week @ $9.50/hour.

It barely pays the bills but does not nearly cover the expense of tuition and other things for entertainment/enjoyment.

I wonder if I could qualify for welfare. Would not mind having that extra cash on hand…

I smell h1b's in your future. Fight it as hard as you can.

Those trips don't lie

Well, the majority of technicians and scientists in the labs I've taken a tour around or done some study placement in are 80+% white, however that worker shortage list allows (essential) positions to be filled by non-permanent immigrants with foreign qualifications.
They're already here.

lolberg detected


Ugh. I know the feel. So far at my company we have repulsed the Indians and shit skins but the libs in hr will eventually get one to stick.

It's icing on the urinal cake

Red flags are going up my dude

Yes, but don't jump into the deep end when it comes to this stuff. If you have insight you'll probably realize what I'm talking about after a couple of semesters of interacting with women at college. Trust an older user on this, I've seen people go through some distressing shit that they never expected because they let their spaghetti loose when they tried being the alpha autists.

I didn't either when I was studying, but I realized there was more to life than fucking up other men's opportunities. Plus muh morality.

Man you're young… that's terribly naive. Don't be short sighted, the world doesn't revolve around what you want. You should be aiming not just to secure your own employment but also to improve the society you live in. You can do this indirectly by having some sense of responsibility.


I love how you conveniently leave out the cost of medical school.


I cringe just thinking about it. I'll take it real slow and won't try to act like an PUA "alpha" autist.

I don't get this "morality" thing. Is not starting a family immoral in your view?

I'm not trying to settle down with someone any time soon. How is having sex with different women a negative impact on society, especially in college?

It depends on the cost of living in your area and your lifestyle. 43k/yr can go a long way in a lot of places, providing you're not a fucking idiot who can't into money management.

So they wanna trade in one Jew for another Jew? Gotcha.

This. Always remember that when you're slacking and "taking your time" trying to "figure things out", there are hungry and ambitious men out there, busting their ass to be the best, to make people like you irrelevant.

Never, ever tell yourself that you have "enough time".


Your stepmom isn't your mom. She never will be your mom. She has zero motherly instinct towards you. You're just the kid of the guy she's currently fucking. Don't let her peer pressure you into doing something that you'll regret for years.

Yes, but are you inbred as well?

It is because of poisonous diversity culture. They want you out of your own country.

My stepmom may be a dumb whore, but she means well, and if I decided college was a poor path to take, I wouldn't let her or anyone stop me from doing something else.

See above. And I know she has no motherly instinct, but she has been really helpful as I prepare to move to my dorm, so I appreciate that at least.

I'm not being peer pressured, I want to go to college, and I think it's the right choice.

Create a online trading account for yourself.

Can you pay the college bill?

Rereading this a bit, I think I may have worded it badly. My parents want me to party and drink, and my dad wants me to get laid, but the most important thing is that I maintain very high GPA and gain experience. I think I made them sound like pieces of shit, they just want me to have a good time when I'm not studying.

Not without big loans.

So I fucking gave up.

Seriously, I've given the fuck up.

All I do now is try and party and drink and go downtown. I don't do drugs, I don't smoke weed, I drink and hang with girls.

All I do is workout. I work a shitty job as a chef/dishwasher and have been at the bottom for so long, I'm used to it. I spend time to time studying programming and bullshit stuff here and there, but I know it won't lead to shit.

I've given it all up, I'm all about having a good time. Hanging with girls, having a good time is all I'm about now. Things gotta change sooner or later, no system can continue to run like this and if it does, I'm gonna have a good fucking time regardless.

Nice dubs.

It's not about starting a family, it's about a) protecting yourself from sexual distractions, and b) not destroying some naive girls purity. I consider sex without commitment to be fundamentally wrong, but practically speaking because it has biological consequences - it releases all sorts of bonding hormones in both partners, and if there's no commitment then that wholesome, natural process needs to be artificially deconstructed.
This creates guilt and resentment, and will often send a girl down the path of tumblrite madness.

See above. That's what I mean by fucking other men over. That girl could have stayed reasonably normal, pure, and gone on to marry a virtuous man. When you jump in and selfishly disrupt that path, you have caused an indirect disservice to good and decent people who do have those aspirations. I strongly urge you to avoid sex with the "sane, 100+ IQ white women" if only for the sake of everyone else.

Think about it this way: You're driving on an empty highway and there's nobody around for miles. You decide to put your foot down and experience the sensations of a roaring engine, your hands tightening involuntarily, and your heart slamming out of your chest. But you fuck up, you lose concentration for just a second and you slam into a tree.

No problem, right? Only you were in the car, only you were on the road, it only affects you.
Some poor bastard finds you scattered all over the road. Some poor bastard scrapes your skin off the rent metal, and someone else cleans up the mess and files a report. Your family and friends now have to deal with the shock and anguish. Some metal scrapper gets a bit of work from the wrecked remains, and some politician uses it to make a point about road safety, and so it goes.

Now the causal chain of you getting some action from easy women is less severe in some ways, but it still exists and affects others deeply. If you don't think it's objectively wrong to fornicate, then at least consider the materialistic reasons not to.

But still, after all that, if you don't see any reason not to, then at least do someone else a favor and don't mess with the decent women. Just learn the hard lesson and go for the cheap, insane ones.

Rereading , rather.


top fucking lel

Because the nepotists in charge would rather give the engineer position to their half-competent nephew who'll half-ass the job than to an actually competent engineer.

Brains are going on strike.

You could also consider the issue from a more practical perspective. A lot of the people who engage in the hookup lifestyle are pretty damaged. It's not always sunshine and roses like the jewvision says it is. You could end up with the next mattress girl, publicly claiming you're a horrible rapist because you stopped hooking up with her. There are varying levels of drama involved, ranging from a distraction from your studies, to getting in a fight with the boyfriend she didn't tell you about, to getting an STD, to getting expelled, to going to prison.

and as describes, a girl who gets passed around a lot often turns into a bitter #stopslutshaming #killallmen uberfeminist as a way to try to regain some self esteem and confidence. That's what you're helping to enable.

It releases bonding hormones? Wow, that's really important to know. I see what you're saying now. No wonder pornstars are fucking crazy.

Makes sense now.

I strongly urge you to avoid sex with the "sane, 100+ IQ white women" if only for the sake of everyone else.

But that's the group of women I'm attracted to. I don't want to fuck crazy.

You're saying to find one woman to start a relationship with and stick with her forever? That sounds like a recipe for a midlife crisis when I think about how much pussy I didn't get.

You say it's all for nothing user, yet here you are. If you'd really given up, why would you be telling me about it?
If you'd really given up - really, deep down, if you have actually lost all hope for your future and having a """good time""" was all you had left - you wouldn't be working out and you wouldn't be waiting for that change, sooner or later, to come and make things better.

You have a shitty job as a chef/dishwasher, but you have a job and that's a foundation. You obviously have the money to throw away on drinks and women, you've just forgotten why you were taught about delayed gratification in the first place.

I think you know you're not having a good time, but you also know you're not going anywhere on this track. Your whole post reeks of this odd paradox.

Come on user, you can see the dissonance here. I don't know what time it is wherever you are in the world, but I'm just finishing my work day and I took out the time to write this post, just for you, because from only one post I can see that you're capable of more than you're allowing yourself.

So my advice is to stop pretending you have no hope and that partying is the only option. Save your money, keep your shitty job, stop spending so much on things that leave you hollow. There's something out there in this world for you, but you need to take it - that starts with you.

For unskilled people. If you have a degree from diploma mill CurryU, you're in.

Can we make something clear here? It's not having had multiple sexual partners in your lifetime or even casual sex which is the issue, but "sleeping around". If you had two partners before getting married, it's not a big deal. If you had sex with someone you didn't know too much two or three times, not an issue either. But if you're fucking someone different every week for months or years, you likely have issues.

It's the difference between a guy who drinks wine once in a while and the guy who goes through three bottles of Thunderbird every week. Having fun, pleasure, it's fine. Sinking into depravity is another matter entirely.

Headed for the Sammy Davis wing

Son of a bitch. Television, my dad, my mom, my stepmom, friends, etc have instilled in my mind that I should get as much pussy as possible, and seeing all the failed marriages in family, friends' families, and TV has made me never want to get married or go long term anything. This hookup culture obviously doesn't work, does it? It just fucks everything up. You read about older generations where people only ever had sex with their spouse, and you can tell it was the better system. This is why women in this generation are fucking insane, isn't it?

I wonder who could have done this to our generation's relationships. Hmmmm

I'll probably move to Abkhazia

It's not about the pussy, it's about the relationship. I've always believed that, and I still believe it.

Probably a big contributor as to why I'm a 31 year old virgin.

You got it, that's exactly why they're crazy. That and the Jews, because we're on/pol/ remember.
But yeah, remember that, because if you sleep with some inexperienced girl she's going to be fawning over you possibly for years. Not a huge deal for you, but it is for her and whoever comes after you.

As for the crazies and the midlife crisis, you need to adjust your standards, that's all. There's no feeling that compares to having a woman who is yours and only yours, and who trusts you to protect her and provide for her. Easy sex isn't worth the price of entry, and it doesn't even compare to the alternatives.

We both came from broken homes younganon, and after that it's luck of the draw as to how one will turn out. Don't let the mores of this age and it's failure to provide stability be the influence for your actions. Your best way of not becoming like your parents is to refer their values to the ones that have held up societies for centuries - and see that they just don't stand. With that you can disregard even the most fundamental concepts they've instilled in you, because they're simply wrong, hopefully you're seeing that.

Not really, no.

I knew guys in college who were players, I had one as a roommate for a while. Here are some of the highlights:

In short, I think a lot of people are looking for something more than sex deep down. At least until they've slept with so many people that they're completely desensitized and the act means absolutely nothing to them. Your television and movies promise an easy string of "No Strings Attached" sex partners with no consequences, no drama, no heartbreak and that doesn't really reflect in reality.

Then don't go to the college. You will be a wage slave if you get a loan with interest fee. There is no way that you will be able to pay it all.

Yeah. I think that I'm going to ditch this idea of sleeping around in college. It's not even me really wanting to do it, I just feel like I'm expected to, should, and it's supposed to be "the normal college experience". My dad talks about how great college is for getting laid. Well, that's bullshit and I know it. What's funny/fucking sad is if it weren't for Holla Forums and this segment of the internet in general, I wouldn't even know that anything was really wrong with women or feminism or normalfags. I wouldn't even think there was anything wrong with hookup culture. I would be so fucked, so ignorant. Every millennial needs Holla Forums.

That sounds awful. It's one thing to read about women being crazy and another to experience it, sorry you had to go through that. Could you tell if your player roommate felt empty inside or something? Sleeping around negatively affects men too, doesn't it?

Oh look its another muh trades thread by some fag who cant into basic algebra

You know what to do.

Holla Forums - Relationships and advice


Geotechnical engineers get work a lot.

It's a relatively understaffed specialist field and poo in the loos have never even heard of it.

This is literally the kind of attitude that keeps a broken system alive longer than it could otherwise, you fucking idiot.

He literally said visa workers you stupid fuck.

I can vouch for that. Both times I got into good position was because I knew someone who knew the person hiring. School is important, but whom you hang out with is even more important, simply because people are naturally wired for nepotism.

Are you channelling arcane powers yet?

Why doesn´t it work for you? We all know the reasons. )

It is a good thing that fat disgusting fucks, be they loveshy "PUA" or 3rd wave feminists, doesn´t get any (outside of furrie conventions).

For a bunch of autists, this doesn't matter. Most of you guys are smart/dedicated enough to go through with starting your own business. If you can get off the ground, it's a much better opportunity than working salary for someone else. Strive to be the strong and resourceful Aryan your people need you to be. Hire only whites.

Here's a tip: learn to make Russian food. It's cheap as hell, easy, exotic in a way and far more nutritious than ramen noodles.

Oh by the way, Kompot and Homemade wine share opening steps, only difference is putting in extra sugar and activated yeast, and taping a bundle of paper towels over the bottle's mouth.

Secondly, learn a trade you can apply yourself to, like mechanical engineering, or carpentry, or computer repair, or joinery. Just about anything you can craft/repair from salvaged stuff at home and sell the results of, as these are self reliance, and not dependant upon employers.

I congradulate you, but I myself feel just fine in my position, earning a good amount if money doing what I love.


Well for one it's not cucked like Catholics, so they've got that going.

Its part of the "Destroy every values that isnt dictated by you" agenda pushed by liberals/marxists, things like family values and any value that enables a healthy relation between individuals tends to resist towards this bullshit.
Now we have tons of single-mothers and bastards that cant parent for shit, creating cycle, plus marriages that barely last for shit.Its like we are a fucking cattle
No counting people that will die single and maybe without a child, despite fucking a lot.

But they dont deserve.
There is a reason why people blame the Boomer generation, for fucking the upcoming generations with bullshit like "hookup culture" related with the opening of the floodgates to Marxists, while crippling anyone that tried to go against it as being "regressive". Plus a good chunk of millennial gen was brought to this world by this bullshit, being even more clueless than its parents.
Thats why old gen and non-pozzed people are doing anything to unfuck this shit.


Remember when they were mapping the human genome and it seemed like half of high school students wanted to go into bioengineering? Well, they swamped bioengineering, the genome is long since essentially mapped, and those people are fucked.

Guardian is a muslim owned lefty newspaper, next time archive.

To achive go here:-

Then copy and paste the link into the 'Save page now' box on the right.

Then press save, a few seconds later you'll have saved the page for prosperity and have a link to post on here, thus stopping the paper getting revenue.

You're welcome.

I'm currently doing a cert 4 Information Technology Networking at TAFE, looking to get a Diploma of Information Technology Networking to at least get something as I'm almost 30 and stupidly thought I could wait as I "couldn't decide" what I wanted to do.
Hugely regret that choice.
Thankfully the state government has enabled me to take a loan for the coarse (and the diploma should I get that far) to be paid back when I get a job earning over 50K a year or so (as I am a citizen).

The bad part:
There are also many poo-in-the-loos that it's beyond funny.
I remember one of our lecturers had said that because they have more students - they have more funding and thus more money to play with. Massive conflict of interest. They most certainly are catered to as they enjoy their own international student lounge amongst other services and support thrown at them.
In class, some of them can barely speak let alone read english as a language and I sit back and wonder if they are even learning or if this is truly a massive scam upon the tax payer as TAFE is by default government subsidised. But then I think that they're probably making a killing in this as the shitskins pump their 3rd world money and job productivity (BIG QUESTION) into the economy. Which is of course; Taxed and the cycle continues.

we have shitskins, they're called gypsies
lord knows why the gubment hasn't kicked them out yet
at least we have a nice big beautiful wall fence



give back clay filthy traitor
macedonia is bulgarian
also git fucked with floods

Pelmini is awesome.

It's been like this in the USA for a couple of decades, less than half of engineering graduates finding engineering positions within a year of graduation. On top of that, few of those stay within engineering, because they can't cut it, and get shunted over to sales or customer service if they stay in the industry.

Even without the H1B problem, there just are too many people pursuing engineering degrees in the states. It's obvious that most don't have the talent and motivation; they simply heard that there was money in it. It's frowned on to use the word talent, though, we say the students lack preparation. And, if teachers say we have too many students, the school administration hates them. It seems every school wants to be a diploma mill. I decided I was just wasting my time teaching and gave it up. The students that really will make an impact are the talented ones, and the way the system is set up, there are so few of them that they get little out of the courses that they couldn't get on their own time.

We've seen a steady decline in the number of quality students entering engineering programs for two decades now, as well as steady decline in average student preparation for at least three decades. It's no surprise when the level of rewards for a quality engineer has been in decline for much longer than three decades, and the industry has relied on advertising circa "the fruit in California is rotting on the ground for lack of people to pick it".

I found a job just fine. I think of my agree as a supplement rather than a fast track ticket to a job, you have to start making connections while in college if you want a job.


Becoming a pharmacist is the golden path right now. But, for someone setting out on that path today, it could easily turn into a trap by the time they arrive.

Like with most things, in software development the best position is to find a government job, or working for a government contractor. That way you don't work overtime, or if you do at least you get paid for it. The problem is getting those cushy jobs without being an affirmative action hire. All I can suggest is getting good internships (or bad ones if that's all you can find), and spend your four years working on a development project that will be much more impressive than whatever your senior project will be.

That man looks very uncomfortable

i'm in software testing, but it's mostly manual with a bit of light xml scripting, small programs in java, some cygwin stuff… what do you use/ recommend for automation testing, should i learn sql, selenium, web apis..?


Robots aren't going to be able to repair a Car/ train engine
Robots aren't going to be able to all of the Huge Variety of jobs that ag Covers
the best will get with Automatization of Construction is going to be Pre assembly

Mac jobs are the things that Robots cant take over because humans are just to cost effective at them

Does anybody know some good Computer Engineering tutorial sites? My profs can't teach for shit, and I know because I understand the lesson better if I read the PowerPoint slides on my own. No wonder why STEM is going down the drain. It's literally every man for himself in my school.

What trade should I go into, I live in the Midwest. I basically want a day job for less than 40 hrs a week and the ability to freelance on the side, which could lead into me being my own boss because I hate being a wageslave cuckold.

I might look into becoming a chef/sous chef, though I know how stressful that line of work is.


Kitchens are shit to work in. Unless you are a felon. Construction is good or anything you can make a living wage or salary with.

I still don't get why the coders on here don't pool their resources, or for that matter, everyone else. Look at what CasaPound does and look at what we do.


**tits or gtfo*

One day. Bulgaria will be whole again.

If a woman can do it, then it isn't really science.


Real white men go into engineering and perform at or near the top of their class before interning and easily getting hired at high paying jobs.

8/pol/ has been compromised for a long time now.

Best start browsing both this board and Endchan's. We might need a smooth transition at some point.

4 Holla Forums too for that matter. Finding a decent board that isn't compromised is a very difficult. I just deal with it.

4/pol/ was compromised the moment Christopher Cuck got in bed with SJWs.

I guess we'll enjoy our neetbux unti the economic collapse and then enjoy the final habbending.

Jews are outsourcing everything.

Of course they need construction workers, to build first world homes for third world thrash. FUCK THAT SHIT!

Non-Whites are fucking spoiled for choice when it comes to Grants and Scholarships. I have to be satisfied with my 1 grant and borrow for the rest. Thank God I'm attending Community College so I'm not going to rack up that much debt.

Second post is either insta-shill, or fucking nails it.

In this case.

Nailed it.


I love pussy as much as the next guy but fuck that shit. Even girls who aren't fucked and chucked act like that.

They're children in adult bodies who should be given zero tolerance for drama. Your life will be much easier that way, trust me.

Very smart, don't allow anyone to make you feel ashamed of it.

Also, in December I'll be 10 years employed post-college STEM career. (I worked from the age of 16 through college doing shit jobs also).


Also, just because you graduate with a degree in a STEM field doesn't mean you're actually good at it, or valuable to any employer. I've churned through a lot of shit "assistants" that weren't worth a fuck. Whites and non-whites (but I do preferentially hire whites, plz don't tell my HR department).

Take it from a former faggot with 250 encounters under his belt; it is an empty soulless buisness because they don't want you, they want to use you as a prop to signal with and as a living motorized-dildo; a machine.
Theres no love, and they'll use you up and toss you aside when the novelty wears off, as I found out to my utter horror. I found Christ a year back and am reading the bible from the beginning to end to try and make sense of shit… But all the local churches are fag shit ones.

Ok here's a tip: fags are living bags of death. They exist only because they have a steady supply of fresh blood coming in via conversion by chickenhawks older men that lure freshly legal sexually questioning young men with booze and fun and get them drunk and open to a BJ. Without this opening encounter and the pot, booze and sometimes coke subcultures faggotry would literally die the fuck out.

Oh, and there's degenerate faggot christmas music. Anyone want a link to said podcast?

Congratulations on overcoming your perversions, but christcuckoldry is basically just as bad as faggotry when you get down to it.

You did, they need it on that list to bring in poo for their loo.

Lets break it down.

You can try to find a position teaching or spend an extra 7 years to get a Doctorate and try to find a position teaching….
(No Jobs)

You can try to find a position teaching Pajeet how to do your job.
(No Jobs)

Wew mate, you found all the jobs!
(Many Jobs)

(See Science)
(No Jobs)

The Acronym STEM is only useful in describing/defining a College of related fields. It really has no meaning outside of a University setting. Science and Math degrees have never had much a job market outside of education. Just the occasional researcher or analyst. Mostly jobs you invent for yourself.

And btw, from my experience, women in Math and Science (i.e.: Biology) out number men by a fuck ton.

That's why I'm reading it myself and looking at it on different levels, literary, esoteric, metaphor and even from a eugenics point of view. Theres shit in Deuteronomy that goes WAY over the heads of normies, like prevention of blood feuds over a dead body found between two cities via cattle sacrifice. That's pragmatic. Or explaining basic sanitation to a pack of goatfucker tribal kikes who haven't mastered water purification yet.

Besides, I was raised Anglican church of canada (Protestant). There's cuck, and then there's Anglicuck. (who do you think makes hampers for fugees other than mennonites)

Fuck the Church, and fuck the televangelists, bunch of charlatans.
If you want a redpill on the lucrative buisness of christcuckery showmanship, google Marjoe Gortner. That guy pioneered it all and wrote a massive tell all after suffering a crisis of faith.

He even starred in a western about an outlaw pretending to be a priest for personal gain.

Coffin building and cremation won't.


He always was one. Even in the early days it was obvious.


Führer dubs confirm -


lol. done that. it sucks. fuck the people who make their livelihood off that industry.

Teach the she-boons how to hack the EBT system and crash the welfare state, with no survivors.

good thing Geology isn't a science, my major is safe.

You're right, but this specific example is irrelevant - Walmart is deep in bed with the state complex and receive massive monies from Washington. Their retail operations are secondary to their gover mission profile.

Once you have a foot in the door yes, but passing HR is a major headache. They insist on this magical piece of paper. You're actual skills are irrelevant to them.

You're about 70 years behind with your thinking… today's automatization/machines works flawlessly. You don't have much experience with actual industry, doen't you? No being facetious, but you sound like some old wheezer from the 60s, 70s… autom. tech is much, much more advanced than what you imply.

Former STEM student here, there are many MANY obvious reasons as to why STEM is fucked up for jobs and its also why the labor force in general is fucked up, and that is far too much supply for the demand thanks to cheap wage immigrants, TFWs and automation.

The West are bringing in record numbers of new immigrants from the Middle East, India and Oriental Asia who are taking a fuck ton of jobs in medical, engineering, commercial labs and even fucking technician jobs. The other issue is that while all those students get out of school with their shiny MSc/MEng/M.D./etc. they soon realize that the only thing that employers care for when they hire for full time jobs in the field, even for entry level, is experience rather then just pure grades because grades are basically just a cut off mark before they look at experience. The ones getting jobs who were domestically born are the ones who get internships during school or have a co-op program where they can do 12-18 months of on the job experience which matters the fucking world to employers nowadays and is basically the golden ticket to 70-80k starting salary or higher. However even then thanks to the Silicon Valley faggots pushing TFWs and cheap immigrant labor who get Permanent Resident and Green Cards to do the same job for 66% of the pay and with far more experience then students why would anyone hire some kid with 1 year of pencil pushing and some basic shit for more money then the Indian? And even after this automation is killing jobs in every sector and as soon as they can develop technology that can assess any and all issues and fix itself the economy will be fucking destroyed because then companies will only have uses for 33% of their current workforce and millions of jobs will be lost in STEM fields and then we're basically fucked.

The only way to fix this is to change the current system from the inside. If your in a degree that can lead into politics, do something to stand out and join a party and climb up the ranks to a spot where you can make the decisions and influence the public to do what will save our countries and the futures for the next generations because if we don't do it now nobody will.


Those times are over. Depending on where you live, 60-65K is often considered a "good" start, due to the reasons you elaborated.

Very naive, doesn't work that way. If you think tech/STEM is rigged, you've seen nothing yet when it comes to politics.

I say those wages in terms of Canadian dollars since we get taxed like crazy, but yeah in the US its probably between 45-65k starting based on which state.

I know politics is rigged but at least when your in you can have a small chance to change things, even if its something small like a state/provincial post secondary co-op program being in a position of influence helps and we all need to work together to achieve what we can for the people and find ways over the hurdles known as big business and hedge fund sharks like Soros.

This is true…

… but this doesn't work. I didn't believe it myself either, but without backing, connections and proofs of loyalty you won't even get near those small posts. Where there's lots of flesh and blood, sharks circle. An intelligent, STEMmy-minded persons gets eaten up in such environments. I'm not demotivation shilling, but the the process is inherently flawed. Personally I tend more to getting off-grid, so that the system cannibalizes itself.

I fell for the "there is a shortage of STEM graduates" meme. In my first year of college I went to a tour at a company looking for STEM students. That was before the 2008 financial crisis hit. Turns out they fired over half their workforce when that happened and from the sounds of it it is only getting worse.

So from now on i need to avoid anything that's made in USA, because i know my hard earned shekels will eventually flow to these street shitter rapist.

I will only pay if the company is proven to have 100% white employees.

Why not just go for hookers? I doubt those "random girls" are anything cleaner than hookers, plus professional escort take care of their health because it's a business.

It's a suggestion for single men only, it's less degenerate than tricking innocent girl and mold them into sluts.

This. A good escort is ten thousand times cleaner and healthier than your average bar/club slut.

next fad career is bullet stopper for the international jew and globalists

You're laughing, but security firms and PMCs are hiring like crazy. Hire one half of the lower class to shoot the other one, indeed.

im not laughing
we're going to die
pol thinks we can win against the globalists

we're going to end up in a ditch in a random war

meanwhile the niggers in europe and america are not going to get drafted and have fun with the local women

Only if you answer to the draft.

Agree, that's their gameplan. Any white male stupid enough to answer the draft in the coming war deserves what he gets.

Computer Aided Milling.

No, but if it costs less to robot-replace it with an entirely robot-built new engine than it would cost to put a human under the hood to troubleshoot and replace with robot-built part, then "repair" in the sense you mean won't matter.

Transmissions have already come to the point of costing about as much to repair/rebuild as to just get new.

You'll find that it is like a human-level operating system meant to set baselines in social behavior which make it possible for civilization and culture to exist.

You'll really see that when you get to the last book of the new testament and realize the promise of the gospel is but a carrot-and-stick, Mafia protection racket tier contract. It amounts to "Do as I say or bad things might happen." Also, you realize if the contract is real, the "god" serving it deserves no worship for he is the ultimately responsible authority behind the entire charade, being the one to have created Lucifer and Man in their natures.

You don't let the chemist off scot-free when he "oopsies" the plant. You don't let the god off scot-free when he "oopsies" creation.

Welcome to the "dark side."