Philosophy and general good books thread

What books should every Holla Forumsack read before they die? Currently i'm planning on reading
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Republic - Plato
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None - Friedrich Nietzsche
Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Leviathan: or The Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil - Thomas Hobbes
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals - Immanuel Kant
Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Is there anything that I should add or get rid of?

Other urls found in this thread:!NcxTTDaJ!7qd00XrA5ajfdHBY2G5m-zniSSqjW9a-j-iK_vlSLcA!oIhzGAzY!bvP3nuRUvV3MZJ7o3DaiGyHLSHC3_tbLqm4pDDbiGDQ!4dVHUZCL!9J3XRTq6S3GE8ccNnCbqHg!kcNGRCBT!3IizeBAFGKxJsGGcE1EppA!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

Also general philosophy thread

Other works by Plato are more aligned with Holla Forums's beliefs.

Apology should be read by everyone.

Also, we have a whole board dedicated to this stuff.

pls check out >>>/pdfs/ anons.

Oh Jeez, these threads always end well…

these art/music/books/philosophy ect. threads always get bumplocked while maddowtrash threads reign free.

I am sorry, what did you just say about the Bible and our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

I really hope that the mods don't fuck this thread up again.

well it's very common and the mods are comprimised.
-therealmoonman is a ponycuck/horsefucker furfag
-imkampfy IS the maddowposter and logs in every time there is maddow threads
-both bumplock quality threads while allowing maddow spam

therealmoonman is just an imkamfpy sockpuppet


I think C.S Lewis (and therefore Kant) are excellent alternatives to Nietzsche.

Thread so worried about getting derailed, derails itself.
Anyway what books by plato, besides The Republic, do you think are good reads.

Does anyone have the PDF for Meditations?

I'm scanning through /pdfs/ right now but I'm not seeing it.

Just so we're clear :^)

Petition Jim to remove him.

Holla Forums users should have realized what was going on long ago. Probably a result of Holla Forums being filled with dumbass reddtitors.

I found the Republic to be the hardest read philosophy book I've tried. Then again, I have no idea how good the Finnish translation was.

Jim is a kike and constantly says
every single time, a petition means nothing to him.

a good source for books in a lot of formats, including pdfs.


I thought inkampfy was a non-white?

The series of four dialogs usually
labeled together as the Death of Socrates are a good read, and fairly short.

If I recal, they are the Euthyphro, the Apology, Crito, and Phaedo

Whilst I agree we need to keep >>>/pdfs/ alive, Holla Forums discussion on the subject can be considered the filth-filter. Keep /pdfs/ clean.

You're going to open up all those philosophy books, not understand what's going on and drop them. To read philosophy you really need to start from the bottom and work your way up.

Depends. I find them quite similar to puzzles, actually. Collect methods, pieces, ideas here and there, and some time it just clicks; the one part you stumbled on before.

This Plato's everyone should read The Republic, Apology, and Timeaus. Then Aristotles works for good counter points. Also The Julius Evola triliogy should be checked out most likely after Nietzsche since he references him a ton.

A Holla Forumsock should try to read as many books on philosophy as possible.

Also this start with an introduction type of book to ease your way in. Any recommendations by the way? I'm reading through the light and the cave now.

Fragments - Heraclitus

C.S. Lewis is Immanuel Kant made easy. From thereon, I suppose one can move to Plato or Aristotle quite easily, and from them Descartes.

Try reading some of Tolkiens academic texts

All the actual important threads that are used as archives are stickied anyway, it would be nice if the place would be more active in my opinion

you are cancerous.

You are a faggot and probably a kike.

Is will to power a priori knowledge?

well you have to spend time reading too. :)




There are many philosophers that one should read - even though one don't study philosophy. Atleast that's my intention.

and so on

myth of the 20th century and imperium

Boring day in shilltown? Or butthurt day in lake fedora?





Thinking man is a dangerous man, and also a free man. Why? He exists.


I wonder what we did right to draw this much attention.
Also I feel the world is shifting from a materialistic Aristotle point of view towards a more spiritual Platonic view point. Any thoughts?

If we were simpletons like Azov or any skinhead group, we'd be easy to control and manipulate. Despite 2 years of daily anti-christian shilling, I have only noticed Christians (local variant) and pagans/atheists (local variant) unite in search of truth.

Answer to any and all D/C attempts should be: "Ok, you may or may not have a point, but let's try killing kikes first and see if there is any change."

I think that Aristoteles was a precursor to derivative methods, and those methods de facto lead us to believe in a platonic / Kantian model.

For example, we have to assume several immaterial existences to even come up with any definition of 'matter' or 'reason'. Sad part is that this includes reason itself, or at the very least, logic; giving intellectual high ground to two groups. Idealists and skeptics. I do not mean any half baked skepticism, but that of Descartes.

I definitely should have clarified further. I advice skipping to 2 min on the video.



I think a great way to feel völkisch (and also learn stuff along the way) is to read mythology, folktales and books about those two topics.

Tolkien is a good one. I read his On Fairy-stories, which was very heartfelt and enjoyable. He was a true European spirit.

Also worth checking out are Norse myths:
Myths of the Norsemen by H. A. Guerber:
Translated Norse lays and sagas:

It's not philosophy, but mythology, especially that of one's ancestors, is essential.


As essential as friends.

Not an easy read for a beginner. Sure, you have John 3:16 and Matthew 23 for the easy guidelines, but pic related means you have to know 3 ancient languages.

There are plenty of philosophical books and studies centered around virtues; those of justice, honor, glory, honesty, truth, freedom, heroism…

I am in search of those studying beauty. Does anybody have them?

What I mean by beauty: >

Stop reading books.

Learn how to think instead.
Do you bake your own bread? Chances are you defer that task to the nearest baker.
I dare say that you defer the task of thinking to your most accessible philosopher, newfags of Holla Forums,

Studying changes how we think. If you read from many sources, you open many doors. If you merely indulge yourself in one door, the danger is it is indeed a lucrative trap.

How many times do you push the reset button without receiving new - and seemingly alien - knowledge or methodology?

Any philosopher in the history of mankind have read or studied the works before him. Holla Forums is no different.

Stop reading.

Learn how to think. Studying is fine, but there must be a creative act at the end of that exhaustion.

I should finish reading.

I may have been a bit too harsh. Where do you draw the line of obtaining knowledge, however? Why are words not valid? Words of reason are derived from the way things are, or the way things are meant to be (Logos).

Logos is a Greek term literally meaning "logic". What heritage to do belong to friend, do you belong above the Danube? Do you believe the Greek account, that only ancient Greeks know of logos, that they have a monopoly of knowledge?r

It meant reason and purpose as well. They derived morality from reason aka Logos. This is a complete opposite to modern "understanding" of morality (and reason).

No. Just as I fail to see any racial/ethnic monopoly on anything. Even jews simply copy goy methods like usury.

"They" meaning "Greeks" are a amalgamation of degenerate city states [In my option, excluding Sparta]. I don't trust the integrity of their oral tradition (Socrates & Plato) for one second. And neither should you.

Exactly, their race is no case for racial monopoly on anything whatsoever; that superior Uberman can't overcome. Therefore Roman and Greek Philosophy is outdated and barbarian. Think of what we can achieve now without their outdated and primitive thinking processes.

I actually do bake my own bread. Wanna know how I learned?


Reading teaches you how to think dumbass. Shut up with your enlightened stick up your ass attitude.

Guess what, the majority of liberal art faggots have read tons of books in relation to their degree and they still don't know how to think. The exception doesn't prove the rule.

reading can teach you how to think. It won't necessarily teach you how think, that's something you actively choose. Also it depends what sorts of books you read. Please don't derail.

"The Greek account" comes from a handful of philosophers and thinking that the majority of normies in Greece even were paying attention to Socrates, Plate and Aristotle, let alone the philosophers that came before them like Heraclitus, Pythagoras and the undoubtable others who are lost due to no written records not existing, shows you don't even know what you're talking about. Socrates was executed by the Athenians and Aristotle was similarly charged by the Athenians and had to flee Athens. They weren't liked by their people because of the memes they had.

I don't know where you get the idea that Greek philosophy has a monopoly on logos. Just because they were the first to write down what it means to have logic and reasoning, does not mean that they ever claimed to be the authority on it. Western thought is heavily influenced by the Greeks because they were simply the first people to write this down, and to more importantly have their writings saved. I also don't see how this equates to your idea that you shouldn't read anything.

who are lost due to no written records existing*

If you want to read the Greeks, you should read Algis Uždavinys books as well. He is a fantastic Lithuanian scholar on the Ancient Greeks. Especially The Golden Chain: An Anthology of Platonic and Pythagorean Philosophy, Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism, The Heart of Plotinus: The Essential Enneads, Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity, Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism.

Modern "intellectuals" and philosophers fail to mention that the Greeks themselves wrote, thought and lived from a standpoint of mysticism and theurgy (aka working towards God). Their knowledge was heavily influenced by other religious groups of the time. "Philosophy" for them wasn't some hanky panky mind exercise or concerned with how to work in a purely material world, but expressively considered how to transcend it (akin to Ancient Egyptians, Indians, Buddhists etc.).

>Implying you'll even read Philosophy & Theurgy that would put it right in the open for you

Logos is mind, user.

Because of the fact that the "Greeks" [excluding Spartans] were boyfucking faggots (see Xenophon). And because of the fact that Pythagoras deferred his admission of knowledge to the Thracians in relation to knowledge of spirit.

So you agree, the Greeks never claimed to have an authority on logos and spending more than 10 minutes researching the subject you'll find that the Greeks who are famous were simply the first people to write what they knew down.


im fucking tired of those faggots

doxx when?

Are these on /pdfs/?

Honestly, the north Indians were the first in writing their sagas. Why are these sages any different to the "greek" stories you have a fetishism for?

Currently uploading to mega, I have three of those books as a 100MB "Master Set" .pdf and the Golden Chain. Will link to those in a moment.

A little context goes a long long way in philosophy even if it's been dumbed down. I suggest this book to anyone who enjoys the subject

What's the deal with the anti-intellectual faggots? Tradition is absolutely necessary in fighting with degeneracy of our time. And foundation of Western tradition is Greek philosophy.

too much of a nigger to contribute right now so ill just dump and bump

Should have clarified so you couldn't put words in my mouth.

The Greeks were the first in Europe that were written down, at least first in terms of written record. This is why they are famous and the first step for any Westerner interested in philosophy is to start with them because they are the most accessible. The only people who start and end with the Greeks are specialized professors and historians.

Though I'm helping derail the thread by seriously replying to someone who first tells people not to read and then gives the Vedas as a counter argument to something that should be read first instead of the Greeks. Not even modern day Indians can translate them, so how can someone like you who doesn't even read understand them?

Master Set including Orpheus and The Roots of Platonism, Philosophy & Theurgy and Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth
The Golden Chain

There are skinhead-tier faggots here who think they belong. The same people who LARP about nordic mysticism and shill for "redpilled" (degenerate shit) bands.

The Harvard Classics

I'm happy to be the antagonist because I'm right. Fuck the "Greeks". I understand the Vedas because they're part of my heritage. To read Plato's account of the Socrates trials is the equivalent of reading Chinese whispers in aboriginal culture (muh dragon).


What do you recommend reading first?

Either Philosophy and Theurgy or Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth are a good start.

If you are going to shill at least be consistent you autistic mongoloid.

Maddow posting might be some horrific form of training to steel everyone against the real enemy: smug jewesses.

I'm going to find out soon enough, but is the stuff this guy wrote worthy of a possible assassination?

Nobody who reads philosophy would talk trash about the Vedas user. It's problem is that it was written in a language that's completely foreign even to their descendants.

Not quite. I doubt you'd die just by reading something that is already out in the public. The people that usually get offed are those that reveal actually useful information, put it together and "talk and think" too much.

Don't talk shit about any books, nothing makes the Vedas special, NOTHING.
All that differentiates it are highly detailed super natural claims, I know this because I was born into and raised by Hare Krishnas.
I think if you are able to understand it then its fine, but you say no one can understand it, and trash talk people who can be understand and have very real knowledge to give.
There are so many illogical occurrences in the Vedas, that its clear its been totally corrupted.
Sure there are Kernels of truth, but the fact remains is that despite having the Vedas as their guide, the Indians still degenerated into the designated race they are now.

TL:DR don't shit talk knowledge
Anything can be valid no matter where its from.
I've learned far more from Nietzsche knowledge than I have from all vedic scriptures combined.

*who can be understood



We are extremely lucky to be in the presence of two people who have great knowledge of the Vedas, or someone just called themselves an autistic mongoloid to try and respark their derail attempt.

Hare Krishnas aren't street shitters, they are mostly European.
Most Indians who become Hare Krishnas just do it because it makes it easier to get a green card.

I'm all for discussing philosophy, the street shitter was telling people not to fucking read.

Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now
Eckhart Tolle - New Earth
Mooji - Before, I am
Jim Dreaver - End Your Story, Begin Your Life (excerpt


Suicide Note - Heisman, Mitchel

Imperium - Ulick, Varange (Yockey, Francis Parker)

The Uniqueness of Western Civilization - Ricardo Duchesne

The Decline of the West - Spengler, Oswald

Revolt against the Modern World - Evola Julius
Man among the Ruins - Evola Julius

Ancient City - Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges

I've been meaning to get around to Evola, I downloaded most of his books awhile ago, should I read Ride the Tiger before any of those?

Also I highly reccomend the Sumerian Swindle - How the Jews Betrayed Mankind if anyone wants a detailed understanding of how Jews and groups that preceded them operate.

Do you know any anti-natalists IRL?

Most of them appear to be emotionally unstable leftists. But a contributor to Counter-Currents, Ann Sterzinger, is also an anti-natalist.

And then there is Efilism, which wants to do away with all life on Earth.

I myself am a big fan of pessimistic writing. So was the Führer, probably, since he was said to have carried around Schopenhauer in his knapsack throughout the First World War.

That's a pretty dense read, m8. I don't think most people here will like it, even though the conclusions are Holla Forums-tier.

Just read the summary and the related Kazynski. Suicide Note is like three thousand pages long and meant to be a full mental upload of Heisman's "discovery." Not necessarily the safest thing to have in your head.

I don't personally know anyone who is.
I find it hilarious that some people think life should cease to exist. Like Buddhists who preach Nirvana and want to become nothingness, is it not better to experience than to not experience at all?
After all I have plenty of time to be dead, but the time to be alive is ever fleeting.
It's all very rediculous to me, even back when I was a suicidal pessimist I understood that its better to be sad and feel pain than to be depressed and not feel anything at all.

I read part of that. He is a Jew and slips in, IIRC, toward the end that he probably has Asperger's.

Needless to say it was really interesting to get inside his head. He was a very witty and intelligent guy.

everybody should be uploading to When you upload use:

username: genesis
password: upload

Be careful with Eckhart Tolle. He is New Age. His thing is to give you information that will get you only so far, but if you believe his techniques are as profound and important as he purports them to be, you will hit a wall.

The Kybalion - The Three Initiates
The Arcane Teachings - William Walker Atkinson
The Life of Milarepa - Tsangnyön Heruka

These are more metaphysical then philosophical, but still philosophical and highly recommended.

adding the parallax views of great philosophers to our own allows us to have a wider view of the world.

anyone have Machiavelli's 'discourse about the provision of money' ?

Handy tip if you can't get yourself to sit down and read, throw on some audio books while you do other things (preferably something like exercise or a craft but it can work even with some less complicated video games)

Will do, thanks.

That's a new one. Does it have a good split of practical + theoretical knowledge or is it more a history lesson?

read Guenon: Crisis of the Modern World before you touch Evola
It provides grounding for some of Evola's views

It's packed to the brim with it. In regards to historical information, let me put it this way: It is more like The Hobbit than The Lord of the Rings.

Good, thanks. It's on my list.

are Machiavelli's full works consolidated anywhere onlinr? He seems to have written a bunch of interesting stuff, whether you agree with him or not

Cool thanks, I will try to track it down.

If anyone else is interested.

These selections will help add to your world view the differences between people based on IQ, influenced by race, and are very useful in explaining the current state of the world.

The Bell Curve - Charles Murray

Hive Mind - Garett Jones

These selection will help explain the error in leftist economics (>inb4 economics is autistic) which greatly aids in explaining how American and the west fucked up our economies so hard.

The Road to Serfdom - Hayek

Human Action - Mises

Democracy the god that failed - Hans-Herman Hoppe

Second this

Ben Klassen - The White Man's Bible/Nature's Eternal Religion.

newfags are in for a treat

Morgoth's Archive - The Academy!4dVHUZCL!9J3XRTq6S3GE8ccNnCbqHg

Morgoth's Archive - The Academy!kcNGRCBT!3IizeBAFGKxJsGGcE1EppA

Second link is the Library, sorry.

5500ish files in total

i bet yall niggers don't even masturbate in public

does anyone have a link to the squires journey?

Nietzsche, properly understood.

I never noticed the midget standing next to the emperor before.

Jonathan Bowden is great but reading it yourself is really important too, especially for Zarathustra.


if anyone can make a better version, be my guest

I know people have criticisms for it, but The Track of the Jew Through The Ages is a very important book to read to REALLY, REALLY drill in that hatred of kikes.

Diogenes had other friends who trolled IRL, too.

IIRC, there is a story about an Athenian Admiral who brought a rope to the assembly, telling people to hang themselves.

Here's something interesting. It breaks all the bullshit we have accumulated to build on saner bases (a bit like Nietzsche approach).
This books only breaks though.






Reading is important but you do have a point. Schopenhauer did say that one should think more for himself and that to read too much will have one's head filled with others thoughts.

What exactly is contained in this library?

With evola you really should read more of his other works first. Should be listed in

Go wild.

I'm currently working my way through Mein Kampf, it's really interesting. I like to stop after each paragraph and try and really comprehend what he meant by what he said. Good shit.

I've read a little bit of "The Prince" in the past, never finished it though.

I was thinking about this a couple hours ago. Can vouch for the notion as it's how I lived my whole life. I don't want other people's interpretations floating around in my head (false knowledge is dangerous) and influencing me but then again I'm my own seeker and I guess not everyone can live that way. If you're completely lost then you might find some literature a good starting point but it should never be the goal. Cultivate yourself from within; listen to the memories in your blood.

The Baghavad Gita is pretty based.
Teaches you inner harmony and yet at the same time condemns faggots who flee from a fight.
Its basically the bible without all the (((turn the other cheek))) cuck shit.

For some ideas reading is mandatory. You can't call yourself a National Socialist or a Fascist unless you understand the ideas of the people who created it right?

So in that respect you need to read, but perhaps we should do writing of our own, to get our own thoughts down? Revise them, improve them, etc., create our own principles as to adhere to.

I have the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, translated by Eknath Eswaran. I want to buy the Dhammapada too so I can complete his translated works. I have an interest in Hindu though, but I still don't fully understand it and I accept that I most likely never will.

Definitely. I've even written down ramblings of my own to get some catharsis.

All of it. Philosophy was a fuckin' mistake. Thanks to it we have cultural Marxism. It's even preposterous to think that you even considered to have titles such as Critique of Pure Reason, a well known leftist SJW book. Fuck Aristotle. Enjoy reading a million books all your life using them as band aids while thinking you're a smug son of a bitch and still at the end "not finding the solution."

In similar fashion I think to myself a lot, sometimes as if I'm having a discourse with someone else.

You'd be surprised. National Socialism is simply the political term for Dharma in my humble opinion and most of it can be gathered from observing nature with a close eye. Of course when it comes to running the economics and all that, the bare-bones so to speak, you'll need to do you're share of reading, but the spirit of it is intrinsic.

philosophy major here(I know), listen to this post and save yourself a lot of trouble.

Hitler's war
Either Or - Soren Kierkegaard
Trail of the Fox

Also lay off the edges and Neitzsche

Lots of books I like but I think those are pretty fundamental

I also suggest every user to get good at maths because it will train you to think critically and logically. Napoleon, Rommel, and all great leaders became good at maths

is there anything else about the National Socialist ideology I can read? I've read Mein Kampf already.

t. STEM sperg

I have to purposefully 𝘵𝘳𝘺 and think usually. Like, I don't know why but It's difficult for me to hold a constant stream of thought without consciously trying. Is there a way to fix this?

Of course, being what it is, in it's very nature it would be organic in that way. It intrinsically rejects notions of communism. (which are unnatural) I agree you can observe basics of it through watching nature, as in the core tenants. Things like social Darwinism, that's pretty obvious. But I like to look at specific types of insects specifically, like ants or bees. They have a quite admirable and well structured society.

I always thought Natsoc was more about society and Fascism, economy, personally.

Fucking based. Ascend from the dualistic notion of good and evil and life and death, and slay the kikes and mudslimes for you do gods work in doing so, and incur no sin
Don be a mentally and neurotically ill faggot and calm your mind
also dont base your life on feminine qualities such as fame, wealth, etc and also do not consume that seems like sweet nectar at first but turns into poison, rather engage in that which appears as poison at first but becomes sweet nectar.
Fucking based.

I admire the friendship that Arjuna and Krishna had too. Those guys were bros.

I haven't read it yet but the review at counter-currents ( has put Submission by Michel Houellebecq next-up on my reading list.

———– excerpt of the review ———
Michel Houellebecq is one of the finest novelists living today. His most recent novel, Submission, is now out in English. It confirms my long-held suspicion that Houellebecq is a man of the Right, whether or not he admits it to us, or even to himself.

Houellebecq has long been one of the most savage critics of liberal decadence and cant. But Submission reveals that he is also a student of far Right literature, showing a broad familiarity with demographics, eugenics, Traditionalism, European nationalism, distributism, biological race and sex differences, Identitarianism (which he calls “Indigenous Europeanism” in the book), and the critics of Islam.

Submission (a translation of “Islam”) tells of a Muslim takeover in France in 2022…

cont'd @

I never thought about others' difficulty in this area. "Stream of Consciousness" happens to be a favourite writing style of mine, something I do naturally, and I believe it's because it's something I cultivated while in solitude. Do you socialize with others often? Maybe you need to unplug from them and be with yourself more.

NatSoc is everything. Fascism is a variant, but let's put it this way: NatSoc is "the word of god" while Fascism is man's interpretation of this word and so it has multiple interpretations around the world, but National Socialism is National Socialism, there is only it and no other kind of it. Anything that calls itself so but isn't would be a pale imitation. Fascism is certainly an economic model for one (enemies of Fascism, whether Capitalist or Marxist, refer to it as a rival economy which it was), it is a more bare-bones approach than National Socialism which focuses more on other aspects of life.

You might want to check out Roger Scruton's work.

The entire western canon :3

Those aren't feminine qualities and modern females lack femininity to a great degree. Those are things that usually only men can obtain but something that women also want, that is because the female seeks the male and male seeks the female. He tries to gain fame, fortune, etc. for females. It's that way because the world is increasingly more materialistic.

The most true, divine femininity can be found in the minds of men, at least today. Jung called the mind of man the womb of creativity and its quality was feminine, and it is men who are chiefly responsible for creating art, music, culture, etc. but we love to see women indulge in these things before our eyes, as a way of reflecting creation in a pleasant way. The mind in women is masculine and why Feminism is anything but feminine but more of an ideology about conquering enemies (in this case biological men) in a way that women can do which is without physical force but by laws and language.


I spend most of my time by myself, I guess perhaps media is what is overloading my mind.

But National Socialism is a variant of Fascism

Same old shit, here and IRL.
People recommend books that are not introductory, either because they are thoughtless or trying to impress someone.

Then the guy inevitably puts down the book after a 75-page slog, frustrated and angry, and never comes back to the writer.

>user, please check out short, profound but fairly accessible works like Marcus Aurelius, Uncle Ted, Spengler's Man and Technics

>No, bro, screw the pleb poster above me, you need to read The Phenomenology of Spirit and The Decline of the West, only a retard would have trouble with them.


The Swastika says it all. It is ever-present, ever-living, universal truth. No beginning and no end, it goes on for eternity.

Children of Hurin
The Silmarillion

I tried to read that years ago but it went over my head. Maybe I'll try again.

That painting is aesthetic as fuck.

Welcome to the Berenstain universe

Feder and Rosenberg

No, just no
Page 264 : "Fat Tony debates Socrates" .
Got quite a chuckle out of it.

That is the most disgustingly degenerate ideology that iv'e ever heard of.

Is the logical conclusion of leftism hatred for existence and feeling guilt for even being alive?

Just what the fuck.


its literally babby tier wahh wahh life sucks so we should just end it nonsense
its any wonder leftist societies become totalitarian multicult surveillance state shit holes while our glorious utopian ideal is free men living on the land of their ancestors free from having to worry about death or slavery to a foreign enemy

Next-level masochism.
I can't believe anyone over the age of 16 can subscribe to such an idea.

AKA. I'm an emo faggot who wants to seem dark and mysterious, but I respect your rights and pronouns, good sir *tips Invader Zim beanie*

if they want to die so bad they should just do it and rid the world of their madness

He's kind of a cool guy, in a curmudgeonly eccentric uncle sort of way.

He debates a lot of people on efilism and anti-natalism; some of his videos are pretty entertaining tbh.

Some of the points he brings up are thought-provoking. So, while a lot of these anti-natalists are wide-open targets for ridicule, the philosophy itself is actually more sophisticated than people initially give it credit for.

Diogenes was the first Holla Forumstard

So he's your typical San Franciscan transient?

Kant was a giant faggot and is pretty much responsible for the globalist shit hole the world is today

If anyone preaches Efilism and are still alive then they are just edgy.

You're so bad at this, it's not even funny.

Anyone here ever read Albert J. Nock's Our Enemy, The State?

I guess Kant would hate modern the modern left using his teachings. The left consists of people who do charity for attention and wait for the starbucks staff to see you tip their jar.

You Diogenes was a complete degenerate who wanted to be a dog but I can't help but love the guy due to how much of a massive troll he was.

He basically lived to talk shit and somehow lived to 89 living in filth.

Man's a fucking legend even 2300 years later.

More like jewmanuel cunt

How is he different from the modern transient and why does he deserve such distinction? Because he did it first? Whoo the first lazy shit to live in garbage, so cool.

not just the left, but the neoconservatives as well, kunt is the orgin of all this bullshit

Because he was funny while nobody in San Francisco is funny.

The act of wanting fame is a feminine quality, as apposed to attainng fame due to ones virtious deeds.
Example: hollywood men are practically vain faggots with basically no masculine value in our society. Except for a very select few, they are overwhelmingly feminine physically and mentally.
On the other hand, James Cook was very famous among the plebs in his time, but it was not fame that he desired, or wealth, rather it was his unsatiable love for his mistress the open see, for whom lived and died for.
The whole concept of the bhagavad gita is to NOT engage in any activity for the goal of attaining a fleeting pleasure, but rather for the love of the act itself, whilst understanding that the action does not define you.

Or some shit like that

it never fails to bring tears to my eyes. it's uplifting, transcendental.

Titus Livy's history of rome is definitely worth reading, lots of parallels to the modern world.

The Greek Sophists is very interesting. You can definitely learn a lot about rhetoric styles and the birth of nihilism and relativism. Prodicus of Ceos was a very important influence of the Socratic Dialogue, i.e. asking for the definitions of words in order to establish people's beliefs, such as asking what people think racism actually is.

I'm not familiar with what's included in the volumes, but seriously read On the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche if you're gonna read him. It's a great essay about how morals/culture are formed and basically explains how all Abrahamic religion, namely Judaism, is fundamentally at fault because of the nebulous and politically convenient concept of "evil." Very interesting and, from my perspective, amusing.



Have read.

Not yet.

Reading now.

(Re)-reading now accompanied by Kulturkampf podcast.

Have read.

Not yet.

To which I will add:
The Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn
The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire
The Rigveda (in whole or part)
All of which I'm reading now.

Kant is popular among establishment academics, but wasn't quite a modern liberal. For one thing, Kant supported the death penalty, and his modern devotees try and gloss over what he actually taught to make his philosophy justify the Liberal Order.

In case you didn't see it, Might is Right is a good one too. Gonna read Leviathan next week.

You newfags really have to run this whole board into the ground, don't you?
And to the last poster: I already do that. GTFO plebs.

What the hell is up with that? We used to have like 1-2 science/philosophy/book/art threads a day.

Trump happened

Quit blaming this on Trump, the presidential election is only a few months away. It's certainly not unimportant.

And that's exactly why this board is shit atm.


We're obviously being raided.


Most people have left 8ch. Can't exactly blame them.

Anyone know of a good site/guide that teaches speedreading?

That's a load of shit, the user rate has stayed the same for a year now, it's nearing the end of summer, but a month ago there was 3,000 on average.

Holla Forums tried to say that about multiple people, and they've used the same pictures along with it. So I wouldn't trust it.

Don't stop reading if you haven't read enough to know what you're leaving behind. Venturing to book-free asceticism isn't something that should be advocated popularly.

He wrote serious works that did not survive.

what are peoples opinions on mill's utiltarianism?

he's a (((Strauss))) meme

Overly materialistic and conception of good and bad are completely devoid of real meaning.

i get the materialistic and bad part but what do you mean by good being devoid of meaning?

utilitarianism is (at least how i remembered it) about doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of people, so isnt "good" already defined as that, how is it, and the other devoid of meaning?

Yes, and that's because of the election and Trump

just reposting this link here to curt doolittle's "propertarianism library" which contains various philosophical and political books by various authors in pdf form:!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

Thank you; I prefer reading hard copy, even if my quarters are beginning to resemble Mr. Wermod's in Mister. I have listened through all of The Myth so I've definitely had a foretaste of Rosenburg.

read Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto

First it depends on how you define "Good" .Also, implicit in the question is a quantitative approach (as opposed to a qualitative one) .Ignoring higher level structure. Even having defined "Good" , what is good for society as a whole, therefore for individuals implicitly as part of that same society may not coincide with "the greatest good for the greatest numbers" . How would one want such "good" distributed? As a somewhat twisted hypothetical, let's say good is IQ, and the total IQ of a society is constant. Would you rather all people have equal medium IQ, or the world as it is with some geniuses and many sub-par people? Let's look at nature, red-tooth and claw. Many perish, the species persists and adapts. A world of "the greatest good for the greatest number" would be a world where we never evolved beyond micro-organisms.
ach. Adding up happiness here, displeasure the
Finlay , there's the fact that an accountant's approach to life is a cowards approre, to calculate if the total utility has been "maximized" . Life is mostly not about joy versus suffering, it's about joy and suffering versus nothingness . And great suffering may be the risk required for great joy.

I'm paraphrasing Nietzsche, I believe, but I can't find the source.

I like to link directly to the book instead of name that people will just forget. If i link the book, people can open it and just take a quick look and then they might actually read it one day.

In that order?

Read The Ego and Its Own, just purely to have read the book that made Marx so fucking butthurt he invented Marxism and to laugh at leftypol posters invoking him.

Re-reading ATM. Haven't read something so pure and good since Zarathustra.

Fucking this.
Presocratics >>>> socrates.

I bought "The Prince" today, it is fairly good, but i feel it is a little outdated. Which book should i choose next? Is Schopenhauer too advanced, or should i continue with Nietzche? I would like to read some philosophy that is more relevant to the society we live in today.

Muh state, muh morals.
The first is getting so big it will destroy all the local identities, and the second no longer exist anymore.

Does anyone have the link for the Holla Forums monthly reading list mega?

I know he isn't white, but I HIGHLY enjoyed the Analects of Confucius.

His dedication to society, morality, and meritocracy is brilliant. I don't agree with all of it, but damned if it isn't very good writing.

It also helps you understand Chinese culture. I honestly think it is also a refutation of Daoism.

Longfellow did a great translation.

De Maistre, Burke, Guenon, Evola etc.

Stoicism is degenerate

Yeah this is a must read. (Read the Trial and death of Socrates first)


Pretty materialist but still good.

Liberal garbage tbh

Hobbes was a proto-liberal. Social contract theory is shit

Into the trash


Degenerate real-politik but alright

Hitler had literally nothing profound to say. A waste of time.

Longfellow was arguably the best, versatile translator from other languages to English.

There hasn't been a better translation of the Divine Comedy since his, either.


There is definitely a link between the pacifying element of Christianity and Stoicism, as well as Buddhism. They helped birth the nihilism, apathy and sense of helplessness of today.

How? That seems anachronistic to say. I thought it was an extension of the Greek obsession with moderation. Great advice for being gentleman along side the Confucian Analects.

I think it's fair to say that Smith was naive about how other races were really like, as he shows in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, but Hobbes had a very accurate assessment of what democracy is really like and he triggered the ultimate SJW Rousseau.

I haven't read Kant, but if Nietzsche hadn't then he would've never come up with the concept that God is dead. That said, I've heard him and Hegel are unbearable to read.

Why the scare quotes?

I'm reading/have read 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Art of War, Mein Kampf.

I tried to get the feminist manifesto and other liberal drivel but they quite literally didn't have it.

The reason I think people should read the liberal garbage is; understanding the enemy's position is the best way to find out how to stab them in the back.

I recommend the old philosophies but I just haven't gotten around to getting them in my collection yet. Stoicism and nihilism has its place in protecting you from your own emotions.

You can be stoic and nihilistic while still having a vision for the future and using your contempt as a means of changing that, while being in control of your anger at the same time. It's a good way to be.

and how do I do that?Where can I find a good guide so I don't miss anything.


I've seen this numerous times and there was even one more but people always say that they lack books.

I don't know either. Did you… finish it?

Well spoken.


This. Stoics where the people who cleaned the latrines while the Roman commanding officers where fucking their wives.



It just struck me that things are going downhill fast and who knows how much more 'peace' there will be. It only makes sense to indulge in this time we have to sharpen our minds and harden our bodies. Thanks for the reminder OP.

This one?

Is there a Roman one of those?

Yes. Will that be enough?



Paraphrasing. Kant was based

Mein kampf is shit and meant for the dumb normie. Do not forget that hitler had to mold his ideology to the political realities of that time. Try Evola instead


I'm actually a stirnerist :^^^)

Mein kampf is very kampfy.

I think that's even worse


Had me for a second there.

Literally kill yourself

What's your beef with Evola?

What's wrong with Evola?

Good advice on Plato, but before tackling Republic or Timaeus I'd have to recommend the Meno and the Phaedo, and optionally Symposium. Socrates was literally the kang and those are some of Plato's most stirring portrayals of him.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? The Masks of God is probably the single best treatise ever published on mythology, his lesser works are all excellent and as icing on the cake he was known to his peers as an infamous bigot.
>When the astronauts landed on the moon, Mr. (((Gill))) writes, illustrating what he alleges to be Campbell's private anti-Semitism, Joe made the repellent jest that the moon would be a good place to put the Jews. Mr. (((Gill))) says the remark was heard by a member of his family who was a student at Sarah Lawrence.

Reading Campbell can also aid in ridding oneself of judeo-Christian baggage, if that's something you'd like to do.

No wise man ever learned anything from a book. He either comes to the right conclusions on his own, or he goes down as a bs artist like those before him.

Stuffing your head with bs does not give you anything, but a headache.

t. bullshit artist

just for fun.
Plot of his "Assemblywomen":
The play concerns a group of women, the leader of which is Praxagora. She has decided that the women must convince the men to give them control of Athens, because they could rule it better than the men have been. The women, in the guise of men, sneak into the assembly and vote the measure, convincing some of the men to vote for it because it is the only thing they have not tried.

The women then institute a communist-like government in which the state feeds, houses, and generally takes care of every Athenian. They enforce an idea of equality by allowing each man to sleep with any woman, provided that he first sleeps with every woman in Athens who is uglier than the woman he wants.

Private property is abolished and all money and property are to go into a common fund. All expenses and purchases by each individual are to come out of the common fund. Any individual with personal property is considered to have stolen from the community.

In one scene, two men are talking. One of them is going along with the new government, giving his property to the women, and obeying their orders. The other does not wish to give up his property, but he is more than willing to take advantage of the free food.

The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst as a succession of older and more hideous women attempt to and eventually succeed in dragging the man off to make love to them first, as laid down by the new laws.

The final scene or epilogue has Praxagora's husband, Blepyrus, on his way to the communal feast, and inviting the audience to join him.

WTF. I hate books now!

Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald.

If you haven't read it, you don't belong here.


Fighting for the Essence by Pierre Krabs


Bumping this

Republic is pretty fun to read once you understand Plato's theory of forms. But the catch is, you can't do that by simply reading Plato, you'll just pick up buttsex adventures of Socrates between important stuff you don't really understand.

That's why you need motherfucking Aristotle to understand the Plato to the fullest as Aristotle carefully and systematically analyzes Plato's idealism and gives it more coherent, empirical meaning.

Sounds like heaven

When did you realize Aristophanes was praising Kek?

What's the Holla Forums starter guide to books? I want to read more but I don't know where to start, and the giant images cataloging dozens of books are too much.

Conspirata, a story of Cicero, told by his 2nd.

9.5/10 book. Needs more jew killing.

All three of these books in pic are good.

Don't bother with Plato's Republic. The whole book was a series of inferences based one off of the other, one of which was flawed, and propagated that flaw throughout the rest of the argument. IIRC, the flawed argument was something along the lines of a man is valued according to the volume of his works, but that is not the case with skilled craftsmen and artists who are valued for their precision. I read on for a ways after that and the god damn chain of bad logic just kept going and going. Some Philosophers (pic related) knew the KISS principle, and applied it. Plato failed to learn that lesson. Why he was so adored is simply beyond me.

"For My Legionaries" by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. It's essentially the Romanian Mein Kampf.

What are you looking to learn? Looking for a compelling story? Looking to learn more about philosophy?

These are the questions you should be answering before putting forth for suggestions.

Abdicate the obsolete metaphysics tripe from Aristotle and the low hanging fruit that is Emmanuel kant and you'll be good, I also recommend anything by Oswald Spengler.

That's an easy one - Platonism is the philosophical bedrock of Christianity. Wherever there are Christians, there is Platonism, from St. Thomas onward.

"obsolete metaphysics tripe from Aristotle", my ass. I bet you can't even properly summarize his main points. You're right on Spengler, though.

Love these kind of threads, I feel they bring some much needed positivity to the movement. We focus far too much on the problems and not enough on the solutions. Reading these kind of books inspires the mind to want to return to something a great, a neo-renaissance even, a rebirth of the European Spirit rather than just an incessant moaning about all the wrongs in this world, lets us learn way to fix the world instead.

One of the my favorite books is The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans by Hans Gunther, a very good read to understand the European Spirit.

Is there actually a legit reason to read books if you can listen to them?

Another user passed this to me I will pass it to you.

I find especially with the older philosophical books that I have a harder time understanding them when I just listen, I don't feel I get the full picture, perhaps it's because I don't skip back and re-listen to certain lines or pause to think about it. Reading is much more at my pace so I feel I get to understand what I'm reading much better.

I am surprised that with so many replies no one has mentioned Protocols of the Elders of Zion yet.

I concur and recommend this book as well

good call user

Because there is a huge difference between passively listening along to info while you actively do nothing important and getting deep into the information presented and actively reading it, visualizing and taking note of what's important. Overt stimulation like, say from a TV show that you don't care all that much about where you slip into a passive state while several of your sense are stimulated, just makes you a dullard (not even kidding). Similar with audiobooks - use them, if you have to, read the important stuff or that which you want to actually understand on a significant level.

Along with the second image goes this one from the same original thread.

Also -

Son of a gun.


I wish I had the ability to listen to complex texts in audio format, but I just can't process the information in the same way that I can reading - which is a shame because the guy from VNN forum put out some really decent audiobooks. If you can listen to audiobooks and get value from it - all the power to you.

Not really, he did make a good reasoning why materialism is bumfucking stupid, though. Kek proved himself in a sense.

On the theme of a more positive solutions based approach, does anyone have any suggestions of forums where I can discuss the revival of the European Spirit?

I feel Holla Forums is focused much more on the problems (not a bad thing) but I know the problems we face now and want to focus more on the next step.

speed reading is a joke go at your own pace to make sure you retain the information in the book rather then skimming and missing important things, also the more you read the better at it you become just take an hour out of your day and read a book you fucking nigger.

WOAH WOAH. The cuck establishment has destroyed the real meaning behind "turn the other cheek" It does not mean what ((they)) say it does now.

Bump for interest. Still a couple hundred posts away from autosage, to boot.

What does Holla Forums think of Shakespeare? Blue-pilled faggotry, or what?


Always the same Greeks, Germans and occasional Englishmen in these threads. Same names, same books every time.

Why not read some so called "leftists". And by "leftists" I mean leftists that spend more time criticising the left and capitalism than they do criticising the right. In my opinion these guys are extremely insightful. For example:
Doesn't that just eternally BTFO progressives? The typical guys that make these Holla Forums lists maybe useful for someone just starting on philosophy or whatever but "post-marxists" and eccentric weirdos like Zizek are better for critically examining modernity and leftism in general.

Probably the wrong thread but what are some economics books?

I'm basically illiterate in that.



Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell
Killing the Host - Michael Hudson
Debunking Economics - Steve Keen

Start with these four, by the end you'll have a better grasp about the bullshit that is economics.

Thanks buddy.

His work is interesting in and of itself, I've read suggestions that his work contains alchemical, although more probably mystical allusions, like many myths. However, what's definitely possible is that old Nordic/Germanic/Saxon myths and stories got transformed into his work and popularized.

Hmm, alright. That's about the general consensus I expected.

His tragedies are at least worth reading, and I've heard choruses of praise about King Lear in particular. Guess I should pick up the Folger edition.


Daily bump for interest. C'mon Holla Forums, keep this bread away from the oven.

Has anyone here read Ernst Junger's works? Particularly The Forest Passage and Eumeswil. I think a lot of the topics Junger presents in these works should be reflected upon us as Holla Forumsacks since it kind of offers a new take on a intrapersonal relationship with systems of power.

Anyone read The Wasp Question?

anyone have the Holla Forums bookclub mega?

reminder that real philosophers didn't find it in a book. they pretty much came to their own conclusions. that's what separated them from all those who picked up the books from those before them.

rich plato was once ridiculed by beggar diogenes for talking shit in the auditorium. the one was hailed as big philosopher and the other was a bum living in a barrel who told alexander the great to get out of his face because he was blocking the sun in his face. alexander responded, if he wouldn't be alexander, he would want to be diogenes. to which diogenes replied, if he wouldn't be himself, he would want to be too, shooshing him away. diogenes was later known to be the real philosopher of his age.

You mean the formerly monthly book one?

Diogenes is only mentioned because he was did some wacky shit.
To sum up your post

libgen my friend. it has all you will ever need (usually)

you need a base knowledge of things, so not reading -anything- would be foolish. barrels are not needed these days, we have tents and sleeping bags. or houses, if you can afford one. and for the last, if you need to be someone else then there was not much to be in the first place.

now u.

I presume your thinking of the modern post Leibnitz, Goethe, Newton "mainstream" philosopher who only intellectually masturbates and ponders the nicest ideas. In this context your points apply - get a good general idea of what some "smart" people suggested, then live your life and see where this applies, modifying your philosophical stances as necessary.

However for technical people that need specific knowledge, individuals whose livelihood depends on learning more, or for spiritually minded people that are looking for answers in the absence of a proper spiritual context, groups that could "show them the way"(as was the case in Ancient Greece, for instance), books become a necessity since figuring these things out on your own is a lot easier when you have 20 generations telling their children what they learned for you to absorb and ponder, without constant blaring mass media in your daily surrounding forcing you to pay attention to trivial matters (every human being you talk to is a transmitter in a sense of the same mass media garbage).

The anti-elitism is a thing to consider, yet your stance is more succinct vs intellectual masturbation than anything else.

Aside from Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard, a few books to consider are From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present(500 years of western cultural life) as way to reflect on our decline and the roots of it( by Jacques Barzun) and Essays on the Science of Mythology by Jung and Kerenyi

Why did this slide?

Shouldn't be. Still a ways away from bump limit.

Okay, this thread shouldn't be sliding at all.

Recently bought an unabridged version of Plato's Republic, Jowett translation - BN Publishing, not the pleb-tier Dover one.

What are you currently reading, Holla Forums?

I have been reading some heavy stuff lately so i felt i deserved a "fun" book, so im currently reading Hitler's war

Lewis is just a protestant jesus freak with shallow philosophy, there isn't much there to even absorb while at least engaging with Kant is worthwhile. It's like comparing Bush to Jefferson. The other thing is that like how Jefferson and Hamilton were opposed but also in their own ways rooted in the hyperleft of their day so too are Kant and Hume, so much poz is rooted in their philosophies. Not that they aren't worth studying since it's best to engage poz at the root (one is blind to consequence the other blind to cause, when the left needs to hide one of those they can rest their case on Kant or Hume's arguments).

So I'm about halfway through 'Death of the West' by Pat Buchanan. It's a good read, and paints a pretty bleak picture of where we're headed. I recommend it so far.

It was written in 2001, and a part I read yesterday struck me as pretty odd;

What the hell happened to Merkel? She seemed to have the right policies, but all of a sudden she did a huge backflip on every single one of them. She welcomes more and more Islamic refugees, fast tracked Turkey's application into the EU, doesn't give a shit about whether Germany has Christian roots or not and wants to turn Germany into a multicultural 'paradise'.
What changed??

The right* to move freely across Europe

Could it be misplaced motherly instinct? She's 15 years older and childless.

(((They))) must have blackmailed her or threatened her family.

Or Brainwashed.

Or she was always a plant who the fuck knows.

I'm really not sure. I know that a politician flip-flopping on policies is nothing new, but she's gone from what would be considered a far right policy today to insane, country destroying leftist policies in a relatively short time.

I know Germany needs younger workers to prop up the welfare state, but these immigrants aren't going to pay taxes. A survey by Reuters of the 30 companies in Germany's DAX stock market index found they could only point to just 63 'refugee' hires in total (63 out of over 1.5 million).

She doesn't have any kids, I don't know if she has siblings or not. Something definitely has changed her opinion on Germany in a short amount of time.

Just because she doesn't have kids doesn't mean that she doesn't have people that she cares about.

Almost correct user, let me help you.
Of all philosophers, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Schopenhauer, I've read the works of, never have I found a thought that was completely new to me. Always have their thoughts been mine, perhaps theirs have been articulated better, but that's about it.




You call yourself a national socialass ,makle surte tp read some mnoodle fun in my bum byu adolf shingler the ultimate rapist code book for all blacks who are white becuase onf jes

I always thought Nietzche's conclusions didn't match his solution.

The diagnosis was correct, his idea of the "last man" is chillingly accurate but societal fragmentation and will to power don't take into account the power of unity and ability to project force among motivated subgroups. His thoughts on social ills were limited by assumptions and scope.

Nietzche's solution: get the poutine yuou must get it and some poihjt or you will die my friend you wioll die freom aid

Well dude she was always a fuggin commie

Eh, Plato was there, and he was a close friend of Socrates so what you're getting is close to the truth, but it doesn't matter, we're studying the Plato's Socrates, this transcends whether or not Plato's Socrates behaved exactly the way the real Socrates did. The Apology has more than enough merit taken alone, even if it were complete fiction.

Definitely not the Great Gatsby as one thankfully long-gone shitposter would recommend.