you wake up in 1935. . .
you wake up in 1935
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kill hitler
kill myself
hail hitler
Get ticket to Germany, tell Hitler to get started on nuclear wunderwaffe immediately.
Tell him go push for peace, & trade with usa as hard as possible.
Even if shit stays weird, declare war on Nippon when they attack the us
typical jew.
He pushed peace for multiple times bruh.
Or more easy
Kill Stalin
I wake up in 1935, settle somewhere and try to influence history as little as possible. Sorry for the potential families who have ceased to exist due to my mere presence.
Butterfly effect; not even once.
And then you cease existing
feels good man
Change a single thing, and the future you might cease to exist, hence rendering the change nonexistent, which provides a time paradox, possibly ending the uni(?)verse
The Holocaust itself was greatly exaggerated and wasn't entirely about Jews to begin with, the Jews would've just found something else to false flag
And thank god people know how to do things unlike these millennials. And the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about these babies crying about trump. And I'd probably make it a mission to take out killarys parents before the sick bitch is born. Then just live, a wonderful life!!!!!
I would torture hitler and then kill him.
Exactly, the real holocaust was Christian and it was done with bullets to the back of the head instead of gas, Hitler killed Christians and the jews made it about them. Hitler tried to get the Pius XII and the Lutherans on his side and they both told him no. It was never about the jews it was about killing all who stood in his way. Nazi Germany was controlled opposition, a classic Soviet tactic.
I'm not sure if you're trolling/shitposting. But its more likely that the Nazis did not want to intentionally kill anyone except for a few dissidents. Even mainstream historians will tell you the majority of the concentration camps were labor camps, no different that Americas Japanese internment camps. The Jews, Protestants.etc in the camps were building German war machines, it would be retarded to kill of your labor force. Germany was losing a war on both sides, the camps were too big a logistical burden for a failing nation, and most people fell to famine and disease. And then Jews turn it around and use it as propaganda. Even their narrative makes 0 sense, the Jews claim it was genocide, as if the Nazis weren't completely aware there were also Jews outside Germany they would never touch.
How about the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust? Are they all lying/delusional? Why were there ovens at Dachau? What about the recorded millions of Jews killed?
Well, for one thing there are Jews who survived and remained loyal to the Germans, they were the Aryan Jews, and there was very little of them, "Aryan" just means noble. The Nazis did not believe Orthodox Jews were Aryan, because in Orthodox Judaism it states the Jewish people must remain in perceptual exile.
As for the ones who tell stories about the holocaust, its not really that hard to state stories for propaganda. Hoe many testimonies were actually recorded in media? A lot less than you think
You mean the ones mostly killed via famine and disease along with Christian sects? Again, not intentionally killed. Most records were also captured by the Soviets, and they had every reason to fake or exaggerate them
I do not deny they may have been used to exterminate some people. That's not really the question though, I believe it was greatly exaggerated
Also, for the record, the Dachau concentration camp was build as a labor camp primarily and house Soviet Prisoners of War. Mainstream historians will tell you this
How many years of prison for doubting that?
I wonder why, it's cause everyone ever hears is muh 6 gorrilion jew
video is for you
Just because there were no chambers or concentration camps doesn't mean people didn't die.
you watch the video too
forgot video
ID: 438a39 is a false flagger trying to deligitimize Holocaust skepticism
fuck off faggot
Why were there ovens at my house:^)?
do better
Well argued!
As for the ones who tell stories about the holocaust, its not really that hard to state stories for propaganda. Hoe many testimonies were actually recorded in media? A lot less than you think
I think that assuming the survivors' stories to be propaganda is simply denial.
Assumptions do not beat evidence, user
Primarily means something, user. The 1942 Wannsee Conference defined the way in which Jews were to be exterminated.
Overall, the Germans, with much local assistance, deliberately murdered about 5.4 million Jews, roughly 2.6 million by shooting and 2.8 million by gassing (about a million at Auschwitz, 780,863 at Treblinka, 434,508 at Bełz˙ec, about 180,000 at Sobibór, 150,000 at Chełmno, 59,000 at Majdanek, and many of the rest in gas vans in occupied Serbia and the occupied Soviet Union).
A few hundred thousand more Jews died during deportations to ghettos or of hunger or disease in ghettos. Another 300,000 Jews were murdered by Germany’s ally Romania. Most Holocaust victims had been Polish or Soviet citizens before the war (3.2 million and one million respectively). The Germans also killed more than a hundred thousand Roma.
Wolfgang Benz: Historic research is not dependent on confessions of the perpetrators.
Original and undeniable sources are available for the research and calculation of the dimension of the genocide, but there are massive difficulties still. A major part of the murder actions was secret, covered through euphemistic expressions like the Final Solution, and proofs for the crimes had been destroyed during a last effort of the NS regime. Thus it will never be possible to quote an absolute figure that counts every single human, but it is possible to position the measure beyond every speculation.”
there are two methods of calculation: the direct estimating method which sums up the number of victims in concentration camps, extermination camps, through killing squads plus all additional material about killed people and the indirect method of statistical comparison, although there is a lack of useful statistics (mainly in the east European countries) and the often changed borders make some of them incomparable.
By combining the two methods and looking for a convergence of evidence on one range of figures versus another, we can estimate figures with a high degree of confidence. Reitlinger, Hilberg, and Gutman and Rozett derive their figures by various methods, including population demographics before the war, the number reported transferred to camps, the number reported killed, the number estimated killed, the number liberated from the camps, the number killed in “special actions” by the Einsatzgruppen, and the number remaining after the war.
Hilberg cautions that “margins of error may be wider than they seem” and that “exactness is impossible. But these margins are not so wide that, for example, six million would become six hundred thousand.
Indeed, the range of estimates is typical for scientific data, necessary when figures have been estimated and cannot be stated with certainty. In the physical and biological sciences, for example, estimates often include error bars to show the range of possible error variance, not unlike those social scientists use for polling data. In this example, the error variance is about 8.5 percent, or about half a million. Moreover, a convergence of evidence provides us with a high degree of certainty that the figure lies near six million.
Götterdämmerung february 13, 1945
“Against the Jews I fought open-eyed and in view of the whole world. At the beginning of the war I sent them a final warning. I did not leave them in ignorance that, should they once again manage to drag the world into war, they would this time not be spared—I made it plain that they, this parasitic vermin in Europe, will be finally exterminated.”
April 29, 1945, at 4:00 a.m
“Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, International Jewry.” (Adolf Hitler)
>Not the Rothschild that most likely gave birth to him. just to see if it's true
smh tbh
delusional leaf is delusional
erm muh gawd я u a NAZI!?
Killing Hitler would have prevented Israel