
Has anyone else noticed this word being pushed by media lately?

While the word has been around for some time - it seems to have spread at an uncannily speed over the last 30 days globally, appearing in newspapers in almost every western country. Interest on "Google Trends" has skyrocketed to over 1000% just this month. I've studied memetics for years and this does not seem to be an organically developing meme - Someone high up is trying to force it.

The word is still new to most people, and so the battle to gain control of the final meaning will be waged over the next few months.

Marxists on wiktionary are already trying to edit the words meaning into something negative. At its current rate, it will become a trendy, leftist pejorative buzzword to attack Trumps ideology and supporters - "being against global trade deals is simply Trumpian!".

But we have a small window of opportunity to take ownership of the word and make it our own - and into a unifying badge of honor.

Being Trumpian is positive. Being Trumpian is being right. Justice is Trumpian. Truth is Trumpian. Strength is Trumpian.

A thread died for this pile of shit to exist.
Kill yourself OP.


Somewhere in here he says it himself.

Amazing, I've never seen this.

kys fam

RIP Journal of American Greatness

Morrakiu makes some pretty dank stuff fam.

But when you're getting paid per post, it makes sense, right Chaim?

Absolutely Trumpesque…..

If you want to give the phrase Trumpian a positive denotation, you should use it as an adjective to describe anything bold and brash yet strangely compelling and persuasive, things that are grandiose or even aristocratic

it's a freech meme
check 16ch/loq/ I am the BO and never go there anymore but some guy asked me if I was a Trumpian there

Oh looks, more anti-Trump shit from Matthew Heimbach/Red Ice/Firestarter.

Video related: this is the way they play it, reverse psychology, support Trump while acting crazy, c.f Evalion.

commie scum detected

Why do you lump red ice in with Sinead?

Hello newfriend. Lurk before posting next time ;)

Got something against saying fag, kiddo?
I've been on pol for 2 years now, probably more than you or anyone in this thread for that matter.

You couldn't be more a painfully obvious shill if you tried.

3/10 bait - Not subtle enough.

I can taste the jealousy, envy to be such a oldfag like myself.


Hello reddit.


Trump himself intentionally invented the word Trumpian, knowing it would spread as a meme to describe his policies in the same way Wilsonian or Jeffersonian was used. It put the idea of him as being a presidential figure in their league into the public consciousness.

glug glug glug

It's already positive, fam. You can't do anything to the name "Donald Trump" to make it negative. It's simply too memetically charged. It's why libshits tried to force "Drumpf" but failed miserably because they're retards that don't understand saying Triumph in a different language doesn't alter the meme in any way.

This, I recall it being in reference to a reporter that called Hillary out directly on going after Clinton's victims. Trump coined the term.

He's the best thing out of the Daily Shoah. I listen to the Merchant Minute and can't stand the rest of the broadcast.

Neither can the guests or even the hosts they've literally fallen asleep on multiple occasions.

I stopped listening probably 50 episodes ago but I listened to the one about Wikileaks recently and it was alright but I remember why I don't waste hours listening.

Seventh Son is talented, but Mike Enoch is an insufferable pompous windbag retard. TDS is pretty shit overall but Merchant Minute is top notch. I wish someone would give Morrakiu a show on Adult Swim like ole Sammy Hyde.

Oh my God. The way she unironically, completely seriously says "Emperor Trump".

Hope this doesn't become like McCarthyism.

Wew lad that bitch is pure cancer.

They're trying to create a strawman word and define it.
It's the same as Obamacare.

Truble is that they're incompetent and can't put together a good sounding one.

SAge for lowe effort thread.

Because he's either extremely stupid or he's a shill.

The fact that these people have been guests on Red Ice is not evidence of any larger relationship.

Are they trying to help him build his legacy?
-ian tends to have some staying power.

No, they just come up with things that can be easily co-opted.
Seems they ONLY come up with things that can be easily co-opted.


I kinda like Trumpeters out of the ones people have thrown out.

Loud and Brassy. The Silent Majority is silent no more.

I enjoy Trumpian. Rhymes with Champion.

Trumpion then

Not just Trumpian, but awesomely Trumpian.

Except etymologically, Trumpian makes a lot of sense and isn't pejorative unless distorted that way. The suffix -ian means 'of or relating to' which would make a lot of sense since we are Trumpains and not cuckservatives. I enjoy this moniker since it makes it clear that Trumpians are not conservatives and conservatives are not Trumpians. It might be useful for divorcing ourselves completely from the cucks for good. Next time Ben Shapiro bleats that you're not a conservative, step into his punch and proclaim that you're a Trumpian instead.

These cucks are so stupid its unreal. At least Trumpkin made sense.

Trumpkin is a reference to Munchkin, like those from Wizard of Oz. That's the best they can come up with.

No one fucks with the Lollipop Guild

Actually I think it's a play on words of "bumpkin".

That country Bumpkin just sits on his porch and whittles.

I thought it was a permutation of pumpkin since 'le orange man' is a popular meme on the left.

Retort with

You could both be right. It's still mediocre-tier memeing.


Trumpians get shit done.