Former Fascist's Manifesto

I think this knowledge will benefit us in bettering ourselves, so I'll try to bring the most important parts into question. If you just want a whole copy of the log, I can do that too but the first part is pretty autistic.

Stranger: The ultimate conclusion, is that Fascism is the best solution out there. But it's still wrong. Fascism got everything right - but there is one aspect that ruins the whole thing. You see, Fascism is also Metaphysical, [As Above, So Below] and the perspective of the Fascist is that Spiritual Invisible things, the Super World is more real than the World, which is where we live. But - there is a Perennialist aspect to this, and the whole thing collapses. The ultimate conclusion of Fascism, is perfection. The Metaphysical, Spiritual core of Fascism doesn't solve this - it still reverts to relying on human willpower and human strength - which in the end fails. You can't draw on your own power - you are not God, and that is what Fascism calls you to be, a god among men, and it will fail, and so will you. By the end you will be so full of cognitive dissonance you won't even remember your own name.

Stranger: Fascism is a Worldview - not a subset of ideologies,and uses whatever means or goals to achieve the Worldview, the Worldview is restoring tradition. Based on one's ethnic, racial, and national truths, and also gender. Historical Truths and Historical Cycles determine one's place in their respective Tradition, there are 4 castes in the fascist world view. At the top is the Ruling caste, the next one is the warrior caste, then the merchant caste, and the working caste. The ruling caste is made up of an Esoteric council of those who have the priestly+warrior ethos and trait. Contemplation+Action = Leadership. All of this falls under the Cosmic Order. Each caste may contain anyone from any class.


Other urls found in this thread:

Go on

We should really pay attention to this.
He became libertarian, right?

Stranger: For all it's talk on spirituality and the metaphysical, it still ends up relying on human willpower. Which, is shit. Because the fact is that these kids? They're not disciplined. Not at all. They don't have wisdom or discipline. They think going to the gym is discipline, running a mile is discipline. They don't understand. They fail on everything, and you know what happens? It becomes a contest on who can hide their degeneracy the best. All while ragging on degenerates.

The difference between them and the people they hate? Is that that we're aware of their actions. That's the only difference. That's when I decided. All that matters is loving my family, taking care of them. Loving my girl, taking care of her. Helping my friends, helping those who are suffering. Yeah, I still resent the system. I hate capitalism, and democracy. But I've realized that, if the solution is external? It's not a solution.

And the fact is, these people end up ruining their lives, for a fantasy cause that exists nowhere else except in youtube videos and websites. They will die in jail, be killed by a soldier or policeman, or die of overdose. Or they will make it.

And regret everything.


No, he said he still resents some people's race and shit, he said that although fascism is the best system, it's still flawed because " it still reverts to relying on human willpower and human strength" which is outlined better in this post.

What an autist, NOTHING is perfect in 3D, material realm, it never was and never will be, but we should try to live to a higher life, higher ideals that come from the perfect realms.


Can't ask the stranger but what about you? Do you seeit flawed. If it is flawed why is it bad?

This is the longest dumbest blogpost TLDR in the world.

I bet you both mis-defined "Fascism" too…

OP is a faggot

pretty much why a lot of people in those groups are morons

You can not stump the Trump

nice try leftypol

Stranger: You wouldn't believe the resources we had. Underground internet, improvised communication devices… ties to governments. Azov Battalion was training us, too. We had people in Ukraine fighting.

When I asked him about what he sees as a good system, he said "Think of Nordic economics with Russian social policies."

You might be able to talk to him if you go omegle with the tag politics, he said it was still flawed because it relies on human willpower and human strength.

He said that Fascism can be whatever.

"Fascism is a Worldview - not a subset of ideologies And uses whatever means or goals to achieve the Worldview the Worldview is restoring tradition based on one's ethnic, racial, and national truths also gender Historical Truths and Historical Cycles determine one's place in their respective Tradition

exactly… and OP is blogposting about a conversation he had….

I'm going to save this thread single handed!

[tex]\color{red}{\text{THIS IS A MAN THREAD NOW!!}}[/tex]

We post shit that is manly!

I must've hit a nerve with this faggot if you retards are here.

I dont give a fuck what some "stranger I talked to" said.

And although I failed at red text, I cant fail in pics!~

[redtext]EPIC BRO INCOMING[/redtext]

This better faggot!?
now get out or post pics!


I dunno dude, sounds like he lacked the will to see it through. There is no reason to give up.

le xd



Totalitarianism is a temporary means, in order to bring about the Organic State, there are lots of people who think Fascism is an ideology and that it was "created" by Mussolini. The fact is that Fascism was not created, Fascism is what is, and what isn't. It's about pursuing the universal truth and cosmic order. In the words of George Rockwell "You either apply the scientific method to yourself without egotism, or you're kidding yourself." And after 10 years of study and research, I've come to the conclusion that Fascism isn't the answer. It's the closest thing there is to a solution, but it's not. Especially with what it means today.

(I told him to go tell 4chan about it. Since I didn't want to risk Holla Forums) The majority of them are the lemmings that they accuse others of being. And also, well, if it is what it sounds like, some people there may be others I associated with in the past, and the knowledge I have is very limited and they will figure out I am someone they knew. Most of them are just going to go back to their video games and tv shows, probably complain about some brown person at work but they're not going to amount to anything, also
there is another thing called the Laws of Silence.Their limited understanding of Fascism is little more than some kind of pseudo civic nationalist xenophobic stuff based on romantic ideals for the past, which ironically Fascism advocates never returning to the past. So yeah, I accept them, ironically because what they are isn't Fascist.

You: What do you think of race?

Stranger: I'm still a little touchy on the subject. I do believe races should stick to their own kind, but if they decide not to, I no longer feel violent about it. It's their problem.

Fuck off dude. I brought these statements here so we could better ourselves by learned from it, or destroying it's proposals and ideas, thus making us stronger and more well versed.

Hey 507084, you're not fooling anyone

This is the ultimate redpill. He's wrong about human willpower being shit though, his willpower is shit, his community's willpower is shit. Human willpower is what got us here it's what gives us these glorious glass towers that niggers eventually ruin, it's what gave us all the great things we have, and all the (((great))) things that are used to distract us.
Human willpower is still there, it's just being misused and misguided. In a decent majority western whites either emulate niggers, get chemically castrated, or so absorbed in the bread and circus that they are forever demoralized and use all their willpower on menial things like vidya, football, talmudvision, fanfiction, degeneracy in general, and pornography. Western nonwhites have to go, there's no question there.
Europe is beginning to get a bad taste in its mouth from all the snackbar shit for example: my relatives in Norway who only years ago welcomed refugees and donated large sums to their programs today want them gone from their country. Groups like NA are just a stepping stone on the path, it would take something on the scale of prince harry deciding he's royally fucking had enough to radically change Europe in the next ten years. Trump is as well, as many of you have previously said he is not Hitler. Trump will serve an important role in bringing America closer to nationalism though, so we do need to elect him.
As for this alchemy shit, as I understand it eurofags have a different understanding of it than the pagan practice of turning ordinary things into precious metals in which it is essentially scientific pharmacology with a dash of memetics and genetics. I would say it's worth looking into but not on a spiritual aspect because that is where people get led massively astray.

The solution being internal though, that must happen to each individual in a nation. They must self-actualize, the nation cannot profit if the individual does not profit. That's where the gommies went wrong and Hitler went right, Germany did not start to succeed until the German citizens began to succeed.


I'm seeing a lot of contradictions here. We all know the NSDAP had some of the first public campaigns against smoking. Hitler was a vegan and didn't drink. None of these were forced upon the people because of "degeneracy".

I forget who in the NSDAP talked about it, hopefully one of you can remind me, but he argued against "anti-degeneracy" because there is a line your cross where it's no more fun.

Honory Aryan status among other things make me think about what could have been. A ethnostate similar to modern Japan, 99% German with a few worthy immigrants here and there. A fun, friendly, respectful culture with low crime.

Most of the degeneracy we despise is the shit that directly damages our children, family, and friends.

The Germans people hated violence like any other people. They stopped the night of broken glass for that reason. Violent looters and rioters were scaring the population.

The ex "fascist" in OP was running with violent terror organizations. That's not Holla Forums, that's not what this board is about. The confusion is how cucked society is from defending themselves. Even centrists are assaulted on all sides by modern marxism. How far right you are doesn't matter to them, why would the third option.

Hitler was democratically elected by the people, slowly building a movement over years. That is the goal.


Random user on fullchan: Fuck off dude. I brought these statements here so we could better ourselves by learned from it, or destroying it's proposals and ideas, thus making us stronger and more well versed.

Me: The guy you're talking to is an idiot, he wants to define EVERYTHING as fascism?? How can any cognitive measurement be made when you give it an empty definition?

Me: I've already salvaged your poor blog post thread. It belongs to "Fascism"… Since the "Stranger" says it can be everything!

check out Real Alchemy by Robert Allen Bartlett


He also said anacyclosis was worth looking into.

seems legit, as long as you are pushing something the universe will push back. the only way to escape is to stay centered

This is too good. Everything, excluding fascism, advocates for a man-made artificial structure to be super-imposed onto society. Fascism is the solution because it doesn't do this. Nice try though.

This just some random autist.
If he hade done some reading he would have known that even Hitler didnt not think NatSoc was a perfect system that can never fail.

more like everything can be it

He said it fails because it looks externally.

Nah, its pseudo-intellectual babbling using multiple fallacies, mainly "bait and switch"
thats literally "Mr. Stranger's" opening, and
missed it.

see above

see above

Higher mathematics and computer science are both essentially an advanced form of Hermetic Alchemy. They aim to formalize and mechanize mental processes and thought forms from the higher planes.

Leibniz, Newton, Boole, Church, Godel and countless others all saw themselves as alchemists. And it was Godel who discovered the Incompleteness Theorems, which show that no formal system can prove every truth, or even its own consistency.

This ultimately has implications even in the social sciences and for political systems: there can be no perfect political system for a specific set of goals. One can approximate it, but one can not determine whether it is perfect.

Marxists hate this fact, and ignore it, sticking their heads in the sand. They believe supercomputers can solve all problems of central planning, but every time it fails and they still wonder why.

Fascism has its purposes and is a proven antidote to Marxism in its various forms, but Fascism should not be an end in itself. Holla Forums must elevate itself to a higher plane of thought, only there will we be able to discover a higher purpose.

It was Goebbels.

He is just FBI cuck.

1. 99.9% of people who call themselves fascists are LARPing idiots.

2. Fascism, as a phenomena, is a response to excess and disorder. This is as far as its legitimacy goes.

3. Dropping fascism doesn't mean dropping nationalism. We aren't nationalists by choice. We're nationalists because we can see things others have been conditioned to ignore. Nationalism is default to the human condition.

The stranger's lukewarm response was essentially "YOLO". It clearly comes from exhaustion rather than sincere belief. It's so much easier to just go along with the program.

Fascism IS gay and excessive. There are alternatives other than dropping out. Don't be a faggot.

No, he said it's based on Internal (Metaphysical).

I "hopefully" assume he's addressing all of this from Nietzsche's point of view. Which he also fucked up.

He's mixed up all the history with Nazism with Fascism, and gave it one label. He's even mixing "CASTE SYSTEMS" in with fascism. This is inherently wrong by definition because fascism
means UNITY. Primarily in our modern world, Unity between Corporation and State power.

This is why Italy and Germany succeeded in their time, they stumbled upon this Corporate + State combination. They basically forged the world we live in now.

I could go on about how "Mr. Stranger" is wrong. But it's a waste of good time to enjoy art…

Here, have some Thomas Carlyle!


Great post. I often wondèr about that too. What would the next step after a few decades of working fasc or natsoc nation. It was never really given a chance to evolve before being killed.

I like the message of reaching for something higher. Once we can stop defending our countries and destroy marxism, we might get to see that.

So he realized the people he was hanging out with were shit, and decided based on that that fascism is non-functional and a homogeneous white society isn't worth fighting for. Okay.

He was talking about 4chan, and your average fascist.

Shouldn't our goal to try and reach our pinnacles of being

You apologising for this stranger a lot. He chooses to think a bunch of terrorists with mishapen swaztika tattoos are true fascists. I think we've done a more than adequate job showing how defeatist and full of shit he was.

A lot of stuff in this thread you would learn in a week or two of lurking here, or by reading the sticky.

I think you were duped by a shill or alphabet agency, and you need to lurk more.

I'm just trying to clear up what he was trying to say, he seemed kind of retarded and a little emotionally backwards from the conversation we had when we first talked.

I just thought he brought up some interesting points. Sorry mate, just wanted to get a discussion going.

Mods can delete thread now if they want.

Maybe it's because I just woke up but this is one of the weirdest threads I've seen on Holla Forums

Wasp here ended up becoming jaded with facism because I have a 138 IQ and although I think that certain races are definitively worse even the high races likes whites, asians or jews are just as bad. The ashkenazi jews come in at about 115 which is comparitve to me the same as a nigger is to the average white. Its hard to believe in unity when you find youself so far separated from your own race, and the current ruling class is nigger tier in comparison to yourself.

Yeah. He was bragging about being a fucking terrorist with isis connections. That is a bit emotionally unstable user.

It takes them 6 hours to sticky something. They're not coming fam.

Let me give you advice. If someone says you really need to look into obvious /x/tier shit, hang up the phone. Close the browser. It might as well be a hippie talking about your aura maaaan. Fun for a read. Not good to base your world view around.



t. super dooper hardcore fucking natzee man who used to kill 6 quintzillion jews per hour until I discovered da troof

Furries ruin everything.

Yeah user he had all the answers… you fucking idiot

Nazi ufos are real though. I think we've all established that to be proven and factual with mountains of empirical evidence.

Yeah, there is some merit in /x/tier shit. Just depends on what it is.

Here's a man, and a waste of life.

OP is not only a faggot but a retard too

they are real

coming to liberate soon… at the end of WW3

Don't get my hopes up user, it's cruel. I want it to be true so bad. I'd settle for secret bases in Antarctica and South America.


Here's one I bet you didn't know about. Siener Van Rensburg ( predicted lodse shit correctly ) talks about germans in WW3 using aircraft that no one has seen before attacking with laser beams. I don't think he is talking about the current German ZOG-cucked "military" :) no embed cuz time stamp

Some day there will come an user who will not be impeded or stopped by the actions of their government, the international groups hell bent on keeping the technology and occult knowledge "for their eyes only", the non-human entities trying to enslave the goy and create out of us a easily lead slave race for labor and nourishment and will realize all the knowledge and power in it's purest form for the benefit of all, to go where man has a right to go and because it's way cool tbh. Some day an user may be called to realize the works of Viktor Schauberger and create a flying machine and show it for all the world to see. So that it sets off another leap past the boundaries of material dogmatism and idiotic mathematical wankery without observing how nature solves her problems first.

Some day that user might even be posting on this very board. Let's make it together, anons. We are meant to be the future riders of Vril-Machines and to poo poo pee pee on these fucking globalist kikes from above. Godspeed, brothers!

( Ignore the narrators retarded interpretations in that video btw )

(heil) Good numbers user. I don't /x/ much. Reading now though. It makes my smile and dream.

This thread wasn't what I hoped it would be when I opened it

You gotta go thru the Hero's Journey, and then come back.

Its the only way. Be "born again" then you are unstoppable.

Evola should be required reading for anyone on Holla Forums.

Some schizo on Omegle of all shit places on the internet said bullshit about fascism and the faggot OP believed it hook line and sinker. This must have been the longest retarded blogpost since a long while

I just looked that up, do these people not understand the political spectrum is 2 dimensional at least?

It scares me, I hope it's real but I fear for my country and the safety of the rest of you guys as well.

nice red text you faggot

Sounds like somebody didn't take his spoonful of Evola.


Fascism isnt perfect so dont try to better yourself. Discipline isnt going to the gym, so dont bother going to the gym. Literally wat

They are cool to read but evola and jang have very little to offer in practical application. If you NEED to have some right-wing spirituality but insist on being a fedora, stick to Nietzsche and Heidegger.

Fascism != NSDAP

They're actually very different imho

That's some high-level tinfoil shit.

If you want to know what Fascism is, then why not read Rocco's The Political Doctrine of Fascism?


it's fine to play roleplaying games with strangers on the internet, user, just use /tg/ instead of Holla Forums

Yeah, nah OP is a faggot

if your friend really exists then I'm glad he's out
defeatist shit thread 2/10 made me reply

of course
i dont need predigested bits if the material is interesting, and it obviously is

Sage for 4 cuck tier spamming retarded shit from CIA

even more sage you fucking retard

Does anyone have an archive of the Elie Wiesel is Dead thread from last month? I wasn't around for it, but knowing Holla Forums it happened and was hilarious.

Wow that guy must travel a lot.

Sounds like bullshit unless he was constantly flying over Europe
Also, mentioning Azov is big red flag considering who owns them and who they fight for

Stop, user, my cock can only get so hard

Well italian fascism lasted over 20 years. And that was with constant terrorism from the left


YOU are the faggot user

2nd pic mirrors edge

I'm calling bullshit on this story.

That second image is a nigger scuplture

He has a point. Fascism is unsustainable for the long term. I believe the best way to temper fascism would be to tie it to another system. A yin and yang type thing. Obviously not democracy but something that will serve to balance it out. Maybe a constitutional system where it runs on a cycle… Say 7 years of fascism followed by 7 years of nationalist libertarianism. Could even alternate it further so while one segment of the country is national libertarian the other segment is national fascism so that the nation is always ready to defend itself if need be, always growing aggressively (the likes of which are only possible under fascism) while the giving the other segment of the nation concurrent reprieve from the strictness of fascism allowing the nation to, as well as grow aggressively, grow intellectually.

Could work very well. But would such a system be to complicated to the point of considering it being nothing more than mental masturbation?



Actually that's by North Koreans

Where are your pics? oh nevermind, you have none.

post the log

Not sure if legit retards here or a lot of shills. Get out please.


Umm, you're wrong. The flags surrounding the statue are all African flags, and the facial structure of the people is clearly African.

Also, that third pic is a commie statue.

The NYMZA might have made it off the earth.

is this thread even worth reading

Well the only not-completely-bullshit thing that I got from it is reminding us that let's be honest here most Holla Forumsacks are just bored 20-30 year old dudes LARPing as fascists on the internet


No archive, but have this

lol alchemy

Which is a factor of spirituality and the metaphysical.

Human beings are metaphysical beings, our degree of consciousness demands such, by requisite.

It is.
Oh Christ, here we go…
Except when they don't?
Like, what the fuck is this retard even talking about at this point?
That is quite possibly the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

People fighting the degeneration of their culture, purposefully combatting their own espousal of such, is hardly equivalent to 'a contest of who can hide their degeneracy the best', and he's offered nothing to support such claim.

…. What?
So, you're saying - and it is you, let's be real here - is that the only difference between them is that one group is aware that degeneracy is a thing and tries combat it, whilst the other is totally unaware?
This is a falsehood - many are well aware of degeneracy, and seek to espouse it openly, welcome it, consider it 'progress'.


That's fucking retarded!
To espouse such rationale is to be doomed to the agency of others.
It is the herbivore's mentality, the mentality of prey.

I don't. Dude sounds more like a Marxist than a NatSoc tbh fam.
Define external.

Ruining their lives?
By fighting the destruction of their society?
Because the society in question is presently ruled by those who would seek to destroy the lives of others for resisting the future they seek to create, wherein the people seeking only to 'love their girl' and 'loving their family' are reduced to mere slaves, their progeny dilluted into nothingness?

This is absolute shit.

Why are you posting this garbage?

Sounds like some shit a redditor would write to mindfuck a gullible listener, Jew-tier rhetoric that says nothing, certainly nothing of value.

Dude, come the fuck on.
The flaws in this rational are blatant, and the rhetoric employed absolutely REEKS of Semitism and/or base idiotic nihilism.

Herbivore mentality.

If every man espoused the rationale of this supposed 'enlightened former fascist', the European people would be reduced to nothing but memory within our lifetime, bred into non-existence with a smile, turned to slaves while prioritizing personal gratification at the expense of the nation and the folk.

IOW: This faggots whole argumentation amounts to nothing more than "Hurr Durr I am enlightened, muh cummies, muh nihilism, doing shit is for faggots and you'll regret it".

This thread is shit and OP should feel bad about himself for bringing this trash to us, as though it warranted discussion.

7/10 OP you almost had me believe you aren't a retarded shill