Jewish interaction stories megathread

Jewish interaction stories megathread

I'll start -

Why are jews so fucked yall?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate jews

The talmud is full of fucked up shit, like how G-d commands them to kill all the goyim and the like. Incest is normal for them, the West Bank settlers have the highest birthrate in the world just from breeding with family members.
Honestly, I pity them sometimes to be raised in such a mentally destructive environment.


In all seriousness though, how do you know her? Friend/family/business…etc.

I was stuck in a small town for around 6 months (don't want to go into detail). I needed friends and wound up hanging out with this chick and her friends. It was pretty entertaining at the time because I would say whatever I wanted and they wouldn't really make a big fuss about it because I'm physically stronger than all of them.

I was more afraid of the tics because it was in the Northeastern US and lime disease is a real thing up there.

I don't have anything to contribute except this humble bit of OC

I don't think I've ever interacted with a jew… if I have I didn't know he was one.

I've seen an orthodox rabbi going to consult with the same psychiatrist.


messed up the greentext, i'm still new to this

Sarah Silverman is kind of cute. I remember when I was a 13-14 year old I had attraction for Sarah Michelle Gellar.

I broke my hand and the doctor that did the surgery on it was a Jew. He did a good job fixing my hand but he kept demanding that I would promise him that I wouldn't wake up and try to fight him. Then after they gave me the anesthesia, just before I passed out, he kept asking me what my favorite drug was. I lied and said I've never used drugs. Fucking weird, paranoid kikes.

user, everyone wanted to bone Buffy the vampire slayer.

She probably just had the hots for you. Shit like that happens all the time in MI.

The best thing to do is become long distance "friends" and slowly loss contact with her, or have a quick lay than GTFO.

If they're so incestual why haven't they fucked up their gene pool enough for them to not be a threat anymore?



She made it pretty clear that she wasn't interested in fucking me.

For example when we were going to share a tent she stated that she "wasn't going to fuck me" even though I had never expressed any sort of interest. I thought she was just really arrogant.

Honestly the fact that she even mentioned it made me think that she wanted it but who knows I'll never understand jews.

How the fuck do you convert to "messianic Judaism" if you aren't even a Jew in the first place? You just decided to act halfway like a kike or what?

I'm sure her mind was an enigma.

Sure, but I wasn't into this yet, I just felt there was something going on there and she was a qt3.14. It was around this time I discovered the bootleg hentai of evangelion

Messianic judaism is open to jews and gentiles, its basically the closest you can get to true christianity. Any one can become a jew in the spiritual sense, it says so in the bible.

I didn't give it much thought honestly because I wasn't interested

I, for one, appreciated the Spongebob reference.

Thanks for reminding me why I am not a Christian anymore.


I personally use the phrase, "Don't flatter yourself." Works like a charm.

Was once walking behind two women on some stairs and they looked down to accuse me of peeking and being a creep. Without missing a beat I told them not to flatter themselves. The look on their faces was priceless.




This actually happened, and I fully laughed my ass off when it did.

There are several genetic diseases the Jews exclusively can get. In other words, YES, they've fucked up their gene pool.


Tay-Sachs disease is the most familiar of the Jewish genetic disorders. It is caused by a deficiency of an enzyme called hexosaminidase A, or hex A. This enzyme is needed for the body to break down a fatty waste substance in brain cells. Lack of this enzyme affects the brain and nervous system, causing rapid and progressive deterioration.

Sounds like they fucked up their gene pool but didn't fuck up their high Verbal IQ.

She stormed out and slammed the door lol.

Fuck jews.


he's shitposting fam
see vid related

have you ever talked or argued with one? the jewish high verbal iq is a myth.

Holy shit. There's no way you go to an actual church like that. It's just Judaism+.

You brought this on yourself, user.


those are some ugly fucking tits, bro…. da fuq

I have a similar story.

And that, my friends is how I destroyed the relationship of two everhating girls who were heavily indoctronated into being with each other.

And what happened to cuckmaster you ask?

Ok, I take off what I said.

Too late. The next time you're jerking off/having sex, you'll think of Silverfish just as you're about to cum and your dick will suddenly recede into your body cavity.

Reminds of the time the biggest jerkoff in high school served me McDonald's drive-thru. No, I didn't gloat. I've worked retail too.

I'll retype this one so none of you guys have to fall for the dental jew.

"Oy vey user we got a problem, it look you've got 5 new cavities! We'll have to drill immediately to fill them!"

"Oh no no! there's no mistake! These cavities are urgently decayed! We have to drill now!! Please sign this insurance form and we'll start immediately!"

"Oy vey my mistake user, but maybe we should get you some braces for that slight underbite…"

I told him to take a fucking hike and called the State Medical/Dentistry licensing board and reported him for trying to using military health insurance to do bullshit drilling as a scam. This was like a week ago so I'll update if he gets canned.

notsobitchdyke wanted the d

B-but she said she was a lesbian!
She was born that way!
W-why'd she suddenly want a m-man?

It was fucking obvious she wanted the D. Especially on one of the summercamps. But I didn't want to fuck with megabitchdyke and tbh I already had a gf at the time. When my gf broke up with me (thanks SJW education) notsobitchdyke sort of backed off a bit. Knowing that I may have "emotions" or some shit. She wasn't bad looking but I couldn't help but think where bitchdyke's fingers had been all over her… So I gave it a miss and still dealt the damage at the end in a giant lulzy ball of fire.

I swear she sort of had minor stockholm syndrome because of bitchdyke. She wasn't all sane by the end of it. Just goes to show what dykes really do to people.

Cuckmaster is now a manager at a KFC resteraunt near a high nigger population city. Poor shit has to deal with lots of antisocial behaviour but he still won't wake up… He even has diversity quotas and half of his staff are big black niggresses who demand "mo money". He'll go bankrupt by the end of the year or he'll turn full Jew and give his workers shit for money.

You made the right call, man. The girl's obviously got some major problems if she thought laying with that mannish fuck was a good idea.

With all these negative Jew experiences, I'm gonna break it up a bit with a good experience I had with kikes:

And now for a more recent Jew story that's not as positive:

It was strange… Notsobitchdyke opened up a lot. Almost acting like a normal girl. But bitchdyke was always around to make sure no fun was allowed.

I remember well on one of the Summercamps (it was like a huge scout event with thousands of people), notsobitchdyke was sitting on people's laps for the lulz. She laughed when the other boys got nervous and shit. She got to me and I ignored her, on my phone, she started fucking jumping up and down. For a moment it was as if she was trying to get my attention. She was borderline lapdancing. I saw bitchdyke staring evily at me. I had a shiteating smug grin as she was doing it but "She was lesbian so it wasn't weird or anything…"
Actually looking back. She used the 'lesbian' excuse a lot to do some otherwise outright unnaceptable shit. I still always remembered she was a lesbian so I kept my shit together while all the other boys spilled their spaghetti as if it was their first ever experience with a girl… Poor kids… They didn't know any better. They would often stare awkwardly as the two lesbians would openly kiss infront of everyone. I'm pretty sure they were using it as a form of control… Just like how the alpha animal in social species fucks bitches to keep the others in check… Bitchdyke was keeping the others in check by using her bitch as a means of control…

Oh yeah, one day with a group of friends, I started telling my friends about how porn is destructive to men and how I stopped fapping. Everyone either agreed or just shrugged, except for the jew. He immediately got upset and started making fun of me for my prudishness. People have even told me that he's doing it behind my back, claiming that "this is how fascism starts". It's like he knows that the goy has woken up, it's unbelievable.

My childhood neighbors were Jewish but they were INTENSELY patriotic. I think the main patriarch of the family was in the Army or something, he and my dad used to go hiking and work out with me. (Dad was an Olympic trials qualifier in college so even in his late 40s he was a monster runner/cyclist/bball player and the next door neighbor kept up with him)

He would always quiz me out of the blue on stuff like The Pledge Of Allegiance and what presidents did X thing. Only time I saw him even wear the hat thing was when him and my dad did a joint Christmas/Hanukah thing for both our families since we were close friends.

True story, some nigger broke into his house and killed his wife and kids (my friends) while he was out of town on business. My dad shot at the guy as he left but didn't hit him. Crime is still unsolved. That's Cleveland for you.

He moved out right after, he gave me a little speech about being strong and protecting the people you care about when we helped him load some boxes up.

It's like in the last 15 years the Jews have metastasized or something. All the hand rubbing NYC kikes have always been like that, but it seems the suburban ones all hopped on the SJW privilege wagon as if by command or conditioning. All the America loving ones are dead or soulbroken.

Fuck me… I wish I had a group of Right Winged friends or a coherent group of right winged people that could make some change around here…

Recent story, not going to greentext.

13 months ago tell 3 friends I am leaning towards Trump. Am from Northeast so am aware of his past, grew up with Trump - know him to be a boisterous motherfucker - but know him to be charitable and humble, uncle marched in Veteran's Day Parade Trump saved - uncle used to talk shit about Trump - not anymore.

They laugh it off, but I say this election will be different.

Jew friend laughs it off.

6 months ago we go see a concert and I attempt to talk to him about immigration. Now, he is an ADOPTED JEW, a mudblood, and we have been good friends/associates for over a decade. He tries to make light of conversation, he shuts down when I bring up his daughter growing up in a future like Europe.

Have nice dinner at new restaurant to "catch up" with our significant others and my buddy and his friend. Couple bottles wine in. "HURR DURR TRUMP, MUSOLININ"

Oh shit nigger, no you didn't.

He feigns ignorance when I state I am pro Trump and to defend his candidate.

"Muh daddys a long time Republican and He no like Trump"

So what worthless piece of fake RINO cuckservative shit did your dad want" Little Jebby? Teddy Cruz? Kasich?

No answer.

Flips it back on me. "WHY are you voting for Trump". Try to be civil, take new approach. - For a man with children from 3 different wives, it's refreshing to see all of them still be in his life and still stand by him and not be degenerates like Hiltons or Kardashians…


Listen man, nothing I say is going to change your mind right now so let's just drop it.

"He doesn't even have military service"
Nigger what? No one in your family has ever been in the armed services - tell me about all the medals Hillary and Bernie earned in the jungles and Middle East fucker.

I happen to be a veteran and every one knows this.

Defend Hillary to me right now or drop this shit.


I don't want Muhammad and the moon worshiping rape gang in my western civilization thank you very much, I have been to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

We don't need globalism.

"We need some globalism".

I am sure that will comfort your daughter when she is treated like a plaything by the soldiers of the religion of peace.

Needless to say, with jews you lose.

He posted some Anti Trump Washington Post article on his Kikebook today according to a friend (I don't use it).

Friendship is over. The last year has been pretty lukewarm anyway, going all in now, no more neutral friends or jews at all.

Sadly, she and I are both moving soon, so I can't much pursue her. Nice, quiet, short, blonde, German girl. Shame I didn't meet her sooner. Well, too bad.

I think we're just noticing the trend more. In my experience, suburban Jews aren't bad at all, typically patriotic or at least rightwing moderates whose non-rightwing stances are minor things. I think it's more that we're noticing the hand-rubbing Jews and progressive big city Jews more and more because we're looking for it now. Cities are breeding grounds for leftwing philosophy, after all.

Interesting flyer you have there… I've never seen a dyke with down syndrome before… Until just now.

Man that really does suck… But keep up the fight!

It's lulzy to watch them flip into blind rage at the mere mention of Trump. It's as if his name invokes actual fear in tbe hearts of liberals

Clothes are like frosting.

Modest clothes with light makeup can accentuate an attractive woman like a thin glaze on a tender cake.

Heavy makeup and slimming clothes can cover up a horrid woman like thick, heavy frosting on a dry cake.



We scared all the Jews off because of just general lulzy antics. This place is too run down and poor for any Jew to live here. As a result we have to face the niggers… At least the Jews won't attack you if you look at them funny. They'll just go "oy vey" and walk off…

I too have never met a jew. Such is life in rural USA. Are jews afraid of nature like the niggers are?

damn, it's great to be white

Most probably. They live in comfortable enclosed communties if they can. Usually in towns or nice parts of cities… Rural areas may as well be the last bastion for white heritage and freedom. That's why the state shits on agriculture so much.

I don't understand how nonwhites do it

how do they wake up in the morning and go on?



I have to say, all the kikes or possibly kikes in academia were very lenient despite their weird or shitty moments.

Everyone in this pic except Dubya and the guy on the far right looks so fucking jacked up. Bunch of aliens.

Topkek. That stuff is terrible.

All three of the big Abrahamic religions are just bad news. I agree with people here that at present Christianity is the least poisonous but that's only because it's mellowed through time. Judaism and Islam are still creepy as fuck. I agree with those here who take the basic position "no Semites, period. At all."

Very well told greentext. There is this indefinable, vague neuroticism about every Jew I've ever known. Even the benevolent, funny ones (who are often redpilled, in my experience) are just weird. Different. So not Anglo/Aryan/White.

I used to know this one Jewish girl named Emmy. This was back in college. She would joke a lot about how hairy she was–and she was. Her arms were unbelievable and she had a bit of a 'stache too. But her skin was very pale. Unfortunate combo, though facially she was pretty, with big blue eyes and a good nose and mouth. She didn't look Jewish as much as Middle Eastern of some kind, maybe Afghanistani or Iranian.

Anyway, even at 20 she had a very sophisticated sense of humor and was side-splitting funny, always. And always drunk. She was already an alkie and she knew it and she was resigned, the same way she was resigned to her hairiness and her "Jewish character" as she put it–always overthinking shit, full of self-loathing, etc.

She had a very philosophical attitude about everything. She used to hang out drinking at the rooming house where we lived and I liked that because she kept my cat company while I had to go to work and school. I used to worry about that cat because she was so incredibly awesome. Anyway, she and Emmy would drink together. For every bottle Emmy would put back she'd pour a single bottle cap for my cat.

Cat was always happy when I got home, and would make sure I went out to get Emmy out of her comfy chair in the back yard and make her eat dinner. I miss them both, actually. That was a long time ago and I figure Emmy probably drank herself to death because I'm sure I would have run across her again by now otherwise.

You mean because Europeans are the greatest song of christianity; it's also popular among subhumans, but they still act like subhumans (see esp South America). Christianity has its own problems specifically targeted to Europeans and cucking our sense of empathy and compassion, and ignoring something until it's an immediate and real, recognisable problem. A sense of charity is incomprehensible to shitskins, they only understand gibs and the easiest life possible.

So a friend of mine befriended this really old jewish businessman when he went to some mormon meetings after his gf dumped him.
Long story short, I finally met him some time ago, first time meeting a full-on jew privately, at a pub.
He had this jewish cautiousness about him, talking about how everyone everywhere is listening in on us and such.
The drinks were on him, but he asked my friend to check the receipt multiple times, compare it with the menu and interrogate the bartender if he remembers what we ordered, how much it cost and how much he charged us. I have not seen anyone act like this ever before.
When the topic changed to politics, I decided to just ask him simply about the US elections. He just said that he thinks Hillary would be a much better choice for everyone.
As much as I wanted, I didn't want to go even a quarter Holla Forums so as not to discredit my friend in his eyes, since this relationship might be beneficial for him in some way.
After that he got really wasted with whiskey and a few shots, so not much happened in terms of actual conversation. He just started acting like a typical old drunk bum.

At least he hates the religion of peace.

as a tennesseean i've rarely met any kikes except in the big cities like nashville, I guess that they hate us because we're the last bastion of american culture

not even going to fucking elaborate, ill just summarize:

What a kike.

MI here, can confirm.

Being stuck on an island like that, having to be civil around a jew for a week, is very annoying

Those weren't dreams OP. She actually did that stuff, she was a part of a Sabbatean family.

They have, you idiot. Kikes are genetically predisposed to the following:

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases: 19 Disease Panel

Bloom Syndrome
Canavan Disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Familial Dysautonomia
Familial Hyperinsulinism
Fanconi Anemia C
Gaucher Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease 1A
Joubert Syndrome 2
Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency (E3)
Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B
Mucolipidosis IV
Nemaline Myopathy
Niemann-Pick Disease
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Tay-Sachs Disease
Usher IF
Usher III
Walker Warburg

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases: 38 Disease Panel

3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Alport Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive
Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency
Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation la
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive
Ehlers-Danlos VllC
Fragile X Syndrome
Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency
Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive
Retinitis Pigmentosa 59
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
Tyrosinemia l
Wilson Disease
Zellweger Syndrome


You’ll roast in hell with the rest of them. Jesus is the messiah.

Total bullshit, as proven by nearly 2000 years of European history.

Wait… are you lying?
Scouts is segregated based on gender.
Unless you are in venture scouts which isn't really scouts but a social club.

Quads on ID, status: Checked.

……what planet are you on??? The Jews changed the their own wording in their Hebrew Text. Mishnaic Hebrew texts from the 900 A.D. that Modern Jews use as the basis for modern Judaism and their arguments against Christianity have been proven to been altered ever since the Dead Sea Scrolls have been unearthed. For example, both the Biblical Hebrew pre-Christian Dead Sea Scrolls and the early Koine Greek translations of the book of Isaiah us the words "born of a virgin" in a prophesy about the coming Jewish Messiah, and the the Mishnaic 9th century text uses "young woman" in place of "virgin" because Jews were so but hurt that the New Testament affirmed something in the Old Testament.

There are literally thousand of examples of changes in the Mishnaic Hebrew Bible from the Biblical Hebrew.

Judeising is probably the farthest you could get away from Biblical Christianity. Eastern Orthodox rituals even are closer to both Greek and Israeli rituals from the 1st century than modern Jewish rituals which are derived from the Talmud because the Temple had been destroyed. But Eastern and Oriental Orthodox rituals are closer, because part of the ritual is suposed to happend behind a gate, which is closer to ancient Israelite rituals. I've been to Synagogues and am a Historian,, they just read from the Torah and Talmud in "remembrance of how things use to be" but actually perform any of the rituals, but completely new ones they made up in the last 1,000 to 50 years.

Even Baptists are closer to Biblical Christianity, because Christians also have ceremonies that weren't even in Biblical Judaism as well, like Baptism. Messianic Christianity is probably as close to Biblical Teaching as the Mormans are, of not farther removed.

when talking about "them" are you always speaking in the 3rd?

At least I got some lulz

A 15/10 I once knew referred to it as a 'fun playtime mask.'

t. chronic oneitis victim


>Rentable Houses Cost < $50,000 so I can get in the game

Wow these guys really stick together.

Suddenly, things start falling into place in my head like when you get to the last few blocks of a Sudoku puzzle.

The Jews had this entire city by the balls.

If you were a middle or upper class person in the city you had to pay high taxes to pay for the section 8 programs that gave the Jews $1,000 a month for a $50,000 house (usually less)

If you were a dumb goy who wanted to join the game as a landlord and didn't know to keep your properties in an LLC, a jewish lawyer would sue you for "dat lead money" (almost all houses had trace lead, if it didn't lead could "appear"). In short time you'd lose the properties in the subsequent settlement and a Jewish landlord would be happy to buy your portfolio of properties for pennies on the dollar.

If you were a lower income resident who actually owned a house and fell behind on your taxes, a Jewish lawyer would buy up the debt and add on so many attorney fees so the average person could never recover. So no dindus really established home ownership or even aspired to it.

And all the Jewish judges as well as the token Dindus would just go along with this circus. Occasionally the state would step in and curb the abuses, but that would never last long.

When things got too stable some Jewish news company would whip the dindus up into a frenzy and get them to riot. This happens every 3-5 years it seems. Jews generally are the only ones with insurance that covered riots (read your policies fine print) so they get big payouts without relying on "Jewish Lightning". And yes, Jewish Lightning is very real.

The city is now blighted with board ups but the Jews retreat every day to their little town to the north. The city is just a perfect little arbitrage for them where they can suck out its wealth and no one can stop them.

I will continue to be a landlord and grow my portfolio, but my hopes are different from the Jews. I hope one day those crappy little properties gentrify, I sell them to a young family, and I can retire early. To the Jews this would be counter to their way of life, in order for their circus to continue the city must be kept in poverty and chaos.

This is just a small sample of what I see by working in a traditionally Jewish industry. I keep my mouth shut and a low profile, I'm in their world and as long as I don't rock the boat I can benefit from their games.

Coming to /pol only helps me put into words what I see every day. I wish I could say I am fighting the good fight to change things, I fear I am not.

Read Art Of The Deal if you haven't.

The first part of the book is Trump calling up all the real estate jews and putting them in their place.

I still laugh to this day. They're really scared of people knowing they're jewish, aren't they?

How conven

Fuck, it was supposed to be: how convenient, rounding themselves up there. That town could use a bomb or two.

It was Adventure scouts. But I had been in Scouting for 11 years then.

And no. It isn't segregated. Except for girlscouts (In Britain they're called guides) which is girls only. Girls can join regular Scouts otherwise that'd be sexist :^)
Only the bitchiest, snobbiest and most bull of the dykes join Scouts and begin to feminize it.

She mentioned that her father slept in the same bed with her until she was 14 years old.

Also she mentioned that there was "a lot of incest in her family".

She also said that "Jews like incest idek why".