Based Pharma Bro Shkreli confirms what many have suspected. Early onset. Sad!
Other urls found in this thread:
I knew she was a shakedown artist, but this is ridiculous!
stop advertising and use archive or GTFO
Hey the first post doesn't suck!
it was gold with Michael J. Fox.
It'll be gold with her too.
Hey Hillary!
What's the matter?
You got Parkinsons!
Imma need some better sources than a kike. Any doctor (legit DOCTOR) say anything about it? I would love for this to be true but we are in the dead heat of smearing now. Lies will fly like shit in a fan now.
nice slide thread, work for that ten cents OP
sage sage-sagesage sagesage sagesage sage sagesage sages-age sagesage sagesage sagesage sagesage sagesage sage sage sage
Pretty sure he's not actually a kike. Albanian, I think.
Top kek. My sides are moving on their own.
Based on what though? The shakes she has shown are not in line with Parkinson's are the shakes they get before the medication takes effect and the side effect profile is not the most specific thing either. One can try and shake her hand and see if she has cogwheel rigidity but even then, in that setting, it would not be the best test, especially if she is being treated. I do think she has dementia and long term effects from a stroke and thus has bouts of delirium.
Yeah in one of his video chats some angry black lady called him a Jew and he just laughed and told her he went to Sunday school. He's Ukrainian and was raised Catholic.
You shouldn't act retarded, you might stay that way.
As a pharmaceutical CEO he has detailed knowledge of the symptoms caused by this condition and its medication.
Everyone agrees there is something terribly wrong with her medically. This is one good.hypothesis on what that is.
Correction: he's albanian and croatian
Not like countless rumors about her failing health are going to harm Trump in any way. I think it's funny. The more rumors, the merrier.
Not as severe as many of us would hope though, if this is the chosen ailment.
She has a blood clot in her brain from the concussion she got in 2012.
She had seizures before, so it's a matter of time before she grand mals in public.
Using archives is for hostile sources who don't deserve clicks, it doesn't apply to people who are generally on our side.
Shkreli goes further into his reasoning re: Hillary's Parkinson's in this Q&A:
Hillary's handler carries a syringe around.
What if the injector could become misplaced?
It would be extremely painful.
You have to go back to cuckchan.
Rape some more girls behind an Arbies in 1998 fat boy
No they ducking don't, faggot
She's a Shrill Bitch
I love how mobile devices push hegelian dialectic by refusing to let you swear.
Did I say love? I meant kill them all.
Do they have proof about that and I'm pretty sure even if Trump had it it's not eary as he's 70
Even if it isn't true, let's pass it around.
Let's see if we can get normies into thinking (real or not) that she's both physically and mentally sick.
It's weird, Paul Joseph Watson starts doing an investigation on Hillary's mental health, and then right when he starts the media questions Trump's health.
Not gonna lie, he may have some interesting hand movements while speaking but nothing like a Trademarked Hillary seizure.
Of course not, that's just a leftist throwing mud and hoping it sticks. Trump has a sharp mind, and you can see his recall in action when he handles the press.
theres an interview with Martin Shkreli. full thing coming out soon but a piece of it is on twitter right now. this is going to be good.
Typical preface of the common yid.
On the bright side, now her dildos don't need batteries to vibrate.
I think this is just a trick to get more voters for Hillary
Shkreli beefing with Bernie Sanders.
I have a friend with parkinsons, the first time I noticed a problem was that he had a stumbling gait and rolled one of his feet occasionally when he walked. then the movements and tics got worse over a year or so.
She doesn't seem like a parkinson's patient to me.
t. CTR
I just noticed CTR's pathetic attempt to slide this. My sub-concious mental block works better than I anticipated.
Cue health press conference stating "nothing is wrong" in a day or two. Doctors employed and controlled by Shillary are good, RIGHT?
If anything, it would take votes away. I know of nobody, libtard or not, who would want a severely impaired president.
Not saying they'll necessarily go for Trump suddenly, but at least they won't vote/vote 3rd party instead of electing a president unable to even take care of herself.
Please Kek, let it happen.
You can't trust Hillary with the nuclear buttons.
Woo boy where I have been. Did the korean animators shit out another CGI animiation based on *chans?
I'd like a source if that was possible.
You can check their youtube channel.
lmao let's make a parkinson's chan and meme hillary a rapid decline through parkinson's
you've been visited by parkinson's chan, well shaken martini's and hillary clinton medically unfit for the presidency will come to you but only if you post "good luck parkinson's chan!" in this thread
How about you get us a source with the tiniest shred of credibility?
Can there be frothing?
I would love to see frothing. Oh and shitting, lots and lots of shitting.
I had to look that reference up to know what you were referring to. I gather it's another take on that joke that Gilbert Gottfried told about Bob Saget in a roast, which was later used on Glenn Beck. Anyway I hardly ever visit that website and know nothing about Ralph. The site does seem to focus a lot on BTFOing SJWs and BLM though.
Shkreli is a credible source.
Anyway it doesn't matter if it's true, we just have to manufacture doubt about her fitness for the office.
she's sick, goys
Ahahahaha, he knows shit.
Zero evidence of Parkinson's but ample evidence of TBI-induced epilepsy.
First lady candidate who has to wear adult diapers.
She should look at the bright side, she will get the ADBL vote.
Inb4 she gets sponsorship from Depends.
One of her SS men must be a medical handler of some sorts.
Without a doubt. And look at his physique and how he dresses. Screams med professional.
better infographic
Reminds me of Obama's reptilian shapeshifter secret service handler at the AIPAC conference.
Can anyone find that guy's name?
we've been unsuccessful so far.
Don't be a tease, TBI=?
remember when Hillary literally had a Harem of cuties?
There is no evidence of that.
The pink dress photo is fake, photoshop of an AP stock image taken around 20 years ago.
Looks like a numale cuck.
I hate to admit it, but I think it's just a flashlight.
Look at what he's holding in his hand.
That annoyed me something fierce
Traumatic Brain Injury. The bitch has a blood clot in her brain. She had a concussion in 2012.
tbh Shkreli is an expert on this shit so he can actually be trusted unlike le spookie dutch guy and le "short all these stocks you fucking goyim" schitmah shill
Oh yeah, I remember that.
Could also be neurological syphilus.
That blood clot could lead to stroke at any point. She's on shit ton of meds that she won't talk about.
Trust me I've been hospitalized for MS and I have seen stroke victims and people who had brain hemorrages and blood clots in their brains.
Not pretty to say the least. Though in Shillary's case is hilarious paycheck from the she bitch of Karma.
STDs are her minor concern TBH.
He's not though. He is probably basing his opinion on the same shit as the rest of us, linked hits. His opinioncarries more weight because he is involved in the drug business and probably knows people who are experts in this field.
Right but what caused the stroke? Stroke is also a symptom of neurological syphilus, sometimes the way it gets discovered if it was asymptomatic. Remember the plug missing from her tongue too, HPV-induced oropharyngeal cancer is on the table too.
James D. Rustle
Hi CTR. Go fuck yourselves.
Whatever it is, Drudge is going all out on it. Noticed this just now.
He made this tweet:
You lads will remember what MPTP is and how it was discovered. A clandestine chemist was synthesising the opioid MPPP and made a mistake in the process, causing his product to be contaminated with MPTP. Junkies started dropping like flies, struck down with Parkinsons.
The cause wasn't determined for some time and for quite a while it was blamed on aluminium foil as the victims had been chasing the dragon rather than injecting.
One scientist who had been exposed to the chemical in the laboratory, in Denmark or Holland IIRC, was locked-in for 10 fucking years. They thought he was a vegetable and put him in an insane asylum to die. Only a decade later and because a relative wouldn't give up trying to find a solution, did they realise he had been working with MPTP, gave him a shot of anti-parkinsons medicine and within an hour he was talking. He had been fully aware the whole time but unable to communicate.
Video related, fascinating documentary about it.
tl;dr my point, is he maybe implying she got this after a bad fix of heroin?
He's a lolberg cuck for Johnstein.
I'd wouldn't be surprised if she drops dead before the election.
I probably mis-spoke or something like that. Hillary has a blood clot in her brain, which could dislodge and block a major brain artery.
Basically Shillary had a concussion, which lead to mild, yet non-fatal brain hemorrhage and blood clot.
Shillary has a decent chance of having a stroke. That or Trump could make her hard to the point that she bursts a vein __Literally_ .
Her staff coddles and protects her for a reason.
Whatever it is, she definitely has some sort of neurodegenerative disease. Relatives also told me the descriptions of her behaviour and sympthoms reminded them of someone suffering from Multiple sclerosis.
Fug I fucking suck at Formatting
She still has a clot? Wouldn't they have resolved that with anticoagulants by now?
Johnson supporters aren't even lolbergs, they're just mentally ill.
Hey its that bald nigger again.
Is it deadly? Please tell me it is
Stirred it the correct way, that's why Bond asks for it differently.
Negative. She probably swore off heparin as the tool of the debbil.
I always thought my signed copy of Hard Choices seemed a bit off.
He's double nigger then.
Interesting video
Top Kek. Its nice to see one news outlet that isn't complete POZ.
Geez, it's Gaddafi all over again. I suppose she's screwing them too.
This, honestly.
Every time they attack him he flame tweets and makes the story even bigger. Liberals can't help themselves.
You guys are grasping at straws and it doesn't look good on you.
He certainly behaves and looks like a jew.
Apparently we haven't managed to dox all you CTR fags yet.
Don't worry though, we'll get to you soon.
Oy vey. These goyim don't know their place. Keep correcting the record, and never forget the 16 septillion. They made us into soap, lampshades and t-shirts. Oy vey!!!!
Everyone who is skeptical of a half-dozen unsupported wild speculations asserted as CERTAIN!!! FACTS!!! is naturally a Jew.
Why don't you just wait until she collapses in public or has a full-on seizure before you make claims about her medical condition. It would make you look a little smarter and saner than you do right now.
They really didn't train you well at all, did they? Get your shekels and go to bed.
wtf i hate facts now.
This, she lacks the basic symptoms of Parkinson's, she doesn't even shake.
Now we know why nobody bothered to catch that flag, they were all too worried trying to catch Hillary!
Forgot pic.
Parkinson's doesn't necessarily manifest as the shakes. There's a stiff variety and a circular motion variety if I remember correctly.
This does look plausibly like some sort of progressive neuromuscular degenerative disease to me.
It's called throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks. And it works.
The motion actually kind of reminds me of a friend's mom who had Huntington's Chorea.
I doubt that's what it is, though. She'd be long dead in all likelihood if that were the case. Could be a similar degenerative disease though.
Not really worthy of a thread. He's a pill guy, not a diagnostic guy.
Oy vey. We need to shut this down fellow white supremacist 8channer.
Ubi zakolji, da šiptar ne postoji
In the last month she had:
Seriously guys. She can't catch them all. You're just lowerign the conversation level and turning Holla Forums into a gossip forum.
Yes I know it's election year, but please don't look so retarded.
Don't you realize that gossip like that is the only type of shit normies care about?
They don't give a damn about political scandals. They care about stupid shit like if she's sick or not.
hillarys mk handler eh
pure coincidence…?
Nice to see you don't understand the difference between sicknesses and sympthoms you braindead shitlib.
There is absolutely no question that she has fucking seizures in public, has a medical handler closely attending her constantly and is on medication. The only question is why.
What happens then though? What's the precedent for a nominee dying before the election?
small pen sized flashlight?
Notice the last part? The SS men say "keep talking" to her and she repeats those exact words.
Hence Scott Adams thinking the black big guy may be her hypnotherapist.
What's your name Mr CTR?
top kek, the madman
sage for off topic
Are we a normie board now?
Yeah, she has some major problems, but jumping the gun at every shit that comes up is 4cuck clickbait tier.
Shouldn't we rather concentrate on CF and her emails? The shadow agency and all that?
It's dead obvious that the alphabets are spamming Holla Forums with irrelevant garbage to muddy the discussion.
counter sage
What a fucking based man he is
A flashlight ? Are you serious ? Who the fuck need a flashlight in daylight ?
Nice meme, haven't seen that one here yet.
Even worse, it might be a laser pointer. She may be so retarded and confused she needs to be guided around by a laser/light.
Enumerating the pathologies associated with her symptoms are not "jumping the gun", you retard. "She could have x" is not materially equivalent to "she has x". Stop being such an imbecile in my presence, you only make me want to erase you and your fellow Semites more.
read his wiki
he got his employees to make nigger twitters to smack talk other bio companies
success comes too easily to him and he doesnt give a fuck about being serious anymore
We need new mods.
yeah it's called liberalism. pretty harrowing stuff.
I hope Trump lets you stay, Carlos.
No, you fucking nigger. You do it for EVERYTHING in case shit gets changed or removed.
ralph retort:
That's not how the memory hole works, you double nigger.
Sigh, MANY people have said this for YEARS. The bitch's hands noticably shake. When she was secretary of state she often held her right hand with her left once she started twitching. Bitch is all sorts of fucked up.
I know it'd never happen due to limitations within this existence, but how fucking funny would it be to watch Hillary deal with Bronson?
Why don't you care about your country more?
Literally a walking, undying corpse.
It would be funny if it wasnt so demoralizing seeing how easy it is to D&C here
Pick one CTR
Oh and I like how the thread was already on page 4 when you posted.
It's Korsakov's, not Parkinsons.
wow, what a fucking expert opinion.
I cant believe this blatant self promotion got any replies at all.
Of course crooked hillary is sick, we dont need a fucking twitterjew to realize that.
Shrekli is a shiptar, not a Jew your coprophagic dumbass.
I'm not sure if Kaine would automatically get the nod or if the DNC would go through the nominating process all over again.
Shkreli is a genius though, his IQ is north of 180. He taught himself the subject matter and does hands on lab work with his own drugs.
1) Martin isn't jewish
2) He's more knowledgeable than 99% of doctors, possibly one of the smartest living humans. Watch his live streams.
I see shillary trying to play this up as an advantage. Bring up presidents who had polio, JFK's fucked up back, etc.
The thing is while their bodies may have been broken, their minds are intact. Mentally they were intact. The world isn't gonna sit around and wait while you finish seizing for the 30th time and shit your adult diaper.
Also, how ironic is it Hildawgs handler is a black man given how much she hates niggers. If he were a jew too that would be PERFECTION
You know what
this guy is al fucking right. I initially wrote him off as a greedy Albanian roach but he seems pretty cool.
Well ok we can all agree that Hilary is not in good health.
Meaning she may not last a full term.
Now what does this mean? Is she being used to get someone else in?
Who was her VP pick again? Whats their background?
Fatass neckbeards from /cow/ aren't valid sources.
Jesus Christ in retrospect that's almost too harsh. But we can't have this crazy bitch for a president. It has to be done for the sake of the nation.
Reposting this here.
Y'all need to snatch up this video. Shows black medic about to administer diazepam dose through the pen injector at DNC.
Heh, that guy's knocking balloons out of the way here
you're not wrong, but the fat fuck doesn't usually write the articles now, just host them
Is Shkreli based? Didn't he BTFO fags with increasing the price of their meds?
Look, she sure as hell has something wrong with her.
we aren't throwing wild accusations around, we are spitballing different possibilities.
it may seem like throwing mud at a wall in order to see what sticks, but brainstorming tend to work well here.
big bald baboon is her handler/medical support.
no denying that.
her being heavily medicated has been reported for months now.
no denying that.
her behaviour is wild, frantic, symptomatic of something being wrong.
no denying that.
so, the only question is… what is wrong with her? specifically.
You simply cannot stump the Trump.
All who have tried so far have been cursed.
She should be glad that she didn't outright die, like someone before her.
thanks for the video.
injection pen bro. have an epipen myself. same design just different color.
Shkreli apparently has a rap album dropping soon, here's the track list. Note number 3. The guy's a master troll.
Watch them kill Hillary just so they can postpone Trump a few more months
Hilldog made a poo in her dress. Is that what you want for a president?
Video of Shkreli here:
if nothing else he has an A+ sense of humor and can take the bantz
I feel bad for her
look, I personally think it's a hypodermic needle.
but this wouldn't be Holla Forums if we didn't explore all avenues and played devils advocate.
nearly drags the kid down with her.
sumo sambo comes jumping after that.
this image is fake
I looked it up, fake confirmed.
Yeah that's the video where the angry black girl calls him a Jew and he responds that he went to Sunday school. Someone should make a WEBM of that part if they find it.
We could probably get that girl fired for anti-Semitism from her job she's so proud of if we showed her boss that clip.
Anyway she clearly just wants Shkreli's BWC.
Sure, I bet you think Ben Garrison is a libertarian too. The poopless version is clearly the edit.
I was watching the video of that live, she never pooped.
I actually agree with Hillary on a lot of issues, but what she did in Benghazi shows she has no leadership. I'm voting trump, don't mark me as a CTR shill cuz I'm not. I just don't want people to make factless attacks on her. However, CTR makes baseless attacks on trump, so no I'm not CTR you hooligans. I'm mearly a realist, who doesn't believe everything "joe" told me (flat earth fake moon landing, fake mars landing, no such things as planets, holocaust wasn't real, etc.) do your research. Why does everything have to be political nowadays?
just as a perspective… how often has that been necessary to say about a presidential candidate?
"(s)he didn't shit herself, honest!"
not exactly climbing to great expectations here.
Where do you think you are?
Sure, I find it quite interesting to look at youtube videos of it, hell, I download em just in case I'm wrong, and of course theyre getting taken down (the number of yt channels that deal with ammo have dropped from 92,000 a week ago to 68,000 today, which is why I download yt channels, cuz the government doesn't want you to think outside the box). Thank you for reading.
I think there was something like that around Nixon and Reagan as well, "oh he shit himself"
from the vibe I'm getting from most people here, id say hell
The plan is probably to make her president, let her die of her whatever disease, install an interim-president indefinately and then in turn, turn Hillary into some martyr for doing the good cause as a president.
probably the case, but at least wed have someone better than her (kaine). Kaine actually has an interesting political history. Id prefer him to Hillary anyday.
You are so fucking obvious it isn't even fucking funny. So questioning a presidential candidates obvious pattern of failing health is the same as believing that the Earth is flat.
Nice, but people here are not likely to fall for such textbook level techniques CTR.
I don't like her either, but that's a 'shop.
I never said that. I said that I'm skeptical of anything people say on here, because of all the crackpot conspiracy's on here. Also, for the last couple of years it has been apparent that she has health issues. If you go back to my comment, you'll see that I said that you should do your own research, and not let random people tell you what is "real" (notice the quotations?)
You're talking like an ignorant normalfag, shill. That's why its obvious you don't belong.
Protip: when people "have health problems for years", guess what eventually happens? They fucking die.
You, as a normalfag shill, who thinks what everyone tells them to think, just assumes, "eh, don't worry about it, vote D like I'm s'posta".
What the fuck is this, a ctr shill? Kaine is absolutely not good. He said in 100 days he would grant amnesty to all illegals. He's terrible.
your the faggot asshole. also, "when they have health issues for a coupla years they die" nope. they don't die asshole, it depends on their condition. Also, not a normalfag, been redpilled since I was 5. also been browsing since Holla Forums first started, along with posting. Your one of the normies faggot.
never said I agree with everything he's said.
lets get some things straight, shall we?
Tran=Mental Disorder
Hillary Clinton=Bad
Donald Trump=Good
Earth=Not Flat
Interstellar Travel=Dangerous
Gun Control=Bad
Retards=Mental Hospital
Add to this list what you think, or correct it the way you believe
only thing I could find was Al roker shitting himself
please, don't attack me
found the newfag…
The shilling is out of control.
found the kike.
Times change old timer.
Check 'em
It's been confirmed as a real image, there is some crappy shopped version with no poop but it's an amateurish job with pixels density in the poop area does not conform with the rest of the image. No one's judging her, we all poop ourselves from time to time.
hi, my son just killed himself because of this horrible, horrible place with all you assholes. I hope you know that I will be shutting this board down because of this.
oh, and btw, she doesn't have parkinsons.
"Non-doctor ‘pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli claims Clinton has Parkinson’s after jokes with reporters"
That's not what that means you nigger.
your son was a leftist, let's be honest… we did you a favour.
my son was the most hard core republican I ever knew
Yeah, right. Anyone you know?
that's was my son, hes dead now
It is weird how American flags have a tendency to fall around her. Anyone got the clip of one falling as she exited the stage of the DNC?
I wonder who could be behind this post…
somehow, I doubt your claim.
Underrated, kek.
Can anybody get a closeup of his lapel pin and figure out what it is? I can tell you it isn't a 2016 presidential campaign SS pin, pic related.
Not a doctor, but I'm a pharmacist, for what its worth
Parkinson's IS characterized by rigidity/bradykinesia/lack of movement, but it's not an acute thing that just overwhelms someone in the same way that Hillary froze up like a deer in the headlights when that protester showed up. And while Parkinsons does have a classic tremor (and sinemet concentration peaks lead to the stereotypical MJ Fox gyrations), you don't get these symptoms/side effects out of the blue, lasting a few seconds.
So I don't think it's parkinsons. I'm no expert on the subject of PD, but I'm relaying to you what I know about it from my experience and education.
Does it matter?
she just did it again this slut is going down
Med student here, if she does have Parkinsons its a very odd presentation and it doesn't explain all her symptoms. Admittedly the stairs and "mini-siezures" look a bit like presyncopal episodes (L-Dopa tanks your blood pressure) but her gait and speech lack the distinct Parkinsonian shuffle/en bloc turning and hoarseness.
I'd put my money more on a small midbrain stroke. She does have puzzling neurological symptoms nevertheless.
Perhaps a lifetime of stimulant (ab)use, a small infarct, and resultant partial siezures?
enjoy getting out of school when youre 35 and being in JUST mode with all that debt lol
haha jk but gl bro
I really doubt she was thiamine deprived, unless you want to delve into case reportable rarity.
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome is a disease of POW's and the lowest tier of homeless alcoholics 99% of the time
Right at the end of the video it looks like the guy in the gray suit and glasses gets injected in the arm.
Exactly my assessment as well. Some strange neuro symptoms, but not PD.
sadly this tbh fam. Exactly why I went into pharmacy instead
If this is legit I basically called it. Subcortical vascular dementia is basically a series of small midbrain strokes
Holy moly boys it looks like we may just get to see it happen after all.
So Obama was just stuttering to show support?
I find it wonderful that she is doing something that will make her condition worse and worse. She's doing literally the most stressful thing in the world, I can expect her to fall apart any time in the next 2 months now.
anyone got a webm with that twitter..?
This whole list is reductive and puerile.
I don't expect us to be signalling our gargantuan intellects with every post, but even for shitposting this is bad i say this as an Ausfag
That's not how it works, you god damn idiot, you archive links of interest regardless of whose "side" they're on at the moment.
Why? I don't mind giving clicks to friendly sources. And as for the memory hole there are dozens of other articles about this so it doesn't matter if this link goes down.
I just saw all the supposed seizures Hillary had, in context. It's all just perfectly reasonable reactions to the things going on. Maybe a bit goofier exaggerated than average. That's all. Anybody pushing that she has a mental / neurological condition based on that is simply retarded.