Where do all the amazing trap WEBMs come from? I see you boys posting but I can't find any on known porn sites
Where do all the amazing trap WEBMs come from? I see you boys posting but I can't find any on known porn sites
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I'm 95% sure that most of those webms are fanmade using gifs and music they like.
I need webms.
Pretty sure you'll love Fap hero…
I'm more interested in the source material than the video itself
The sources are at the end of the video hun.
Call me hun again.
With feeling!~
Please show me your cock hun!!~
That's a cute video. I'm going to have to ask you for the source.
Make them yourself, that works best I would think.
I'm addicted to these tbh.
also please post your cock
They still make these? Do any of them hold up ti the first one?
I meant the hentai with the two girls obviously. And you've seen my cock already probably.
My man, you have the taste of a god.
sisters natsu no saigo no hi
They're very fun especially if they're made well.
Yeah they do. Some of them hold up to the first one, some of them don't. It's a mixed bag tbh.
They are way more fun with a friend, although I always win, my technique makes him pew pew his baby goo in minutes.
Jesus Christ the nords are multiplying.
Do you mind listing some off?
How do you know there has ever been just one?
Proxies are verboten!
A fool's Hero, Pendulum, and Test Subject are pretty good tbh.
Are you implying I'm not Norwegian? Give me your address, I'll come to your house, fuck your ass make you humble.
What has this world come to.
Thanks, I'll check those out.
Hey, I sucked my first dick this weekend, so I'm hardly gay. I didn't even cum myself!
You're too close for comfort. Stop this.
Come closer, I'll show you comfort!
Stop hitting on me this instant or I'll contact the cyber police
I'm sorry, let me make it up to you, come over and fuck my ass for a few hours?
You're probably twice my height you big dumbo, there is no way I could top you.
I guess I'll just have to massage your prostate then, do you want it raw or do we start off slow and gentle? I have always wanted to rim someone until they were a sloppy, quivering mess.
I'm not comfortable getting my ass filled yet. We can play with dicks though.
Gay J styles isn't as good as HHH you know, plus this is a lot less effective when we can just ID block you
Sure, but you don't even need penetration for good anal play you know, getting your asshole very gently rubbed and teased around the edge with a finger is seriously heaven. Like, I tried it once and now I'm a total addict.
Are you trying to turn me gay?
Just two friends making each other feel good, nothing gay about it. Plus, you can close your eyes and think about anime girls, it's what I do.
So what is fap hero about? I think I've heard it in /hgg/ but haven't played myself since the name is stupid. It is only trap porn or something else?
It's like guitar hero, you watch porn with music and stroke to the beat, the goal is to last as long as you can without cumming.
You're already posting such cuties why would I close my eyes?
I can promise you this, let me go to work on your body and there is no way in heck you'd be able to focus on the screen
Sounds enticing. You know you're really laying it on thick, if you turn me on I expect full commitment until I've cummed.
If you think I'm gonna let you go before I swallow your love juice, you are sadly mistaken.
Oh gawd this thread is turning me on so much.
That is the gayest thing I have ever heard of
Guess you better head to Norway to play hide the sausage with the other fags
You think you have it bad? I'm on hour 2 of edging, and I have been saving this load for over a week! Can't waste it here, we need to endure this together!
What if I told you that when I play fap hero, I always fantasize about getting my ass rammed to the beat of the music? Is that gayer or less gay?
Love juice is on the way!~ I've been stroking the cock to your posts, you know.
Horny boys are too cute
I'm glad to hear it, too bad you have to do it all by yourself tough. A fap session just feels incomplete to me now, without a gentle anal massage. No joke, you HAVE to try it, it changed my life for real. Especially if you have someone to d it for you, just get in doggy style position, relax yourself completely and let me go to town.
Well you're here with me, I don't feel so alone.
If I did go down on all fours, what would you do to me?
I'd spread your cheeks, and lube you up gently with my tounge firsts, maybe for half an hour to 45 minutes, so your but is nice and soft, and your penis would be dangling between your legs, soft and dripping with pre-cum. I'd start to gently stroke it up and down in long, slow, strokes, just to get you warmed up. Then I'd run my finger slowly in circles around your rim, moving closer, faster, then slowing down again. Eventually, I'd push against you entrance, but not penetrate you, the teasing makes it very intense, I'd keep this up until you were begging to cum
Your gonna need to mass spam them
You seem to be under the impression that I don't love the attention, every (you) gets me harder than you could believe.
Thank you daddy!
You sound like you've a lot of experience teasing boys.
So, if I were to beg you to let me cum like I'm about to, then what?
That's when the real fun starts! I'd start to work you harder with my tongue, going around your rim and poking, and finally entering you, fast and hard, grabbing your hips and hoisting your butt into my face, I'd stroke you harder and faster with one hand, and use the other to pull back your foreskin and work the head with my palm, rubbing it in circles. Having your head suddenly worked like that, when you have been teased for so long, would be super intense, and you would be cumming very quickly. I'd of course work the balls in my hand, just to get an extra sizeable load, then we could lick my palm clean of your love juice together!
This is why we ''need' IDs
The Gay Agenda strikes again! Are no Holla Forumstards safe from the power of the gay community?
So you can be a pussy that filters out everything they don't like and turn Holla Forums into a homosexual erotic board? Thank you for making the point why IDs are bad and belong on normalfag social media.
There isn't a single gay post in this thread, I think you are just paranoid. The gay community is just a myth!
Its called moderation. I can also filter out someone calling me a faggot throughout the entire thread. Go be edgy somewhere else.
It's called you being a normalfag that doesn't belong here, get the fuck out.
I didn't realize the word "faggot" was so edgy that you are trying to self moderate it out of the board. You ID fags are sad.
I'm a non-exclusive pedo, hardly "normal"
Yeah, calling someone a faggot because they don't want to see spam 24/7 or "pedoshit" is edgy. If you don't like it, then filter me and fuck off.
You are a normalfag, you are trying to censor people through the use of filters because you can't handle having your mindset challenged.
Filtering people is a cowardly thing to do and it has no place on chans. If you need to rely on a filter to protect your precious feelings then maybe you don't belong on Holla Forums and would be better of on the many number of social media sites that provides filters for its normalfag userbase. You won't be turning this place into reddit 2.0 any time soon, faggot
I love the thought of you reading my posts, daddy!
The filters are optionally used by the thread's participants, you're just mad that I can ignore the stupid shit you're saying.
So? Are you trying to shame me into acting like you want me to?
I think the moderators can decide that.This isn't your website.
It already is.
There's even a "hide images" option
I can see Gay J's strong, muscular arms choking me in a headlock while he rams my ass, more please daddy!
What a good argument, you sure showed me.
No. Where did I imply that? Oh that's right I didn't and you are just grasping for straws. Maybe try the "you mad" argument again.
I think you mean board because this is a board specific issue, but I doubt you would understand that considering how new you are.
So you admit this place with flags and IDs is reddit 2.0? Thanks for making the argument for me yet again.
Jesus christ you would think Dys would hire some better goons to argue for his pathethic ids for.
fake and gay
Sorry, I know it makes me a bad boy but I like mean daddy more.
Spank me, please daddy!
You're a big guy
Varg pls go
You called me a coward.
Varg and I never got along, even tough we lived in the same town! He was in prison and now in France, but his board game is pretty cool!
Yeah, I just found this forum.
Take that back!
DAE supah sekrit club?!
Hire? As in, he pays me to do this?
Would be better if it had;
1. Indicators for the beat, like most rhythm games
2. Less looping
3. A better scene progression with the beat, you want the sex to ramp up in intensity with the music.
What? It's a good game, but he is a fair bit older than me and was in prison for a good while then moved away.