ITT: 10/10 faces only.


nigger nose coal burner,kill yourself



t. nosepleb






Mmmm, any more of this qt?




Donate all your money to her and embrace feminism



So…. does this semen demon have a name or number or what?


the best

girl's faces, not men's faces

More art needs to be done of female faces such as these.

Who, the buzzard?

What do you mean? They are already beautiful


That's a dumb question. More artists need to form their characters or studies after them.


Who is she?

In all honesty, if you don't agree, just stop breathing, thank you.

Just wander out into the nearest desert. She'll be gobbling your dick in no time.

That's a vulture and they are majestic creatures and gay ass burger (((eagles))) ain't got shit on them. Also, it's a common misconception that you need water when out in the desert. It's actually quite pleasant out here.
Why don't you take the day off and go for a trip. Maybe bring some friends.

I haven't wanted sauce this much for a long time. Reverse image search reveals nothing. Pls halp.




it's Alina-Balletstar. She's at GeorgeModels now Karisha Terebun.

She makes me dribble

Sorry, I guess I don't know my birbs as well as I thought

Why is her nose poopy?




Lmao thats a guy from Holla Forums using that face app.

At least tell me, you didn´t use Jewgle, user.

Daria was my favourite and she will always be the best. Like Layra who? Am i right?

I win.