Why the fuck do we have IDs back?
Why the fuck do we have IDs back?
Because we /bant/ now. At least you can hide your flag, though.
Cause some people wanted them and the board was getting boring without any drama
Because Dysnarrhea is off his meds again. Thing is, there aren't enough people here who give a fuck about this site anymore to really complain about it. Most people who come here have already found other places to hang out and only come back to see what bullshit is going on now and to watch the final trainwreck.
TBH, there would be maybe 40 people who would really hate to see this board get deleted for good. For everyone else…"meh, who cares". So flags, ID's, pink fucking MLPonies dancing across the bottom of the screen, nobody gives a fuck anymore.
i give a fuck
But why though
Because we redpilled nao. This board is being prepared for serious discussions
Becsuse OP is a gentleman
because you touch yourself
because i really liked this place
But why?
It's shit.
i don't think that flags and ids are gonna help. they are the contradictory to chan culture. chan culture is all about free communication without any reputation.
its shit now, but i had some really good discussions and fun in the past and we had our own culture that was different than that of 4chan. it all seems all gone now.
Not really, it was just Holla Forums of old. Which was still shit.
You have to remember that the board doesn't make the culture. The users make the culture.
Because we passed Holla Forums in the rankings and their BO is pulling some favors with dysnomia so he'll wreck this place and let them pass us again.
i know. but i think we have a lot of new users and they behave different. e.g. porn threads were rare a year ago and it was con sense that those threads are cancer. we had fewer template threads, i never came accros a ylyl thread that wasn't immediately declared cancer, …
take your meds
proxy cycle. the end
Hey yo.
also i don't get why anyone would like flags and ids. if you want those things then you should use a forum. people who represent their country behave different and people who think about reputation (even in a thread) behave different.
Ids suck but flags are fun, country flagging each other is fun. krautchans too rules heavy for me, bronen is a circlejerk, theres not a good int board anywhere nowadays even ylilauta sucks
The newfags are in great numbers today because Trump visited Israel. A bunch of faggots on discord servers get together and shitpost Holla Forums with images of Trump in Israel. Consequently many of them get banned, and because they are too stupid or poor or lazy to get a VPN, they come here to shitpost more.
In reality most of the people who post here regularly are still here, just lurking until the shill storm is over.
Trump is most definitely pro jewish that is a fact.
Yeah, and no one has ever claimed otherwise…besides jews themselves. Holla Forums never thought Trump was literally Hitler.
And besides, he's pissed off Israel a decent amount too. They were extremely mad when he said to cut back on building new settlements (press meeting with Israeli PM in Washington), and they kvetched endlessly when Trump announced he was going to Saudi Arabia, and now even more so after the meeting went well.
What the fuck
I barely pay attention to pol in general and I know that's completely a lie. They had numerous stickies about how trump was secretly an antisemitism waiting for his chance.
augh anti semite fucking spell check
That's why you don't know shit about Holla Forums. For months during Trump's campaign, shills would constantly push that Trump was for jews to try and divide the board. So people started mocking this weak D&C by saying "just wait for Hitler goyim! Don't vote for Trump, he loves kikes!!"
It's a sad attempt at D&C, and anyone who browses Holla Forums even semi-regularly can confirm this story.
Is bullshit and you know it.
Um, no.
Most are already at other sites. I know, I see and talk with them. Some come back to check on the decline, but most are gone. That is why you don't see the huge pushback on IDs. The people who used to care, the people who were responsible for that old culture, are gone. And this is what the new culture is…all shitposting all the time. The new culture is NO culture.
Who are 'them', e77272?