
I'm a Brazilian. I never saw something like the patriotism Americans show for the USA around here. No one cares much for our Independence Day and other important dates. We don't trust our politicians and we have no national ethos per se, we're just an amalgamation of very different cultures that don't quite get along.

How do I into patriotism and nationalism? Honest question.

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It’ll be kind of hard for you, as your country is so full of negroes, mulattos, criollos, cholos, and other mixed-bloods. There are very few pure Portuguese there anymore.

I say this because civic nationalism doesn’t really work. Ethnic nationalism is required for a cohesive state, and you just don’t have that down there.

I think this is quite a good allegory for Europe aswell. I live in Denmark and the most patriotic thing I see people is is raise the flag on the 9th april.

There's no "we're great" spirit in the populace, not any that I notice atleast. Europe also needs a touch of nationalism. Not as many shitskins and niggers atleast.

What ethnic/cultural background do you come from?



Give each culture their own area within your country, then allow each area to decide amongst themselves which of them will be independent from whom.

as a dutchman I'm obliged to love my country and people, but sometimes the nickname "swamp german" really gets under me and I start to think that we're just germans but with a more exaggerated language and windmills


USA getting there. Here in Los Angeles just about no one gives a shit about Fourth of July. No flags. Parades are ignored.

Los Angeles is only 25 percenet white with large portion of them Jews, Armenians, etc..

Brazil is not that different from US. For all the americans here going about "muh nigger this muh nigger that", the reality differs greatly in the country. They voted in a negro president and at the first sight of a nigger with some brain they suck his cock.

Culture-wise Brazil worships nigger things (funk, samba, etc), so does the US. It's a cool thing on both countries.



I fucking hate that. Ghetto culture at its worst.

There is no such thing as a "Brazilian", its just a name for someone born inside a territory, not an actual people.

Therefor, there can't be Brazilian nationalism, unless you are asserting your own sub-division as the true and only Brazilian identity or just want to worship a flag.

lees draad, mijn vriend.

Funny enough the Germans would be a version of us, instead of the other way around, High German is a result of the high german consonant shift, whereas our language just stayed the same.

Our heritage is in the Germanic tribes from which we descend, the coastal areas from the Frisians, the east from the Saxons, the south from the Franks, our national pride has just dwindled heavily under 1300 years of foreign occupation, rule, and language in many places.

Do not lose heart

Belgium isn't even a real country.

I can understand about 60%-70% of german when reading it, our languages are related as spanish and portugese

No one really thinks of the Dutch as Germans, it's just this faggot.

There wasn't american nationalism until the founding fathers started throwing their propaganda around, I would study that.

Nothing starts organically, vilify who you want to get away from, make "your people" look like a rag tag group of go getters facing impossible odds as the underdogs.

For you maybe try a caramel folk movement to move towards, remember, what you call indigenous is more than likely Spanish decent, maybe focus on that.

Its because you guys are so divided along racial lines that there is no sense of unity. Brazil by default can never be nationalist and the US of the future will never be nationalist

dutch why???

It's already surprising that patriotism still is a thing in the US. 100 years of ZOG, and governments fucking its people over, 50 years of third world immigration and yet you still find some who chant USA USA USA loud and proud.

lol, defeatist

Nationalism is just the natural state of which a state should consider different choices and whatnot for the country. You do what's best for your own people.

And i know individualists might say it's stupid, but look at it, this way. Your people is your extended family. And doing what's best for your people is doing what is best for your family and in the end for yourself aswell.

Blood is thicker than any other loyalty. That's why the ((globalists)) wants to crush it.

Trump is going to save America and the USA chants will become genuine.

Is the blacks, the jews, the chinks and the spics part of your people? Even if they might chant USA along with you?

By supporting Israel 100%? I don't think so. Trump is a stepping stone in the right direction but he won't be able totally unfuck the US in 8 years.

you know I miss the "MURIKA FUCK YEAH" years when bush 2 was in the whitehouse and americans were stereotyped as gun loving WASPs, when the nigger came into the picture the stereotype left and you became tumblrland

I agree. Think of the time from Woman's Suffrage to now. Thats 100 years. It took leftists 100 years of a slow boil to get us here.

People who think this whole thing can be fixed in 4-8 years need to realize some things.


Trump has several Jews on his team, there are blacks that are similar to Malcom X who will want to go back to Africa and create their own country.

Trump will turn his back on Israel and focus on the US once how bad the economy becomes apparent.



The only way we are going to get a nationalist Brazil is with extreme traditional Christianity since ethnicity is not an option.

Our negroes are not very riled up with racebait so it will work. Keep your eyes open next years.


not know what a WASP is son? Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Never heard that term?

A coherent Brazilian identity is not really possible, thus no nationalism is. Your identity is very shallow and forced upon the populous from above by the ruling elite. A country with niggers, mystery meat, japs and Europeans sharing an identity? Forget about it.

I heard the only thing Salgado disagreed with was racism. I never went into Integralism. Maybe we should make a /brpol/.

I think you might be right. I live in a port town full of mexicans and whites in the pacific north west. The whites all hated the mexicans, the mexicans hated the whites but then the bathrooms for trans people came up and the cake selling thing where a place didn't want to make a cake for some gay marriage came up. The mexicans and whites picketed together. Now the town is hunky doorey and they don't mind one another so much.

What white? Portuguese? Spanish? German? Italian? Just move to Chile or Argentina and let Brazil serve as an example to the rest of the world.

Im well aware of what a WASP is I just have never heard someone describe them as "gun-loving". I guess that would describe the Founding Fathers, but you were talking about the Bush years, so I was kind of surprised.

Step one: have a country worth fighting for.

Same here, buddy.

T. Gun-loving WASP

We are only 60% white m8. I'm living in reality the only hope we have is a violent civil war that creates a new white country. Even if we deport 30 million illegals we have 100 million legal none whites.

Voce esta procurando conselho em uma comunidade que preferia te exterminar a te ajudar a melhorar

Etinocentrismo americano e uma medida horrivel prara voce basear como um Brazil nacionalista funcionaria

Sua analise socio-cultural do Brazil e besteira, voce nao sabe oque esta dizendo

Becouse your country is full of muds and minorities. You need homogenous countries for nationalism to be sucessful.

Trump isnt going to save shit in fact if he brought this nation of mutts closer together he would drawn us closer to Brazil's fate. We need separation

yeah but

doesn't mean

Nos ilumine, então.

That is if he tells his daughter to fuck off once she starts talking to him about how he can make her business better by letting some illegals stay and how his son-in-law and grandchild would really benefit from having great relations with Israel.

I think he's referring to WASP in the ethnic sense and not the cultural sense. As in just typical middle-American whites who are mostly British, German, and Irish-descended.

Fundamentally, nationalism is simply about being proud of who you are. As a Brazilian you probably don't have a very long national identity like a person of a single race, but you still have the new hybrid culture that is Brazil. Embrace the Brazilian culture and traditions that have developed since it was founded. Embrace even the indigenous aspects of it, because that's part of what Brazil is at its core.

Your country faces a difficult future because of how multi-ethnic it is, but it's frankly too late to undo that damage, so your best bet is probably to try and make the best of it and hope that eventually Brazil will some kind of relatively homogenous hybrid ethnicity.

Option 2 depending on your own background and the existence of divided Brazilian subcultures (I'm not at all knowledgeable about them if they exist) is to go "muh heritage" mode and strive for separatism of your particular group from the rest of Brazil.

I'm just not going to participate in the horrible retarded TRUMP GONNA SAVE DIS COUNTRY. Hes not the only way to unfuck ourselves is to start a whole new country.

>Have a very defined culture with plenty to feel pride of and plenty to feel ashamed of too, i'm lookin at you Francis
>The only thing we have in our favour is good education and healthcare, and the fact that we have produced many virtuous people who often have to move abroad to make a decnet living
>The bulk of our population are either ignorant, stupid, decadent, promiscuous and degenerate we call them "negros cabeza" or snobish arrogant, egocentric, frivolous, narcisistic and entiteled we call them "chetos"

At least i can take comfort in the fact that we are not Brazil

Yeah, so that's why they are part of your people and you're going to look after them?

It's a fucking non-answer you gave me user.

You should tell them about Liberia, USA already gave them an african country to go back to.

You mean, exactly like america?

I'm full 14/88, but if I was Brazilian then I wouldn't be nationalist. There's simply nothing to be proud of about Brazil. I'd kill myself instead.


they could push for a separate nation would it would destroy Brazil and shatter it into a thousand pieces. Nationalism would be devastating for huge multiethnic empires like Brazil, the US, and Russia.

I don't know what you are on about. Jews who are for America first, as in their entire wealth is focused in the US, will be for the US first, not Israel. Everyone realizes that Israel is just a military outpost and not a permanent settlement. These are the kinds of people that are on Trump's side.

Please stop rubing that faggot cuck on my face.
i'm not even a Christcuck but i still fell shame for the fact that i share nationality whit that disgusting traitor

Pick one, boludo.

That seems the right answer; We're going full brown supremacy now.

Those attempts were thwarted by globalist Jews who need America divided and had Malcom X assassinated. Convince blacks to go back and they will on their own.

No it isn't you moron. Nationalism is a political ideologyin which how to rule the country and the people. And it focus on your own people and do decisions based on what's best for your people in concern. This includes things like not having huge chunks of minorities in your country, having patriotic propaganda to cull any natural feelings of racial separation et cetera.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, not wealthy.

Israel is their safe haven once they get caught doing illegal shit. Fuck off with muh good Jews, the only good Jew is the one who's become a pile of ashes.

Voce ta descrevendo os Estados Unidos, um pais construido por imigrantes que sao isolados culturalmente, isso nao acontece no Brasil

Veja Sao Paulo por exemplo, voce tem japones, koreano, judeu, arabe e italiano vivendo tudo misturado e nenhum da a minima de onde o vizinho veio, isso porque todos se indentificam como brasileiro. isso se repete em qualquer area do Brasil com variedade etinica, algo que um Gaucho numca vai observar no estado dele

Brasileiro fala mal do pais, mas quando alguem de fora fala merda do brasil nois cai em cima

Voce ta descrevendo os Estados Unidos, um pais construido por imigrantes que sao isolados culturalmente

You still got multi-culturalism and you had back in the day aswell with italians, irish, scandinavians, dutch, english and german people each separating each other from another into small communities.

Yes, but it's built on personal pride. Nationalism cannot sustain itself when the people within a nation aren't proud to be part of it. Self-hate like that propagated by most white leftists destroys nations.

Ethnically homogenous does not mean white
Thoug it is true that the most prosperous ethnic grouop in the country are all caucasoids with various degrees of mixed blood,
The bulk of outr ancestry came from Spain and Itally so if you do not consider them white we aint white either, thoug you wouldn't know that by looking at my face or any other face in the capital, we all look white as fuck

Not true, Trump is leading the good Jew faction against those who are for Israel and Zionism.

You idiots are destroying gentilism with alt right fagotry and frog workship. We will create the Southern Gentile Empire with the help of our non-white population. Second to the Emperor will be only the Grand Inquisitor with full criminal immunity. Watch as 100% pure bavarian phenotypes from the north will want to immigrate here escaping the hordes of sodomites from North Atlantic caliphate.

Thats not really a thing anymore.

Argentina has become the bitch of America now. You are basically letting US build a new military base in your country.

There are some weak separatist movements like "O Sul é o meu País" e "O Nordeste é o meu País" but I think they'll only get their way by taking up arms and I don't see that happening. What we need is to make this huge country strong and proud.

Clean your water

Kill yourself Judeophile. There are no good Jews. They all are parasitic, greedy, individualist and narcissistic.

Lol fucking swamp Germans man, I swear

Eu fiz merda na hora de editar o post

Serio mesmo irmao, nao usa racionalizacao do Holla Forums na realidade do cenario politico brasileiro, nao funciona da mesma forma

Nossa esquerda e diferente da esquerda deles, nossa direita tambem, ideia de patriotismo e identidade tambem e totalmente diference

Eu odeio muitas tendencias nacionais e normalmente prefiro o ponto de visto erocentrico que Holla Forums tem pra varios assuntos, mas voce nao pode copiar e colar como eles veem o mundo, voce tem que pensar por voce

Not true. Trump's are for the US.

This and much more shit can all be descrived by
all of Latin America has been Merica's bitch for centuries… at least i take comfort that you only spank our asses but we do not get butt fucked by kikes as hard and deep as Merica has been since the end of WW2

south america and mexico are to america what turkey and the middle east are to europe

Eu vim aqui pra pegar uma opinião diferente mesmo. Nem acompanho o movimento conservador brasileiro, pra ser honesto. A nossa esquerda é pior que a deles, ela é bem mais cancerígena enquanto a deles são os Democratas. Acho que o negócio é empurrar o catolicismo mesmo e partir pro integralismo ou conservadorismo pesado.

Fuck off, they are siding with trump because they are afraid that they'll get shoahed if they support otherwise. They are there for their own interests, not for the greater good.

I doubt the rest of South America is as fucked up as Mexico, and Turkey ain't as fucked up as the rest of the middel east yet
But yeah, dubs of truth

Not true.

Not an American. Just saying you can kiss Malvinas goodbye.

Argentina was the only country that did things out of pride, and that's pretty much dead now.

Catolicismo fora da Igreja Católica. Se os Brasileiros acharem que o Papa é autoridade dá na mesma que ter o PT para sempre no governo em termos morais. Temos que romper com o Vaticano.

Ademais, conservadorismo pesado não é mais conservadorismo, porque o conservadorismo hoje é conservar políticas que eram "liberais" 50 anos atrás. Conservadorismo pesado é tradicionalismo cristão. Proibir tudo que é degenerativo. Foda-se o que a Europa e os EUA fazem. Vamos seguir a Bíblia à risca e proibir viadagem, macumba e outras religiões em nosso território.

I find that ironic since it`s the americans are the ones gunning down their cops and children smh fam

Pelo contrario, a esquerda deles e puro marxismo, obsecada com a questao racial, neurotica e reacionaria

Nossa esquerda tentou implantar um governo comunista e bateu de frente com facismo, muita gente morreu independente da raca, nossa esquerda foca muito mais em luta de classe, o ponto de vista racial so comecou a aparecer ultimamente, por influencia academia dos EUA

Aqui eles sao vao dar risada de voce, zoar teu pais e sua etinia, eles sao ignorantes da politica sul-americana, eu tenho familia que mora nos EUA, eles nao estudam america do sul moderna, o americano tipico so tem esteriotipo na cabeca quando o assunto e qualquer coisa alem deles mesmos e europa

First get a less ugly flag. Holy shit the Brazilian flag is awful.

Secondly, get less terrible people.

Third, develop an ideology or contribute to the world in some meaningful way.

lol the population is completely degenerate. I see no hope for Brazil when it comes to greatness.

It's only putaria.

Isto que os duplos de Hitler dizem. A Igreja Católica foi infiltrada por judeus marxistas e hoje é apenas um dos instrumentos para avançar a agenda do comunismo internacional, vulgo Nova Ordem Mundial.

Você trocou as bolas aí. A nossa é marxismo clássico (classe). Questões raciais e gênero já é marxismo pós-moderno (cultural/gramsciano) e isso tem se infiltrado cada vez mais nas universidades daqui.

A maioria vai zoar mesmo, mas teve o que deu uma boa resposta.

Bora fundar a Igreja Católica Apostólica Brasileira.

A lot of the population is degenerate, but a lot of the lower middle class is not. You don't see them on TV, but they exist. They show up when they try to legalize abortion or introduce gay kits. They beat up the tranny that played jesus until he apologized. Unite them and degenerates will not be able to stop us.


How the fuck is that different from being an American?

It's only that some groups in US have a slight edge on setting the political narrative. US is Brazil with a bit more sociopathy thrown in.


We need religion for that. No other way.

Brazil was a mistake, I have a moortugese friend on Skype and whenever I bring up brazil or south america he goes on a shitposting spree about how they're all mongrels ruining the portugese and spanish languages

I heard through a warning in the news that three tea spoons of water from outside water sources in Rio de Janeiro is enough to basically give anyone that don't eat shit for breakfast a bug that will make you shit yourself. It can supposedly also damage your inner organs permanently, permanent damage to your heart amongst other things. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, OP, that you could always celebrate the degeneracy, illiteracy and animalistic tendensies of your countrymen - so become a liberal, not a nationalist. It's what you were born to do. Celebrate the sweet nothingness that is your culture and appreciate the fact that every day, you are only alive because, for generations, your family has been eating that sweet yummy poo for breakfast without questioning whether they should continue living like animals or not. Don't forget to have some kids too, and feed them, feed them poo

When we had the Paraguay war (which was bullshit tbh) the population fully supported the war and went full nationalistic. We could do it again. We could invade Venezuela and have even more oil and a cause to further unite the non-degenerates.


Serious question from a German who lives in the Federal Republic of Germoney:

Why would that make you feel less nationalist?
I mean clearly. the Federal Republic of Germany is…. insulting Germans by having German in its name..

German as an ethnicity is the main group in Austria, Luxemburg, Switzerland(70%), South Tyrol, Southern Denmark, parts of eastern Europe, and exist as tiny spots of local colonies all over south america, central asia and other parts of the world..

It isn't like German means linked to that state to the east of you.

So you could just as well be proud of being a swamp german as being a "dutch", whatever that means, considering your own national anthem speaks of your german blood.

Brazilian flag is awful.

Fuck you, its one of the few things i like about the country

You guys have a royal family, and from what I've read about them, they're based traditionalists who hate the modern Marxists left. You should throw your support behind them and attend their conferences.

Pic related is His Royal and Imperial Highness Dom Rafael Antônio Maria José Francisco Miguel Gabriel Gonzaga de Orleans e Bragança e Ligne, Prince of Brasil

Ok, you can be patriotic about the landscape, natural resources and its geopolitical potential.
You can say "with a white population, this would be a great power".

And be nationalist about what it *could* be, and work for that?

See my second point then. The aesthetics are godawful and only a mongrel could like them.

doesn't your anthem literally say you're German?


Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
Ben ick van Duytschen bloet,
Den Vaderlant getrouwe
Blyf ick tot in den doet:
Een Prince van Oraengien
Ben ick vrij onverveert,
Den Coninck van Hispaengien
Heb ick altijt gheeert.
- Wilhelmus, 1568

Dutch national anthem.


"I'm Wilhelm of Nassau,
I'm of of german blood,
loyal to the fatherland,…."

us and germany are sort of like portugal and spain

Woah he came all the way from New York? cool

What is Austria?

The name of the county comes from an old name for Long Island, which was at one time named Nassau, after the Dutch Prince William of Nassau, a member of the House of Nassau, itself named for the German town Nassau. The county colors (orange and blue) are also the colors of the House of Orange-Nassau.

Honestly, do you know your country's history? Do you LOVE your country? Are you prepared to fight to better/benefit your country? Answer yourself these questions, Hue. No need to ask Burgers or Europeans

It was a joke.

I dont know, maybe you ARE German with that sense of humor though…


I have found a new insult.

Shit. Most people my age I know have the dream of workinf overseas. We all want to flee this place. I just know that that's wrong. Someone has to fight for the Mater Brasilis.

It's not worth it man, it just isn't.
Portugal will take you(if you have a decent amount of money on you), and it's where I'm going soon.
It's one of the cheapest countries to live in, and the amount of muslims is surprisingly low(0.5%), not to mention that you'll never have to look your over shoulder, to be on your feet at pretty much all times like you have to here.

To be honest, for all of the former colonial states, the European founder nation should be considered the mother culture that then is modified by local customs and history as it occurred. US was closest to developing their own culture that was independent of it's European origin before they lost it to consumerism - destroyed by their own invention.

As it stands, without clearly defined relationship to the mother country and the mother culture, former colonial nations will get mired and lost in mongrel culture as the populations are further and further debased by the negro and native Indian admixture.

The USA is everything because of our founding fathers. They are the equivalent of a pantheon of gods to American citizens. Their words and actions are sacred. We rallied around them immediately. Our leaders invoke the founding fathers – they always have.

When Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address the first thing he mentions is our forefathers. When the Civil War broke out each side cited the founding fathers for their positions. When George Lincoln Rockwell advocated for National Socialism in America – he cited the founding fathers.

The founding fathers are our shared bond; they're what drives nationalism in America. They're why nationalism has and will continue to work in America.

It has been suppressed; not lost. It rises right along with Trump. It won't be immediate, but I don't believe the growth of our culture, our Americanism, can be quelled now.

Whether Trump is elected or not, and he will be, there is no going back now. This is why (((they))) are lashing out so angrily. There is a movement with a life of its own. A movement far greater than Donald Trump himself.

The US had a period in the past where being a WASP was firmly set as the true American identity.

The US never had a official policy of miscegenation or a chaste system either, both things that make harder to build an coherent single national identity.

In Brazil the elite went from Portuguese/Spanish to German/Italian in the late Victorian era and by the 1920s Getulio Vargas pulled the Tropicalist blanda-up Brazilian identity straight out of his own ass instead of forming something around the ( by then virtually defunct ) Portuguese elite identity.

Americans have a historical claim that being American is being a white English speaking person, "Brazilians" most of the time correctly understand it makes more sense for them to identify as a member of a European diaspora if they want to be part of a white culture.

Its a more healthy vision of the world too, i lost count of the amount of white people living in Brazil that can't shut up about how dumb the average Brazilian is, they should be made to understand they share little with the 35% white semi-illiterate northeaster PT supporter.

You neglect the push to have the founding fathers ousted in history books for being white slave holders. Remember, America was never great.

I have always payed close attention to your country, as I always thought Brazil provided Americans a glimpse of their future if things continue the way they are. Right now, the US is where Brazil was in 1950 in terms of demographics. If Trump loses, we go the way of Brazil.

Best of luck, brothers. As I see it, there is no tenable way to "take your country back", but I hope some form of White separatism becomes viable in the south of your country as your national economy continues to deteriorate and the global economy continues to worsen as well..

You don't. Like the US is becoming you're a nation of mongrels. Brazil should be dissolved.

Not really True many American are Irish, German, and scots its unlikely you could find any self identified English Americans

this is true, just look at trump, he's scots-german iirc

Because just call themselves Americans.

USA can't really have ethnic nationalism, Germans and Irish are majority

I'm actually part injun, what I find weird is I look more like my german great grandfather, even though I might have more Irish in me, I might also have some English too My father has a little injun blood in him too, but he's stormfront lite yet hates supremacy groups, tells me that I'll be attacked for having European lineage, and because I look white enough

He honestly doesn't hate anybody, he says it is inevitable though.

US culture wasnt suppressed we didnt have a bunch of English lords coming in demanding to fuck our wives and for us to stop speaking Gaelic. It was very thoroughly killed by consumerism hat fact that most Americans cant tell the difference between genuine culture and the hedonistic garage we are fed is part of the problem. The Us would almost have to entirely start over again as far as culture to get anything done.

Not really most people I know are super proud of there 1/4 German heritage and 1/4 scot heritage and 1/4 Swedish heritage etc, Anglo culture in the US is synonymous with consumerism and so it is not regarded as culture because it isnt. Americans are not defiantly declaring themselves "American first!" most I meet are eager and willing to connect with there older European roots.

That's because the vast majority of Americans with English blood either identify as "American" or are mixed with some other white ethnicity (such as the ones you mentioned) and identify with that instead.

kek, I myself am dutch and scottish, not a single drop of injun or nigger blood

My great grandfather was German, and my father is part or almost have German, I think I'm 1/8 German or more because my facial structure looks like my great grandfather.

I'm not really sure what you are arguing against.

Ehh, I'm not really upset what I'm comprised of, I recall Hitler saying Americans were weak because they were mixed, what's funny is he lost.

the US is not a WASP nation

I think Hitler got the last laugh in the end


We need another military coup, that would make Brazil great again

I'm talking about the American identity not the actual nation.

When a person identifies himself as an "American", he is asserting his equality with the white people that lived in the American territory circa 1800s.

Those people were WASPs.

Did he? Did he really?

I think Brazil should fix its houses and actual appearence first.

Another coup? It'd be like the fifth.

Yes. Though Gustavo Barroso did write about the Jewish Question in Brazil, Salgado disagreed with any anti-semitic sentiment.

Literally the only times Brazil has seen any real development has been under a strong, centralized government. Be it under Imperial rule or military/dictatorship eras.

Hell, as soon as the military dictatorship "fell" in 1985 one of the first things to be done was to remove the "Moral and Civic Education" discipline from public schools curriculum.
We had at least some sense of nationalism before, but now everything is based around muh democracy, muh african heritage and muh portuguese invaders raped and killed every indian in the country, they were the original owners of Brazil.

step 1: pick a country that isnt shit

step 2: dont cuck out for your state/nation (and and the jews controlling it). its about people and society

sauce on katy perry

Get some taste motherfucker, holy shit.

You need some purity in life.


dat shit's gross yo, get some better taste in women

Dude I'm watching the women's gymnastic event. It's a fucking boner fest. Get up in here fellas

Leftists aren't Americans. They're self-admitted globalists.


Yeah all those niggers and spics sure are beautiful!



le comfy snek disagrees

absolute waste of doubles



Holla Forums how's venezuela going? Still eating at the zoo?


you'll be first to hang laddie


this is KC tier

You can't. Brazil isn't a real nation, because it's full of different shitskins and races. Your nation is a clusterfuck



Seriously though, blacks in Brazil aren't uppity animals like they are here in the US.

For example, in the US you barely find niggers who listen to rock, let alone metal. In Brazil, it is very common. Sure there is the social hierarchy in place and niggers are a bit lower on the ladder than non-niggers, but there isn't this air of hatred about it like here in the US.

But my point remains, Sao Paulo is the worst example you can pull up regarding a well functioning city. Yes, Ive been there and have family who lived there. I visited and stayed with them.

Im not writing in Portuguese because I am shit at writing Portuguese. I can only speak it



The Williams niggers got beat by based czech qt's


America is losing its patriotism do to race mixing and foreign people destroying it. This is the normal destruction of all Nations through out history.

Brazil would have to start killing each other until there was one people.


Nationalism will not work for America when it stops being white

Nigger children don't count. Now go back to your favela, viado.

Kill yourself
Wait no, don't kill yourself, Read Sabato, he's one of my favorite writers. I admire argentinian culture a lot, my friend, and I hope you can one day find your own place in your country. Remember: it doesn't matter if you're not a great man, because a great man can't do anything without the support of the small people, and great nations are built on the work of small people.
Y devuelve la patagonia conchetumare :^)

They can get away with it now, but they're going to niggerize themselves by blindly defending their most repulsive brethren.

Apparently child molestation is on the rise in Israel because they keep letting in Jews who've been caught abusing children.

If the Jews really had any brains they'd let us kill the sick fucks.

What the fuck is with her pants?

Some New Englanders are stuck up about being English. H.P. Lovecraft for example talked in his letters about the inferiority of continental immigrants.

So you're saying our people always needs a strong ruler.

HP Lovecraft was a bit of a loony due to tragic events, he flipped the fuck out because his great grandmother was welsh or something

Dumb faggot only had to make a hissing noise, fucking nigger.

his shit's good though

fuck cats

Já existe uma entidade com esse exato nome no momento, porém, não acho que seja muito diferente da romana.

Not when they are used correctly and left outside to eat rodents


I actually have a book with his complete works.

Coup could make Brazil great again, but we need to be careful with the "Foro de São Paulo" marxists in the military.

probably the greatest literary mind to come out of the states imo


no one cares

The meme surrounding this left libertarian fedoracore clown stopped being funny 3 current years ago, tbh fam.

a vast majority of patriotic Americans are white, most blacks, mexicans, and other minorities give very little shits about america beyond gibsmedats
not so sure about asians, I think they'rethe same way but at least they typically give back to society more than they take.

kill yourself, do the world a favor, you have the empathy of a nigger.

Yeah, he didn't invent weird fiction but he pioneered it.

Asians care about the USA. My filipino friend typically boasts about America.

They have to go back.

But whhhhyyyyy?

Because they're not white.

*Because they're not American.

Nigga, filipinos and Americans have been bros since WW 2, a lot of them are third-fourth generation.

So? They belong in Flipland.


Only for cats. Btw, ratting dogs are better at exterminating vermin than cats. They are a nigger animal that should have bounties placed on them for teenagers to make a few bucks by trophy hunting until they are exterminated, and the only reason you think otherwise is because you are brainwashed by toxoplasma gondii.

I think that you just want a government and people that care about the country and its countrymen.
Too bad anyone that was red pilled and knew the importance of such thing was shut down, like Enéas Carneiro.
Good luck with Bolsanário, that guy managed to buttfrustrate the international press to the point of being compared to Donald Trump.

flips detected

I'm the part injun with different European ethnicities and a stormfront-lite father.

Have faith,brother.


¿Devolver a quien? siempre fue de Argentina
Patagonia has been ours ever since Glorious president rosas Ethnically cleansed all the abos and dindus during the desert campaign

as for:
I preffer coffe
Fuck meat! give me Pizza!
Bluess is better and less depressing
Honey tastes better

This. Yes, Hitler lost, but the so-called Allies lost even worse. Many people in France, England, Netherland, the US are openly clamoring for someone like hom after a few beers.

It's a skirt in the wind, what's wrong with you? Are you that unfamiliar with what feminine clothing looks like?

Big talk for a guy who pridefull royal naby got bitchslaped by a southamerican undertrained underequiped army controlled by an incompetent dictator so hard (even with Chile constatnly backsatving us every chance they got) that daddy Murrica had to butt in to save your ass a couple of times

By the way, how does kebab dick taste? cus i heard Britcucks have literal fuckload of it up the ass, unlike us Argies

Take that white shit out of there, you're a native thats it

That's retarded.

Anglos don't race mix

No, the drawing was shit.

Hes is white in the same way mexico is white, if you're half native you're a fucking native. Anything that is half white is not white at all.

but user, all of south america is pure self identified white

the funny thing is they actually believe this and they get super butthurt when you don't affirm their delusions that X country is white.

From a general perspective every nation is defined as a bunch of cultures that don't get along, until they are. But that can only happen under strong leadership that gives the people a reason to follow them, and believe in them more than they care about each other.

A strong Brazilian leader has a large number of problems to tackle, but that just means that once they get the ball rolling and build momentum they'll just have more reasons to build loyalty.

My bad.

Not sure what the quantities of my ethnicities are, I've always been told my family is mostly Irish/German.

My father looks like my German great grandfather with a good amount of Irish in there, and I look like my father, so I assume the German genes hasn't really vanished.

Oh and another thing, they magically become not white when its convenient, learning that shit from the kikes

Beaners are about 64.9% euro (coming from the iberian peninsula) 30.8% injun and 4.2% nigger according to a genetic study

I must put this as a general asterisk that should go without saying, but Brazil needs a leader that is smart and willful enough to actually HANDLE these problems and charismatic enough to be worth following.

This isn't just anyone. Perhaps one in a thousand people can be a great leader and one in ten thousand of those will ever have the chance.

It won't happen with brazil, %70 of brazil needs to take a bullet to the head because they're 80iq natives

Cannot allow my own Satanic trips of truth to go unchecked

Well you need to kill all the nogs and spics and then make the Ubermench
Hell you guys havn't even gotten a gold at your own games

My family is super kosher because we are diverse.
My father said it will make it that much more difficult to fight in the race war