Dave Acton is highlighting some things and speaks about it in a very POL like fashion.
There are 3 videos regarding this. I thought that I would hare it here in the event that POL doesn't know about this guy "Dave". All of his vids are smartly time limited to 2 - 3 mins. They seem geared to the POL red pilled individual.
This raises an important topic. The Left seems to be gesturing through the media that they want Great Leader
Gone and they seem to be saying that murder is NOT out of the question.
With that said
Three (3) individuals have recently been found deceased and coincidentally they are all tied to Hillary Clinton. Law enforcement seems to be willfully ignoring these perfect sets of circumstances.
If Hillary wins this election. I have a feeling she will try to crash the plan with no survivors. With the recent news regarding EMPS, this should set everyone on edge. We know that EMP is a simple weapon. Obama has left the nation is such a compromised state that if Hillary doesn't win and the current set of internationalist Globalists don't have their leader…well they will crash the plane and there will be nothing.
The most perfect thing they would do is an EMP on the USA. this would trigger "humanitarian aide" from China, the EU, Russia, and ALLLLLL the nice friendlies we have in the middle east. THIS IS VERY TIN FOIL but at the same time the most possible scenario that we could be facing if Hillary doesn't win.
So there you have it.
Trump victory : Globalists crash the flying dick
Hillary victory : Freedom of speech gone, 2nd amendment gone, Whites will become second class citizens, Muslims will flood our nation and the white race will cease to exist.