Weekend at Holla Forums's
>oh neat, anime erp thread
You both are faggots
posting pics of idiots and autistic looking people is a complete waste of time
both sides have them and always will have them
the fallacy of hasty generalization also just makes both sides look retarded when they employ it
not one, just hate the bottom of the barrel autists from both sides shitting up this board with retardation
then leave
I really wonder what sort of mental issue you need to have to think it's a good idea to download gigabytes of cuck porn to post on Holla Forums.
hmm this line of reasoning seems heavily pro-refugee
It's ironic, duh.
This is what centrists actually believe.
think you missed the point about applying the same line of reasoning to a different scenario
Anyone should get to leave any country.
Any country should get to reject anyone.
Is that so hard to understand?
that doesn't make them any less of a refugee
i am not even trying to argue for or against the actual refugee issue
"Pro-refugee" generally means "pro-accepting refugees." Having the mindset that poster used is not supporting of accepting refugees.
ok, let's continue down this pointless path..
he is pro-other websites accepting refugees, and is supportive of the existential journey and path of a refugee
his own place of residence and its borders are irrelevant as he is not telling someone to come to Holla Forums, he is telling them to get out
(therefore: pro-refugee)
take nationalism out of the equation
That's a sentiment I can get behind moreso than communism. Fuck, is there any reason for parking to be so expensive some places?…
What makes you say that?
He told you to leave. He didn't say other websites would want you.
this back and forth has run its course, i think
Because I'm right.
double dubs confirm. other user needs to fuck off.
Fun fact; no less than three of Marx' kike children died due to malnourishment and disease due to growing up in abject poverty. Indeed, he is truly the father of Communism!