What would you choose Holla Forums ?

What would you choose Holla Forums ?

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green obviously

Black should be red fag

nightsticks are worthless in a life-and-death fight. I'd rather have a sword or a gun.



you didn't say anything about video games before


dps = attack * speed

red = 99 dps
yellow = 1875 dps
black = 2500 dps
green = 1875 dps
blue = 99 dps


You forgot that if the enemy has armor, your dps stats don't mean jack shit

dumb ass bitch

better screenshot of the first one

Did you just bust out the graphs? Ay yo that's racist


What if the swords do magic damage and the enemy has armor, but no magic resist :^)

Depends. If it is a full-on action game (like Dark Souls), then the best option is green. If it is trading blows (like WoW), then black is the best. Speed beats power in any game that doesn't have armor based on damage thresholds or flat numeric reduction. Most games use a percentage DR for armor…so yeah. Red and blue are both completely worthless in all games. Yellow has a shot in a trading blows game with flat numeric and/or damage threshold based armor.


assuming the first damage model in which defence is a flat out reduction of damage then this is how they would interact with magic shit

here's some gifs oioi

Green. I'll dance around my opponents why they are slowly slinging their slow ass heavy weapons. Speed is always the best tactic. In fighting games too. They can't hit you if they can't catch you.

While* meh

Blue because it doesn't overkill.

ITT: gamerfags

this really depends on who you're fighting and how attack speed works

if everyone you're fighting has less than 25 health, then the green is better than the black because you'll be able to kill them all faster, but if they all have 26-50 hp then the 2 swings of the green is slower than the one of the black. You can apply this to all the swords.

Also, the way the attacks are registered is important. if the first attack hits instantly then after that the back swing is what takes time, then you could just get the red one and oneshot everyone instantly, and have the attack reset before you get to your next target

in conclusion, the unknown game mechanics play too much of a factor to truly conclude which would be the best

50/50=2500 dmg, so…

Op here, i've also got one of these in a Holla Forums thread. You can take 2 enhancements. What do you choose ?

how long does paralasys last?

Fucking lmao, 2/100 hits will insta kill. Utter garbage.

What kind of Fag are you then user?

diamond + haste

Diamond and Ethereal. (Tough choice. I really like blood too.)

It's bullshit enchantment anyway. Instant kill hits are cheap as fuck.

Haste + Diamond or Ghost or Death or Blood

You do realize by the time say- a boss is down to 25% health you'd pretty much be screwed right?

Meant Demon

Fire + Blood master race

the black one

That's why you get Rage with Demon.

bubble heartstone lol

Frost and Ghost


Not real maths.

Actually, it would always be +100% assuming that they don't stack / multiply each-other

if average damage = attack;
% hit chance = attack/(speed of opponent)
hits per second = (100 + speed)/100

then the power rankings are:
1. Yellow
2. Black
3. Green
4. Red
5. Blue

combined with


i worked so hard for this and no fucking (you)'s


Blue so I can annoy the fuck out of opponents.
It'd be like using the fan in Smash Bros 64


Haste is pretty much essential in anything to trigger more procs on your main enchantment. Specifically in this case, Death would a good one to get more procs on. Maybe Diamond or Poison.

Do bosses have death resist or some other stupid shit? Or other resistances? If so, then Diamond is the way to go. Otherwise, Death.

As for this:

Assuming this is something like Dragon's Dogma, where monsters have a Physical Defense stat and damage gets much greater once you pass the minimum point, either the Red Sword or Yellow Sword would be the best. Yellow as a general rule, since it should let you bypass pretty much any armor.

That's why you bring along buff potions.


Haste & Ethereal

I know it's far from min / max but the blue + haste + death would just be boring as fuck to play.


Blood + Ethereal

That's not how it works you little shit, speed is how many seconds per hit. 1/99 is one damage per hit every .0101 second so almost 100 hits per second for one damage each giving a dps of almost 100. If 50/50 it would be one hit every half second for fifty damage a hit giving a dps of 100. The weapons are all equal in DPS but become different situationally making the question not "hur dur which hits harder" but rather "what the optimal combat pacing is" which is entirely dependant on the opponent.

In conclusion the only answer is red because I'm not a faggot who levels Dex.

If the character I built is meant for DPS then I'd go for Etheral + Haste.
For a "what the fuck why not?" build I'd go with Demon + Rage

Ethereal and diamond with the green sword.


is that weapon speed (movement) or repetition (movement per time)

In 1 second the red sword does 99 hits
In 99 seconds the blue sword does 1 hit…

kind of lame tbh


Not enough info really.
Does frost stack? Like, if i hit twice are they down to 25% speed? Then I'm definitely going haste+frost

What program is this?

Who would you choose, Holla Forums ?

These stat bonuses are too high.
Fucking 50% chance of a crit?
150% haste? So what, over double base attack speed?

I'd understand 10% or 15%, but these are way too high and break balance.

Double spike for 100% damage reflection obviously

I made a shit OC.
Anything here too overpowered?

fucking toad, every time. then peach or yoshi. fuck the heavyweights.

Blue, Ghost, and death. OP boss slayer.

Humans and necromancers seem a bit OP. Elves seem UP, maybe bump up str by 1 for those sneak attacks

To be clear if it wasn't obvious. I wanted humans to be your conventional warfare types: made to take and defend cities and march along the beaten path. Necromancers were to be a massive wave of slow, bulky punching bags. Demons were to be mainly for wars of attrition where fighting them for extended periods would fuck you over. Elves were to be your guerrilla fighters who avoid combat unless in a position to do so.

I was actually afraid of the elf perk being too OP as they can basically pop out of nowhere to kill small battalions with ranged attacks and then run out before reinforcements arrive. They would, in fact, be equal in strength to a human zombie btw.
Maybe the base necromancers could use a bit of a power nerf but I kinda wanted them to be stronger than a human when off the beaten path as a means of balancing against humans.
Demons were actually made to be one of the main counterbalances against humans as the humans would win if both are on the main trail and the battle is short, but the demons' perk means they would crush the humans if the battle were allowed to last long enough.

Have I changed your mind at all or do you still suggests your patches?


if resiliance and str mean what i think they mean, a necro can 1v1 a human even on main trail. resil is stupidly high. heres a suggestion. bump their resil way down, bump atk up to something like 7. zombies have much lowered spd and str but slightly lowered health, plus necros can flat out animate any corpse. They become what i think you wanted elves to be- a motivation to keep your kingdom very consolidated, lest a weak outpost starts a snowballing necro army. Elves should have their trait become that they gain economy much faster, so they blitz the map and seize key economic areas much faster, but have low staying power.

Get meme'd on


I think their ridiculous lack of speed kinda evens that out. If they start to overpower you you just walk away at the cost of losing some ground. Unlikely anyway as speed is meant to be both movement and attack speed. Their high resilience is pretty much their only advantage. And I don't think it's all that much of one given that they can be so easily outflanked.
I had thought about economic traits for humans earlier but decided against it as that requires more assumptions on the part of the selector.

Ice + Velocity
That is fucking op

Looks ok

For years picked Toad if fast enough (everyone wants Toad), then Weegee, then Yoshi.

Finally try out Wario. This is the greatest feeling of all time. I am a fat Jew who is fast and can shove everyone out of my way to be number one. If I lose, I blame the Holocaust.

Nerfed necromancer and buffed elves.

also wanna know

it is desmos and it online oioi

Obviously depends on the attack system we're dealing with. If it's a flat structure where your speed must be greater than your opponent's speed to hit, then the blue sword is the obvious choice.

Ethereal and haste.

1 attack
99 speed
Because then it would be a laser sword and also I could fap really quick with it.
