Why aren't you faggots drinking right now?
Why aren't you faggots drinking right now?
It's expensive and it tastes like shit.
im a teetotalist tbh
Plebian detected. It is possible to acquire the taste of alcoholic drinks, you just need to taste and find what you favor more, strength, natural-taste.etc
I wouldn't recommend it for plebian like you though, because after acquiring a taste it becomes easier for idiots like you to become addicted alcoholics
The bottle I posed with is $10. Just mix it with some carbonated sugar water soda and you'll be buzzing for about 3 nights if you have a low tolerance like my limp-wristed ass.
cuz weed is where its at.
alcohol is so 1900's.
cant drive, cant walk, cant do anything except be a drunken mess.
Weed indeed is what I need.
Funny you should mention.
tfw $50 oz's
That weed looks like shit tbh. You should let it dry for a short while coz it looks super wet.
gimme gimme!
oh gawd i wanna sniff that like i sniff my landlords daughters panties
It''s actually quite dry. My webcam's just shit.
the trim job is pretty lackluster but what do you expect for $50?