Nothing to see here, just something I've wanted to get off my chest
Be 16
i was 15 and was molesting my 4yo cousin for a while. one day she just gains conscousness out of the blue and awareness and shouts at me
so i fucking stayed off of her for years. Not even a hug or anything. Stopped talking to her completely.
Around 11/12yo she was really shy around boys for some reason and took a great interest in me. Flirting. Teasing. The usual stuff tweens do with boys their own age. But she did it with me. One day we had a slumber party with a lot of the family (i was the oldest. 90% were girls) and she saw how the other girls were trying to vye for my attention. So during our movie night she literally sat in my lap for the whole show. Even when I went up to go to the bathroom she followed me to the bathroom, waited outside, and when I came outside she clung to me and told me to carry her back on the sofa. I think she said that just so she could be in my lap again. The other girls at the slumber party were pretty jealous
She is 19 now and life couldn't be better. Our relationship is pretty rock solid. It's funny how girls you molest end up liking you the most later in life
you're just jealous because you will never know what it's like to touch a virgin, untapped, pure, underage, little girl mons/vagina
It's fucking heaven!
Probably not. Though once when I was little I asked my friend what a vagine looked like and he pinned his little sister down and pulled down her pants and showed me. I don't remember how young she was. Didn't touch or anything.
yeah guys with little sisters are pretty boss around them
Have a cousin. He's pretty unphased by female nudity (unlike me. i freak out when I see a little bit of skin)
One time we were teens and his sister was younger. Not sure how young but young enough where she needed a babysitter. So me and my cousin are "babysitting" her but in reality we just played video games and he told her to stay in her room all night
I'm freaking out because I "think" I saw a girl's nipple at school. And he's not even interested. I ask him if he's gay or something. He says no. He sees girl nipples all the time because of his sister. I tell him w/e he's lying. It just so happened that his sister was taking her bath before bed so he goes to the bathroom, opens the door, enters the bathroom and opens the shower curtain
She screams and is all like
And he just tells her: 'Nothing. Finish your bath. I'm just looking.'
He was in there for a good few minutes. I stayed outside the hallway. Then he comes back and says, 'See. I see her naked whenever I want. It's no big deal anymore.'
Fucking lucky bastard
You must have been doing it wrong.
She was probably just scared of her new feelings/emotions she was getting
Happened to me before. With little girls it is always a fine line if have to walk. Giving them pleasure but at the same time introducing new things and going further each time ever so softly. If you just whip your dick out and scream
Suck it!!!!
You probably won't ever see a little girl ever again.
In my experience, little girls have no qualms with you masturbating them. Rubbing their outer lips, Touching the mons. Rubbing the anus. It's pretty standard. They like it. What is different and when it starts getting "weird" for them is if you try fingering them too quickly
Little girls don't expect a finger in their vagina. Hasn't happened before. It's so sudden. They think it's wrong. It's bad. That it shouldn't happen. And they freak out and either get away physically or tell you to stop.
Same with little girls and "peeing." A lot of girls are actually expericing an orgasm but think they have to "pee" so you have to coach them and tell them it is alright for their hips and genitals to feel warm/hot and it's okay to just relax and let whatever happens, happen
I had never done it before
Top lel. Is this what pedos actually believe?
Should just shut your fucking mouth if you have no experience. Normie scum
How can you trust your judgement on how she feels about what happened when you are mentally ill?
nice made up story you got there
stll got me hard tbh
nice made up story you got there OP
still got hard tbh
nice happy ending there
but I'm sure this never happened
lol i'd post her FB to prove you wrong (she's got a bf and is in college) but then you'd probably dox me since she has a picture with me on there
we never dox a Holla Forumsro
post it
Literally just walked into my bedroom and found this in my bed.
What do? Please help.
Shower them with your special Unkle Milk of Salty Mile and Old Pennies.
You are the reason why incest has such a negative rap in society, you bastard!