Ad-blocking subscriptions starting to add "fake news" to their lists

So who gets to decide what's fake news? This guy started to add sites like Breitbart, Dailycaller and RT to his blocklist subscription (to be fair there's several different "flavors" to download, you can simply download the plain one).

Point is, how long until other ad-block subscriptions start to push the same thing?

Other urls found in this thread:

And they say we should keep quiet. I knew this was gonna happen, and this is actually pretty important. Managing a list of all the ads is something really time consuming, so it's not like each one of us creates an alternative ad blocking list or we check for which sites to remove from that list. We need to make people aware of this so a group will start a new ad blocking list without feminist cry baby shit in it.

Well not anyone who's retarded enough to browse Holla Forums for starters

The problem is not that someone decides of their own free will to block some websites, but that adblocker extensions, most of the users of which probably will never look at the blocklists once, will start adding websites as part of some sort of protection racket, like an extended version of the "pay us and we'll show users a few ads" scheme.

Who let the retards in Holla Forums recently? I've seen many of idiots like you posting on /n/ too.

This also means that people trying to access "fake news" websites will have to turn off their adblockers on the sites, increasing the advertisement revenue of the websites.

They come from reddit

Holla Forums had a major influx of redditors after some drama on r/socialism. Post quality on Holla Forums has been plumbing new depths. At least the reddit influx to Holla Forums has been mostly contained to halfchan.

What's the matter you nigger.

kek most adblock users are avid users of these "fake news sites" to begin with, what a delusional faggot. These people remind me of lolbergs, it's like they've been in a coma for last 5 years and haven't seen the overwhelmingly left-wing bias of the establishment.

Liberals don't use ad blockers, they're fine being completely in the open because they only associate with other liberals, their job at a pozzed megacorp is in no danger from their pro-liberal comments, their heavily liberal schools will never come after them for their opinions, and they think they have nothing to hide from the wonderfully tolerant socially responsible diverse silicon valley tech companies that brought them such wonders like jewgle and apple.

Post quality on /shittypol/ going even lower? Christ, I almost feel bad for those commicucks. I hope they get their shit together before their faggotry implodes on itself and destroys the very fabric of the universe.

He's not wrong though. Are you upset, friend?

I don't use browser scripts. Well I hardly ever use Firefox anyway (it's just there so I can login to my bank or whatever, not for normal browsing). Instead I use Lynx and Links, and block ads with hosts file from here:
Every time I update my /etc/hosts (which is only like once or twice a year), I run a diff to see what changed. Usually it's pretty obvious stuff that has "ad", "click", "track", or "stats" in the hostname. It would be really easy to tell if they started adding legitimate sites.

I don't need these shitty lists, my adblock for browser is NoScript and RequestPolicy. Both are set to only allow full addresses.

Oh man, the web is so fast and smooth this way. And now I can browse with Tor all the time because i'm sure i don't waste any bandwidth on some shit I don't want to see. With RequestPolicy I don't even see the Google Captcha, the BotnetFlare pages are so beautiful without it.

Some people install ad-blockers and simply use the default lists. If the average user tries to access a website and it fails they will assume there's something wrong with the page and will stop visiting the site.

Why are Holla Forumstards suddenly in numbers here?

You'd think being told to fuck off for two years would get through their thick skulls.

Fuck off faggot


Back to your containment board faggot

That was one of my favorite sites back when I was interested in the paranormal. Why is it blocked? It's not even a news site. And David Wolfe? It's a health site. Something smells fishy here.

Anyway, blocking ads through lists was never the smart way. We have Umatrix now so just blocking third party shit selectively, totally outclasses the lists unless you're lazy.

I meant third party shit selectively. Of course it should all be blocked by default.


Send a pull request :^)



The person who ultimately decides whether a news article is credible is the reader, for themself. Not a script blocker.

I wouldn't mind maintaining an apolitical list. But the obvious question is, is it worth the time? I've never heard of this list before, and it doesn't seem to be a default list in any blocker. If this is just an isolated incident in an optional list that no one cares about, it may not be worth the trouble.

But Corbett is an anarchist, not even an ebul nazee. And Breitbart may piss them off but it certainly isn't 'fake news' by any defensible interpretation of the concept. Mad much?

I haven't heard of it either, and I use uBlock origin with defaults plus some extra tracking/privacy lists.
These sites are all normal websites, not CDNs or anything, so if I got linked to one and it broke I'd check my blocker and immediately notice something was fucked. I'm not too worried about this yet.
I'll definitely be mocking people for resorting to blocking websites they dislike the content of if this trend continues though. Don't want to accidentally read an article you're supposed to disagree with, oops!

I'd be thankful for them blocking me from clicking on a link to thegoldwater or whatever bullshit news /n/ shills.

He doesn't propose to block ads. He proposes to block a variety of content depending on the list - ads, malware, fake news, etc.

Is the "fake news" (censorship) phenomena worrisome? Yes, very. Is this guy a liberal cuck who should be hanged in public square? Yes. Are "Ad-blocking subscriptions starting to add "fake news" to their lists"? No.

Yeah I'm sure the Jews shudder at the thought of people browsing their colony which allowed chump into office

Eat shit, kike. Holla Forums really was right about Jewish faggots making shitty, disinfo posts.



Holy shit, the Holla Forums assfaggot browses Holla Forums too?

seems legit

Doesn't that mean you can't actually access that page?

How hard is it to not visit CNN or whatever if you don't want to read their propaganda?

It's not about me, it's about how everyone else is having the propaganda shoved down their throats. People who make decisions about this country's future are being purposefully misled by bias media.

It's a bit like how I very literally can't fuel my vehicle up near my house without having propaganda played to me at the pump. During the hillary campaign, every time I pulled the nozzle out, a pre-recorded interview of her and Conan or some other liberal celebrity would begin playing and wouldn't stop until I hung up the nozzle.

That's the kind of world we live in. That's why this is upsetting.

This is what happens when there's no moderation to a board


Yes, goy, all my Jewish friends are still celebrating Trump's victory. We were all terrified of a world with Hillary "Hitlery" Clinton in charge. Just look at how she kept vetoing every war Israel wanted in the middle east... oh wait.

Yep, look how the media meant for Jews all hated him, and how they're unable to expand their 'settlements' due to incomparable opposition from US... oh wait

Your point?


Get out

That he's another Jewish puppet and you Holla Forumstards are so retarded it went from funny to sad

Point me to just one successful politician in the USA in the last two or three decades who didn't at least pretend to play nice with Israel and or powerful Jewish groups. Just one. Of course you can't.

A popular Holla Forums meme to point out the fallacy you're committing:

Because surely if we just wait then eventually an openly anti-Jewish politician will magically rise up, completely immune to all Jewish influence, nevermind the fact that Jewish influence is gigantic and only continues to grow. Somehow that's not going to matter one day and there's going to be a pure, untainted anti-Jew who makes it all the way to the top of the same political power structures which are completely infested with Jews from top to bottom. That's what you're saying, whether you have the mental capacity to think it through and realize this or not.

Everyone knows Trump has long-standing alliances with Jews, a long history of pandering to the Israel meme crowd etc. He ignores or antagonizes liberal/lefty Jews but courts the Zionist crowd. Everyone knows. Nobody sane cares.

You seem to be unable to differentiate between ideal scenarios we like to paint as long-term future GOALS, and the reality of now. That cold, harsh reality is: Jews have tremendous power and there's no getting anywhere if you openly oppose them.

For the record, I am in no way suggesting that Trump is secretly anti-Jewish and will make the holohoax real. That's just a meme. However, he is in the know about Jews, webm related. What he will do about we don't know. For now, Trump is MERELY the best thing that has happened in international politics in decades, for what he has already done (shifting the Overton window in tons of key discussions waaay to the right). Imagine some other Republicuckservative bringing up deporting people in a debate with ol' bleeding heart Hillary. Every other Republican would have gotten crushed, and it would have been cemented as yet another demoralizing piece of "evidence" that you just can't be right wing anymore and it's just going to be muh race-mixed communism aka "progress" forever now. Trump spared the US and the rest of the world from all of that and instead delivered a stunning blow to Democrat delusions.

You seem to belong to the peculiar few who can't see the amazing feat Trump has already pulled off, just by getting away with the shit he keeps saying and getting elected for it. Not in spite of it. For it.

Good goy

No arguments. Not that I expected any.

Yeah, nah, you're a kike.
Fuck off kike.

Trump did all his direct and blatant Israel pandering and STILL got called Hitler by the organized Jewish press.

And you want to pretend someone else could come along and openly antagonize Israel / other Jewish fronts before being elected (!), and end up elected? Get it through your skull, the average White man and woman has seen Schindler's List and believes every second of it. There is no success to be had on an anti-Israel platform, and there isn't going to be any time soon.

>>>Holla Forums

Yeah, nah, fuck off kike.

That would be your part in this. Refuse to argue, storm off hurling ad hominems. Not exactly an impressive showing, I have to admit.

>>>Holla Forums

I don't consider anyone who compromises on ZOG to be human, just like I don't consider kikes human. And you're a kike.
So yeah, nah, fuck off kike.


What does this even mean? Not yelling gas the kikes at the top of your lungs every day?

lmao, everyone point and laugh, this is what your average Holla Forums and le epic Trump supporter has become.
no wonder he has a huge community on reddit. lots of good goys. the shill transparently trying to shut down any practical, achievable political behaviour, instead advocating for radical echo chamber behaviour that leads nowhere. Holla Forums usually takes things a little too far, and you're saying it's not extreme enough. I hate to say it but there really is something to that "purity spiral" meme in that attacking posters' purity ("if you're not at least as extreme as I am then you're the enemy") is common shill tactic now.

Fuck yeah
Trump, pro Isreal, scum of the earth
Richard Spencer, pro Isreal, everything else he does is moot now
Adolph Hitler, supported creating a jewish state to deport jews, filthy sub human animal

Gorge Soros, anti-Isreal, our greatest ally and a real hero.
Destroying the nation of isreal specifically is the only issue in the world that matters. There is nothing else, globalist Zionism and pro-isreal Zionism are not in direct conflict and the importation of millions of Muslims and Mexicans are not issues in the slightest.
Kill yourself.

ITT: Kikes try to spin more disinformation to trick Goyim into voting for communism

How's the weather in Te Aviv, Schlomo?

here's a tip, dipshit, go back to Holla Forums

That's not what ZOG is.
But while we're on that subject, go back to Israel, kike. Oh wait, you're already there.
No wonder Holla Forums is filled with good goys. They're not goys, they're actually self-loathing kikes from reddit.

Here's a tip, I'm making fun of you because you need to go the fuck back to Holla Forums, moron.

Oh shit your right! Isreal does bad stuff! I guess that does make boarder security, globalism, economics, gender politics, media bias, white genocide and Islamic terrorism are all now not things I should be worried about! I'm so glad that we have you to tell us to not vote for one person because he's only right 95% of the time, and if he's not on stage screaming gas the kikes, then he's just as bad as Hillary.
Hey quick question sheckleburg, who would you have voted for?

Are you fucking retarded? Trump was, and is, the best candidate. The "Jewish ties" are just disinfo Kikes spamming whatever garbage their handlers tell them to.

You're all over the place. What are you pretending to hope to accomplish here? Wasting your time? Congrats, you did it.

Friendly reminder that Holla Forums has been co-opted
Come home white man!

I was doing the exact opposite of what you think I was doing. Please re-read my post and check to make sure you replied to the right person.

Maximum damage control.

>>>Holla Forums

Do you want everyone to unite against your ilk?

I fail to see the problem. It's a separate list and as far as I can tell no widely used ad blocker even uses his lists, so if some lefty fag want's to block """fake news""", let him.

Where's Buzzfeed tho?

Apparently it's someone with "good intentions" that maintains the fake news list. I wonder if Steven would also give a spot to someone else with good intentions that made a list with buzzfeed and all the gawker tier websites on it

This person with "good intentions" is a fucking retard. Why is the Duffel Blog on this fake news list? Duffel Blog is a military version of the Onion, they post satirical articles and say so on their front page. If the Duffel Blog is fake news so is the Onion but I don't see the Onion on that list. What about DrudgeReport? DrudgeReport posts fake news about as often as CNN and Buzzfeed yet CNN and Buzzfeed aren't on the list.

I would have no problem with this list if it were consistent in targeting fake news, but it clearly targets Conservative sources over Liberal sources making it just another Liberal hugbox block list.

that means all news related websites will soon be banned on april.

The whole concept of fake news is stupid. It's all just jokes. If you don't get the jokes you're too stupid and will learn that you shouldn't blindly trust anything. If you are a journalist you are bad at your job.

This whole fake news circus is bad, because it tries to shield the stupid users and keep them stupid. The worst part is that stupid users will then implicitly trust the "real news", which are mostly badly researched opinionated articles.

They're using fake news to label any site that goes against the narrative now.


DING DING DING, we have a winner. You are exactly right.

reporting somthing that never happend is considered "fake news".
i know you stupid Holla Forumstard think your "alternative fact" can be considered "real" but they aren't.

they're not banning people with different opinion, they're banning lies

gas yourself fat boy

So how would they have labeled "Irak has WMD" and all the other unsubstantiated claims that people still believe in?

But what if you have newspapers only reporting stories that serve their agenda but ignore those that go against it? Because this is how fake news works these days, nobody goes and flat out reports fiction since that's so easy to disprove. They just report selectively, and spin stories so that they sound solid even though (they don't tell you this bit) the basis is very weak.

Dismiss it all you want but we both know who has been on the Trump train for 1.5 years, and who has been on the right wing train for 3 years (4, 5, 6+ even?). And guess who turned out to be right every single time. You're on the wrong side of history simply because you choose to be.

Stop spreading disinfo. The belief that Bush lied about chemical weapons is one of the most astounding bits of bullshit spread by the left. Have some literal pictures of Iraqi chemical weapons as published by a liberal paper and then kill yourself.


That is right, I can't access that page. But I rather find a repost of the article or just close that tab. There is no way I accept Google's Privacy Policy, accept their cookies and help them finding trees, signs, house numbers and store fronts.

If a site doesn't need my view because I use Tor, I won't beg for it.

That's called biased news reporting. It's neither a crime nor is it new. Biased reporting is not the same as reporting a complete forgery i.e. fake news.

Well it's a well known fact that americans are retarded, and a lot of them voted based on fake news.

Wow so the Republican party and CIA are all leftists now.

Those crafty commies.

No shit Iraq had WMD, we sold them to the fuckers.

Holla Forums dropped Holla Forums on some plebbit forum, hence why the board got ranked above Holla Forums

In soviet russia, ad blocks you!

Shit, so what will those macedonian firms who made bank making up fake news for chump supporters do now?

As you all know, I used to post Holla Forums news from with headline.
By Brian Fagioli
It was entertaining to see the reaction of Holla Forums users to that name. But, recently Brian posted this following article.
Clearly, this fagstick is a liberal and a fake news peddler. I vow to never post his articles in Holla Forums again. It's one thing to laugh over funny names, but it is completely different to allow propaganda.

how is that fake news?

When will Holla Forumstards realize facts don't stop being true just because it triggers them?

two wrong doesn't make one right, a lie is a lie, no matter how many people belive in it.

like that braitbart story about immigrants burning a church in Germany while screening "allah akbar", who turned out to be completely made up?.

for the racord i dispise you both, you guys are as deluded and stupid as radical muslims.
in the end you just want to hear what you want to hear, doesn't matter if its true or false.
its not a rational belief.
retards are always easily carried away by confirmation bias

I don't know why I do it, but I feel like I should remind you to look inwards also. Have a nice day.

That can't be real

Fuck off fag. Unsolicited opinions joined with news are not news. They are propaganda. Go to >>>Holla Forums

It's still fucked up. Don't you think you could get a completely skewed worldview with biased reporting?
That's why you get your news sites from different sites. the gaurdian won't publish a story about a queery black woman doing some shady shit while shouting BLM, but breitbart won't publish a story of three white men beating the shit out of a muslim woman. (I'm not referring to a specific events, these are hypotheticals).
Each newsfeed is giving you a narrative, and while some are based less on fact than others, at the end of the day its a narrative. The reader needs to be more active in checking the facts for themselves.

I honestly believe it's not possible to be a fully unbiased news reporter. Instead, I think we should be clever enough to consider the kind of bias of the individual/company that's delivering the report and filter our assessment with those lens i.e. prejudge the report based on who's saying it.

Does it matter whether mudslimes did this or that particular barbaric act? Everybody knows they are a violent, uncivilized culture and regardless of whether they did this one, they are likely to commit many like it in the future. It's not like people read that story about the church and went "wtf i hate muslims now", lol.

Nothing wrong with being biased. The important problems with today's media are:

For fuck's sake you have countries outright banning crime/race statistics (france) and photoshopping youth skin into white (cuckden). I wouldn't say it's the worst, but we are definitely at a low point of effective press over the ages.

Holla Forums in a nutshell friend. We all knew it would come to this. Some of us wanted to actually place blame where it belongs. Shocking I know.

we're reaching Holla Forums levels of retard pretty fast over here.

in the end its not about biased biased, its about not making shit up.

cool b8

What argument do you even have, aside from "this completely foreign group of people I don't know shit about can't possible be bad because muh raycism"?


this has to be b8,

yeah nah ur phag

I simply don't visit websites with CloudFlare anymore. If I see "Attention" in the tab I just insta-close it before google's spyware even loads, and then restart the browsing session.

I can agree in principle. I'm just cynical that it will happen regardless of what I feel.

What are you going on 8ch then?

the 8ch .onion bypasses the great firewall of north america

Jesus you are fucking autistic...

by that logic
If I go on and close it real quick, I'll be safe.

This kind of faggotry is what happens when you "ironically" worship obese pedophile jews named (((Stallman))), libshit faggots think they're welcome.

SJW is not technology.

Fun shit to try. Block cloudflare ip-ranges. Add google ip-ranges? ~90% "The Web" stops working. Yeah, Internet is fucked beyond repair.

Go to Reuters, AP bigstory, and Business Insider, you Alternative Hetero


Ad blockers are for ads, not content. If you're ok with the idea of a program blocking specific points of views or article arbitrarily based on what the people in their company/organization personally think is appropriate you're a cancer on the internet that stands against the very idea of freedom of thought.

So? My country elected weedman based on

Stupid people are the majority everwhere

That's fine, because it doesn't claim to be an ad blocker. Only the OP claims that. It claims to be a general blocking list, that includes many optional categories, including this one.

Savage. But accurate. Holla Forums needs to die.