Why was the power button in Chii's crotch?
Why was the power button in Chii's crotch?
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Is Chobits any good? I heard it was fantastic but I haven't watched it yet.
its one of those animes about a fetish for mentally retarded women with super powers, complete trash
I actually like women a little slow. They're usually more honest with their feelings and are very cute imo. I'm going to download and watch it now.
its not being dizzy but really clinically retarded. to give a comparison that i can remember, in elfenlied the girl is pissing herself and can only say "nyu". stopped watching right there. i hope to god nobody believes that this shit is cute.
t. woman
please explain what's exclusively male about wanting to fuck someone retarded. i guess potato girl gets you rock hard, huh?
So that's how weebs see women.
You know, it is usually a fact when someone is so begrudgingly against something, that said person has an ulterior motive of why he/she doesn't like it. I can see now that you don't like Chobits is because it is radically against your feminist belief system and the fact that I said "I like women a little slow", and you say I'd like them to be utterly brain dead and exaggerate the claim to absurdity supports this view. I'm laughing at you pretty hard right now.
I'm in meme hell.
is this actually happening?
It's good. Cute and sweet. I use to think Chii was the most aborable anime character of all time. Just look at her character design so freaking cute. It is really romantic that Hedeki fell in love with her despite the fact that he couldn't sleep with her. Besides she gets better at the end of the series, truly worthy of his love.
Eyes too far apart, looks like she was dropped on the head.
If by "this" you mean that you are exhibiting cognitive dissonance (and thus have lost the argument), then yes.
You responded with a ridiculous absolute (potato women get you rock hard). Classic sign of a brain experiencing cognitive dissonance.
1.I'm not them
2.She's literally retarded desu
Chobits was one of the first manag I ever read but I can't remember how it ended. In hindsight, reading this when I did is what helped put me where I am now. I gave me the impression that love was actually a thing. Stupid me, I didn't know that 3d was incapable of pure love. If only I knew then what I know now.
i said that those show displays them as brain dead. if you think pissing yourself in public and being unable to speak is normal behaviour you are living in a mental house. this is literally whats happening in elfenlied. i dont remember much of shit going on in chobits but it wasn't much better. this isn't me exaggerating anything but describing what's actually happening.
i like dizzy girls myself but those animes are disgusting and kill my boner. my guess is you're just some closet pedo who wants to fuck infants in diapers.
not him, is that a yes?
In all seriousness, could you imagine the mentality of a person who would actively entertain those fantasies? We already have how many who will swear up and down and throw a fit over how fucked they are for wanting to diddle kids, how frothing mad would toddler-fuckers get for getting called out?
She got shot in the head in the first episode, the fact you don't know this must mean you didn't actually watch the anime. I'm no fan of Elfen Lied, but clearly you know nothing of either of Elfen Lied or Chobits. My guess is- that you got this "information" second hand from some feminist blog site. And the fact you're saying both chobits and Elfen lied are the same, literal polar opposites they are, proves that point.
It's pretty obvious you're not even a guy so…
All anime eyes are too big and too far apart. I can think of only one realistically draw anime, and it is shit.
3D is capable of love. It's just really rare. I've seen it. The sweetest couple married for 60 years and they still act like young lovebirds. Two autistic scientists who majored in field, at the time no one really cared about. Seeing them made me so depressed. Why can't the red string be real.
Spoilers if you hadn't watched.
Chii also was reset back to a child after her sister committed virtual suicide. She was designed to be child, to grow and learn, like a real child. And she did, until her mother realized she wouldn't be happy with her, so she reset her.
i watched those almost 10 years ago and not even through because it was about retarded girls.
and it'd be a rather random second hand info to get that a guy and a girl found her on the beach iirc and took her in, she only going "nyu nyu nyu" and pissing herself and them not sending her to a hospital the entire time.
if you want to stick your dick into something like that you are a more likely than not a toddlerfucker.
First one to come into mind. You're wrong.
Started watching it, but couldn't finish. I liked Rizelmine better.
Anime everybody.
shit meant to go to
Yeah, because clearly a developed woman who is mature enough to conceive a baby, is clearly a toddler. Wow, you yet again clearly illustrate your blatant display of cognitive dissidence. You should probably get your head checked with that double think your having there, and seriously go to a shrink. Because there is clearly something wrong with your brain.
Not them.
She's mentally a toddler or has something close to down syndrome. Do you not understand how that works? Unlsess you're only attracted to the body.
She looks retarded
You're baseless assumptions again prove you are nothing but a stupid feminist. What so you're saying you can't be attracted to BOTH a mature body and an immature mind? Do you really think someone on the slow side is incapable of love? Do you have any scientific bases for this at all? That's what I thought. And I bet my life on it, that a women who is smarter who like fully grown men on the slow side isn't a toddler fucker in your eyes, you double standard fuckwit.
Literally a toddler's mind user. There's a difference between being thick and being retarded.
Nice Britanny Venti impression.
Really cute indeed.