A Lord of the Rings-inspired space opera wants to connect you with African mythology


A Lord of the Rings-inspired space opera wants to connect you with African mythology

Ay, hol up
So you sayin' is
Aaaay yoooo
Finna say
Imma finna say
Dat we was
Aliems n shit?

One of the aliens is a fucking monkey…lost it.

Doesn't surprise me that they had to Dindu-ify Lord of the Rings, one of the most white, European stories you could think of.

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At the moment, any attention we'd give it would just give them SocJusbucks on account of the ebil nadzis.

Wait till they're committed to it before we start tearing into it, like we did for the ghostbusters reboot.

It'll probably give us great mp4s and macros when all's said n done.


the squiggle on the ayy's head is a little ambiguous for me, any anons want to find the original with the swastika?
also, i was under the impression that african mythology was all about witch doctors and fucking virgin babies to cure aids.

who the fuck is this for exactly?

Didn't they realize that they were supposed to be the orcs?

but then
holy shit.





Genius idea from a marketing perspective. A million dollar idea, in fact. The people that buy this kind of shit, just do so to virtue signal on socmedia.

I'd like to one day pump out some nig-nog NOI/Black Hebrews tier of pulp sci-fi schlock. Shit makes the best stories, silly niggers that they are.

Fuck is that sad. Why can't niggers just invent their own culture instead of WE WAZ KANGZ'ing everyone else's cultural identity?

Said the Scorpion, "It's my nature."

eeh maybe in the jackson films but in the books themselves they were mongols, described as having squinty eyes

Niggers have the attention span of a goldfish. That's what makes em so dang silly.

Well, they got something right.

White people who want to feel good about giving black people a participation trophy.

Orcs were German.

Straight up the Germans/Austrians.

The Orcs weren't meant as a straight up comparison to anyone, but Tolkien wrote them as the "enemy". And for a British officer stuck in the trenches, the "enemy" is the Germans.

It's funny because Tolkien himself stated he regrets making the Orcs always chaotic evil. It's a demonstration of the sadness that is WWI that Europeans were successfully fooled and made to view each other as monsters and Orcs worth killing in the millions.

You can even see the transformation. First year or so, there was still general view of worthy opponents and unwillingness to kill excessively, but as propaganda kicked in following the Christmas truces of 1914, all bets were off. Plus the use of machinery and gas weapons.

As for OP's thing, I wont hold my breath because niggers, but if he really wants to try and be the "African Tolkien", power to him. God knows blacks could use that.

Of course, what it WILL be is just a lot of MUH WHITEY OOGA BOOGA KEEPIN A MAN DOWN, without understanding that Tolkien's glorification of European values and his on point of objective morality didn't come from hatred of other cultures, it came from a love of his own. I highly doubt an "African-American" raised in the current social environment can rise above the political propaganda pitting blacks vs whites. If he so much as tries to inject politics and social bullshit, it's bound to fail. Myth is not political in the slightest and must come from real moral truth, and in turn myth inspires philosophy and politics.

Soooo….they're more violent then?

So worshiping ancestors?

I'm a bit weary towards the german/austrian thing, the orc language sounds like a parody of the turkic languages like kazakh

Orcs were the British urban lower class. Hobbits were the British rural lower class.

what about the trolls? they spoke in a cockney dialect

Because the Orc languages likely got a LOT of influence from Khuzdul. (Khazad is the Khuzdul word for dwarf by the way)

Remember that Orcs conquered a LOT of old dwarven strongholds, especially Gundabad. It's not surprising their language has some inspiration from Khuzdul.

Linguistic complexity of the world aside, Tolkien himself states that the Orcs is how we view our enemies on the battlefield. It's how choose to imagine them, evil beings guided by evil itself.

But then, you also see a LOT of sympathy thrown in. Orcs are likely elves tortured into grotesque parodies of life. Tolkien states he regrets giving Orcs no redeeming figures or characters that are named, so as to highlight that no life is wholly evil. Some are more prone to evil due to the extent Morgoth/the Shadow may have corrupted them, but ultimately all life can be good and all life can be evil.

That's a silly allegory. Stop doing those.

Well, at least they aren't insisting on a remake where the hobbits are all African(that would be kind of racist in a funny way.) Or worse, Aragorn.
At least they're making their own retarded thing instead of insisting on making stuff that used to be perfectly good total dogshit.

I always figured the Orcs were muslims since the Battle of Helms Deep is a literal ripoff of the Siege of Vienna in the 1680s
also they get their soldiers from mud, nuff sed

which makes the elves byzantium BTW
no idea what the fuck dwarves were

ITT: People who are wrong. Tolkien hated allegories with a passion and did not want the Lord of the Rings to be read as one, since it is not an allegory.
It doesn't even remotely make sense to try and read the LOTR as an allegory on WW2 or anything else when one looks at it in the context of the whole oeuvre that is Middle Earth. Tolkien was a world builder that used his stories to visualise that world, he did not make up a world so he had a setting to place a story in.

t.someone who read the bloody preface

Stop thinking of politics when you watch Lord of the Rings, it only makes you prone to make those comparisons more.

And by the way, the big "siege of Vienna" part was Pelennor fields, and that had actual Muslim stand ins amongst the Easterlings and Haradrim, no need for the Orcs.

And Byzantium is Gondor straight up, with some shades of ancient Egypt, at least in terms of inspiration for the aesthetic.

dud to the weird way the japs say things n stuff, we can find that "ninjas" were a deformation of "niggas"
it had a negative connotation at the time because they were feared for their crazymonkey fighting style

fuck off brit/kike/ if you can't read the obvious middle eastern/turko-asiatic allusions in orc speech you are blind and stupid, the whole men of the west thing versus the evil south, the haradrim and the easterlings. sauron being a priest who deceived the high born men of the west, the whole book has far more going on inside it than just some simplistic british allegory for the first world war. in many ways the LOTR was something written through Tolkien from the european supersoul, that book is a tome of deep memes.

that's the fun of tolkien: his works are so open to interpretation, I for instance like to think of the hobbits as the island celts (specifically the welsh) or rural english people, the elves as finnish or nords, the dwarves as jews, et cetera

Couldn't white people claim that this is "cultrual appropriation"? White people created the entire genre of sci-fi.
Reminds me of that video of that white kid with dreadlocks being told he's appropriating African culture.

it wasn't politics I was thinking of, I'm of Austrian heritage and was told the story of the Battle of Vienna before I read TLOTR books
I mean the riders of rohan are literally the polish under Sobrieski or whatever that guys name was, largest cav charge in human history

That monkey has a laser rifle

First off, I'm not British or frequent brit/pol/. I'm not telling you things based on my desire for dank memes about civic nationalism or muh Hitler, I'm telling you what the truth is based on both myth and how you write it, and what Tolkien stated on Orcs.
You fail to understand what Orcs represent because you're fixated on injecting your politics into a book that has to be viewed entirely separated from politics. Myth is not informed by politics, politics are informed by myth. Myth only draws inspiration from the moral truths of the world, the Aesops if you will, or to use your cancerous fucking jokes, myths are inspired by memes on morality. The reason thus why myths feature such common ground on many things is because morality is objective. The closer a myth is to objective morality, the better a myth is. Thus you can also state that European myths are superior, but that's another story.

Ideology is the death of morality and is also the beginning of modernism.
The Orcs being the proverbial enemy is what then informs politics.
When I say "The Orcs are German", it means that to someone that fought in the trenches of WWI, the Germans seem like Orcs. The person that wrote the Orcs was such a man, hence why the Orcs are seen as machine using destroyers of nature and their portrayal is interwoven with that anti-nature sentiment, because ultimately that's how Tolkien viewed his enemies of the trenches. But Tolkien also understood that it wasn't just the Germans doing them. He didn't write the Orc, the Enemy, in the way he did on purpose. He wrote them this way because
1. That's how he himself understood the Enemy, and one cannot be impartial in such matters. His way of unintentionally injecting his bias was giving the Orc the anti-nature theme. This guilt over how he ended up associated the Orcs with the Germans later manifested in a desire to make the Orcs sympathetic (which would never have worked)
2. Everything ELSE about the Orc, the Enemy, was written this way because it was drawing on moral truth. The Orc is the evil being, the one that follows evil and does evil, and which all actions are worth condemnation, and the foil to the virtuous actions of the heroes and the people that do good.
To a Greek at the siege of Constantinople in 1453, the Turks are Orcs.
To a German at the last stand in Berlin, the Soviets are Orcs.
These are a couple of examples.

Also, the whole "Men of the West vs the evil south" isn't the point of it.

It is stated many times that the Southern and Eastern Man's crime is simply having let themselves fall to the Shadow. But that isn't something inherent to them, it's inherent to all Men.

We were all marred in the beginning of days by Morgoth himself. There are just some of us who choose to turn back to the light.

Yes, of course the West is the ultimate symbolism for greatness in these books, because Tolkien is European and of course he's going to see the West as the best. But what he views as the "great West" isn't Gondor and Arnor, it's Valinor in Aman, or perhaps Beleriand under the waves, or maybe Númenor.

There are "Men of the West" because they choose to turn towards these places.

That's because it's myth.

Myth informs politics and ideology.

Myth is easy to interpret in your own ideals.

Normally, this is a good thing. But we live in a world that turns that into a shitty thing and uses Tolkien's ability to be interpreted in a certain way to justify bullshit Tolkien himself would NEVER have condoned.

Uhm… WAT?

This retarded frog kike should take a look into what Tolkien's actual views were and the organisations he was a part of, I rather doubt he'd like what he'd find.

Remember anons, when the Jew tries to embarrass you, to mock your culture, insult your symbols, degrade and denigrate your stories, the best tactic is to ignore them or ridicule them. Giving them attention and getting angry only conforms to the reaction they want from you.

Tolkien used some pretty occult stuff, aged thousands of years.

Numenor: Atlantis
Men of the West: Western Culture, descendants of Atlantis htrough Greece and Egypt
Gondor: Continental Europe
Rohhirim: Brits
Elfs/Ents: Old Gods
Saruman: corrupt marxist European governments
Orcs/Easterlings: Shitskins of all kinds and creeds

Tolkien pretty much predicted/leaked the whole jewish plan.

Space Opera is the sci fi version of high fantasy, its not actual theater.

To be honest I like the idea of blacks focusing on their own mythology and doing other kinds of creative segregation.


That's not how it works, they're not segregating, they're colonizing our spaces.

Ninja's were never feared for some bullshit fighting styles. They were hated by samurai because of muh dishonourable dispray

If face to face with a ninja a samurai will try to cut him down with glee. They were just worried about being stabbed in the back,or being poisoned

Make originally white characters black
Make original black characters

Can't have it both ways, faggots.

That just proves that nobody want niggers in anything.


Its not bloody allegory

We wuz spacefaring

Mein sides.

I'd rather insert a bamboo tube up my urethra and then whack it with a hammer than watch ooga boogas in space








which is it?

lad you're talking bollocks
Tolkien wasnt political he was a traditionalist revivalist
he loved ancient British culture and history
consider it like this
>Elves-Celts: race of few light skinned blonde haired spiritual creatures, they have special steel look up Noric steel live in tune with nature, all fight in battle even the women and leave for their sacred land on boats to the west Tir N Og

seriously consider the parallels

I don't actually see a problem with this; it's just a black guy writing a sci-fi with themes from his personal heritage and experiences in Africa. The LotR angle is clickbait and has nothing to do with the work except that the author called it one of his inspirations. At least he's attempting to do something original rather than just blackwash some white characters.



hey at least they're not appropriating western mythology anymore right?

I actually kinda agree.

Dwarves are yids, tolkien was inspired by hebrew and other semitic languages when constructing the dwarf language

[A scene from ‘Yohancè: The Ekangeni Crystal’]
Lol niggers.

I looked that up and i see you're right
thats kinda fucked tbh, he started off just basing them on germanic dwarves and then switched to semtizing them
bad move tbh

It arguably makes even more sense that way. At the time he wrote them (and for a long time in general), German Jews were among the largest and most influential Jewish groups in existence, see Yiddish. Prior to the founding of Israel German Jews were probably considered representative of Jews in general.

They still do today, hell our whole (((coincidence detector))) is based around rooting out jews whom seem to all have german names ending with stein berg or blatt

This is marketing talk.

Dwarves were not yids. They were created by one of the Valar, Aule, who had a huge hard-on for working with his hands. He cared more about the labor of creation than the end product, and dwarves hold him in extremely high regard.



All replies to this are wrong. The black speech was based of turkish, the orcs are turks. Mordor is turkey/the balkans

Nah. Tolkien himself wrote somewhere that when he was coming up with Black Speech, he wanted to make it sound as disgusting as possible - to the point that non-orc characters in his books would even refuse to speak it. It's not really based on anything, he just took the harshest, most guttural-sounding words he could come up with and cobbled them together into a language.
However, Black Speech is agglutinative, which leads many to the fact that it was based on Turkish/Arabic.

hol up dog so u sayin we wuz alums n sheet

Lost it at "The Monkey". The meme universe has truly collided.

I like how when niggers do it you all act amused, but totally forget that there are white people who browse Holla Forums and believe that whites were created by ancient alien space nazis.

what in god's name are you talking about? "Ancient alien space nazis"? you talking about that yakub shit?

No I'm talking about the people who believe in blonde haired and blue eyed aliens who created the nordic people. Niggers aren't unique in their belief of dumb shit.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like that on here, some sauce?

you're thinking of /x/, fam.


Don't try to pawn that shit off on them, I've seen 400 plus post threads about this shit on Holla Forums

you dumb, boy?

So when a small subset of niggers believe in dumb shit it's all niggers, but when whites do the same thing we don't have to worry about it. You hypocritical motherfuckers

what are you rambling about?

That's Astar Sheran you imbecile, he'll come with Jesus in his dank spaceship to save the believers.

We've got a live one. Ignore this Holla Forums

everything that user said was correct. you're just butthurt you don't have a ticket to ride.


I hope this shit flops like it deserves.

the nordic alien shit has been around since the 50's, Holla Forums didn't create it

Lets open our minds to the glorious ways of Africa shall we?

Part 1: my.mixtape.moe/kcjcke.mp3

Part 2: my.mixtape.moe/cpvsbd.mp3

He was being sarcastic, user.

False alarm. It is a comicbook. No one even buys the Marvel or DC ones these days. Selling over 100,000 is a success.

White people generally aren't interested in monkey tales.

History has shown us this rather clearly.

There is no direct allegory.

I'm not saying Orcs = Germans as an allegory. I'm saying the concept of the Orc was given a visual description based on Tolkien's views of the central powers from his experience in WWI.

If for example, a German had written LotR, I'd be saying that the Orcs were Soviets.

The concept of the Orc doesn't change, what changes is how it visually manifests.

I hope Tikoloshe is involved.


Wait…you mean they're making a movie of their own instead of stealing white people's roles?

I have no problem with this (although I'll laugh my ass off when it fails to make bank). This is a non-happening.

My sides. This explains it. Their god is a monkey with a gun.

See, shit like this is fascinating.

Niggers need someone to explore this shit and make them actually enjoy it, not that Nation of Islam WE WUZ KANGS shit.

pronounced [budo:] and [vudu]. Its also a chinese laonword.

AKA "no sauce"

pick one.

fish flakes?

"ninjas" were a deformation of "niggas"
忍 nin(sneak) + 者 sha (person)
both chinese in origin. Calling niggers "sneak-people" sounds pretty accurate though.

skimmed the article

At least so far it looks like an accurate portrayal of African history

You're thinking of 40k, son.

This. It's not really justified to call this a We Wuz Kangs moment because he's trying to tap into his own culture, instead of rip off ours.

Who ever said this?
Whites don't make twitter accounts or go to university's to tell people about it

Are you a nigger?

Goddamn what a shithole Marvel has turned into…

Heimdall is pure flaunting on the part of the Jews. He's described as the Whitest of all the Aesir in the Eddur. "Look what we can do without you even trying to stop us!"

IDK the hobbits seemed pretty comfy, had nice homes and plenty to eat, and were occupied with their jobs, so I'd say they were more like rural middle class than lower class.

KEK has blessed this thread.


The Hobbits and the Shire were this


Been done.

They even got that wrong by implying sengoku samurais were the first samurai. The very first emergent examples of the samurai class were noblemen horse archers. Melee was done with polearm by the peasants. The blacks don't have any successful horse archers last i checked

I liked your post and award it 3/10 for humouressness

I specifically remember when looking deep into LoTR the names and language of the Orcs revolved around Germanics.

yeah and guess who hates the fuck out of Germanics?


tbh I would probably watch that becasue the style looks neat

wait a second

wait wait

is the main guy in white armor?


White kid? That was a Jew. Last name was Goldstein iirc.

Considering they think the Berbers are blacks, I suppose they do.

Pic related

considering tolkiens grandfather was german probably unlikely
go DnC somewhere else you larping yank

Cannot be done today, because the insane womyn would chimpout about their kind being destroyed and earth suddenly becoming an eden in the movie.

If they are the origin point for all people they're not like we are told. Then blacks invented theft, murder, rape, and basically all crime. That is literally their culture.

Blackwashing needs to fucking die.

I forgot
Shilling >>>/arda/ for Tolkien talk. Please post, board is dead and I don't want it dead ;_;

I thought the elves were german, based on how they were arrogant master race guys.

I regret the day I made that comment.

The elves language is mostly inspired by Welsh and Finnish. That's about as much you can say about them.

Again, I didn't mean to imply there was a direct allegory between Orcs and Germans, just that Tolkien pierced Germans as he later described the Orcs.

funny thing is that Tolkien was born in South Africa


Why so many people believe in this retarded bullshit?!
Even the Bible makes more sense than this scientologist-level crap.

People believe in things they want to believe in, not things that they think are true independent of their desires.

Who keeps making these threads? It sounds shit, but who cares? I feel like someone's trying to cash in on harrassment points here.

Ashtar vs Yakub when??


Didn't Star Wars already have Gungans?

but the Dwarves are obviously the Jews.
they're the Jews with all their worst qualities removed, namely their desire to fuck around in other peoples culture.

That isn't how dwarves work.

Yes they put value in physical things, but that's because they value the craft put into the making of it.

Their god is the god of crafts and knowledge, don't forget.

Dwarves also lost their ancient homelands and have to live in diaspora…

Keep in mind things like gold smithing and diamond cutting were professions absolutely dominated in Tolkien's time, and still are to an extent.

pretty much sums it up imo

Hate to break it to you mate but the humanoid aliens really are nordic. Not even fucking with you. I guess whites really do have the best dna potential.

That doesn't sound too bad.
It's a crossover between three pretty dank things.

I had a class with this kid in Atlanta. He's a nice dude and he never went off on afrocentrist shit in my presence not once. Black art nerds gotta have something to do and their history is basically barren with regards to high functioning culture so I don't give a shit if he wants to make a black space opera.

Just putting the word out that I think it's a mistake to think this guys a we wuz kangz sort and not a black art kid who wants to do something relevant (nerd sci-fi) and black because he is black.


Haha, idiot globalist, you think this will work? Your opinion is worth zero.

What, afraid his feelings will be hurt?

I'll actually watch a movie will all Black or all Hispanics or whatever.

Shit I won't watch is taking white characters and making them "multi cultural" or obvious anti white bullshit, which is 90% of media these days.

Hah, no.

There is actually a mythology about big blue eyes super people who migrated to the UK



Since I know him to some degree sure, I don't like the idea of someone I find generally affable to be hurt for no reason. Since he is by my estimation a black art nerd who wants to do something black but has virtually nothing to work with historically so he creates this admittedly silly thing, for the purpose of clarity I thought folks here might benefit from realizing
that there is a black art nerd, we wuz kangz dichotomy. How pronounced and how long lasting that division is is up for debate, but it surely exists.

Ayy hol up nigga,

are you sayin

we wuz jedi?