Makes my stomach turn
Makes my stomach turn
What happened to sage?
looks like they brought her in to positively identify the bodies.
She was about to get her internal organs cut out and sold on the black market and she knew what was about to happen, hence why she was crying her eyes out.
I have no sympathy for Muslim parasites.
are there any other kind, user?
tragic, let's squeak irl to send our support
skin, eyes, wings, feathers
the skin is an organ
What's even happening?
clearly an elaborate prank on a poor loli
I don't know what's going on this video but I hate muslims a little more than I did before watching this
same but the only thing worse than a backwards ass muslim that wants to caveman it out in his country is a jew that wants to bring him here.
anyone have vids of children being tortured, dismembered, or executed?
Some say that skin is an organ…
not yet. you got any kids?
I've got a video of a kid doing the execution
thas just as good in fact is better.
seen it. need to see children dying, though. this is just an indoctrinated mudslime. i want to see innocent children being torn apart in front of their mothers
*tips fedora*
have u guys ever seen rape? :/
I havent. n im not talkin bout mudslime rape either.
i've googled a lot of porn, seen a lot of porn i wish i hadnt seen, a lot of rekt vids, animal cruelty and some really fucked up weird shit i cant put a name to, but ive never seen a western woman raped in a western country. legitimately raped and video taped.
have u?
I have, I think. They looked slavic. Wasn't my thing so I didn't save. It was recorded on a potato, anyway.
The one filmed outside, and the bitch puked on herself? If that's the one you have in mind, yeah, I think they were slavniggers. Not sure how "western" I'd consider them, tbh.
maybe this oughta get its own thread
That's probably it
The audio isn't great, but to translate a little she is screaming "mummy, daddy" and "i don't want to die"
Pretty sure they are organ harvesters
Underrated post.
They wanted her clitoris….She knew better.
They were about to stone her for not being a "good girl"
Yep,stomach turning mudslimes.
Kid's got sand……..HE'S GOT SAND
wtf that fucking stinky hellhole should fucking be bombed. mother fucking what im signing up for marines just to fucking blow those medieval satans man whores. jesus fuck.
im pretty sure that its been shipped to usa.
so the government doesnt knows abot it or is pretending to be naive?
how about you instead kill yourself you no good piece of shit scumbag. get rekt
i hope that midget son of a bitch gets his eyes cut off and have his body organs harvested instead.
so whats the fucking idea to abduct an innocent person and murdering him like piece of ballless pussy? wtf how retarded and pathetic they have to be to believe in some pure god fucking evil propaganda? what the fuck is this all about? who is funding them and providing them arms and life aids?
kike mother detected
why would they record harvesting organs? the video doesn't show her being harvested but the container placed under her is suspicious.
you'd think these semites ( could be kikes could be ragheads) wouldn't record their crimes. unless they are creating propaganda for the western media?
somethings not right about all this.
It's saying "Our children are learning to kill at a young age while yours are learning about SM and transgender issues in kindergarten"
That's an actual thing in some European countries and certain regions of the USA.
Maybe Canada as well.
B-but goy, they are defending your free-dumb!
We never should've left the oil
Serious question: why do white people rarely to never do horrible shit like this? I've been on BestGore, Liveleak, r/watchpeopledie and it is always black/brown people and occasionally Asians committing horrible acts of violence against other people and animals. I can't help but feel like white nationalists are actually right about whites being superior even though I used to think they were crazy.
from the thumbnail it looks like his in a ball pit lol
This is why I scoff at the idea of just letting in Muslim women and children to the west. They are all terrorists. Even the children.
if it's an ISIS video it's Jewish.
most people play follow the leader. the leaders of ISIS are Jewish.
ISIS are Muslim subhumans.
Isreal, it's pretty fucking obvious fam. The fact they don't attack Israel when they're both smack dab in the middle east should be proof enough of that assertion. AND the fact that the jews openly admit to being behind the muslim immigration crisis in Europa. You know, the jewish controlled media always say hur "isis controls oil wells in the middle east hur", yet when pushed for an explanation or any proof whatsoever of that they can't provide any.
ISIS mysteriously never attacks Israel.
Could it be the leadership is Jewish and the Muslims are sheeple?
They were full on Mongolians, probably from some shithole like Kazakhstan. It pans to their faces at the end.
There's already pictures of them with crying girls who they have enslaved that were taken by them and there's the constant flow of gore videos that they create. It's just how they are.
wtf is this?
Good thing you'll never dare to say this in real life, I'd gouge your eyes out you pathetic excuse of a human being.
This looks like fake propaganda to me. Why would they film the dead like" see the dead bodies see how evil we are and the crime we are up to?" and then it cuts out. Fake as shit.
Since when does Trump propoganda have to look realistic, for fucktards to be convinced that it must be true?