Thank allah that horrible WHITE MAAAALE Omar Mateen was shot 8 times ;^)
WHITE MALE Omar Mateen autopsy
Did we forget that these creatures have a race? They are ARABS.
We could easily turn this around by using the fact he was a muslim and then claim the media is calling kebab all the things they call FUCKING WHITE MALES
They are not Arabs. "Arab" is an ethnicity. They are Semites.
or correct these faggots and start pointing out that these are arabs.
nice try, asshole
Well to be fair there are ancient Aryans in Afghanistan but Omar didn't seem to be one of them.
He became an honorary Aryan after removing 50 faggots.
Amazing how no leftist notices the blatant bias of the media that controls them.
Arab is a mixture of a semite and a turkic proto-rapist
Semites are just very old whites guys/indo-yuro branch
Gas them all
White Like Me!
christians on here say that ashkenazis are "fake Jews" and are mostly white converts
just saying what christcucks on here say lad
It's amusing that a lot of them memoryhole details once an event has long passed. They did the exact same thing with the Cologne refugee mass rape and the Pakistani gang rapes.
The sad part is that it always works.
well, stop it then. You just repeating an obvious bait, and millenals will accept that thought because the MSM is saying the same thing
You are either Pro-White or Anti-White
Choose a side
I guess the Commando in Orlando gets to go in the white spree-shooting statistics now because as a remover of faggots, he's an honorary Aryan.
He's an honorary camel fucker at best.
They claim that Talmudic Jews are fake jews because the Talmud was formed two centuries after Christianity.
honorary aryan is reserved for japs and pajeets only
But he's an actual camel fucker so he can't be an honorary one.
Whatever novels they are reading
Whenever it took place
I reckon kikes are about 45% sandnigger/semitic, 40% yuropoor and 15% Mediterranean
A kike in Spain share more genes with a kike in Russia than he does with other Spaniards. They are a completely separate linage. I don't doubt that they came out of Arabia after being displaced by the proto-arabs. After all, they did rape and slaughter their way into the lands on Canon
What happened to calling them asian?
Keep drinking that kool-aid
I smell matzo balls…
You fucked up your links rabbi
kikes, asians, aboriginals, native americans, inuits, chimpanzees, bedouins, persians, phoenicians, turkroachs, goatfuckers and niggers
End of the story.
Unfortunately the MSM likes to count every Caucasoid with a skin tone lighter than coffee as white.
They'll due when reporting crime statistics as well. They count Hispanics as white.
That is until it doesn't suit them. I.E. "Hispanics don't like Trump polls".
Post above you might be
I don't get your point either, are you mad those populations were a desert white type or that they went full swede on a bunch of pajeetoid turks that slaughtered their way in twice and went to become loonie fundamentalistic warlords?
At this point i believe you are the real shill here, they are not nord white, but they were as white as the mediterreans (because that's what they were)
Obviously few of those remain
And i didn't mention all those redskins/yellobot/monkeys
spics are a weird case, iirc they have about 58% Iberian peninsula dna and the rest coming from injuns
Kill yourself.
Get out of here Schlomo, go shill elsewhere.
Just like the post under yours
If we let that thought growing here, we'll end up like what halfchan is today.
2000 years ago, and a lot of them converted to christianism
And a bunch of them also went to Italy
That's right, get butthurt, even today those scoundrels have mixed with white genes to make a deceptive facade
Trump's daughter is one of those lambs
Read a book, nigger
Yet, they still a mongoloid race
I meant Mongrel
Gore doesn't bother me, but I can't stand to look at that picture
Are you upset that your kin is uglier than negros?
Listen to me you assholes.
We used to call them arabs all the time.
Somehow, within the last 8 years, that word has been stricken from our language.
Why is this?
Why wouldn't (((they))) want us to be able to accurately place these mudcreatures in a genetic category they used to be well referred to as?
Why would (((they))) want people to think arabs are among the caucasians/europids?
They are Arabs.
Sorry about that user, I know that feel.
I should have spoilered that shit. I posted it because it's relevant to the topic
I think you missed the part where THEY WERE RAPED by pajeet proto-turkroach, well it is the same, arab means that (mixed bunch)
Note that in my claims i use the past tense, they went the way of the dodo, well not quite, a few remain but they are practically gone
Indo-Yuros (Aryans) might give you a clue, and the mediterrean mixture/sub-type is also a notion of those
wat, are you upset i called jews scoundrels for appropiating the image of their hosts to fuck them up? (in both senses)
Arabs are arabs, a mixture of trash. What used to be in place of arabs, the usual middle-easterns, were another thing, arabs were just nomads/bandits that ficki'd their way into places, and butchered them in a couple of caliphates/centuries of pillages
Why is everyone so triggered by well-known history this board digged up, where did so many newfags come from
Trust me "arab" still draws up the same plane crashing into building mental image that "muslim" does.
I know, i just didn't expect folks to be so blinded by retardation and thickness when past/distant history is brought up
Then again i don't get daily muslim attacks on Tucson and my downtown enriched with ISIS, so i can't be so hard with these anons
Stay mad Hans
He's Afghan you fucking retards.
That's neither Arab or Semite. They're the original Aryans.
You God damn fucking retard how uninformed can you be.
Afghans don't speak Arabic they have no genetic relation to Arabs, less than Iranians.
Their language is as close to English as Russian is to English and has no relation to Arabic.
I dont give a fuck. They are shitskin kebabs to me. This is about sensible classification for the normies. We used to call ALL of them arabs all the fucking time. We're gonna go back to doing it because it's obvious Jews like yourself don't want us to. Nobody gives a fuck about the minute differences between these roaches. They are slime and should be lumped into the same shitty genetic category. I won't let you confuse people any longer.
"Semites" aren't a race, they're a linguistic group.
No, they aren't. At best they are some cousin of whites, but I honestly think they're just mongrels of some proto-European branch that got enriched by Africans.
First of all, most of those are Arabized and extinct. Second of all, they're Europoids. Not white, but fairly close; we do not have any equivalent of such people today.
They've been heavily Arabized. You know that, right? The Afghans of today are not the Afghans of two thousand years ago.
You can't make this shit up.
you type like a fag and your shit's all retarded
It's outlining the official policies regarding the U.S. census. Middle Easterners are supposed to select "white;" there is no arab/middle east box to check for race.
this is pathetic
stay mad faghourt