Why is the UK so based?

Why is the UK so based?


Other urls found in this thread:


350 years of jews controlling the banks, government and press

George Orwell would be impressed.

Well lads it's been an honor shitposting with you

It's over, boys


but will it have net neutrality? because Reddit told me that's the only thing that matters about internet

how will she do that? the only thing she can do is block access and thats easily subverted.

Theresa May's just doing this because I dumped her old ass.

holy fuck you're a madman


this. she's grandstanding to those who think the interwebz is a sewer full of terrorists and hate mongers who need to be shutted up.
you could have avoided this


How else are you going to get the BBFC to enforce sharia law on internet users in the Islamic Caliphate of Britain?

Why can't anyone do anything about this shit??


the burgers just caved in at the first hurdle. if you value the internet as a place where your shitpost travels at the same speed and by the same route as fuckbook posts and netflix dildos, ==act==. you have nothing better to do and the skills, er, ok the skills to make a difference here. it's not yet game over and if in future your favorite asian-gusset picture library takes a year to download the biz, it'll be as much your fault as anyone's. fight this or have to lie to our grand kids about how a nog, a pajit and a spud reamed your anus back in the day because you were too fucking busy playing with your dick.

fuck off reddit

thank you for correcting the record

thank you for smearing your shit on this thread also, it's always so nice to have Billy Mays chime in repeatedly on every thread for the new NatSoc Mop, on sale now!

Ten dollars.
