Its official Holla Forums belongs to pedophiles, perverts and furries. No good thread will ever be posted again because people know it will be spammed. Anything that doesn't concern CP, animal porn or just porn is off topic and the board owner and his crew will spam it into oblivion. If it isn't porn it doesn't belong on Holla Forums.
Like I said the board is only as good as its owner and as far as this site goes, if I'm not able to create a custom board soon this site will have lost all appeal. Holla Forums Holla Forums Holla Forums are nice to browse but I could live without it. If I can't make my own board there isn't anything left.
At least on fucking reddit you can make a sub. Holla Forums is just reddit without the ability to make your own board.
Oliver Nguyen
Logan Hall
Why did the guy who inherited Holla Forums have to be such a fucking faggot!?! Jesus fuck man, Holla Forums really wa something and you just said fuck it. WHY? Its like you hate the community and are sabotaging it by letting freaks spam threads to death with animal porn and shit.
Benjamin Sanders
Prove it doesn't faggot, just look over the catalogue. Better yet try and start any type of original thread. Anything even remotely interesting will be shut down by a cynical pervert who hates everything that isn't porn.
Robert Bell
bump Holla Forums is for porn only
Ryan Wright
Joseph Bailey
Ha why don't you go jack off to your niece or something?
Justin Stewart
You let pedophiles banter and post non nudes and you let people post animal porn then you say fuck me when I say this board is a degenerate haven. Too much dude, too much.
Charles Gutierrez
You have so many rules and you think they'll save you.
Levi Parker
Kevin Young
Why be such a bitch though, what did the community of anonymous people do to you? Or is it not even that, you just really like this new environment? I think its the latter, you're a pervert and having a community like you keeps you from being so isolated you kill yourself. You can sleep at night knowing there are other people with your proclivities. Well when board creation comes back on I'm going to make a new random board to rival this one. You may not believe it but a Holla Forums free from Pedophiles, pedo banter, non nude CP, animal porn etc will catch on quick. Either board creation will work again and save the site or it will continue to dissolve
Hudson Anderson
Am I gay if I am posting ads on craigslist in middle of night to try and get trannies to stick their dick in my bum? Asking for a friend
Lincoln Parker
Ian Miller
bump look at what a faggot the mod is
Defending pedophiles and furries, why not its the community he built.
Angel James
Logan Sanchez
Oh, my wee younglings. How silly you become when you are agitated so.
Levi Ortiz
bump Not a thing posted will change facts
Jack Perry
This board is all pedophiles
Zachary Nelson
Anything original will be shut down and mods will stand by and defend it. If it isn't porn it has no place here.
Easton Baker
Samefaggot defending the pedophile board
Noah Hughes
Blake Johnson
wtf I love little girls now
Xavier Sanders
Mods gonna kill himself if a day goes by with no pedophile bantz, niggers need friends too
Gabriel Reyes
Mod gets pissed when the torrent isn't seeded
Luis Parker
If I was a little girl would you be my daddy?
Josiah Jones
Austin Lewis
Nolan Bennett
Trying to stop pedophiles? I have something for you
Gavin Moore
Somebody please
Robert Hughes
Post some of your children in those temple cages!
Oliver Miller
Thomas Myers
Jordan Jackson
Nolan Collins
Nathan Butler
David Rodriguez
This website is gonna die (hasn't it?) if board creation doesn't come back
Chase Hughes
We're going to make Holla Forums triggering again, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now fuck off back to your Reddit hugbox, you whiny-ass faggot.
Joseph Bennett
Pist hey buddy Holla Forumswas always ran by these faggots fuck off newfag.