What music if any is considered fashy? I think pic related is pretty gr8 m8
Redpilled music?
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What happened OP?
Did you figure out that the song Resistance is about the rise and fall of national socialism in Germany?
Also, did you fuck up an embed?
muse is for gay men
gay is redpill
it must be a sad existence if you only listen to music if it shills your political views
muse is half-enlightened lefty rock.
citation needed
Socialism is pretty gay though, more like anti-gov shit maybe.. You can't be too picky anymore. No I didn't embed anything.
I don't nigger
ironpilled ruskis anyone?
lol nigga
Uncle Holla Forums here. Check out Blink 1488
thank you lmao
Owl City is pretty redpilled
just fucking kill yourself
Don't bully Owl City posters
This whole album is about the evolution of religion. It's not fully redpilled but it's pretty gud, more positive sounding than most modern rock.
Alice in Chains had a song named Frogs. The Kekologists should put it in the Kek references in popular culture database.
I didn't think a single word could cause instant brain cancer, but there it is
What is Kek trying to tell us with these digits right there?
you can't research a chaos god, also that term is fucking stupid.
Lol, no.
Michael moniyham would of Killed yo mothafuckin ass already
This one isn't "fashy" (whatever that means) by it is good fighting music.
I don't know who that is. I don't care either.
Forgot muh vid
Michael moniyham is the leader, founder, singer, creator, writer of Blood Axis you fucking idiot. YOU DONT KNOW SHIT!!
I like the music he creates, I know nothing about the person and don't care to.
Check this song:
"Fear the Grand Inquisitor" by Pungent Stench
It's so redpilled Youtube deleted any trace of its existence on their website time ago.
Here is my favourite marching song from the Reich.
Lying idiot
What am I lying about?
Here's my favourite song they made. I like this one a lot.
Leonard Cohen - The Future
Even if just for this bit
"Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby: It is murder"
(((They))) don't really care about us
This one sounds like a God botherer song by it's about Hitler, not Jesus.
Resistance is about the book 1984 buddy.
It's ok music but u fucking wot m8? Pretty sure it's more leftist. Anime music is the one true fashy genre
skin oldies were pretty fashy
From Serbian kebab removers
Nice b8 m8
Pretty sure they're insiders having a laugh at the normalfags by rubbing it all in our faces, that's the vibe I always got from the lyrics at least. I still like their music though.
I'm not even sure such a thing is real with the state of music today. I can sort of give an honorable mention to the Dead Kennedys, they called out a lot of legit shady shit in politics in their music, even if they were fundamentally bluepilled eastbay fucks. The lead singer ran for mayor of San Fran once.
I do have some exquisite greenpill and blackpill music though.
The whole point of music is to inspire. Why would you want to "inspire" a depressive state? Also what does "greenpilled" mean? Ayy lmaos?
you can tell how much of larpers the US Holla Forumsacks here are with their "most popular" frequently posted nazi marches
they really don't know any of the "better" stuff that's less known because it's not being spoonfed to these mongrel shitskins
Good choice, comrade.
Have a treat. Schalmeien ftw. Always get me teary eyed… born way too late for the good times…
user, I…
i know you guys have issues with reading comprehension but come on, it's a 4 liner posting…
If the "most popular" is unknown to most people then it isn't actually very popular is it? You silly goose.
are you just pretending to be retarded and unable to read what i actually said or are you trying to "troll" me?
it's hard to tell because Holla Forumss trolling is as shit as their sincere posts
anthem of the komintern
Vom Salat schrumpft der Bizeps
bet you didn't know that, better get redpilled
I had my suspicions that you were a subversive faggot when I read your first post, thanks for confirming them.
i was posting commie music with every reply to your dumb shit
you got to be pretending to be this retarded
Forgot title
S. Prokofiev: Zdravitsa op. 85 (1939)
amazing work
Never before
Were the fields so green.
With unprecedented joy
The whole village is full.
Never before for us
Has life been so joyous.
Never before in our country,
Has the rye blossomed so.
Differently now, the sun
Shines upon the earth.
Surely the sun must have been
With Stalin in the Kremlin.
I sing, nursing my son
In my arms: "You shall grow up,
like a stalk of wheat,
Amongst the blue cornflowers.
Stalin shall be the first word
On your lips.
You shall learn
The source of this bright light.
You will draw in your notebook
A picture of Stalin.
Oh, white is the cherrytree in the garden,
Like a white mist.
My life is blooming
Like the spring cherry blossom now!
Oh, the sun glows and dances
In the bright dewdrops.
This light, warmth and sun,
Stalin brought to us.
Know, my beloved son,
That his warmth
Through forests, across mountains,
Reaches you.
Oh, white, white in the gardens
Is the cherry, white as mist.
Our life has blossomed like the cherry!
If my youth suddenly returned,
If the Kokshaga River suddenly ran North,
If my eyes glowed
As they did when I was seventeen,
If my cheeks became pink like a ripe apple,
I would go to Moscow, the great city.
I would give thanks to
Joseph Stalin.
He hears all, sees all,
How the people live,
How the people live and work.
He rewards everyone
For their hard work.
He invites them
To see him in Moscow.
He welcomes them kindly,
He talks with them merrily, kindly, oh!
He hears all, sees all,
How the people live,
How the people live and work.
He rewards everyone
For their hard work.
He leads his guests into the bright rooms.
He bids them all sit down at the tables made of oak,
And asks them about everything
He wants to know.
How is their work? What do they need?
Is not our motherland beautiful?
But how is the people's work? What do they need?
He himself gives us his wise advice.
He hears all, sees all,
How the people live.
He rewards everyone
For their hard work.
He invites them
To see him in Moscow.
He welcomes them kindly,
He welcomes them merrily,
He himself gives us his wise advice.
Oh, yesterday we sang, we celebrated!
We were not drinking to celebrate as Aksinia's light brown braid
Was plighted to her betrothed -
We were sending Aksinia on a visit to Stalin.
To the city of Moscow we sent her, to the capital.
We dressed her as if she were a young bride.
Aksinia, our light, went out of the gate;
So beautiful, so handsome, in new boots.
We escorted Aksinia to the end of the village.
With her, we send greetings to Stalin.
He hears all, sees all,
How the people live,
How the people live and work.
He rewards everyone
For their hard work.
You, O Stalin, have faced many trials,
And for the people suffered much.
When we protested the Tsar crushed us,
And left women without husbands.
You have opened a new way for us.
Behind you, we joyously march.
Your vision is our vision, O leader of the people!
Your thoughts are our thoughts, indivisible!
You are the banner flying from our mighty fortress!
You are the flame that warms our spirit and our blood,
O Stalin, Stalin!
disgusting heretics
This isn't you? You type in a similar manner. Explain this text:
Also you can post all the patriotic Soviet music you want but anybody who has studied there history will realize that they were slaughtering tens of millions of their own people around the time they were putting that stuff out. They were hypocrites.
Most redpilled orchestration ever penned.
Yes, that's my post. Are you really too dense to grasp the context there? Well of course someone this retarded would then go on talking shit about comrade Stalin.
nazi monkeys wish they could create music like this, instead they're composing circus marches for clowns
Lel. You know what you were doing and so do I you faggot.
i was mocking Holla Forums nazis for their shit music, giving an example of one of the better but "surprisingly" lesser known songs that were hugely popular by actual nazis
what do you believe i did?
your idiotism is irritating
Are you forgetting that one type of music is listed as hate and you can be imprisoned for creating it in many western nations? That tends to drive most of the more respectable people away.
this song was created in the nazi era and does not contain any "hate", just the usual nazi autism. you're really grasping straws there.
I assumed that you were trying to make National Socialists look stupid and generally unpleasant by misrepresenting them, that's why I called you a subversive faggot. I still think that is what you were doing.
It's a valid point that people should be a war of in general.
If the songs are not allowed in their country, some autistic antifas are always quick to report them and they get banned in the region.
It's usually only modern nazi music that can't contain itself and spergs about "stabbing kikes" and shit like that that'll get banned.
that movie is awesome btw
No it isn't. It's anything that fit into the definition of inciting racial hatred, addressing the Jewish question in your music will get you a prison sentence in a number of nations unless you are very careful. You don't need to talk about violence to get yourself imprisoned, there's plenty of violent music that doesn't carry a racial message and that is fine in those nations. It's the racial element that is "problematic" for them.