/furry/ at over 1000 PPH
Is 8ch being invaded?
/furry/ at over 1000 PPH
Is 8ch being invaded?
Who gives a fuck if that degenerate board is being raided. Not Holla Forums, so fuck off.
My bet is that those fuckers are probably botting OR they are spamming harder then usually for unknown reason.
Feel free to correct me throu.
Those scumbag needs to be purged tbh fam.
t. Furry
who the fuck cares
No one cares.
Unlike Holla Forums, /furry/ doesn't ban people for having certain political opinions. Every time Holla Forums has a new boogieman - jidf, midf, ctridf - the vols go on ban rampages that drastically lowers the PPH.
Holla Forums is its own worst enemy.
They are probably trying to slide Holla Forums or discredit Holla Forums altogether.
But considering we got quite a lot of exposure on reddit, I wouldn't be even surprised if degenerates from there migrated.
so fuck off.
That could very well explain the decline in posting quality in the past few days.
t. JDF
What is this ggrevolt?
Yeah because we want to be like the constantly raided cesspool that is cuckchan Holla Forums.
Fuck me forgot to sage.
There's no choice but to create a competing, red pilled furry board and beat them at their own game.
muh safespace
wew lad I knew they died down but I never thought they dropped completely dead.
they stick to Holla Forums these days (the gg boards were 90% honeypot, 10% autism containment)
/furry/ does sometimes get raided by Holla Forumsacks and generally people who go into discussion threads and unironically spout bluepills. but in what they write when you confront them or refute them, they have this 'I know what you're talking about but I'm just gonna pretend like it's all rubbish' thing going on.
It's less degenerate than Holla Forums being #3 tbh
Yup, they were being spammed hard earlier.
You don't get banned at all. I've posted contrarian opinions here an I'm untouched.
It does have a few bluepilled folks in there from Holla Forums and Holla Forums. At the start of the board, there were a few aGG people at the very start.
There's a huge libertarian demographic that currently leans towards Hillary after hearing news that Trump wants to ban porn, but there's very few bluepilled individuals who fall into the "babby's first ayytheist" and unironic left-wing socialist category. The bluepilled folks are very silent in the discord though, but they sometimes sperg out if you hit their Achilles heel.
That's not what I mean. A few of them seem like genuine shills. You know all the hallmarks of 'there is no way they believe this shit from what they say but they claim they do in dead seriousness'. You know, accused guilty criminal going 'can you prove that?'. As if they were at least to some degree redpilled but just refuse to acknowledge any redpills.
It generally comes across to me like Holla Forums or some CTR-type group uses /furry/ as an alternative shilling ground for when their tactics are too ineffective on Holla Forums.
good thread. its always interesting to know what else is going on in the world, on this site, or on other sites. if you hear about anything interesting happening on 4chan or reddit (or other sites) please be sure to bring that here, too, and make a thread about it.
You're likely right about what you're saying, I see that those shills poke Holla Forums and Holla Forums constantly. There was a shill who claimed that George Zimmerman deserved to be in jail.
This isn't true, mods only ban for calling out mods protecting spam threads, cuck threads and D&C threads
Past few days? Try a year and a half. Holla Forums used to have nearly 10,000 unique IDs. We've lost well over 70% of our user base thanks to the shit mods and Cripplekike unable to fix his site. We lose more and more real users and get replaced by more shills, or even worse retards.
/lefty/ constantly battling for 6th place with /furry/
getting fucked in the ass by an anthropomorphic fox is literally more popular than communism
I don't care, so long as they stay in their containment board.
They aren't though. I am starting to notice a stark influx of ideology crashing in many threads on Holla Forums right now. For example, many people in the defense of Israel over other ones feigning hatred for Muslims without any intellectual foresight.
Among other things happening, the influx of first-post (1)s, threads being sage spammed on REALLY important topics, I believe we are going to go under a huge wave of divide and conquer methods and other subversion tactics starting now.
Sorry guys if you're legit, because really, who give a fuck about furfags. But I am starting to find it hard to believe who's just a retard and who's here to break us.
Its Summer in a wild election year ,brexit,halfchan refugees and the donald civic nationalists/populist and it was bound to lower the quality of the board. We are bound to bounce back to the former glory as long as we remain seeking the truth, whatever that will be in /fullpol/ its remain to be seen, now that the site is functional its up to the mods to step up.