Be me

This isn't the end.


Go on, OP. I'm listening



dew it

stew it

Alright, I'm down for a story.


twist it

jew it

bop it!

OP post story, I got my hot cocoa ready
pic related


You're kind of a douchebag tbh

That's what a gay virgin like OP thinks an alpha acts like

Nigger, your education is important.
Stop ditching!

I ditched school loads when I was in HS. And I only finished it 2 years late!


Nigger are you stupid or actually that bitter?

Wow OP you sound like the dick in this story. The other guy is just a weirdo. Youre a legit asshole

Hey OP. You are a colossal cunt. I hope Johnny Boy cuts your tubby bitch tits off and feeds them to you.

not him, but poe's law applies