Step 1: Type 'white man white woman' into Google images.
Step 2: Pick your fucking jaw off the floor.
What the fuck is this? Is this proof of a hidden agenda?
Step 1: Type 'white man white woman' into Google images.
Step 2: Pick your fucking jaw off the floor.
What the fuck is this? Is this proof of a hidden agenda?
Other urls found in this thread:
US only. You guys are getting cucked hard.
Old thread, old news. This post is topic dilution at this point. Yes, there is some (((influence))) but it's also due to white people being default. When you search couple (with np race specified) you get whites. The only times people specify white is when they want a juxtaposition because whites are default.
There is no hidden agenda, only coincidences.
Nice quads.
What about Bing?
No, I don't live in the US and I'm getting it too…
it's big in advertising too
you goys are being ridiculous
kek the fuck?
Shiiiit I don't remember it being this bad. They are starting to get vicious on this.
Also on 4chan they are going fucking apeshit and other boards. Please remember to red pill the Holla Forumstards and Holla Forumss they are open to answers right now and I'm banned.
Holla Forums has already infiltrated for a part too.
I think it might just be because of introducing race to the search at all. Try just "man and woman", and you'll see mostly white couples when you're not seeing pictograms
Google "American couple" and scroll down. Just niggers.
We need to promote Jewish men, black women.
jesus fuck
You know what we should do to kill of the jews? Promote that jewish women are completely crazy and it will kill you if you ever would try and fuck them. Make people aware of crypto-jews aswell.
Jewgle is shit and you shouldn't be using it in the first place, but the reason you're getting these results is that most of the results are matching groups who are self-selected to search for racial terms to begin with. Remember that image searches are drawn from pages with words that have to match semantically to your search query. The phrase "modern couple" is a faggot jew phrase 99 times out of 100 so those are the pages you're going to get results from.
But yeah, no offence, if you're using Jewgle in 2016 you're part of the problem.
Whites don’t racemix, despite the propaganda.
what do you suggest I use? Microcuck's bing, yahjew? DuckDuckGoy?
yes, if we made them racemix with niggers further their future children will become dumber and dumber until they are so dumb and so voilent that all we need do is call the police or just gun them down ourselves. They won't be able to control anything if they are too dumb.
Type in "white couple."
If you ignore all the black and white photos… you'll see nothing but black and white photos…
go search for 'girl gets fucked in ass'
now go search for 'white girl gets fucked in ass'
the second will come up with interracial a lot
this is because if its not interracial, the fact that the girl is white, is a given, and not worth mentioning
but the interracial videos all have titles that mention the fact the girl is white
your searches for anything else operate in the same way
google just looks for the words you type
Check out the beauty of "couples" and then selecting the "romantic love" tag.
forgot pic
Holy shit. I got these just JUST ONE THE FIRST PAGE!
There will come a time where we'll have to acknowledge that all of Google must be put down.
Went to google
Typed in the thing
Hit "Image search"
Multicultural couples, multicultural couples everywhere.
Not a single white male/white female pairing.
2 spooky, fam.
Could it be because race is only mentioned when dealing with interracial couples? You don't call a white couple "white man and white woman", at most you'd call them a white couple.
inb4 shill jew, jet fuel can't melt steel beams, everything is a conspiracy against me
We all know Google is corrupt left leaning pile of shit.
This however might me related to the types of searches people make. In English speaking countries the typical couple or average couple is white/white.
People don't usually search white man , white women couples.
I experimented and searched "people dating" it's almost all white men/white women couples.
Don't be evil!
But shouldn't searching for "White man white women" typically return images of white men and white women?
ISn't that how a search engine is supposed to work?
They probably haven't redirected those search terms to the SJW google yet.
Shit thread.
>Being that new
Great comparison
So relevance
much applicability
Image search "White man white women"
Get pictures of black people.
Your comparison is bullshit, and you should feel bad about it.
Never think, never criticize OP, never change Holla Forums.
OP is more like
That argument literally makes no sense.
Let's concede that what you are saying is true:: That people only mention race when they are describing racemixers.
OP did NOT search for racemixers. He searched for "white man and white woman." In this case, according to your argument, people should not have mentioned race at all. So WHY are all the pics showing only white women with negro men?
FYI, let's search for "black man and black woman" and see what turns up.
Google is literally run by Jews.
What post did you read? That conclusion makes no sense. I literally said that interracial couples will mention race.
The logical conclusion is that interracial couple images are labeled "white woman black man" or vice versa. Searching for one of those terms would probably hit that that category.
"Asian man, Asian women" get White man/ Asian women couples for the most part.
It's all related on how the search is worded the most.
search "American couples" it's almost all same race couple with the exception of 3 pics having beta orbiters with their mail order brides.
"What post did you read? That conclusion makes no sense. I literally said that (only) interracial couples will mention race."
Congratulations. You are literally a retard.
FYI: Google was founded by Larry Page, a JEW, and Sergey Brin, who was also a JEW.
Well if that doesn't prove that they're out to not get you laid, nothing does. They're ruining our women and fruit brother.
Try adding "-black" and you'll get better results :^)
no he's right
search for apple stand '
Get Orange stand
Conspiracy confirmed
Startpage or ixquick. Try those.
To be serious for a moment if it's the content of searches that upsets people startpage is just a middleman for the google results so the results would be roughly the same. Without the tracking of course.
Try searching """natural""" hair.
Because race mixing is just like apples. If I search for one type of apple and all the results show another type of apple and then someone says something, they're crazy, LOL.
Yep. Israel exports apples. I guess that proves that OP was wrong, eh? Boy oh boy do I feel silly.
Jesus Christ I thought you were joking
Natural hair, probably dressed up with dozens of hair care products.
Since you are clearly not replying to the arguments I made, (and since the pic you just posted only confirms my earlier point,) I've given up any hope of having an intelligent discussion with you about politics.
From now on, I'm just going to reply to your posts with pictures of Kikes and/or Niggers.
Jewish apple vendor spotted.
Ah I get it.
So since nobody is searching "Palestine" in google maps that's the reason they erased it from the map?
Great argument user.
Google showed Yellow apples when I searched for "Yellow apples", and it showed Green Apples when I searched for "Green apples".
So, when OP searches for "white man and white woman" and gets a bunch of race mixers, he must be crazy for pointing that out, right? And when some user searches for "black man and black woman" and gets only black couples, he's also crazy for pointing it out. And when he compares his result to OP's result and suggests that there might be some discrepancies, well, they're both crazy. Because apples.
And woe and behold, Israel EXPORTS Apples, don't they? That proves the point. OP and user must both be crazy. Because apples.
LOL. Juice, right?
Shut up jew, take your apples elsewhere.
pic related tbh
>If I pretend that yellow apples are exactly the same as race mixers and throw the word "Jew" in there somewhere, and assume that people are as new as I am and don't know how to check IDs, maybe people will forget that I'm retarded.
Get out apple picker.
You've been caught vermin. Just give up and get out. We don't want your apples here.
Apple shills get out.
I think I got pic related from a ((Yahoo)) story about out-of-control teens.
No matter what, the pic and thumbnail always make me chuckle.
No way out but through the jew
Even in Japan its a thing. In JAV porn, you will NEVER see a Japanese man that has lighter skin than the woman he's fucking. Apparently there's some sort of taboo about that.
Even the Japanese unconsciously lean towards race mixing!
I'm Norwegian and it's happening here too.
Because they don't want to get visions of white men screwing their women.
Because unlike the myth of white women preferring black men, Asian women preferring white men is mostly true.
There is no such thing as coincidence, only degrees of chance
It seems the JIDF may be moving to this site.
Which is a shame since porn of White man fucking the brains out of a small asian chick is the hottest.
even when they're filtered out
they're still there
I don't think the dashes and quotation marks work on image search.
You know what I realized about this keyword shit a while ago?
I seen something similar here a while back like search "greatest black people" and "greatest white people"
The results were once again, disgusting.
Then I realized it.
white people do not call themselves white people
a white couple married, etc do not refer to themselves or other whites as 'racial' anything
Meaning, only niggers and browns make that shit and even search that way.
Whites being default, unnecessary to specify, its thankfully a boon
Pic related is what you get for "white couple".
In support of my above post, just search 'married couple'
I just did and besides one single asian man + white woman, its all pure.
And its 90% happy white couples
It could be that most "racemixing" topics are anti-racist topics since there is more of that than there is Holla Forums
Reminder: When a black man mixes he destroys his grandchildren's connection to his mother's genes and his heritage
That's a little redpill for niggers
Fuck off cuckchan. Stop shitting up our boards.