4chan sees this image and thinks "OMG…I can totally see her nipple!"
8ch sees this image and thinks "OMG…she totally just rolled a Yahtzee!"
4chan sees this image and thinks "OMG…I can totally see her nipple!"
8ch sees this image and thinks "OMG…she totally just rolled a Yahtzee!"
"OMG…she totally has a bun roll sitting on her head!"
looks more like turds on an afro to me
not far off from the truth op
OMG…OP is a total and utter cancer faggot!
OMG…this thread is shit!
disgusting smelly human women.
disgusting smelly mentally ill 2dfaggot
Well, I do have to admit that I have been to 4chan, but not in the last 9 years or so.
So FWIW you are technically correct. Feel better now? Good. Because that doesn't change the accuracy or truth of my statement.
Someone forgot to take their meds again.
Look, if you can here to start a fight, please, take a number,and take a seat.
Stay brainwashed normalfag.
samefag detected
gtfo cartoon pedos are still pedos
Yes, have many seats
What the fuck are you going on about you stupid fuck? You have no idea how badly your internet habits have fucked you over. Any measure of originality and genuine REALness that once shaped YOU is dwindling on the brink of extinction. As the hours/days/weeks you pass on shitposting etc go by, I want you to at least try to imagine what could have been. You fucking program.
And so, the senseless childish bickering over nothing begins [sigh]… I'm just gonna sit here in the corner and take a dump on the floor.
You obviously don't get what is happening to you. Every time you reply, you push yourself deeper into the hole of anger you've stirred up, simply by reading a few words on a screen. You see, this is how I can easily gain control over you. A few clicks, and I've encased you in your own emotions. It is inescapable. The more you even think about replying, the more trapped you become.
So go ahead and reply, you imbecilic brat.
I dare you.
You are totally new here
Despite all your rambling, you are still a pedofag.
4chan sees this image and says, "omg, SAUCE?!"
8ch sees this image and says, "Kagney Linn Carter. Too old."
4 pics and no ban for the marines
suck dicks 4chan