What's the truth about the 36th Waffen SS Division SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger? Jewpedia says that they were a unit made up of criminals and committed many war crimes, This could be expanded to ask what was the truth about the Waffen SS. In school you are taught that the SS were RWDS who committed war crimes.
36th Waffen SS Division SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger
Anything damning about any nazi will be dismissed as Jewish lies here, why are you even asking
What if they are jewish lies? How am I supposed to know? They have been portrayed as boogeymen by media and schools and I am genuinly curious as to what they really did and who they really were.
I'm currently reading a book by Kurt Meyer to gain a look into the 12th SS. So far in the book nothing sticks out as a war crime.
Perhaps it was because they lost the war that they were burdened with the deaths of innocents killed by soviets or the killing of armed partisans who are now portrayed as civilians. There is just too much fog surrounding the Waffen SS.
it's war, get the fuck over it
The issue about debunking specific lies about WWII is that you can't really debunk it when all the sources have been fabricated.
Something like the holocaust? You can find inconsistencies in it since it was such a huge lie.
A specific division? If anyone's interested you'd have to find specific accounts of them in journals or books. A simple google search won't cut it.
They probably did do some bad shit (big tell is that the SS themselves wanted Dirlewanger gone, like when Himmler had Sommer dismissed from Buchenwald on charges of abuse). The whole idea behind the unit was pretty stupid to begin with to be honest.
Seems pretty believable tbh.
Aesthetic as fuck
They were an unit consisting of criminals. I am not surprised if they committed crimes. Most of the army didn't want anything to do with them.
The unit was created out of desperation late in the war. I think the soviets used similar units.
Dirlewangers war crimes probably did happen but they were not part of any genocide.
This and divisions serving on eastern front were usually more cruel because they had to deal with subhuman commie guerillas.
For those who know German or want to learn it. This is an article about Dirlewanger Kommando from a magazine about the Third Reich published in the 1970s. Fun fact: the publishers wanted to promote this magazine with thousands of swastika flags hanging in front of every shop selling it but the court forbid it.
damn, look at all those beutiful patches.
I will not accept this some times soldiers do things that are a crime and should be punish for it.
Like raping, murdering civilians, stealing, destruction of churches art and things of that nature.
theses are things that are not necessary to do in war and should be punish for committing.
even fair treatment of your enemy should be something you do.
Stop bitching about Dresden
Oh great you fucking ZOG grandson. Maybe you should punish your own first. Where do you come from?
Nobody bitches about it unless the crooked teeth subhumans brought it up.
tbh only first 12 SS divisions were of any note
People for some reason worship the SS, even though the Wehrmacht was by far a much more competent and better fighting force.
The SS was in good in the respect that the men in it were committed to death to fight, but that does not make them a good fighting force, it just makes them fanatical. Japan's army was much the same way.
Undue credit is given to the SS, in fact when they were forced to fight on their own (and not in a supporting role) they completely collapsed (see budapest).
The SS were only so far in far as they could fill in gaps in the lines and act in a supporting role. The Wehrmacht nearly won the war, not the SS.
The 7th panzer division was the one that made 200-300km advances in france, a day not the SS
The holocaust did happen, but not in the way the official account puts it. For example 99% of specific details are probably bullshit (jew soap, skin lamp shades, etc) because these kinds of accounts appear in every war solely on the losing side. Also the propaganda about "le ebil natsi" trying to satisfy some bloodlust is also bullshit, there were reasons why jews were gassed.
The jews were interned in ghettos, moved to concentration camps, and exterminated when other attempts to remove them were exhuasted.
I dont know why some people think this is a bad thing though. Jews deserved it tbh and the world would be much better if it was successful
Hitler had nothing to do with any killing of Jews.
Himmler was the one that probably did order some villages liquidated and groups of people, but the soviets were just as ruthless.
What killings there was were sporadic and unorganized in nature
Then it wasnt a fucking "Holocaust". Try to coopt harder.
Holocaust = Gassing muh millions of kikes.
By definition it means burnt offerings.
Semantically and historically there wasnt any Holocaust.
Jews were never "gassed". No one was.
Call it whatever you want dude, there was a genocide/ethnic cleansing against undesirable elements in German society. Why do you even see this as bad? Germany was full of gypsies, commies, jews, slavs etc. That severely undermined the survival of the German people.
Why wouldn't you question the claims of well know liars?
Nobody said the wehrmacht was bad bro, but yeah. I think people worship Waffen SS because they were so "fanatical".
These threads are constant circlejerks. If you just assume "every single German from 1933-1945 did absolutely nothing wrong ever" you'd come to the same conclusions these threads do. There's no point.
Jesus christ /k/ is fucking insufferable with how much this gets posted
Brit/pol/ get gassed you fucking apes. As if 1000 coontainment threads weren't enough for you.
Also I am not a brit/pol/ mong you faggot
Oh Anglo
Yes there was a purge. But it wasnt a HOLOCAUST.
Stop using their lingo and give them power.
How to disqualify yourself in one easy step
So what are you, subhuman? An inferior shitpole? Dont you have some arrangement with mutti merkel about the EU Army to make? And I think you are late for this month's gibs me dats.
Subhuman pole confirmed.
Would never have happened if you subhumans werent so adamant about cutting off East Prussia.
Subhuman poles are the second biggest mouth breathers for the Holohoax.
You can't compare the wehrmach which was an army with different logistics and different purposes in war.
Trolls and larpers aside, I don't believe anybody is even trying to imply it. We all know that this is war and things happen for the worst on all sides.
imo, the ss purpose was to counter partisans and shit. Kind of doing the dirt jobs the werhmarch wouldn't/couldn't do.
Did I saw that faggot?
No I didn't. Hitler was planning on pushing slavs eastward though.
asshurt americans larping as Krauts every one
No he didn't, the sole basis for that claim is some fabled "Generalplan Ost" that even wikipedia admits was never found
Never said that Jasnunz. And are you sure you want to nit pick at Amerilards? You inferiors should know that in the event of real nationalism in Germany they might be the ones to save you.
The shitpoles are a race of inferior, negroes like subhumans.
The poles are filthy, dirty and are completely Jewified for hundreds of years. They are stupid, thug like and protect the Jewish lies.
They lack in achievement, take gibs like niggers and invade the rest of Europe and spics do in the US.
No, it is Hitler's table talks and David Irving's research.
He wanted to colonize the east for german farmers which necessitates jews and slavs being moved eastward faggot.
Wow you're really into larping faggot
Filtered you kike
And as always, incapable of taking self criticism, lacking in critical thinking and being servants of kikes, the dirty subhuman repeats the same lies and fabrication for the 1000th times, thinking nobody will see it.
Why dont you post Hitler gun control now.
Believes the Holohoax happened the way kikes and POLES say it did.
Oh wait, you are a subhuman pole, thats why you need to keep the Holohoax alive. Pathetic. Poolish Nationalism at its finest.
But I never complained about it, Jasnunz. And people can easily see all my posts in this thread.
Tell me, why are you such a lying subhuman?
Wehrmacht did lots of dirty work, they'd refuse to wear anti-partizan badges while the SS would wear them proudly because if you got caught with SS runes on your collar you were already a dead man.
What? We're glad we don't have the Jews anymore. AFAIK you didn't get into the camps just for being a Pole, you got there for putting up resistance or being a criminal (unless you were a kike). What you did get for being a Pole in the wrong place and time was forced labor in Germany and shitty, starvation-tier food rations (kinda justifiable with a war going on, but the cited figure is 1200 kcal a day).
Also, I wish we would have joined the Axis/Anti-Comintern before you guys even demanded Danzig.
You know that Himmler's racial theories were tailored to whom the Reich was allied with, right? Serbs were subhuman Slavs, but Croats and Bosniaks somehow were made into noble descendants of the Goths. Lusatians, the Masurian and Silesian Poles were Volksdeutsch, but Poles were not. The Hungarians, despite being chiefly a Balkano-Slavic mix, were also racially "good enough", but had they been with the Allies, you bet they'd have been made into Hunnic steppe savages. Not to mention the black and Indian soldiers that most of Holla Forums so proudly posts on the "diversity of the Wehrmacht" graphic. I bet that Hitler would have had no problems stating that the Poles were somehow long-lost Sarmatians and Vandals who were just Slavicized in the sixth century.
Ugh, daily reminder Beck was an idiot who sold us out to the Anglo.
The British world view is truly poisonous and degenerate.
Every other European peoples realize that the second world war was a globalist war on Europe. Not these bloody island-monkey though, no. Take they take war as some sort of personal slight.
Was there German realpolitik and opportunism? Yes, absolutely.
But they were our fucking shield against the two arms of international jewry - liberal capitalism and communism.
After their defeat- no, after our defeat- we have become a husk of the Europe that once was. Filled with foreigners, degenerate in culture and exploitative of our own peoples.
dutchman here, I don't know what makes those fucking island apes so treacherous and easily jew-owned, either way I wish that the irish or scottish would exterminate them
My sides
Not to mention a swamp german lecturing me about being jew-owned
Brown nosing faggot
Making a strong case for yourself here, faggot.
It's becoming exceedingly clear that you people have no interest participating in the European community.
You look down on the Irish and Scots, the Germanics, the French, the Nords… even on Americans and slavs.
All white people around the world are your enemies. You have no friends, and looking at your attitude you seem deserve none .
Like I said; a poisonous and degenerate worldview.
Ironic that you'd lecture the English on lack of European cohesion when the very man you admire separated Nordics from Germanics, both from Slavs and etcetera.
You may want to educate yourself on the very ideology you claim to represent before embarrassing yourself like this in the future, you rootless, Americanised coward. Stand up for your own people first and the rest second, we're not one nation in Europe, we're a loose collective. More akin to cousins than brothers.
they've had to put up with you autistic anglos for so long, i have nothing but utter respect for them
Instead of flinging shit at one another it would be in best interest to remove kike, kebab and the traitors that would gladly defend them instead of tearing one another apart like old times, that time comes later.
i tought its been cocluded this screencap is a falseflag.
the "muh dresden" meme started on 4chan a few years back and it spread like wildfire in boards about warcrimes nazis etc…
Interessanter Artikel, danke!
What, it doesn't sound believable to you, goy? Are you one of those evil gnatzees?
shit man, hitlers cabinet had some stupid ideas that backfired, no need to be a gauleiter about it.
Who are you to impose your standards on what historical events should we mention or not, Angloshit. Try making some circles on the bombing pics with some scantily sourced text and you might convince me :^)
didnt germany do the same to every country it invaded?
Either they did or not, I won't be the one who will downplay the facts. That's Angloshit behavior.
Kek, if it wasn't for SS, war would have been lost in 1942 already.
Wrong, Waffen SS had a very tough training, only 50-60% of candidates succeeded.
What about the 28th Grenadier Division? Or 33rd Grenadier Division?
But yeah, towards the end of the war, quality of soldiers fell, just like with Wehrmacht. The reason why people worship SS is because they were the embodiment of National Socialist ideals.
An interesting question on a morning when the catalog is kinda quiet. It has devolved into the typical Britpol vs. Stormtroopers back and forth.
I know nothing about this particular SS division, and only a little about the SS. It's hard to read much unbiased history on the SS, because the Jewden have so thoroughly fucked up WWII history.
I remember reading about the SS in Tedor's "Hitler's Revolution," and thinking it didn't sound anything like what I'd heard about them all my life.
I looked for a good documentary on Jewtube, where I can usually find something decent about any subject, but not this one. Every single video starts out with "the fanatical SS Jew killers fighting to the death" yada, yada, yada.
You can find shit tons of info on the founding of the SS, and it's diehard early divisions, but it's hard to find anything on the later "Germanic" divisions, made up of non-Germans.
Personally I like the Wiking (Viking) Nordic Division, who did some hard fighting on the Eastern front.
The SS was built up by WWI front line officers and NCO's who figured out special tactics to use small units to hit weak points in the enemy lines with speed and agility. They became the tip of the spear.
They trained differently than the Werhmacht. They used team sports for exercise, for instance. The officers were trained to earn the respect of their men, rather than demand it.
The SS Officer Training Schools were made up mostly of farmers. 95% were NOT from German military families, pretty much the exact opposite of the Werhmacht.
The US military will never admit it, but I see a lot of similarities with the SS and current military thinking; smaller, more cohesive units, more specialized individuals in each unit, and more sharing of strategic objectives with front line infantry personnel.
The Germans were better at that last in WWII than the Allied units, and the SS more so than the Werhmacht. If officers and NCO's were killed, a group of privates could keep fighting and concentrating on the right objectives. An Allied force in a similar situation had no fucking idea what to do from there.
Perhaps the best book written on the subject that I know about is, "Hitler's Germanic legions: An illustrated history of the Western European Legions with the SS, 1941-1943," by Philip Buss.
That's some powerful projection you've got going on there, I suppose? Was there a post I missed where I said I believed anything you've just claimed I do?
I don't "look down on the Irish and Scots", even if I find Celt larpers amusing/embarrassing in equal measure. I'm not about to apologise for lolling at shitposts from people who don't live here and have no clue what they're talking about. It's like if I asked you to take someone seriously after he just said, "I wish the Sorbs would wipe out the Germans".
I'm personally Teutophilic (I was very Francophilic when I was younger as well). I think the two wars were the greatest mistakes in all of human history, total political and demographic catastrophes on every conceivable level. I don't find what happened at Dresden funny in the least, quite the contrary. If I had some say and I could turn back time, I would've allied with the Germans or saving that remained neutral, particularly in WWI. I think the country has been in precipitous freefall ever since Cromwell, possibly earlier, and that phenomenally powerful Jewish families as well as crypto-Jews have dictated the sum totality of political life in England for centuries.
Does that conform to any of the things you just said I am? Or am I still somehow le perfidious Anglokike because I laughed at some cuckold dicksucker (whose country exported Jews here in the first place and even loaned Jewish money to establish a puppet "king") larping as an Oirish freedom fighter just like in one of his Hymiewood films?
Yeah, and the "Supreme Allied Military Peace Justice Court" declared that for the crimes they committed (and the crimes they didn't commit, see Katyn) they should all be collectively punished and suffer forever. Hell, even here on Holla Forums half the posters think they should be exterminated for their "crimes".
its one thing to deny something being done
but its another to frame someone.
the germans did plenty of warcrimes too,
but they were framed plenty too.
i dont understand why everyone is so polarised to one notion or the other
Because everyone saw old Allied propaganda filmreels in school, and the scary music and explosions made an imprint on their young minds.
I love the SS recruitment posters.
Even Hitler acknowledged that the English were the best tbqh
that isn't a good thing anglo
well im from an eastern european state that was occupied by the axis (not only germans) from 41 onward and my people were suppost to be deported, germanized or exterminated
(its true too, were a small nation and doing so wouldnt be a problem, if not for →) the partisan movement here was formed instantly after the invasion by various national groups from sport clubs to communists (there wasnt really a split between right and left here), and ofcourse the same partisan/guerilla warfare story like in most countries.
id doubtlessly side with the partisans in any argument, but i wouldnt go and start bullshiting wit propaganda and things i would know theyre lies.
i still finde pol a more suitable board for some intelectual debates despite being something youd call a "red", rather than circlejeking on leftypol with their mostly retarded pseudo-sociological bullshit even i dont understand
So ignore it
read newspapers instead of historybooks, khalid.
how's shekelstein's cock taste
Ah yeah I forgot you aren't allowed to be proud of your history. I should feel sorry and guilty, yeah? Who do you sound like?
Anglos were the greatest empire the world has and probably will ever seen, but can you with a straight face tell me they were the ones to develop "Modern Warfare"?
Their track record in WW2 was atrocious.
This. Brits need to stop jerking off about what was and fix their fucking shit. As a Canadian it's my only hope the Parent nation sorts its shit out, otherwise we're fucked too. Britain is third in world cuckoldry.
Sage for off topic
should have gone for independence from the anglos like the burgers did
If you uncuck yourself you are a cuck - trudeau probably
You enjoy your "civic nationalism" there m8o, hope it works out for ya.
Really makes you think
Keep on with your 2 minutes of anglo hate while your country goes down the shitter with the biggest cuck of a leader the world has ever seen. Take a look at your own country you sad fuck.
This. It would require some serious ground work. Absent of that. Knowing how the kikes are this unit being labelled the worst of the worst probably means they were the pinnacle of all things white.
You're in favour of having more blacks in America?
Are you so autistic you don't realise that
is a joke about one of her cuckservatives?
I blame daddy for that.
No, I'm in favor of them not being recognized as people which would be immoral to have as slaves. They should have been sent back when slavery ended (which economically it was bound to end) But instead, Cucks from Britain humanized them and now we have an international nigger crisis.
im from eastern europe, we got less than 500 of those, sorry
got it
Hello leftypol.
I read in a book (written by a PC britbong while writing an essay for history) that the SS in combat were actually pretty weak and that their claims were exaggerated.
Apparently he looked at documents to see the KDA ratio and most of what the SS did was go behind the Wehrmacht and clean up the leftovers and take prisoners rather than fight in the frontlines.
Obviously, take it with a grain of salt.
Which European peoples are these?
I asked this in brit/pol/ so can confirm.
I asked if they hate Hitler and they said "he attacked our country, only a cuck would root for him".
Because of the political origins of the SS, the early field units (SS-VT) didn't pass muster as front-line troops, so they mostly served rear-echelon roles and were (quite rightly) ridiculed by the experienced professionals of the 'Macht.
But later, especially when Felix Steiner took over, really radical and new modes of training and tactics were developed. Officers sleeping and eating next to their men, no regards for class origin, high emphasis on physical training and aggressive mentality, small-unit tactics, low-level fire support, every man a rifleman, distributed leadership… quite innovative.
Hardcore and rightly feared shock troops (at least the first divisions), but lack of manpower finally wore them down. It's not well known, but the US Marines later, consciously or unconsciously, incorporated a lot of their military principles into their own make-up.
they disguise their hatred of other countries under the blanket term of "bantz"
if you actually believe there were homicidal gas chambers, you need to stop posting and lurk more
they were delousing chambers, new prisoners would put their clothes on hangers in these rooms and they would be fumigated with zyklon-b which is COINCIDENTALLY A COMMERCIAL GRADE PESTICIDE. and it just so happens that, COINCIDENTALLY, delousing prisoners in this way was standard operating procedure in any prison, especially if yoyou're going to be housing a bunch of filthy uneducated urban Jews.
Their royal families are heavily biologically-mixed with kikes. It's not at all hidden or scrubbed from record, just not talked about. I can't see why a population of mixed Gauls, Celts, and Germanics would otherwise do such evil, underhanded, nigger shit, unless the genetics simply didn't combine well.
shame we inherited the jews infesting that island though
Anti-Germans and anti-Poles D&C'ing
Thanks for the input user. I'm away for a few hours and my thread turns into a shitpost clusterfuck, such is life.
You didn't have a point to begin with you submental mongrel faggot.
Good post, thanks for the book recommendation. I wil check it out.
Assuming I was conversating with you before, then why did you argue with somebody without a point at all for multiple posts? Just to wait to say 'no u' at the appropriate time?
You're a waste. You're a big fat mess.