No one explains this shit well enough

Alright can someone explain to me why two pivoted magnets next to each other is not used to create energy? I mean fuck, you can have it churn a stick connected to a cog and use friction electricity shit like in those power bikes. The magnets don't spin fast enough or what? Plus I don't understand why this isn't perpetual motion. Like I get if the magnetic fields decrease overtime but that's not related to the energy of the system right? Like the shit used in order to create power decays over time but like for a realistic amount of time, why isn't this shit utilized?

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You're right, all the other scientists and engineers out there completely overlooked this concept. Now go develop it and become the savior of the world.

No man, come on explain to me why people say this shit doesn't work other than the thermodynamics shit. Like, I understand the friction shit, but I mean for a realistic application where every period of time the speed gets reset.

Actually can you explain to me why this violates the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics like every bullshit thread on Reddit says?

What you described is basically this:

Once the poles are facing each other you need energy to seperate them so they can spin back to face each other.

In other words you only get out what you put in.

What if you did this in space and the only thing keeping the magnet pivoted is another magnet but the opposite side of that magnet which causes the push but there's shit on either side keeping the magnet from flying out and barriers to decreases the magnetism between both floating pivots sides so that it doesn't interact with each other's spin spin?

is for

What the fuck do you mean? Because swiping two magnets next to eachother does create electricity. That's what a generator is. The problem is you still need external energy to move a rotor against a stator such as wind or water or an internal combustion turbine. What generators essentially do is convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Why don't perceptual motion machines work? Well, aside from magnets being physically stable (for all intents and purposes each pole of a static magnet is infinitely positive and infinitely negative, thus a magnet is stable, no usable work can be created from 2 stable magnets unless an external force is applied.) This is also why you can't just have a positive magnet float above another positive magnet. One side will be infinitely repelling while the other will be infinitely attracting.

You can also look at this from a logical point of view rather than a physical one. Think about this for a moment, a perceptual motion machine is supposed to create more energy than it is given. I repeat myself, a perceptual motion machine takes little or no energy and creates a net increase in energy. The implications of this being possible would mean the universe itself is a very unstable place, life itself shouldn't exist in this case. Since the conditions would then be met for energy to be created through natural phenomenon without being destroyed or converted.

Alright, all you could have said was that friction exists.

nothing would happen as the system will be stable.

This is because if I understand your scenario properly all the pivots are connected to the same structure. Without a base a pivot is not a pivot.