A.N.C. Suffers Major Election Setback in South Africa

A.N.C. Suffers Major (Municipal) Election Setback in South Africa

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Whites seceding from the niggers when?

I don't follow ZA politics, but the Democratic Alliance doesn't sound any better.

A party of radical leftists has emerged as kingmaker in South Africa's major cities

Despite this "victory", the ANC still got a majority. The white South Africans basically have no choice as the ANC is just about guaranteed a majority in every election ever and the only credible opposition is the DA (cucked leftists but at least they're not unironic commies) and the EFF (Mugabe-tier "necklace the whites" party that manages to be #2extreme for even the goddamn ANC).

Volkstaat when?

Imagine the smell

wew lads. I have no idea why there are any whites still left there. they had better GTFO. SA is going the way of Zimbabwe.



I’ll rewrite it.

Dan Roodt - Lethal Weakness of Altruism: Europe Overrun & South Africa’s Extreme Unrest - Hour 1

user, please. Don't give in to hate and ignorance. Multiculturalism will work, you just have to believe.


What's the relevance to us?

The EFF is far more radical than the ANC.

In South Africa ethnically conscious Whites may actually get a fairer hearing than they do anywhere else. The Afrikaner interests party Freedom Front Plus at least isn't shunned in political negotiations.


Even some EFF activists treat the Afrikaner separatists with enough respect to discuss the issues with them.


Abandoned black grant babies



the remaining boers should leave that shithole and should go to their homeland of swamp germany

Niggers don't think too far ahead, do they?

Do they want to go though? I would get the hell out, but living somewhere your whole life leads some people to stay until the end

Mugabe is crying for the the Evil White Man to come back to Zimbabwe. Zambia has taken up Rhodesia's old role as food exporter by virtue of just not being stupidly hostile to the people who run the farms.

Perhaps in time, Afrikaners can return to power in South Africa by waiting for the blacks to tribalize, fail, starve, and eat each other.

The Jews rule most of a 7 billion person world with only 14 million people and rampant mental illness. It's possible.

I imagine that they do, but I dunno if the Dutch would take them or not

They aren't really, they are progressives. Unfortunately no other party with white members has any significant support.

its hard to even think about how fast south africa has collapsed, I was born in 90 and I remember when I was 8 how hopeful everyone was about it, my father had been there in the 80s and said how amazing of a place it was but now its a shit hole and nobody talks about it anymore.

honestly as burger I think they should fight on until the end, putting myself in that situation I would feel completely alien in crowded europe, something about the trees and the soil being a bit different than what I am used to, hell I even get homesick when I go to new england and the rock and soil changes from the great lakes basin to whatever is over there. the boers have been there longer than the bantu, they should fight on and maybe if they are lucky they can end up like feather niggers and have casinos everywhere


That's an actual refugee situation worthy of 'white guilt.'

True user, but instead it will be held up (if anyone other than us is paying attention) as a shining bastion of Cultural Enrichment, even the EFF leader said as noted:

I can hear what is going on in SA right now on CNN… "This is just a wonderful happy ending for our culturally enriched goye… I mean friends in South Africa and can be used as a model for all of Europe, The Unted States, and the World."

:^)Too bad the former Rhodesians didn't just said fuck you to Mugabe and watch them starve


The only good thing I can see for Whites in SA are the Boers establishing their own enclaves again.

Anglokikes can go and die like a bunch of cucks since they're major supporters of Black supremacy.

they'd fight right in here due to the Afrikaans language being a dialect of dutch but I dunno if they're mentally stable or not due to being surrounded by so many niggers

how did the violent communists ones fare?

100 farmers expelled by mugabe are responsible to the increased yield. there was a recent post about how they created a record harvest this season.


niggers are terrible at everything.

This phrase alone pisses me off.

Holy fuck there is never enough gibs for blacks.

Not if your economy is based on basketball and gangsta rap.

SA is not multicultural thew it's a "black" "homeland"