What is the core problem with leftism?

From my perspective pretty much the entire reason why the left is so destructive and cancerous is that they disregard natural law in favor of what they wish reality was like.

I'm honestly starting to think that the Christians were on to something when they said that the defining trait of Satan and evil itself was rebellion against god. If you replace the idea of a monotheistic deity with the natural order than it makes complete sense.

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what if I told you the father, the son and the holy spirit was a metaphor for space, matter and time?

If they were on to anything they would have eradicated them mercilessly and without pity, and it would be a pillar of their religion to do so forever. /edge

The kikes have been trying to eradicate Christianity for a good while now. Their mileage varies.

the christcucks are the leftists. They reject reality calling it a 'vale of tears' and only care about how a person feels when they die. There is no responsibility for actions, only signaling allegiance to ((Rabbi Yeshua)) matters.

Go home black science man ur drunk.

What would be a better way to frame the natural order then? Paganism?

Ding ding ding.

Apply this to any religion and they start making lot more sense. I'm not religious myself, but I do have tremendous respect for the collective wisdom that can be found in most religions if you look at it this way, particularly Christianity.

Most of the "crazy" shit in the Bible was just about hygiene for the groups survival.
"Don't have butt sex", shit made people get sick
"Don't eat shellfish" people got sick from eating shellfish
"don't eat corpses or things that eat corpses", "wash your fucking hands" "bathe once a week", "don't drink water with corpses in it", etc.

Now my favorite "submerge an animals lungs in water before eating it", crazy right? No, it was pure fucking genius. If the animal had TB air bubbles would rise from holes in the lungs. These fuckers were way smarter than edgetheists give them credit for. So smart that science hadn't caught up to Christianity in this area until about a hundred years ago. Science still hasn't caught up to any religion when it comes to spirituality in general, but quantum field theory is finally starting to scratch the surface.

But uh anyway, leftists. They're just asleep, basically. Can't really blame them either, most of us were much more leftist than now at some point in our pasts. They've been poisoned with hormones, poisonous mind-alerting chemicals and Jewish brainwashing their entire lives, what can you expect? When people go into a coma, some wake up, some don't. I honestly feel bad for a lot of them. I doubt nearly as many would have grown up so pozed had they been raised like the Hitler youth.

Well that was depressing, fuck you OP. I'm going to go lift until I can't feel feelings anymore now.

The natural order is the creation of God, and right there in the first chapter of Genesis God declared His creation good. Medieval scholars, who didn't have the benefit of modern biology and physics, still had a belief in "The Great Chain of Being", which which had filth at the bottom and God at the top. Christianity has always understood that the natural world and its laws to be the expression of divine will.

They have made the worship of Jews and false prophecies of Israel and the end times the state church of America. If you're a protestant in the U.S. your doctrine is either The Good Feels of Jesus, or that Israel needs our gibs to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is why Rome exterminated the Carthars. Gnostic heresy has always been a bane of Christianity, since practically the beginning of it. Read the Gospel of Judas. It sounds almost exactly like the New Age woo of today.

wrong, they represent the three aspects of the sun.

Glad you asked OP. Good question

The SJW worldview, but primarily the greater leftists ideological school of thought, relies upon the core assumption that all men and women of every race are inherently equal, interchangeable blank slates. This core ideological tenet, that all people are created equal – is what distinguishes all left wing thought from all genuine right wing thought.

Unlike us rightists, who work bottom-up and arrive at the conclusion that inequality and hierarchy in all things is natural, and even beneficial, leftists work top-down from the pre-conceived notion that all things are equal, and thus arrive at the conclusion that any differences between individuals MUST be the result of some external oppressive force imposing these differences on them. Leftists refuse to accept that fundamental differences exist between genders and races, or at the very least assert that whatever differences exist are negligible and inconsequential. When you understand the leftist worldview from this angle, it's no surprise that they create boogeyman concepts like “White privilege”, or “patriarchy” to explain away any perceived differences in capacity or potential between groups or individuals as the result of external oppression.

This is why leftists automatically assume "racism" or "socioeconomic status" as the culprit when confronted with evidence that blacks commit more crime, make up a larger percentage of the prison population, overwhelmingly live in poverty, and consistently score lower on IQ tests. They are simply incapable of entertaining the idea that these differences are the result of some genetic inferiority inherent to African people, and not the result of white people “keeping the black man down”.

Leftists hate the idea of racial or gender differences, because it attacks the very core of their worldview and inevitably leads to the realization that "superiors” and “inferiors” exist. Accepting the existence of superiority and inferiority inevitably leads to the realization that societal hierarchies are not arbitrary things externally imposed as a means of “oppressing” otherwise equal groups, but rather an organic expression of a healthy society organizing itself in accordance with natural law.

In short the existence of inequality is the antithesis to the leftist worldview, and the acceptance of it is what truly distinguishes “leftism” from true right-wing thought.

Moral relativism.

Leftists have broken threat detection and the jews teach them to idolize weakness while reviling strength.

Everything probably stems from that.


The core problem with leftism is that it's based on a lot of things that simply aren't true, so the end result is always failure of some kind.

The problem with leftism is that it's an abstract ideal with no endgame. Instead of solving current issues, they make up new ones on the spot like microagressions and manspreading They don't think too much about the details at all.

The difference between leftist atheism and atheism is that the left kinda treats all their morality like its their ten commandments. It seems like to me they kinda turn their world views and beliefs into a secular religion. I guess lt would be kind of like Confucianism. Most leftists would be mocked by atheists like Ayn Rand, Nietzhe, George Burns, Fredrick Engels, and many others. However, the leftism we see today isnt the same as the more revolutionary movements of the past. For example, leftists used to have an enemy or threat that theyd warn about (Bougiouse. capitalists, jews, billionaries, Faschists, etc.) but now they have a more accepting outlook to people that would previously be considered enemies. The breed of leftists we have now are very different than the ones before the jewing.

hello, morons, it's been an hour and the OP's post count is still (1). And that image, too. This is a slide thread.

Kids are systematically indoctrinated via all forms of education and entertainment.

Takes a large dose of reality to reverse the process, and of course the ability to compare what we're told to what we see.

why is it that christcucks can exterminate cathars, exterminate the saxon aristocracy, and fight for 30 years depopulating germany, but can't exterminate or even expel the jews?

answer: because christcakes worship jews.

A lot of Christians I know see the Jews as the Synnagogue of Satan. Rejection of God incarnate, spiritually lost at their very core. Elements of the faith are cucked, but so is the state. We're not looking to throw that out though, we're looking to save it.

christianity is the original form of leftism

its important that you understand that leftism emerges as a "political form" with the french revolution, the americans reacted to the revolution with differing opinions leading to the formation of parties. the left, the group that sat on the left, was just as degenerate as the group that sat on the right. outside of the third estate, outside of the bourgeois, outside of what was happening in history stood the viewpoint from which we pretend to emanate from. embodying ones virtue is another task altogether.

the rebellion against the universe is the original form of cultism, the "great man" of H.G. Well's history of the word sorry if I'm being a bongcuck here jerrys are much more based tbh the singular beliefs of the master (in hegels metaphysics) form the worldview of the slaves within his worldview and then they (within his worldview) create his reality through their lives in action. leftism is the idea that all people are equal (that bourgeouis and jewish bankers are equal to germanic feudal lords)

You know iv'e been thinking. Is there a better way to deprogram a person than putting them on Holla Forums?

I would tell you that the tetragrammaton is a tetrahedral gravity device capable of levitating & arranging large stones, as well as parting the seas. you would read the bible again and realize it's a metaphorical account of humanity fighting over it's last remaining quantum gravity device after the younger dryas impactor hit the polar ice caps, flooding the planet and destroying our technologically prepotent civilization.

leftism is also a lie

muh fee fees

Put them on Holla Forums and take away their TV

Do millennials even fucking watch TV anymore?

Take away their phone*

Sodom and Gommorah ring a bell?
Cities destroyed by degenerate leftards.
Shit I should read the bible I only remember some passages it is really interesting history/lessons.

Honestly smartphones was a fucking mistake.

I'd ban them if I could. Everyone should be forced onto anonymous imageboards.

I honestly think that if we did that, that alone would save western civilization. The only downside is that we'd have to deal with a massive amount of really degenerate porn.

I have a smartphone but only use the basic features 99% of the time, as soon as I see someone buried in their phone for more than a minute at a time I know they're beyond all hope of saving.

Collectivism, generally, is a justification for tyranny. 'Star trek: first contact' illustrated brilliantly the difference between left and right philosophy.

The fundamental problem with leftists is that they don't accept experimental evidence. They think that they can mold niggers into humans with enough social programs, and that communism will work even though it doesn't work. You also see this behaviour in some Christian circles, like the Lutherans who import Somali niggers, or those other cucks who travel to Africa to help the poor niggers. So, "leftism" is orthogonal to atheism in this sense.

Nationalists, and to some degree, conservatives, are grounded in reality.

The main problem with Leftism can be boiled down to Collectivism.

Evolution picks winners and losers. Leftists feel empathy for losers, so they help them. In doing so they fuck over the winners, making society as a whole weaker. People care too much about parasites.

I've thought about setting up twitter and facebook bots to spam redpills at people, but I don't know how feasible that would be, maybe it would help.

Collectivism and Individualism is a Jewish false dichotomy. Both can exist and strengthen the other.

And that's exactly what happens on pretty much every imageboard.

Yeah, I wasn't perfectly happy with it. Religion is technically collectivist, but helpful for humanity.

So fucking close, but yet so fucking far.

This is a copypasta, but it's worth recapping and reposting because it's 100% relevant.

Only a mistake because they were unleashed on a kike dominated pozzed culture.

The kike subversion of the fundamentals of white society are to blame, and they shall be their own downfall.

Whites are not only the most empathetic and creative race, we are also the most exacting, intuitive, surgically destructive, and vindictive.

Well yes. I was the one who originally wrote it, and felt that it was completely relevant to post here.

If Christians were eradicated you would never have been born since your ancestors that you piss on the graves of would be eradicated.

It was created by jews to subvert stronger nations with mind-fuckery, whining and guilt.

It's a hijack of human emotions for political purposes.

Kinda exploits the maternal instinct.

This is why I love Holla Forums.

Musical Tibetan monks would either facepalm, or laugh hysterically.

Thank you OP.
We haven't had a religious shilling/D&C thread in about 12 hours now.

Why did the thread continue past this post?


Moral relativism IS RIGHT you idiot.
Our morality is different from Jewish morality or Chinese or Japanese or Russian (slav) or African.
Absolute braindeads thinking morality is objective and being unable to classify morality-in-modern-society on a best to worst scale.

It's all relative though, isn't it?

They have no concept of faith and this destroys their ability to logically reason. The Bible defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Part of the knowledge and wisdom of God is seeing the invisible. Not seeing things that are literally invisible, i.e. ghosts, but seeing the invisible in abstract thought. Faith allows you to see what something "doesn't" say in your mind in addition to what it does see so you can form a complete picture and come to an honest and truthful conclusion.

For example, take one of the supposed "contradictions" in the Bible often used to attack Christianity: "I have seen the face of God." in the OT versus "Nobody has seen God." in the NT. The invisible-seeing mind will come to the conclusion that this isn't a contradiction because God the face =/= God the whole (though you might personally need more context than this to come to that eventual conclusion, but realizing you may need more context is also a part of faith.) But the faithless mind will never consider this possibility and wrongfully conclude a contradiction is 100% complete and accurate.

Since the logic part of the Leftist's brain is ruined, the only way left to think is through emotion. And morality through emotion never goes any deeper than "What feels good is always good, what feels bad is always bad." This kind of thinking is extremely easy to program with preconceived notions that can become irreversible. Based Yuri Bezmenov warned us about this, but so does the Bible! The Bible uses the term "reprobate minds." Minds so full of active hatred and rejection of God/faith that God pre-rejects from entering Heaven and gives them over to Satan. Outside of using it as a lesson in what not to do, a reprobate is useless to everyone, including the reprobate itself. The only answer that is ever correct when dealing with a reprobate is running damage control on their ability to corrupt other minds.

Nice reading comprehension, dipshits. I'm saying if Christians were onto anything they'd eradicate leftists. Unless you think leftism is a religion it wouldn't make sense, now would it? Fucking plebbit tier

Moral relativism is Jewish morality.


That's quite a paradoxical stance to take.

Purely man-made morals may be relativistic considering they are typically erected to control a people (see every leftist "moral" ever), but natural morals (or law, or Dharma, which are less complex than man made laws) are not relativistic – they are unchanged and eternal.

The jews have thousands of laws for themselves and for non-jews. They are a people that create morality like it's their biological mandate. Indeed, this is why they think they are chosen by a god and that they are doing what is morally right, but no man is above nature which is why they always lose in the end. They cause damage, but they still lose.

If christianity had never existed the "modern" jew would not even have existed in the first place and Europe would have been over a 1000 years more advanced.

this is sort of accurate, or at the very least one should say the new testament is not to be taken literally and is in fact a whole bunch of metaphors that were well ahead of their time, along with a veiled guidebook on a form of low-intenstiy guerilla warfare, all wrapped into one.



The belief in equality. That's essentially what leftism is. There can be no leftism without it, and the concept always leads to leftism.
