Daily reminder to wash your hands

Daily reminder to wash your hands.

Boaz things will happen if you don't wash your hands. DO IT

>tfw you forgot to wash your hands

>tfw you finally get to wash your hands

rly makes you think

only shitskins. no surprise there

Reminder that this could happen to you if you don't was your hands regularly.

Scurry on back to Holla Forums, you filthy little troll!

Crawl back into your hole, you nasty bigoted troll!

Slither back into your cave, you vile uncouth knave!


there's only four people in the world who are diagnosed with this disease
washing your hands with shit would probably cure it tbh

and i thought they are nigger

Let's not clog my OCD triggering thread with political shit please.

calling someone a nigger has nothing to do with politics

And here comes the triggered faggot crying over somebody calling it as it is.

Don't play coy user, you know what you were doing. Was derailing my thread part of your plan?

Nice buzzword right wing SJW are you going to call me a cuck kike shill for your grand finale?


yes, i know what i was doing. and i didn't really have a plan. it just happened.


Is he turning into a tree?

Explain this picture.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Google "tree man". There's a documentary about him.


Pic related.


Truth hurts don't it? You aren't safely huddled in your hugbox with the other morons anymore Holla Forumstroll…You can't do shit about this thread, you are literally powerless right now. Does that TRIGGERED you? BAAAAAAAAAAAW


You are one cringey fag, bro.

Watch out! We got a TRIGGERED right wing SJW over here!

You have no power in this thread. Fuck off if you aren't going to positively contribute to the thread…Fucktards like you as bad as Holla Forums.

How fucking butt frustrated do you have to be, all you lefties sound like a bunch of screaming children. I love how you post a picture intending it to be disparaging, but that nazi could tear you in half my dude, but then again when you're 60~ pounds dripping wet that isn't hard kek

You sound so completely insincere, Can you get me on at your agency? I'd love getting paid to shitpost.



Funny as I assume your hair is the faggiest of pink.

forced meme

It's not a meme though I'm just shitposting. Did I trigger your OCD?

people are sick of your shit, you know that?

super high-quality refutation as always!


How in the fuck did we go from disgusting nigger diseases to autists from both ends of the political spectrum screaming about who's triggered?

Scuttle on back to your hole, you hateful little troll!