This site is well and truly fucking dead, isn't it?
This site is well and truly fucking dead, isn't it?
Are you trying to..
DATAMINE ME?!?!?!?!?!
It's not dead, it's resting.
It's tired and shagged out after a long shitpost
Me and some other 4channers are here to save it
No thanks.
we're good bro
bring some dank threads and maybe we consider it. one liners and dataminers GTFO
It is no longer enough that you leave here and never return, now I sincerely wish you would kys.
this. Suicide is really the only option here.
It always is.
heh shutup faglord nigger kike
im from 4chan the literal INTERNET HATE MACHINE
u think telling me me to kill myself will hurt my feel?
Yeah well, you banned the pedo's, what did you expect?
This. Normalfags need to GTFO or prepare to get BTFO.
No, it is just pining for the fjords.
You're not even a poltard, you're a fucking redditard, here, pretending to be a poltard. Be sure to post dis ebic thred to all your facebook friends about how you defending all the girls of the world online. Mention how its EIGHT CHAN and not HALF CHAN because they need to know how much cooler you are than all the other edgy fucking autistic mouth breathing faggots out there, be sure to mention too that you're not a PEEDOFILE and that EIGHT CHAN SLASH BEE SLASH is actually quite safe, but that they wouldn't get it because they're not LOL BEETARDS XD
So why you don't gtfo and say it on the other site so we can have decent site without you
Haha holy shit, its a halfchan file name. Was 4chan not extreme enough for you faggot? Why don't you go fuck off back to your nanny site and stop annoying everyone here you shill.
Do you deliberately come here to be annoyed?
those are literally both Holla Forums filenames, newfag
pls go back
You forgot to take of SAY GEE fellow redditor be sure to take off the sage when you're pretending to be another person otherwise you'll be spotted out Xddddd the narwhale bacons on daytime amrite!!!?
Underrated post.
post more Rekt
Julian a shit, Kaiser Reinhardo a best
Seriously, what the hell do people expect when they persecute and ban half the fucking population of a board?
It's dying. The cycle goes
>Wheelz/Goblin/Pigman/Monkey restore the site several days after they said they would, continue to deflect and hotpocket criticism and usually snub a random board for no discernable reason other than chickenshit and/or buttanger (/sp/, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, etc.) inb4 I don't like one of those ur shil for them for not wanting another board to face the owner's petulance
But Holla Forums, I thought you said Jews wanted to fuck kids because of the reduced sensetivity in their cut dicks and therefore wanted to normalize and legalize pedophilia for that reason and to destroy white people and culture with degeneracy. If you think that's true, why do you think they'd remove pedo? Wouldn't they want this board to be full of pedos since it's one of the last bastions of the alt-right and singlehandedly memed Trump into the White House (who promised to crack down on porn, which again according to you guise meant only Removing Pedo)? Or have you always been at war with Eurasia pro-pedo on this thread when it suits you because the Romans were and they had an empire and statues and stuff? it's almost like you just point at whatever you dislike or think anybody else dislikes, and screech 'Jew' at it and have no coherent narrative at all