Well, here it is. Apparently all our dreams come true tomorrow.

Or maybe not, since it's fake as fuck. Or is it?

Other urls found in this thread:


There's another thread on this:

I've seen enough Happening fanfic to not get my hopes up. Probably some user who took the Snowden Tweets as a jumping point for his story.

First post e'verytime. :^)

Oh ok, I was looking for something talking about it but couldn't find it.

Do I even need to say anything about the multiple absurdities of this premise? Everything about the posts smells wrong.

Checked. Kek accepts your repentance.

polite sage because double thread

This is how you know he's either retarded or trolling.

I want to believe.

What does this stand for?

emergency broadcast system.

But that post sounds like such BS. Russia will never interfere in foreign politics, and Assange has no connection to RT, he only had a show in 2012 with them.

Emergency Broadcast System

this doesn't make any fucking sense

Yeah Saudi Arabia is just becoming a scapegoat for kosher conservatives to explain away Israel's meddling in the middle east. Although I don't doubt ZOG would throw Clinton and the Saudi's under the bus if it helps in instigating a war with Iran. This anons story is slightly believable just not credible enough to take seriously. I think we need a bit more evidence than IT'S HAPPENING.


This is such stupid bullshit, I love trump and all. Ill make a bet if there are releases that are treasonous videos I'll buy 20 MAGA hats and send them to first 20 user after the release.

I want Hillary shot between the eyes by an FBI agent and the agency to take over the airwaves on the president's emergency broadcast system to tell the world about her shit.

Nothing less than the total eradication of her legacy.

That's was my initial thought but it doesn't fit the topic.
Bah, who gives a shit - it's probably fake and gay anywhos.

Actually this would fall directly in line with pic related.

Too good to be true.

It's probably fake as fuck

It doesn't say that the Saudis leaked the info, but that the video was recorded through Saudi data centers and those were hacked.

There's reaching and then there's shilling.

with how fucked the olympics are this year with sheer incompetence thats the most believable of the four.
Hell the password to log into whatever system controls the large screens is probably "password"

Emergency Breakfast Sausage

Now does someone actually HAVE this video?

Did you know that clicking on the image enlarges it and then makes it easier to read? It says:

I'll believe it when I see it for myself. Until then, I'll assume it's just run of the mill LARPing.

I totally believed all along that the DNC leak was internal. I didn't think it was huma, though. Probably a berniefag.

If huma is the source, sadly, this STILL will not convince shitlibs that sandniggers aren't on their side.

Apparently Huma was blackmailed by an user. At least that's what the user on 4/pol/ claimed.

Goddamn it I just want the next batch of leaks already. I want Trump to be elected so I can have a little bit of faith in the future of humanity.


This wont be the reasons why murica will be isolationist. Something you poltical analysts lack is a broader and more integrated view.
Murica is a in whole lot of inner political shit, you see that by considering a old hag like clintion to be their president as their president. It is an indirect tell of what they reflect. And this is no illuminaty shit, because i m illuminaughty (and certainly not you conspiracy theoriests). You can see the outliners by a cunt like this. A cunt like her is just like obama, usuall it would be aconservative choice of a white male in dnc or rnc. Why now a exotic creature?And there is some certain intent behind it but it only is like your memes, the path is already there you just use idiots with current you invoke. The time is right (so to speak) that a cunt like her is going to be president because she has a set of qualities that steer the distraction. Not because she is competent in a rational way. She is just there just like a pick that fits. And then you put the machinery into work. Jewgle and all that other stuff predict and create the current. And since a person like that has a certain type of configuration you will see certain types of political moves with the current fplayingfeeld like killing certain opponents. Because the framework will dictate that just like the definiton of a troll will get broadended. Just adaption. Now you decide, do you want to be ruled by puppet cunt or do you want to be ruled by the alpha showmaster? And this is a mtter of idientification since verything else gets washed aside. Except for i will kill you if you fuck with me (that means not that shillary theater shit).

…. what?

Something about his post looks…computer generated…

Or herbal-jew generated. Put down the pipe before you post next time user.

Ice cream?

I love ice cream!

Well im drunk but what i want to say is that a cunt like hillary clinton is a tell about the state your nation is in. And the games she plays and her machinery behind her is just an outliner. And the part that i will really reck you if anyoe fucks with me. Hi to the fbi here. Just benevolent info here, and you know i m not fucking around. Sry if i missed here, but it will get read anyway.

You have poor reading comprehension.

Anyway, this sounds interesting and all, but I wouldn't bet a cent on it actually happening.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Geh deine fette mutter ficken.

Actually even if it does happen people will go "OMG SO BRAVE AND PROGRESSIVE HURR"

This is why we tell kids to stay away from drugs.

Just beer friend. To make a point hillary ijust the logial conclusion to obama, she wont change anything just the sequel to your play. IN the end she is jut an old cunt and you discuss in sinciroty why she should be president. Lets make a switch she is just an old cunt but you discuss in depth why she shouldnt be president. How drugged up is that? Just think about that for a minute.

Huma is probably releasing these videos to cover her and scumbag husband's ass. If Huma testifies against Hilldog, she'll probably receive clemency.

That is what i call persuation and perception. After all she is nothing but an old hag. But all your energies focus on that. An old women and an old playboy. That is what your thoughts reasonate upon. And it is so pathetic. In the end they are what you think off. In the end this is what i bring to you. The stage you are in, and all you see is what i want you to see. All your discussions resonate on that very point i created. And you willl be nothing and continue to be nothing. And everything you thought that is, will becomes nothing just by the direction i give your perception. An old grandma and an old playboy that speaks for your culture. And they speak for our culture, and they convey the respect. You will own nothing, never owned anything not even your own thoughts, not even your own focus. You will place importance to an old hag because we place imprtance on her.

I heard that some images contain metadata or other hidden data pointing to CP. We already know the FBI sets up and spreads honeypot links to entrap people.
How can anons avoid this shit and stay safe?

And that is why we shouold create a shadow reiign because you motherfuckers have a hard time discussion between election killer grandma and playboy. I should bash your heands in, you fucking pieces of shit.

Guess we gotta stop with the memes forever.


Wew lad, this is some of the most autistic LARPing I've encountered here on Holla Forums in a good while.

well we'll see tomorrow

Pngs don't have that capability. Jpgs only.

Ich führ dir meinen schwanz ein und jedem der mich trifft. Ich will jeden beinflussen, and ich zwing euch missgeburten meinen willen auf. Und ihr könnt einen scheiss dreck dagegen machen egal ob türken oder deutsche, egal ob intellektuelle oder normale hurensöhne. Ich zwing euch meinen willen auf ich schneid euch in stücke.

Its like some fucking Lord Of The Rings shit

If Hillary isn't arrested or assassinated, she'll probably kill herself. Huma was probably the closest thing she had to a friend.

Now, the major question is, will Hillary's clown-looking pedo of a VP take over, or will Bernie be allowed to step back up?

These type of threads never come to fruition. Also, as other anons said, the crypto kike Saudis have no motive to do this.

Maybe some Saudi Prince just said fuck it and did it for the lulz.

just got dumped in the CTR thread.

Jewgle translate tells me you're one drunk angry autisté.

Well if that was true, it would work with a certain image viewer that can access data online. This is very unlikely, but I'm not sure about if any image viewers use meta data like this. It's possible without a doubt.

I'll say the same thing I said before. Talk is cheap. If he can make a post claiming this shit he can post the interview. Otherwise it's disinformation until evidence is presented.

And a word to the niggers who pull shit out of their ass and expect anyone to believe they are "talking with insiders". This isn't Infowars. Post your proof or fuck off.


The thought of an united planetary alliance makes me hard.

That is pretty correct, but my experience tells me that is exactly what i m capable of.
And i also like the french touch, something you might have been telling me bfore giving the connection a subte note.

I didn't need to read more than two sentences of that dribble to know that you eat cock sandwiches with your asshole

And I said nothing for or against your ramblings. You come across as incoherent, a mess, that was the bit about drugs.

Hillary standing as a nominee for anything, let alone President of the United States of America, is an indictment of our political system.

The leak wouldn't be Huma fucking Abedin. It's like saying the leak is Bill Clinton.

Shit ruse is shit.

I said the same you dumb cunt.just in a more in depth analysis. If you read my ramblings again you stupid motherfucker.

the way he did/is doing things, bernie would be next in line

You need more punch but you got the right idea, more punch more baseline more impact. Hit it. Hit it hard. Just like music you gotta feel it and dont hold back, disregard my feelings.

All I worry about is not having a way to contact anons once the darkness comes.

Did you know that I already replied to that very thing, you cocksucking faggot?

Remember the card!

By the way your postings are formulated i assume that you are fucking drug addicated faggot that misses coherency and makes up for it by using impragneted buzzwords that devolve into a dribble of impotant anger. Your simulation of incoherency leads me to the belive that you are fucked up again. Just like your politcal candidate and the fringe forum your represent. I deliver a an verbal assfucking that that will stick and resonate within you for the rest of your junkie life. I salt your brains trampling paths, i give you the goat of asslicking. Andyou are the slat addicted goat.

Do it right.

Get a load of this hothead.

Funny how getting called out makes you sharpen up your writing with proper form, grammar and structure.

Stay mad, faggot


This half chan bullshit is being spread everywhere, it's pure fiction.

Remember to sage.

A more believable scenario is that Hillary has a terminal illness and has volunteered (or been volunteered by Bill) to frame Trump for murder.

That would be why the media is pumping the polls so hard, feigning motive, and why a "dead" operative was found in Trump Tower, trying to plant evidence.

c is the 3rd letter of the alphabet
it's trips


This could have something to do with what snowden tweeted earlier.
He posted a hash and then another post saying something along the lines of "now is the time" and then deleted them both within a few minutes.

This feels like a ruse or larper.

Considering what a shitshow its been there, I wouldn't be surprised if I could hack into the Olympics, and I don't know anything about hacking.

no way they would let that happen. They would shoe in Joe Biden as the backup

If the leak is real, then all of our wildest dreams will come true.

These things are always, always, always fake.

I still remember on 4chon, in February of 2012 (I wish I still had the screencaps) a very convincing FEMA agent (posted loads of edited credentials, clothing, HAZMAT suits and was well versed in government lingo) said in the next 6 months of that year the Yellowstone Supervolcano was going to be artificially triggered and millions would die allowing martial law in the US.

Never fucking happened.

Then there was the whole London Olympics prophecy that some Argie psychic predicted in the 1930s, that a massive attack was going to happen in the opening ceremony.


Then the supposed September economic explosion last year.

Nothing, again.

Holla Forums is always right for everything except le prophecies. That's always wrong, fuck you for getting my hopes up so many times.

Do you think lefties will actually be embarrassed about supporting such a candidate or just pretend nothing happened as always?

Jk just read the part where user script kiddies somehow blackmailed her. Nevermind. This is laughable.


The thing about posts like this; like that fucking FBI agent who said that our shit was gonna be exposed to millions of people– it's all autistic LARPing bullshit. Like that "WHO" agent who said naples, italy was gonna get an airborne strain of ebola. Posts like the ones in OP are invariably never gonna happen, and anyone who thinks they will are the posterchild of autism.

what if the Holla Forums prophecies are only fake because by shitposting our dank memes about these prophecies we edit the very fabric of reality and prevent the happening from occurring? we've already proven we can meme happenings to reality such as baneplane, what if it works that we can also prevent happenings with our memes?

i think, therefore i meme

and just by thinking of it, the thought effects reality through your mind thinking it and it causes reality itself to change such that the original prophecy does not happen, or at least, not as prophesied?

tbh life is a meme.

I wonder how many times people are going to fall for this shit.

It's happened maybe a triple digit number of times so far.

Someone is necromancing threads right now. I wonder what they are sliding.

They're always fake till it's not.

Will become relevant and sticky-worthy once these events happen.

fake & gay

thats not true.

Yours are the words of a grizzled user. Words that are backed by experience.

There's no rule stating that experience can derail kek.

In a fair election, I vote for kek.

P.S. there's no such thing as a fair election.

Who is this periodontally-enhanced qt?

33rd degree masonic ID duh

They have some motivation. Trump for whatever reason is anti Iran. A Trump Presidency would be staunchly anti Iran unless someone actually gives him accurate information about the situation there.

If Trump becomes President Saudi Loses twitter and influence, but will gain more influence with their buddies Israel over the Middle East. Not a bad gambit overall.

Then there could be numorous issues that we don't know about behind the scenes. If we are tired of Marxist insanity the people that a blow back would effect the most definitely are not happy about it. Not all elite are fucking retarded spoiled rich children born into generation after generation of wealth. Some of them still remember how to scheme, so all things considered this has potential to be real.

I've seen the OP's pasta before, and it wasn't on August 5th. In fact, I'd say I've seen it as far back as a week ago, way earlier than 48 hours.

Of course, the image posted is comprised of shit from the 5th, but the whole 48 hours thing I have seen before verbatim.


Anyone remember Guess which agency I work for user? Who after a correct guess said he was top goy at the CDC and claimed a new pandemic disease would surface within the next six months and wipe out over 50% of the old world's population.
Or about CERN user back in August of last year who even posted proof he was involved with CERN, and said September would be more than a global meltdown and claimed all this spooky shit was going down.
These things never fucking happen.

What if it is all true but the kikes, knowing that we know, decide to pull back or to fix the situation?
Holla Forums isn't that secret of the website, people shill in here, anyone could just warn them that "They know this is happening" or "Someone planned something here".

UPDATE, OP's pic showing RT+JA is true, video below
Strangely enough, RT just put an article out a few minutes ago with a special interview of Assange. It was on their show "Going Underground", not sure if its a full 27 minute interview haven't watched yet.

Titled: Julian Assange special: Do Wikileaks have the email that will put Hillary Clinton in prison?

OP picture mentions "RT has copies given by JA"
"RT will air on Saturday"
So there is the video of JA on RT, and he was right, there was a video on Saturday..

How he knew RT was getting this out, I don't know


bump again
it seems like a full 27 minute interview of Assange, and he will probably be revealing more things right now
Read my post above

"ADL recently said I was not a mossad agent"
Aslso Assange not surprised of Hillary's lies saying Assange is tied with government

Assange says the US hacks political servers all the time on different countries (as was proven in another thread a week ago, some law authorizes hacking of political organizations)
Assange also says that Russia, like every other country, uses state agencies to hack politcal servers. But he doesn't say Russia hacked DNC

Like OP's picture proved, Assange points out that there are
DNC Leaks, and there are DNC hacks (over the 2 years)

I doubt it, but I think they should wait until right before the first debate so theres no time to put in another DNC candidate in the ballots.

Meaning there were sources both within and outside the DNC? If not Russia, then who else would hack their server?

Watch the interview, it goes into a huge new depth of speculation.

The hacked doc's, a conversion from doc's to pdf was Russian, 'circumstancial evidence some Russian was involved or to make it look like some Russian was involved, but for our leaks that's not the case'

You could do a lot with 10 billion dollars

This is at about 8 minutes into the show

So if I'm understanding this correctly, DNC staffer leaks the emails, has an (((unfortunate accident))), and then the DNC false flags a hack as the russians to divert suspicion or rather national attention?

Is that a reasonable assumption from the info we have

Why would they do this? If it's CP "hidden" in a normal image, they can "prove" you had it on your computer in open court - but in open court you could challenge them to open the image on your own computer with a standard viewer, thus revealing a totally innocuous image, demonstrating to a jury that you have been entrapped. Just hope it's not a happy merchant and there's kikes on the bench.
Or, if they want to entrap you that badly and "dispose" of you discreetly, they'd probably not actually have an open trial (though may film you being bundled into and out of a courtroom for apperances), meaning they'd not even need to go to such lengths to plant "evidence" on your computer, just arrest you without any.
On the other hand, if they wanted to both nail you in open court and make it stick, they'd just use some innocuous virus (which anti-virus programs would turn a blind eye to, thanks to a few financial incentives sent to one of the devs) to dump actual CP on an obscure directory.

Reminder this just goes to show that Nixon literally did nothing wrong except hiring a cuban to do the stealing for him so the faggot got himself caught. Trump probably is pulling his own digital watergate with hired black hats and getting away with it, and its better for the country that he does. It really puts in perspective the whole Watergate affair when you realize how hard the media at the time focused on "he stole DNC documents" rather than what was on said documents.

Trump is Nixon, not Reagan.

At 9:30 seconds Assange talks about the 20% purchase of US Uranium processing rights, and that there is more to be uncovered of Hillary's ties with Russian oligarchs, and that the Clintons HAVE MORE BAGGAGE with Russia than Trump currently does
He said this when the interviewer asked "Is Hillary a Kremlin stooge?"

what will be Trump's "sock it to me" moment?

It IS entrapment anyway you look at it, especially since if it it is just some innocuous image, they really can't prove that you knew what it was

I love this thread. Since OP's prediction is for today, I can call him a faggot itt tomorrow

Trump is too confident in himself to have a sock it to me moment.

What is that thing and why didn't they just unplug it?

Wrong, he's a 21st century Andrew Jackson, He's already shaken up the political spectrum to such a point that the establishment and media's only tactic against him is to attack his character and not his policies

When you think about it Trump's deportation plan is not all that different from the Indian Removal Act

Read my second post in the thread please. He knew beforehand Assange was going to have an interview released by RT today.

Well yeah, but if they can't prove you knew what it was, and it shows up as something ordinary when looked at with a standard image viewer, you'd be more likely to get off. All else being fair and above-board, anyway.


The only difference is he won't lose the election because some faggot is going to give his delegates to his main rival, and won't make a new political party but instead just change the Republican Party drastically. Trump is a Jacksonian, plain and simple.

either way we're gonna be seeing plenty trails of tears come November.

17:00 Wasserman Schultz calls up THE PRESIDENT OF MSNBC to apply pressure on their positive coverage of Sanders. This is not reported in the media. (This was after MSNBC just put out a positive show about Sander's campaign)

is this albino nigger gonna fucking release the details or not?

We know hes sitting on them, the fuck is he waiting for?

As it stands right now, the BEST they could get to replace Shillary, is the crazy haired kike stooge. But I doubt they'd allow it, since the DNC cant control him. They'd likely throw it to Kaine instead.

As for sanders, frankly, I guarantee hes lost a fair bit of his base already by selling out to the criminal, and even if he pulled them all back in, the majority of shilalry supporters dont support and wont support sanders, hes to loony, and they HATE his supporters because of the shit they caused at the DNC.

As for Kaine, bernies kids wont vote for him, and he wont have "muh hatchet wound" votes either because .. well.. obvious reasons. Plus he'll lose shit tons of the working class vote because of his stance on TPP, and he'll lose votes thatll go either no where or to stein because of his views on abortion

In short, it doesnt matter if they replace Hillary or not, shes the best they have right now. Warren and Sanders and the like are to polarizing and to hated by to many. Kaine wont be able to do shit. Who else is there? Obama? cant run again.

So really, squashing her now would be better. The DNC would be scrambling for a month to find someone to replace her. They'd get a loser, and Trump would have a month straight to not even worry about a rival talking shit he'd have to counteract, instead he could spread his own positive messages far and wide and have uncontested access to pull in as many voters as possible. Many of which would never go back to the DNC after seeing how much they fucked up this cycle.


These two aren't entirely detached from reality.
anonymous could be you and me, not just those retarded ass analmoose chaps with a 3$ plastic mask made in a sweat shop.

Unless he decides to keep prodding BLM and get Martial Law enacted.

Even if Trump does lose: remember this, Jackson got cheated out of the presidency his first run around too, even though he DID get the most electoral votes they used a loophole to keep him, a common guy who loved and fought for his country, out of the Washington royality

Hillary is the best they can get, and look at how she's probably realistically doing, her support of mostly fabricated, if she were to be ousted from this race, then I don't think the rigging could be anymore obvious, Hillary is the only one they can even sell at this point, even the bernie bro college kids are fed up with the Dems (and Bernie's) shit, which means most of the ACTUAL support they might have had goes to the two third party candidates, which may as well be a vote for Trump since they eat away at the Dem's base more than Trumps

my sides are demolished.
love those comments from heckle and jeckle.

gas powered zambonie or howeverthefuck you spell it.

You're not understanding, they can't replace Hillary after September, if she is found to have committed a felony in the month of September there is no possible way for another candidate to get on the ballot before November. There is no precedent for all other candidates dropping out between September and November in US history.

That would mean your options in november would be

Constitution Party

I finished watching the interview. There isn't much "new" information, but simply observation of recent events. Assange says there is enough info out currently to indict Hillary, but they are not acting on it. He says there is still more to be released.

A new story I haven't heard of was around 24:00 where they talked about La Farge, some guy/concrete company with Hillary links in Syria. Someone else want to expound on it go ahead, I didn't understand it first go through.

Its a concrete smoother, they actually stopped it in the safest way possible, if you try to grab it it'll break your arm.

At least Jackson finally won.

I wish he abolished the electoral college like he wanted to.

That'd be hilarious. The Lolbergs and Greens will become major parties.

I wish the Constitution Party would too, but Trump's Republican Party will cover most of what the Constitution Party covers.

yes but at the same time you have to remember, we're in august already, and the process of this coming out, getting spread, forcing MSM to pay attention, forcing government to act, etc, is going to take time. Likely well into Sept anyway. Look how fucking long the FBI took to go "oh.. nah.. we arent gonna push for charges against an obvious criminal"

In all seriousness, it doesnt matter if JA has video of her killing and eating a baby on camera, this admin wont do shit to her, and will pardon her immediately regardless. So, in that situation, its better for the info to come out sooner, so it can be damning enough and spread enough to get to all the "normies" before November.

If we wait till Sept, its both unnecessary to wait that long, as even IF things happen to her, itll take that long before it happens anyway.. and its unlikely to force her to quit anyway, she would never stop of her own will, and the party cant force her to. But all the damage can be done and she can lose so much support that hell she may not even qualify for the debates lol.. THAT would be hilarious if you ask me

Either way, theres little point in sitting on the information until Sept.. with the SOLE exception of if its so BEYOND damning, and I mean BEEE—FUCKING—YOOOOONNNNDDDD damning, that it CANNOT be ignored. And even then, they'll certainly fucking try. I mean look how they wormed her out of the email shit, and benghazi, and while its damaged her, shes still running around free.

So I have no hesitation for even a moment in saying that there is almost a zero chance he has enough evidence or big enough evidence to get her locked up. But there IS a high chance he has enough to destroy her support. But she wont give up her nomination anyway, she'll keep pushing like she always does and try to force the media to cover it up like they always do for her.

In short - just release the shit now JA you faggot!

I'll comment on OP's pic now. A lot of what he said is absolutely wrong, so OP's pic is fake.
Wrong, Assange mentions that wikileaks released DNC leaks, while outside media sources released DNC hacks. There are hacks AND leaks, OP pic is wrong.

There was an RT interview on Saturday, regardless or not if he watched it, much he is expounding on is false, because none of what he said is in the interview.

There is no mention of Huma in the interview either, and no news of future leaks.
There is no mention of black hats in olympic ceremony, this is simply retarded gossip.

my bad, a Zamboni is used for smoothing out ice rings and shit.

Just to save face, I will now impart you all with completely useless information.

a concrete smoother is used not only to smooth the surface of concrete, but also to "bang out" oxygen bubbles so that the concrete doesn't become porous.




Pic related.

Is it the best idea? Will it work? Probably not. But it's better than nothing, right? Might as well give it a chance.

Also get a 4 of clubs too. I know that chan is shit, but there are more of them. Greater chance of meeting somebody in a SHTF situation. Again, better than nothing.

I'm gonna shoot everyone with those cards the second i see them, simply because i don't want a retard screaming "praise kek" every time he sees a damn frog.

It is saturday. Where are the videos?

No, stop pushing this meme.

Even during the Civil War we still had an election. War and civil unrest has never delayed an American election.

Aww, you know you love us. We're the only people who truly understand you user.

Oh come on, it'd be fun.

Just saw this posted on 420/pol/:

Sounds legit


8 of diamonds is our card, you retards…
diamonds are forever = infinity

kill everyone who hurp about kek everytime they see kermit
I agree with that

Ah yes, you're right.

I have both buried deep in a fold in my wallet. Just in case.

IMO Trump will go easy on her. He needs some form of opposition so his ascent doesn't look like a complete fascist takeover. He'd be even more successful than Hitler in his first elections



It's better that she doesn't drop out. We want Trump to beat the shit out of her in the debates to be a legit win, not a win by default - her destroying herself. Just enough emails to get her to the brink of a stroke, maybe barking at stars but not too much.

you better hope not, Hillary is the worst person the left can run, if she drops or dies then a stronger candidate who could actually make the race a challenge might emerge

Fake. No one uses that unless a legit local emergency.


THIS sounds legit

Presidency should be determined by popular vote, not by the electoral college.

Keep in mind that it was only due to Gerrymandering and an electoral college that the FN didn't win in France.

90% of the saging on this board are CTR shills. They want to try to persuade you, but don't want to bump this info back to the top. If we never reply to a saged post, they will be eating Ramen Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Fake and gay

How delicious would it be if Kaine decided to drop out?

Nope. Kill yourself. The people saging here are veterans who know shitposting when they see it.

roleplaying shit like this makes me depressed because its fake

Remember to sage.

Yeah, "veterans", and not oldfags. You CTR shills stand out like Zyklon Ben at a bar mitzvah.

Reported for bumping a raid thread.

Nixon is guilty, but it is nothing compared to the corruption we have today. The Bush's and the Clinton's make Nixon look like St. Thomas Aquinas, I honestly can't bring myself to give a flying fuck about a single illegal wiretap when literally all communications are spied on nowadays. I really wish we could go back to the days when that was enough to cause an impeachment, that level of government accountability is something I would kill to have today.

great fucking idea retard

I didn't deny that, I was saying him spying on the DNC was morally justified. He shouldn't have said "its not stealing when the president does it" he should have said "I felt it was my moral obligation to protect the country from the democrats"

Think of the context of the fucking idea, retard.

Added faggot hurrdurr 8 cardholders to the purge list.


I've been waiting for the happING since 2000 when I was 14, sitting gun in hand on new years eve with my redpilled grandparents

Spotted the shill.

1. unless you make it .exe and run it, IT CANNOT DO ANYTHING
2. images here are hundreds of kilobytes, a few megabytes at best. what kind of CP could you contain within, say, the 30.06 KB image in ?

Here's how retarded you this thing is.
You link to steganography.
"The advantage of steganography over cryptography alone is that the intended secret message does not attract attention to itself as an object of scrutiny. Plainly visible encrypted messages—no matter how unbreakable—arouse interest, and may in themselves be incriminating in countries where encryption is illegal.[2] Thus, whereas cryptography is the practice of protecting the contents of a message alone, steganography is concerned with concealing the fact that a secret message is being sent, as well as concealing the contents of the message."
Yes, you are more stupid than wikipedia.

I just watched The Code by Carl Munk

sunday, august 7th 2016 is going to be the date of this happening

7 * 8 * 36 =2016

36. confirmed, this is the end.

It never happens… until it does.


[NWO intensifies]

I tried watching that shit but he just fucking drones on and on and on about math and I just couldn't be fucked to pay attention.

A chill just went down my spine.

Isn't that pyramids n shit?
What does that to do with that date?

wow, really makes you think

Well, did it happen yet?

look at this worthless shill, everyone!

look at him, and laugh!

inb4 teaching the enemy… they're so fucking PC and retarded, they'll never be able to blend in, even if they master the vernacular

The Holla Forumsiticians one made me laugh. That shill looked so fucking out of place.

We should probably get everyone on the board to call each other cockmongling niggerfaggot kikeslayers, or something equally un-PC. Something so unpalatable to the legions of numales and femdrones that staff the shill agencies, that they'll never be able to use it. It would oust their posts pretty easily.

not like it's hard to spot them atm, but this would make it even faster

We could make it a formal board greeting, or something.

Reported for bumping a shill thread.


I hope 999cb9 isn't shilling this hard for free and CTR gives him some kind of pittance for overtime work, if he isn't getting paid for this shilling that would be embarrassing

read the 1st pic I posted

>inb4 999cb9 comes in to (((report))) for bumping

wow…. really makes you think

Incompetent lliberal script-kiddies ain't hacking shit.

The first pic is a nice "what if" but we also know that didnt happen, she wormed her way out AGAIN, who knows how. Maybe she threatened Comey, maybe someone else involved did because they saw just how utterly fucked EVERYONE would be, from Obongo all the down to the newest intern working for him, and anyone and everyone inbetween or even remotely connected.. and realize the whole game would be up and the peasants would openly revolt if they found out just how fucked everything truly is

Or maybe he realized that was a possibility on his own and was willing to fall on the knife himself in the eyes of the public and prevent total hell from being unleashed, perhaps he figures that whatever goes on in the mean time is still better than the pandoras box he'd be opening in the USA if he indicted her

Regardless of his motivations, we know he didnt indict, or push for it. And jumped through hoops to justify not doing so. So she walked, once again.

Then we get the DNC leaks, showing those connected to HRC dont even stop at games once in office, they'll out right kneecap their own voters to push their agenda. And we all know DWS was in bed with HRC through it, hell they, without hesitation, hired her on the HRC campaign the fucking minute she announced she was resigning from the DNC. This part gets so little discussion that it disturbs me. It gives reasonable people pause and makes them realize that HRC and DWS were working together, or their organizations were, to force HRC into the nominee spot.

But still, NOTHING happens.

So at this point, I stand by my earlier post, I dont think ANYTHING thats released will stop her from being the nominee or going all the way to November. What I DO think though, is that the sooner they unleash the details they have on her, the better. It gives the general public more time to find out, and everyone to turn on her except the most head-in-the-sand or muh-vagina voters who would vote for her even if she showed up naked to a press conference with a knife and started gutting reporters and chanting demonic shit and drawing pentagrams with the blood.

Meanwhile, the ties go to deep in DC, to every level. Even Comey wouldnt do shit, either pressured by others, or of his own will because of the chaos it would cause, he chose to act as he did, which shows NO ONE is going to indict or try her. So, the best bet at this point, is to release it all, give it as much time to spread as possible. To ensure she is beaten in November. Thats literally our only hope at this point. Because if she gets in the WH, if its rigged so hard for her she gets in, we're all fucked beyond repair, the USA as we know it is over and there will be no recovering and eventually we'll be left with only the choices of fracturing, or violent rebellion.

So, I still stand by my statement that JA needs to release what he has ASAP to give it as much time as possible to circulate. There is NOTHING that will see her land in jail, thats been proven already with the emails and CF corruption. The info is all out there, and no one will go near her on it. So, we have to win with the voters, its the only way.

user, honestly, it would be better if republican's best info about Hillary is released a few days (10 or 15) before elections.

And it is because people have bad memory, and most will forget every scandal past 20 days max. People are that stupid.
