Who else is a shitcoin trader here? Just made a cool $3,800 on Bytecoin

Who else is a shitcoin trader here? Just made a cool $3,800 on Bytecoin.

Have you considered investing in Zyklon B, OP?

what's that, a Russian pirate version of Bitcoin?

Bad PR has killed Zyklon, it's a shame as they had a quality product.

There are hundreds of different coins, some have great features making them better than bitcoin while the majority offer nothing and are complete crap, hence "ShitCoins".


this shit is kinda scary, how did it get to 1700$ per coin?

what worldwide events are going on right now that made it skyrocket like this?

everything's fucked lol

The US national debit is out of control and people with money are realizing that the value of the USD has to crash, because this will take many other currencies that trade in USD with it people are getting out of fiat currency. This is what has driven up the price of gold and silver and now people are turning to bitcoin as another safe-haven.

er, no
bitcoin is the one to hold, all the others are flash-in-the-pans
2000 fold increase against the usd over to buy drugs on silkroad, which went to jail so i kept them. sold at 1600 and regret it.


it won't crash as long as the world's strongest military is enforcing it

The main advantage other coins offer is anonymity, bitcoin isn't anonymous while coins like ETH and XMR are.

how long until they make bitcoin illegal?

Rich Chinese trying to get their money into western banks where it's safe. The Chinese government severely cracked down on ordinary routes after the 2016 stock market collapse, so if you're only a moderately wealthy coal baron without the wherewithal to sue yourself from Australia via elaborate international corporate shell games, Bitcoin's not a bad option.


Bitcoin's only going up for as long as it's a viable route for getting cash out of China. Someone's going to get stuck with the bag, better make sure it's not you.

stop trying to play the market. Tell yourself when you're going to sell/buy and stick with it. Maybe have a little bit of leniency if it's the lowest its ever been or whatever, but that is a good general rule

maybe you should try doing the exact opposite, i.e. buy right after it crashes and sell when it's in the moon

thats not possible, the thing moves according to what i do, not the other way around. happens everytime. only a jewmaster can win at this.


i was trying to be funny but you know what i mean.

I meant temporaly, as in sell every second thursday of the month at 12:00

that makes no sense.

what if you bought at 100 and on thursday its at 40?

use your head. If you're going to make a massive loss, don't do it. But don't hold out for the fact that it might skyrocket if it's still rising when you get there, this is how you make massive gains but also how you make massive losses. Unless you have lots of money to burn, play it safe

speculation is for suckers. just put that money in a bunch of blue chip stocks and keep it there.

If it's you life savings that is certainly the way to go, if you just like playing the market for fun crypto is way more interesting with 100% swings being common.