This is a 10/10 on Holla Forums


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Literally every thread about it has been critical.

No I'm talking about the grill

I wouldn't have know what that was if you didn't name the .jpg

both are shit, what was your point

people claim the bitch is attractive like 9/10 hags they claim are attractive

link where someone on Holla Forums claimed she's attractive

A…are you fucking autistic or just trolling here like a madman?

Reported, again.

Seriously who can objectively call that attractive?!
I don't need to see the rest of "her" with a mug like that… looks like a guy ( well a young kid).

Actress name?


The actress is not ugly, just plain.

But they are making her look specially weird in the movie, likely is part of the character. Nothing against it, the 'crew' looks a lot like the crews you see in real space / ocean missions and so forth, we'll see if it works.

Looks like a tranny Jay from RLM

not sure if bait, sarcasm, or autism

This is all the women who have been in space, find a single pretty one:

And that is when we were sending our best, the Alien franchise is sending just regular grunts and space flight is nothing fancy anymore.

"best" right if that were the case
1. There would be no blacks or shit skins
2. No women would be sent at all.

Quota system it wouldn't surprise me if none of them went into space at all. When NASA went PC everything went to hell.

Also Alien is a movie chicks should be hot or at least pretty. Hollywood must be full of fags.

Show me the pretty women from before NASA was PC.

she's kinda qt. OP's a faggot and a virgin


I see no tits. brb, getting a microscope.

you have to go back

good sized tits are the sign of a healthy women, and I do mean women.
those tits that were posted look like an 11 year old girl just entering puberty. sad.

still cute, though.

Implying that's a bad thing.


