Well, it's official. We're turning into halfchan Holla Forums. Over half the threads on page one are porn including a trap thread and a cuck thread. It's been nice knowing you fags; the ride is officially over.
Well, it's official. We're turning into halfchan Holla Forums...
Post something good then.
Holla Forums died when Jim took over.
Join the Gay Community and together we'll own this board!
Fucking degenerate faggot at least pedophiles are heterosexual kill yourself faggot.
this really
The threads on 4/b/ are always the fucking same, that's the bigger problem. As long as we don't get to that point, we're good.
Not allowed to post the good stuff anymore fam-a-lam.
We're getting there. Travis threads; gay community and random porn have been more or less all that's posted besides the random jb that quickly gets censored. It's literally cuckchan 2.0, or that's the way we're headed.
fuck off newfag cuck
This tbh laurab threads also still pop up but they are rare now.