Does anyone here experience their liberal friends (as that is the majority of people 30 and below) taking attacks at your personality/sanity for not buying into this liberal shit?
Does anyone here experience their liberal friends (as that is the majority of people 30 and below) taking attacks at...
All my friends are either redpills, or totally ignorant about politics, but still more right than left.
At least where I am, totally ignorant equates to social justice.
Friends do not attack your personality. Or sanity, at that. Some latte-sipping snarker you occasionally meet or talk with is not your friend.
As for your question, no. My friendships are exclusively with people whom I've known for years, sometimes decades. All of them either share or respect my political stance.
Thank you for the insight.
The word "acquaintance" is sorely missed in modern discourse
sage for shitty OP with shitty pic
I don't really have any friends but I am from a rural area so most people I grew up around are right wing.
My friends are all single females. So, you know, they believe whatever I tell them.
What can I say
this, so much for free-thinking
Whole family is liberal there are some who I try and pissed of by saying stuff like kill trannies. Then there are some who I just avoid politics and act blue pill around it depends on if they were okay before they were political not.. For friends I feel the same way.
I wanted to say fam but i don't want to degrade my thread any further
Yeah my family isn't blue-pilled at all. However, being recently 30 and working in a liberal area, I interact with fucking liberals, hardcore liberals, and it's kind of causing me a bit of trouble.
There's a reason why i've been losing friends, and this is why.
One of my old friends happened to be a socialist (unfortunately not the nationalist kind), and when he found out I was supportive of Trump, he stopped talking to me. Another friend who was also a bern victim did get into an argument with me, he too stopped talking to me when bernie got cucked bigtime. I don't sweat it because i've already accustomed to being shat on and backstabbed by petty lefty cunts, time and time again.
born & raised in the rural south. moved home after college because city life can suck a dick. none of my friends are liberals. i have an acquaintance(my friend's brother) that is a 420 "if we just legalized it we could have world peace " dude lmao. he's probably insulted me a few times but his thought process is so fucked nobody understands what he is rambling about majority of the time.
Yep. Constantly. But it goes both ways and it's mostly in good fun at this point. I'm politically polarized with a few of them and we mostly just agree to disagree all while pitching each other shit for it. If you lose friends due to political differences, there's a good chance they weren't really your friends to begin with.
I do have a couple other friends that I've managed to redpill into oblivion and I honestly think they both resent me a little for it.
my best and only friend is pretty in with the liberal shit.
I spent the past 5 years that i've known him for just breaking him down to the point where i'll make jokes about the holohoax and niggers and his only response is "oh you" when before he'd get really offended. I've been continually giving him news on trump and now he pretty much agrees with me when before he used to think trump was literally Hitler. He'd tell me to "tone down my rhetoric" but now he just doesn't even bother. Its been a long road but I turned him around.
the only hard part is that he's a half blood kike
he pretty much hates himself now
My friends are mainly red-pilled.
I have a bunch of black people that I work with though, that are beyond blue pilled.
Anytime you mention Trump, it's "he harasses protestors." "he is racist." "he anti-immigrant."
I usually respond with "prove it, or illegal alien =/= immigrant." They tend to just sit their silent. Later I'll here them make comments like "that dude has issues. Idk about some of these white folk."
I have a few blue pilled whites there as well. They just usually say "ahhh well, they both suck, let's just get Hillary in there for a few years until something better comes along." I tell to not believe the media lies and how corrupt Hillary is. They just usally shake their head and say "all media? come on now. she's still the safer bet any way." This is were I hide my power level. I know damn well if I push it, they will look for reasons to send me to HR.
I've noticed liberals tend to be far less tolerant of others that don't share their same mentality.
My dads pretty chill about politics, he doesn't like trump as a person but he considers him better than hillary.
My moms just straight up fucking crazy. I came to visit wearing my hat and she legit had a mental breakdown and started screaming at me like i'd walked holding a mutilated cat. I haven't spoken to her since.
I just gets accused of being drunk.
I live in the south so no one really. anyone who likes Hillary, or at least is anti-trump, tends to be really old or a nigger.
I had the misfortune of having liberal friends, though I never really felt that connected to them.
They are Carl-the-Cuck-tier and get triggered every time I mention black violence or muslim statistics.
I have no friends anymore. Yes, this liberal brainwashing shit has become personal to me. I personally want to see it die before I do. Call it a grudge or whatever, but I have taken Jewish brainwashing personally and want it dragged out into the street and shot at my feet.
I don't really have any friends anymore since I went full recluse mode. The last time that I even actually hung out with people was in early 2014. In terms of people who I guess are still "friends", they go down as:
#1. "M" - female, in her early-20s
We don't talk too much and we've never talk politics. I do know that she's annoyed with how PC things are. One of our most recent conversations included us laughing about how retarded it is that you can't call something "retarded" without being labelled as some baby kicking, puppy hating monster.
#2. "K" - female, early-20s
>would assuredly say that we need to be more like Sweden
She was actually pretty cool before, but as time progressed she became TUMBLR'D. We never talked politics but I can't see it going well.
My best friend though was this guy who I was friends with since my freshman year of high school. His name was "N", but he passed away in early 2013. At that time we were both pretty politically indifferent. I'm 100% sure that -even at that time- he'd have been annoyed with feminist shit, #blm, PC culture (we called each other niggers all the time, etc.) tumblr, and he'd almost assuredly be thinking "Shit nigger, importing half of the Middle East into civilized nations is probably a dumb idea", etc. I think he'd still be very politically indifferent but I think he'd like Trump at least in the sense that he'd appreciate the bantz he provides along with the immense asspain that he causes cucks to experience. God damn, I really did/do love that guy like a brother. I've never had an uncucked friend like that - especially one who was actually good socially and was a respectable guy (came from good family, wasn't some fat slob, had a gf, went to a good university, etc.)
Apologies for the blog.
every now and then i stop and reflect
then the news comes on, nothing surprising to me, endlessly surprising to 'progressives', and i'm vindicated.
people believe the first thing they believe. i was like these people too, until i saw evidence, statistics and alt narratives.
I think like this all the time, until I read another article about someone being slain in Europe by a mud.
The only reason to have liberal friends is to give them too much alcohol the night before any major election. That's it.
She was prob getting muzzy cock in her.
You only just got redpilled by the Paris attack?
Nah, I culturally appropriated the concept of Taqqiya from the sand people.
Change that to Antifa cock, and you'd be correct.
Pretty much. Although, Charlie Hebdo and Seattle4truth youtube channel helped me down that road.
Being that I'm in college, I try avoiding political discussions with people who I don't consider close friends, i.e. people who won't blow up in my face when I say I support Trump.
Most of my male friends are conservative, though, which is nice.
If you miss human interaction at all then try to find your local natsoc group and get to know them.
Or maybe go try that dumb TDS book club if you're not worried about honeypots (you should be).
There are some securish IRCs and stuff out there for people with security in mind.
If you don't give a fuck there's a steam group or something for NEETs
revealed my powerlevel on kikebook, several lefties stopped talking to me, but idgaf
kinda have a reputation as hateful racist, but idgaf
there will be civil war soon, and none of today's business will matter anymore… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
however, sometimes i feel like
pls elaborate
Mostly found through TOR. I don't have experience in the subject, just read about it here months ago. I'm openly political and don't care about my own anonimity so my opinion on this subject might not be of value.
I get along very well with my liberal friends. Political opinions are not a basis for my friendship.
I have a much stronger personality than them and am far more aggressive than them so I'm able to pretty effortlessly shame them into submission. I got one to switch to Trump, the others still won't buy in but they shriek off in retreat every time they even attempt some pathetic DNC talking point that I throw back in their face. They're rather avoid a confrontation with me because I'm the strong horse in our relationship and you need to be the strong horse too if you want to win anybody over.
In your honest opinion, how many of those nogs and white liberals will actually vote when the time comes?
I've noticed with these types of people that they are all talk and no walk. They want the world handed to them but don't want to get their precious soft hands dirty… even if it's just to have the foresight to register to vote and then take a ride down to the pols on election day.
Well at least she got one thing right.
political test*
Modern day liberalism is alot like Christianity once upon a time.
It can only exist as a singular meme as outside memes easily can out compete it. Anyone who buys into a meme like this must defend it in a zero sum way, any outside meme is a direct threat to the health of the meme they rely on. You either have to accept their perspective of reality completely or you are an enemy.
shit's a fact
Yes, I have two childhood friends who were fed the blue pill heavy. Its mainly the sister who has pretty much wrecked her life and her families life in the name of social justice.
She psychologically fucked with her brother whom I have known since I was three and we are now all in our twenties until he decides to be bi, then gay, then pan, then trans.
I have a feeling that since the trans brother is out of her home now he is starting to wake up slowly but surely. Only problem is that the sister is collecting wellfare and using it on pointless shit that makes nigs look like productive members of society.
Say what you want, KFC and Grape Soda is of more benefit to humanity than fucking Doctor Who.
I don't got liberals as friends, but some liberals in class did attack me for supporting trump
In my social group (and I'd wager in most) you can either be a-political, or a liberal.
And this makes it so that the people who don't care about anything more then cars and Iphones only hear opinions of the leftist kind.
As a result, nobody can come out as being right wing or you'll get shunned and won't have any friends.
Well I don't have friends to speak of. I have acquaintance's to whom I can joke to, but its not a developing relationship.
In the end it doesn't matter, the only thing that does is gassing kikes.
Barbara Palvin is a coal burner.