Why do people continue to say this shit?
Censors (actual MANDATORY government censor) porn because of the west
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Western psychopaths care more about rights of drawn characters than real people.
Why would anyone care that they banned CP?
Because Japs are drawing shit, not displaying real children nude.
Uhhh how? If you think its ok to parade children around nude because of some "muh art" bullshit, your mentality ill and should be removed.
Sage for thinly veiled pro cp thread.
Not only in the West, Japanese are turning SJW too.
got any links to a news story about this?
is loli dead for good?
get the fuck out
The west shouldn't meddle in Japan's business. It's one of the few ethnostates that are left. I don't condone pedofaggotry, but western leftist rauss kudasai.
You type just like that butthurt gook poster who goes full "KANGS N SHEIT" and "whore/chink holohoax was real" in Asian threads.
Drawn characters are not children Chaim
Funny how those are all fine with faggots adopting boys to abuse them, kikes raping actual children, and children being exposed to all kinds of mentally damaging content (including sexual) and brainwashing, but imaginary characters have feelings and rights that need to be protected.
SJW's are Jews in semi-human form
what is even happening?
I'm not seeing any news on loli stuff, whats going on?
Regardless of what you think about CP, drawn or not, it's still wrong for Westerners to impose their values on the Japanese. Let them rule themselves.
From what I've heard, the West and Western culture are the new "cool" thing there.
From what I've heard, they are just removing some of the most explicit porn from Tokyo. Sucks for the owners of the degenerate stores, but they are likely coming back after the olympics. I think.
All the garbage against Japan lately about drawings having rights and shit is coming from the current UN Secretary-General's office, who just happens to be Korean.
Pure coincidence goys.
I'm still absolutely furious about this bullshit. It's been happening since something like 2012, and it's just not going to stop until, at the very least, this faggot Olympics is over.
Fuck I'm mad. They're censoring my lolis, they're censoring doujins with lightsaber dicks, they're censoring and toning down even tittymonsters in all the various ecchi media.
Fuck the nigger Olympics. Get the fuck out of Japan you piece of shit institute. Abe please save the nips by turning back the clock and re-instituting nationalism and a strong militaristic attitude.
It's a medium-low effort shill post.
There are some (((western))) leftists who are trying to make Japan multicultural and surprise, it's mainly one Jew, go ask /a/ about it since I cant find/remember the source. Meanwhile I give you this piece of (((quality journalims))) america.aljazeera.com
stop with this globalist shit, if the japanese want to do this then so be it, to go into their country and censor it is pure fucking globalism
Fuck the West. It's a cancer today and we all know it.
Goddamn it. There has been a building disgust in me since childhood for what our part of the world is and it's only getting worse recently as things accelerate. I refuse to even die for this shit. One day I'll go to the land I can truly respect and love, and defend them instead because they're the only living organism today that's fucking worth it. The west on the other hand should not be defended. It needs to be reduced to ash so this fucking kind of shit disappears along with the last 70 years of shameful history.
Are we talking about lolicon?
"West" died long time ago, what we see today is a zombie summoned by shekelmancers to do their bidding.
Even the most autistic libspergtarian understands that Captain Picard requires actual children to produce, thus it shouldn't be condoned. You can make points about loli, degenerate as it is, but when real kids get involved there's no excuse.
Its actually been going on a lot longer then that as little as 25 years ago full frontal nudity was fairly common and that went out the window long before 2012. Now you have to make sure you are watching AT-X if you even want to see a nipple
No shit nigger, if you could n2 context, you would see I posted that as a response to OP shitting on how we protect japs WHO AS I SAID are not producing child porn.
Fucking retards in these threads man I swear….
His adopted name is Debito Arudou
You just made me realize something.
>"The true passion of Hitler is Germany. This also means he finds himself ruled by an Idea. The Idea is always feminine. The mind is a woman because the head, the brain, is the creator; mind is like the mother's womb. The Unconscious of the man is feminine (anima), that of the woman is masculine (animus)."
>"Hitler has no personal ambitions. His ambitions go much further beyond those of ordinary people… Hitler's power is not political: It is magical. To understand this term it is necessary to know what the Unconscious is. It is the part of our mental constitution over which we have no control, which contains thoughts and even conclusions over which we have no awareness… The secret of Hitler is not that he has a more powerful unconscious, more filled with thoughts and memories than other men. Rather his secret is that his unconscious has an extraordinary access to his consciousness and that it permits him to dominate and move it. It is like a man who is actively listening to a whispering voice from a mysterious springhead. And he acts in accord with her. We have too much rationality to obey her. But Hitler hears her and obeys. The true leader is always guided."
Carl Jung
wtf I hate the west now
all I care about pedo is that japan becomes fascist in name and action again.
They will make a good Allie once they rewrite their constitution.
Yes, that is certainly true.
But it's a bit different. There was no mandated external (((pressure))) to begin that sort of censorship, nor was it a colossal tidal wave of sweeping changes. Instead, it was just one of the unfortunate side-effects of Japan's stockholm syndrome and infatuation with the West and their concepts of nudity and appropriateness, spread slowly, here and there, over that timespan.
It's truly regrettable, but that sort of thing can't be helped. At least not until Japan uncucks itself and tells America to beat it. Please remain Japan, Japan.
Kill yourself, degenerate.
It's mostly the commonwealth influence. They're right next to Australia. Every single commonwealth country hates those mango kiddie drawings. They arrest their citizens who look at them and they call it CP.
The U.S. came up with a justification to ban child sex abuse images (yet somehow every other type of abuse imagery is permitted) but the drawings are a legal question in the U.S.
The pressure to ban drawings continues to demonstrate itself as a British influence.
as if. They're Chinese knockoffs. There's plenty of asian countries defaced by British values. Britain itself is filled with pederasty and child abuse but they manage their image and reputation quite well.
I wish the people who make these fake buzzfeed and the likes used analytic tools to figure out who's attention they catch.
I thought Japan already resoundingly told the West / UN / UNICEF to fuck off about 2D censorship?
The damage is already done. RIP candydoll.
Japanese censorship in porn has been around way before America even existed, it something to do with morality and shit. look it up.
Most areas don't even enforced this anyways.
Unlikely, at most will "pretend" to be western. We just need to wait and see.
Asians are subhuman and possess insect-like minds.
There is a difference between lolicon, hentai, anime, Traditional Japan,Western traditions, and child porn, some are obviously are more morally right than others.
Holla Forums doesn't like difference
Don't let retard "pedo advocate" D&C shills mix them all together to get you guys to fight over what is mostly pointless. Ban CP, shame them, arrest them, lynch them, move on. Don't need to attack another nations culture because of it, especially one so close to the rise of nationalism again.
fuck off pedoshit weeb. Kill yourself.
All porn should be illegal.
should this be illegal?
woomy is null and void
should animal violence be illegal in videogame?
no, then we can't kill anymore niggers.
Reminder to globally report CP posters
You mean (((western culture))). Real western culture died many decades ago
trips are to lolis
dont say it died you piece of shit nigger mongrel liberal kike.
it became unpopular with millennials and normies. but it is out there, on form of books like 40K or even old books, the fact that you and other try hard liberal faggots dont like it only give it more credit.
whos that semen demon
is it a shock to anyone that japan has a western culture?
I myself have no idea, I have other pic of her drinkin sake, but still no idea.
so I back your request for sauce.
It kills me inside that I will never ever be a girl that small and cute. I'm taller than the dude in the picture, but I never asked for this.
I just want to be a cute loli, goddamnit.
Slide it.
post the webm faget
Jews and pedos on suicide watch
It's incredible that you people are still butthurt about this even centuries later, while also pretending that every Western country was developed in a vacuum.