Wonder Wommyn projected opening

You heard it lads, now we'll know right away when it flops.

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They want the Hunger Games audience.

With these DC movies, they want any audience.

That feel when no kike dominatrix.

Who is even the target audience? Who makes these numbers up?

I'm going to see it, so I guess I am. I really liked Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. I'm a spic

Nah, you're disease.

Place your bets folks. By how much will this movie flop?

the same people who predicted landslide victory for Hillary

I'm a spic too and I hate capeshit.

It wont, for two reasons. 1, it's going to get the female audience without alienating the male audience. 2, it looks fun and is releasing on a date where it will no real competition. The biggest film it has to worry about is Pirates of the Caribbean which comes out the weak before.

MtF trans wonder woman when?

The only thing this movie will be projecting is vomit.

I predict an opening weekend of 6 gorillion.

This is a kosher thread.

i'd let her rub her nose up and down my ass crack.

There's a new one..?

Depends on the marketing and the early reviewer buzz. Ghost in the Shell had almost no marketing for a multi million dollar Hollywood movie, terrible script, and no buzz, and bad word of mouth. That's a tough act to top.


You wish, Kikelasa. Bad reviews didn't even dent Suicide Squad's box office. And Wonder Woman will get higher ratings on virtue of being the first big female led super hero film.

I talk about reviews people actually watch, not "professional critics"

uh wha



Why are they talking about the whole whitewash thing? Everyone who went to see the movie said it was horrible. Are they trying to use it as some sort of scapegoat? Oh its because white people hate seeing white people in movies.

all Matrix clones.

no wonder flopped.

They're right for the wrong reasons, ScarJo is an old Jewish roastie, if they had cast a qt3.14 japanese grill instead it would have done better.

The Wonder Woman casting is fine, the issue is that no one cares about Wonder Woman. I don't know comic sales but I'll bet her sales are way below Batman, Superman and probably some of the more lesser known DC characters.

Hunger Games was successful because of the Battle Royale element, not because of the Girl Power element. WW will tank, I guarantee it.

you do know Matrix is a giant rip off of the invisibles right?

But Hunger Games was whitewashed and it was fine.

Oh come on, like 3 of those are the same woman.

Yeah they whitewashed the major, but they racewashed a bunch of other characters too

Nobody in Section 9 was black, goddamnit

Here's the Major in the Japanese Anime, how Japanese does she look here?

All of the movies listed are individual actresses.

I'm using their own standards against them. Not that they're strangers to doublethink

Honestly Scarjo was perfect because she always acts like an emotionless robot even when she's not supposed to be

There is no need to fight anymore, Earth is hell and kek has abandoned us.

Did you miss the word "big"?

You could just say you are just talking out your ass, saves us all a lot of time.

you have to go back ese

Yeah, I have never even thought she's supposed to be japanese as a kid. I know she has a japanese name, but other than that nothing even implied her race. So they are fighting the wrong fight.


errr, no it's not, she's fucking terrible.

Doesn't all capeshit strive to earn money in Chinese theaters?
Chinks dont like this female lead shenanigans.

But BR had a point to make. HG was just about some cockhungry whore not being able to decide which dick she wanted, with the fighting just there to be filler.

And then they cast a fatass as the protagonist.

Why would she be living in Japan if she isn't a Japanese national? It's not like her identity is unknown, only two people having survived the plane crash that killed her parents.

The Major was always ethnically Japanese.

Can't act for shit (sounds like its reading off cue cards) & is ugly as hell.

Nothing and no one in the movie is explicitly Japanese and that was kind the point of "da future".

And is a jew.

Except their names, mannerism, the fact they speak fucking Japanese and live in Japan. The Major is the only person who has a fully artificial body, everyone else being augmented to one degree or another.

Batou and some other members of Section 9 were part of the Japanese military before joining up with the Major, Togusa was a Japanese cop, their boss is a bureaucrat.

Also, let's list their names:

Yeah, they don't sound like Japanese at all. Go back to your gulag and your tranny you filthy leftist cockroach.

Basically, all of them have a background in the military or police force.

Yeah, which explains how it landed that role in the first place. They would have been better off casting some random waitress or hooker.

nah, most likely just a casting couch

I could go on with the others, some are indeed japanese (aramaki), but the names are all romanized from japanese katakana…
The show is purposely not explicit with the origins of any character, to make a multi-cultural mixed up world. Specially in highly technical positions with people who work pretty much as mercenaries.

And the original GitS, Lain and a bunch of other anime.

You mean it's a clone of them

Dubs confirm

You can only be a clone of one thing, user.

Shes in a robot body. If you know anything about Asia, they tend to get surgery to Westernize their features. Because its considered exotic and attractive there.

how can you looks so unattractive in a suit that was made to look attractive

Does she likes gum?


And those fuckers still deny it to this day


Sounds like the same argument that was made before Cuntbusters came out.

oh, my bad.


SJW bullshit is the go-to excuse for shit movies nowadays


Silly user, none of those count.

ugh, pure cancer

Same with GITS too.

The movie takes place in Hong Kong you know.

I liked Super Ex-Girlfriend

This is modern cinema, everyone.

Tell us about Kimba while you're at it

Nobody cares

People with taste do. Pedowood is intellectually bankrupt.

You just have bad taste, it's no great sin.

Some of you whos are alright, stay out of Whoville tomorrow.

If it's competing with disney, you can be sure that pozzed of the caribbean will maintain the box office lead. Shit, disney might even throw in the paid reviewers to praise potc and maybe even bash blunder woman.

What amazes me is how they thought they could ctrl+v robocop, rule 63 it, add a shitty fan service moment and slap the gits title on it.

if that were the case then dumb teenagers who love Hunger Games would also love, or at least be open to, Battle Royal but they aren't. It's essentially Twilight with flipped agency.

look at all the sexist virgins mad because a movie about a WOMAN is going to be literally the most lucrative hero movie ever made ;))))

The most lucratively lopped :^))))))))))

well nobody in the production actually watched GITS and they had to make something