I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!

I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!
I'm afraid of Trumpcare and the harm it posses to women everywhere!!

Wow do you know how toxic women are, along with how many positions of authority they possess?

Children need to be tore away from their mothers at age 7. They also need to be breastfed until age 7. After age 7…

who gives a shit

so tired of politics

trumpcare will cover pre-existing conditions.

What the hell does a group of sheriff's deputies have to do with Trump or women's health issues?


Yeah, she should kill herself.

Why pedophiles support child killing? Fucking psychos, this is why every decent civilization is killing your kind.

No, it allows states to opt out of letting insurance companies/businesses from covering it. If Insurance Company A says it costs too much, they will just pay off their legislators who will then put in the exemption. If Corporation A operates in a state where said exemptions are allowed, they can have those same exemptions applied to every business they own across the country.

It also allows insurance companies to charge more for people with preexisting conditions, up to 5x as much. Add to that the fact that anything can be considered a preexisting condition from acne to hemorrhoids to rape to certain surgeries, prepare to be raped in costs. There is a reason the CBO said 20+ million people were going to lose their insurance on the previous attempt and before they could rate this new piece of shit the Republicans rammed it through even though it has, what? 15-25% public approval rating?

then your child has 100% free healthcare 'till she's 21 (23 if she stays in school)….

unless he isn't the father


Then why asking for their services? is a waste money, yurop social service was and is a lot better if you remove niggers from the equation. Put those bastards to work in mines, take all their money and use it for what people paid and castrate all tards and nigs.

Taking your money from a thief is justice.



Why do people not understand that if you're poor in America, you get REALLY FUCKING GOOD health insurance

I was on medicaid for a while after I left a job. It was the best insurance I've ever had. It covers everything at no cost. It's accepted almost everywhere. If you can't earn a "living wage" then just drop out and ride the gravy train, it pays better and has better benefits than any minimum wage job. How do you think unemployed nogs live so well?

I'm going on a limb and saying the problem is her and not daddy government. Her face looks really off and ugly. Ugly people typically are genetically unfit. That's why they're fucking ugly.

Same country where it's discouraged feeding the animals in state park because it disrupts the natural ecosystem. Irony.

that's a bad system though, because it makes for an effective marginal tax of 100% on those poor, i.e. if they get a job their income doesn't actually increase because they have to start paying for healthcare

They're all on Section Ape, they get 95% of their rent subsidized because they have niglets. All they have to do is turn a trick or a quarter of pot to pay the rest of their bills. Many of them get their utilities paid for by churches and other charities.

Another thing they do is trade kids around for benefits. I had a sheboon neighbor who was like a 40-year-old grandmother with a 13-year-old granddaughter. Her daughter gave her custody of the granddaughter so she could get extra food stamps (which pays like $200 per child), meanwhile the daughter had another kid with one in the oven for her own personal benefits. If they get enough surplus food stamps in a household, they invariably trade them for cash to pay for their alcohol and cigarettes.

that's true, but it's the system we have.

alternatives are: change minimum wage to a "living wage" (possible only with full sjw democratic control of government), or eliminate welfare benefits that make it preferable to not work (apparently not going to happen even with full republican control of government).

"Dude just kill my country with hyperinflation"

Yup, and a lot of them also get their kids diagnosed as retards or similar (ADHD, autism, etc) and get them on SSI benefits as well, which is like $800/mo. The benefits max out around 3 children.

accelerationism towards the inevitable crash is a valid POV

Same effect could be achieved by "sitting back".

Maybe this is the fault of having to go through a for-profit system before you have any access to healthcare. Insurance is a fucking joke. Just add a 2% flat tax and have an NHS.

The saddest thing about Section Ape, is that it has been expanded to the point where they can use it practically anywhere due to "equal housing" law. The ghetto populations aren't increasing, because ghettos have now become nigger export factories. There's no new housing projects, they can just move into any nice new apartment community and ruin it: living 10 to a 3-bedroom apartment, taking over the pools and playgrounds, being loud, etc.

erase yourself, and your broken child from the gene pool.


Keep dreaming, liberals. Taxation is theft.

How about having no government programs and let everyone buys their own health care?

So are you deliberately misusing that fallacy or are you legitimately retarded enough to not know what projecting is?

what a stupid bitch
'wahhh my kid has a rare illness therefor i deserve the taxpayer to pay an arm and a leg for him to leech off of productive society'
if you had half a brain you would do the humane thing and bring an axe to your kid's neck in your backyard.

Autism, rite?

Genetic failures shouldn't be allowed to live as they contribute nothing and only take from society, at some point this bitch should realize that breeding with the purpose of producing offspring isn't an option for her.

I'm unaffected by this illogical appeal to emotion because she only cares about herself and not society.

You can't argue that this opinion isn't true without appealing to emotion.

So every human being that didnt gave anything and take everything must be killed? a nig can be used for cotton, what about autists like you?



Feels good to live in Europe.

enjoy the sand niggers raiders eh?

Ah yes, the land of rapefugees raping their daughters and the fathers being taken away from their raped daughters for disturbing the peace.

Why'd she make another if her track record is awful

Remove them from both countries, yurop is still better.

Don't know why anyone would be a landlord anymore. There are so many 'fair' housing laws that allow deadbeats to fuck over the property owner and everyone else nearby.



That's not really the argument he's making though. He's saying that her children shit up the gene pool, not that everyone must give something to society or be killed. Ironically, the first part of that second argument is kind of what the girl in the thread's OP is arguing for.

I'm interested to see how people argue against though. I've never seen arguments against this that go beyond either muh feelings or "well I bet you suck irl so that's wrong"

I am just launching an ad hominem user, we all know here that communism=bad free market=good and that if you pay your taxes is in exchange of something and that if you pay to a company for something you have to get what you paid, what if told a bank that i didnt know that the dollar will fall in the future and that i cant pay anymore? freemarket justice says that the company must pay and we all know that companies are just umbrellas hiding cons, just take back what they steal every second, send them to jail and execute the corrupt politicians supporting this niggerism.

I'm not going out of town and I are a girl too much for a walk and you start to be the nicest thing that they may too and let it dwell the leaves.


The white race doesn't need white men that much, they can die in another country or in the border for all that I care. You need white women and few white men (like me or Trump).

If we could also get rid of government protections for healthcare industry that would be fine. The cost would be much more reasonable.

Eliminate medical patents, stop requiring practitioners to carry costly insurance, block most malpractice lawsuits (tort reform), deregulate the insurance industry to allow interstate competition… there are many other things that would need to be done.

All of this is very unlikely to ever happen. The two possible outcomes I see are - we keep fussing around with the broken system and eventually healthcare costs will become so high that medicaid will be expanded to cover almost everyone because almost everyone will be unable to pay, or we approach the problem head on and just work on setting up a reasonable single-payer system, or a hybrid system like many euro countries use (e.g. France).


Bitch deserves to suffer as a lesson to other women out there who go against the natural order.

Just hang bastards patenting natural things.

so much this!

The guy she married was someone white, naturally it all went to hell for not racemixing.

Racemixing is the future.

I'd rather just eliminate patents altogether and force companies to rely on trade secrets and negotiations for exclusive access to supplies.

Although with medical products it's probably in the public interest to force disclosure of ingredients, and since the active ingredient is just a molecule, generics would be all but unavoidable once some other company figured out how to synthesize it.

Maybe the posses will head Trumpcare off at the pass. If they do, then there will be a shootout at the OP Corral.

The problem is the corruption, paid politicians, how can we deal with them?

save my dick

Easy Eugenics. Stop having retard children. Stop feeding your kids fast food.


You don't need medication.

Take this shit to >>>Holla Forums

my dick needs medicatoin

Your dick IS medication.

It's the reddest pill of all.

thank y ou

There's no right answer to this. There's never been a superpower like the USA, except arguably ancient Rome.

How we will deal with the corruption remains to be seen. I don't think a violent revolution will happen, or at least it won't succeed. I think we may end up naturally splitting apart due to cultural differences, especially the west coast / California.

Or maybe, like Rome, we'll devolve from a republic into an empire, with an openly totalitarian form of government, probably a corporatist oligarchy (since we're already pretty close to that), and increasing corruption will lead to weakness and it'll slowly fizzle out as states or regions secede.


Well, parthians were capable of properly riding a horse and Usa has a better time in water, yet no country has the power of crystallizing Rome in seconds and Rome ruled for Rome, not for some syria palaestinians gnostics wannabes, so better stay silent about this topic. What if our statistics, our observations, our knowledge is biased because a lot of things are the result of corruption, not the failing of any system? Lybia did pretty well untill it was liberated (Chavez used the orange book) and Spain became a superpower with maybe more power than Usa right now after expelling those old antichristian elites that Rome almost destroyed.

what? is racemixing now bad?


think of it generationally, goy. why shouldnt we incentivise a label, a preexisting condition, a classification, on a child? why even bother trying at all, when all you have to do is have sex?

dont show your power level in public, Leeroy

says the guy sitting on 8ch at 3:43.. o hey wait a second!


you slippery snake you!


Fuck this woman. Fuck people like her who don't realize the future and how we can't cripple people's lives to pay for their shit