Post a better burger that you have made. I'd share a pro tip, it you already know what it is

Post a better burger that you have made. I'd share a pro tip, it you already know what it is


Go die in the grease fire that resulted in that pathetic attempt of a sandwich.

Sometimes I think about a nice juicy hamburger MEAT MEAT MEAT but the I realize I would have to eat fast food which is microwaved estrogen wrapped in more estrogen with a side of salt and it would only clog up my perfect physique and divine countenance so no and if I was going to cook some meat I'd have to invest in proper utensils and healthy oils like olive oil so no but it I did really want some meat I would prepare it to where it was mostly raw because that's the only way to get the most vitamins out of not like your crispy burnt "food"

you sound like a fag

If I ate how you ate it would turn me into a fag no doubt since I'm vegan masterrace living off air will be my next accomplishment so fuck you fat cunts I really hate fat cunts and how they ruined everything

I'm about to make some burgers for dinner. What your secret OP. I personally put bbq rub on mine. What else?

Just kidding I'm actually a vegetarian and here's a hint: it's all about the juices and gland secretions and lifeforce

Looks very nice op, would probably eat it if I had seen how it had been cooked…


hey fatass software programmer. go fuck yourself and stop re-threading

Here is a bigger one

At least you are willing to admit you are a fag, I guess.

I went to a local bbq place and got a turkey wrap because of this thread, along with some cheese stuffed bacon wrapped jalapenos
It's all dissolving in my stomache as we speak.. the turkey was bland and upon reflection pumped full of salt to increase it's market weight thus making flavor even more bland.. they didn't even put any bbq sauce in my wrap.. the bacon jalapeno thingys were half-assed and maybe it was cottage cheese but def was full of estrogen and now I have to put 'zapper' electrodes on my stomache to kill the worm eggs that are in all pork aka bacon before they hatch and infect my intestines.. hopefully I don't gain fat on my stomache from this one meal

shes my fav vlogger



Challenge Accepted. I make a mean burger bitch, you wait and see.

how did you know?


mix Aji No Moto Ajinomoto Monosodium Glutamate Umami Seasoning in with the beef before you cook it and it will be very good

take your meds
