Chicago police recently released a few videos where a black individual was shot and killed.
Also, given the BLM protests in London and the rest of UK today, which disrupted travel, this may trigger something.
Chicago police recently released a few videos where a black individual was shot and killed.
Also, given the BLM protests in London and the rest of UK today, which disrupted travel, this may trigger something.
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Hope so, hasn't been a happening for at least a week. I was starting to question my reason for living.
This mean the "Summer of Chaos" is confirmed?
They explicitly mentioned targeting Chicago, these traitors genuinely believe they'll be able to get a declaration of martial law here in Burgerland.
so what didn't he do?
Der juden added too much fluoride to the water, niggers just don't seem to chimpout like they did in yesteryear. It has been over a year since we've seen a city burn to nigerdom (Baltimore, April 2015).
They are going for it, no doubt about it.
and tried to run over cops in the video.
The BLM niggers seem to have run out of energy after the DNC. They've been awfully quiet lately.
Maybe in Burgertopia, but everywhere else (NZ,AUS, UK, Israel) they seem to be starting something.
Time will tell I guess.
they've made it to straya? what are they saying abo lives matter and shit?
Hmm, could just be a lag effect for areas outside the U.S.
They've probably been watching our niggers chimp for the past 6-12 months and have finally gotten organized/funded enough to get in on the action.
To be fair, cops love to jump in the path of cars so they have an excuse to open fire. Look at what happened to LaVoy in the Oregon standoff.
Man, I could understand them not being assed to vote, but even being too lazy to support their own racially-motivated domestic terrorism? That's just pathetic.
We all know they'll never drop their favorite card, but if what you're saying is true and they're showing fatigue, the self-serving nature, cowardice, and apathy of American blacks is truly LEGENDARY.
Can't wait for even this failure to be blamed on whitey.
At least the whole experience has been a rude awakening to many of a new generation. The doublethink of endorsing destruction of property and terrorizing of citizens for a political goal doesn't stick with anyone with an ounce of grey matter, and their fatigue is palpable with the rising popularity of their "#AllLivesMatter" business.
The effect this has on Chicago will likely be unfortunately muted by mainstream media, preventing legal change, but it should hopefully signify a breaking point for many living in the city and the state of Illinois at large.
An extension of this:
What do you think will be white America's Lusitania?
Chicago is pretty fucking huge. They're stepping up in that their violence is targeting increasingly white cities.
Ferguson could burn again five times over, and most wouldn't give a shit.
But Chicago? That's an iconic American city we actually care about.
Soros is having to spread his money a bit too thin for his liking now so expect to see less individual energy from his golems.
Is that an S2000?
Chicago hasn't been an American city since 1967. Where the fuck have you been?
Don't forget about BLM Sweden.
It's almost like it's the cops job to stop a fleeing felon.
Fucking idiot.
jew pork is also an american icon, you telling me you want to save that too?
Dum da dum, better let him drive past
Your indifference, and the latter's false equivalency, are beyond me. You're not explicitly endorsing domestic terrorism, but you're lessening the importance of it and completely missing the fucking point.
Everyone, keep lifting, stay vigilant. In an arms race c you either keep up or fall behind. Don't end up like jeb
Or cops could prevent a felon from fleeing, which is legal.
King Nigger has most likely coordinated with them to tone it down. The omnipresent chimpouts had ceased to be beneficial for the lefty cocksuckers.
Good riddance.
What the fuck man
What's next then? How well can they chimpout without Soros paying them for it and keeping the cops in line?
BLM is an entirely different beast (more simian) than femen. In the case of femen were some of their members to be mysteriously murdered they'd go silent exactly as they have done. Provoke BLM and the tard rage will ensue. Imagine it if you will tens of thousands of low agency low IQ people all ooga boogaing and trying to "enrich" white womens and kill whitey men, that's where they wanna take this. The funding is optional.
Looks like one.
Sweden of all places, wew.
cop videos are comfy as fuck, makes me want to join except for the whole dealing with niggers nonviolently part
Someone Photoshop this monkey being on fire please.
Kill yourself.
If he wanted to stop the car, he wouldn't have left a car sized gap between his drivers side door and the car parked on the street.
thats a jaguar xk8
no, he would've shot the gas tank and popped all 4 tires with a single clip.
Hope so chimp outs area always the funnest happenings to watch with Holla Forums
I can already hear the sounds
You're right, I'm sure he wanted to not stop the car…
Fucking idiot.
Damn, that's a good looking car, how much welfare money do they get?
I'd probably still refer to myself as an anarchist if it wasn't for black lives matter. I couldn't be more grateful.
I ain't 'bout to be taken ad-van-teg of by sum muhfuggin' white car dealership, lyin' to niggas 'n' shit. So this cop fuckin' SHOOTS at me?!
they still fetch good money for ones that have been looked after but it wouldnt be the first time a nigger has gone hungry or without paying his rent to buy something flash
Mayne, das mah schoo screwdrivuh.
Dipshit niggers.
That's me every week when the local gun store has new specials.
yeah but thats a gun not a pair of fucking shoes that cost $15 to make
I hate niggers destroying previously white cities as much as anyone. I live just outside Detroit.
However, places like Chicago and Detroit aren't worth saving. They've been fucked for decades. Only way to fix Chicago and Detroit is to get rid of all the niggers there. And we know that's not going to happen, so why bother? Niggers will fuck up every attempt to save either place.
Trips of truth
look at the comments mate
You're fucking, actually, legitimately retarded.
And the like/dislike bar
so comfy
They devalue like crazy and you can get a used one for a reasonable price. 30 grand tops.
I doubt they would do it for a nigger cause niggers can't drive, but they tend to think because they have everyone else on their side they are bulletproof, they know that everyone else knows that if you so much as touch them, you're going to prison. And they're not smart people to begin with.
So nobody is going to comment on how the police created a needlessly dangerous situation in a residential neighborhood? How they were wildly firing off shots in an area where people live to hit a nigger that was only trying to evade capture. Like what the fuck did they expect was going to happen? Niggers panic and run.
No. The needlessly dangerous situation began when someone decided to steal luxury vehicle and flee the police.
You're right, we should just create ghettos so things like this can't happen.
I seriously hope the niggers chimp over this piece of shit. It'll only end up causing a bigger rift and more tension between the races.
Just look at twitter. They're already looking for reasons to chimp while completely ignoring the initial crimes that led to this situation
Did they really or is it just one of us stirring the pot?
Nigs are getting rekt
I am sure such an esteemed person as yourself would feel that way if they were to be hit by stray police fire while out for a walk.
Proportional force when justified, you stupid nigger. Firing wildly in a residential neighborhood is worse than the carjacking itself. These police literally behave like stupid niggers and we're supposed to nod our heads and say "good job."
Yea, no thanks. Give me a gun and the right to defend life and property and these dumb nigger police can go fuck off.
Yeah, it was a 'glad you made it out okay' hand clasp.
3rd pic
When the sirens are you, you're supposed to stand still/get out of the way until the coast is clear. The sirens don't just signal cars; they signal everyone on the road.
I wouldn't get hit by police chasing a felon, because I'm not retarded enough to go strolling in the middle of a chast.
are you implying the cops should have let the nigger chimp out without consequence?
Right the police should just stop doing their job and let the niggers run wild because doing their job requires them to use a fucking gun.
It was justified you retarded negroid. Killing that fucker as quick as possible is the most efficient way to save more lives from dying via getting run the fuck over by a retarded nigger.
Firing wildly? They were clearly aiming at the car, which was on the fucking road. You've clearly never been in a life or death situation before.
They shot at him because at that very moment he put their lives in danger which sets a precedent. If he's not afraid of the consequences of running over a police officer, he's not afraid of running over/into anybody who gets in his path.
Now go hang yourself you nigger.
Newsflash: Niggers steal white surnames
Or adopted their slave owner's last names.
Wew, talk about muh cultural appropriation.
I'm more concerned about this at 1:12. Cop starts firing away when his buddy is in the line. Puts one into the fucking bonnet.
I recall that becoming a common thing due to libel/slander/defamation laws. When someone who committed a crime is not convicted for it or isn't deemed to have done so by an official source, not covering yourself with fluff like 'allegedly' is enough for a lawsuit.
Cops are notoriously bad shots though.
I would rather let the nigger get away, then the cops can go hunt him down in the get and shoot all they fucking want.
Well he seems to have refrained from firing at him, cops are trained to differentiate between hostiles and non-hostiles when firing at moving objects. I don't see what else you would expect.
Yeah, that's a pretty bad shot. Wasn't even close to hitting the car, let alone disabling it, partner was right there.
I'm glad you're not a cop then.
Please please please please be a Chimpout(tm) TONIGHT!
I'm fucking sick and tired of the catalog being shitted up with concern trolling and discussion of polling abnormalities ad nauseum
So am I
You don't have the guts for high-stake situations. Based on what you've said I wouldn't be able to trust you to have my back in that kind of situation, you'd just run away and probably get a reprimand from the lieutenant.
we didnt listen
Niggers are stupid animals.
Don't listen to the retarded 12 year old. He probably thinks shit's like GTA or something.
Instant lotto jackpot for the nigger fambly. The city attorneys are already drawing up a check.
Could be some unrest in Chicago but I'm skeptical about any major niggershines elsewhere. I might be proven wrong though.
So how long will it take for dindus to mobilize, after this ultra-triggering video is released?
Has someone before measured Average Dindu Response Time?
Nice trips
It's still early in the month, so they're thigh deep in fried chicken, Newports, and 40s.
Plus it's kinda hot. The weather can be a huge factor. Snow or extreme heat keeps them inside their cages.
Kinda hard to say. From an entertainment point of view, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
quit it with the "nearly ran over an officer" bullshit. that cop jumped out in front of that car on purpose. i'm not defending this feral nigger. I'm saying you're making us look bad by being a lying kike
where is the video of the moment the nigger gets shot? if this happens a few more times then they should simply make it a crime not to have your body camera on. this is not acceptable
is that picture from nice?
dude, he's not 100% black; that's obvious. drunken paddy's often had jungle fever. its one of the most common mulatto combinations in my experience
nonsense; you're a dipshit. niggers get caught eventually. you don't need to go all rambo, faggot. if those cops were running through your neighborhood blowing holes in your house, bullets flying over your front yard where your children are playing, then you'd sing a different tune. being "hard" and being smart are often mutually exclusive. quit trying to act "hard" like a nigger and be smart like a white man
wew. another retard on Holla Forums acting "hard" just like a nigger. its amazing how similar our (white) own trash is and the niggers are
Any streams?
Yeah, if we wait long enough maybe justice will happen all by itself.
Cops following protocol and firing on a hostile is not going 'all rambo.'
Pure hyperbole from an oversensitive faggot who freaks out when he hears gunfire. You can't hide from niggers forever, sorry to have to break it to you.
That's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect a liberal to say. The real world is not fit for you.
Reality isn't "easy."
Can't wait for Trump to win and executive order some Zyklon B therapy for you, Chaim.
Well until there are streams of the chimpenning in Chicago/all of USA, you can watch BLM make fools of themselves in London England if you want.
Damn I guess the wire is actually reality kek
Local car auction had Maserati's for 14k. My friend bought a Porche for 10k around the same area as well.
But here's the problem; a new transmission (or any other part, really) costs twice or three times as much as the original value of the car. And that's before labor.
We declare a chimpout imminent constantly.
kek, frmr mil
I don't want to play stupid games with niggers, you're right there. They don't belong in my society at all.
I do hope this turns into a chimpout though.
Knock off the white trash business.
Kikes aren't even trying to be subtle anymore
This makes it seem like a false flag in our favor
Are the boys in Blue truly on our side then? Feels good man. I think the cops want a race war as much as we do.
Looks like he was too slow to escape from the city.
Only if you control them.
BLM in America has hamstrung itself with it's list of demands. As soon as they said "reparations" the world turned on them and for good reason.
I should say current year value.
Downtime should be used stockpiling supplies for the next Happening.
I was having a hard time getting youtube to work. He didn't jump out in front of it, he just got out at a really retarded time.
I'd love to see his partner's cam to see where he was shooting.
Never mind though. I didn't see any little kids or old ladies running around in the background. Their driving was probably more dangerous then their shooting.
You mean which US city will turn out to be full of weapons after being sunk by Axis forces, despite Allied claims to the contrary, then fed into the minds of gullible dipshits for several decades to try and justify entering a war wherein the US had neither business being involved nor justification for entry?
I was having a hard time getting youtube to work. He didn't jump out in front of it, he just got out at a really retarded time.
I'd love to see his partner's cam to see where he was shooting.
Never mind though. I didn't see any little kids or old ladies running around in the background. Their driving was probably more dangerous then their shooting.
RIP Taylor ;_;
You haven't been doxing hillary's people?
Wait, what are the niggers doing down under now?
all the major metropolitan cities have jewish banking buildings as their largest sky scrapers .
fuck the big metropolitan jew cities of the usa
they are not worth saving
It's someone stirring the pot
He was a nigger who here gives a fuck?
god put them all six feet under
My niggas. Both great vidya tracks.
I must post Race Riot though.
Not really
Looks like the UK BLM protests haven't amounted to much, pics related are from Manchester (1,2) Heathrow (3), London (4)
Holy fuck I'd like to tear the larynx out of the dindu videoing.
Another pic of the type of winners that marched in Manchester.
More info and pics @ the following ( is down currently)
Lincoln never got the chance to deport these nogs.
Get cozy!
What's even happening in 3rd pic?
forgot to attach pic
Locking their arms together so they cant be removed/arrested
So, what's the story. Is Chicago heating up or what or am I going to have to end the night with a sad hand job?
Those fuckers have too much disposable money or they are insane
Or both
dat be sum fina clikbate yall
Jesus F. Christ
(The F is for Fucking)
tfw that spic and nigger on the police force
Their funding is gone, I doubt they will chimpout.
Wheres all the action going down at? NTA? lonk plz
They high-fived each other afterwards
This is gonna be the new meme
it was stolen
I'd have ordered them a pizza and split a case of beer with them.
Job well done, nig wranglers.
Watching that only gave me a feeling of brotherhood.
What am I supposed to be mad at again?
Most white people despise crime and those who commit crime, including white criminals.
They don't really care if criminals get hurt or killed because they are criminal scum, and who gives a fuck about criminal scum, no matter what their race, the less criminals, the better the society.
Most black people seem to think that crime is normal and acceptable, which implies that most black people are at least somewhat criminal themselves.
They don't seem to despise crime and instead they adopt an "oh well" attitude towards it.
Then they defend and make excuses for black criminals simply because they are black, which makes them more racist than white people.
These are fundamental differences between black and white people that mean we can never live side by side in peace.
tbh blm is redpilling a lot of fellow whites in my area, I hope they get even more violent and annoying
Can confirm. Had to deliver to the north side yesterday. All I saw were muzzies, niggers and other assorted mud people. I hate having to drive in the city, ever.
There will be no more chimpouts until after Trump is elected. Soros is no longer paying protestors. The protests worked in favor of republicans.
The nigger shot at police, the problem here is the liberal leadership who fire people who risk their lives dealing with this subhuman trash. The upstanding citizens are fleeing these cities as they have done for the past 100 years or so. People are continually waking up to the monkey behavior of these niggers and make plans to relocate. Leadership who do nothing other then shifting blame and sticking the head in the sand is going to cause more casualties then dealing with the underlying problem. Social programs isn't going to solve fuck all.
Between shooting up a gay parade, a university, a mall, etc. what do you guys should I should go for?
I think a university because than I can easily kill huge numbers of non-whites, cause immense butthurt, and hit cultural marxism right at its source.
It looks like the circus workers held a protest.
We honestly need to organize some kind of "white supremacist frog worshippers create shrines and host events for cops that kill dindus" thing going to get the niggers really riled up.
No, don't kill them. Figure out all the important locations where resources are at, in your area. Most importantly fresh water sources. Gather together a volk, be armed, train and wait. You will do far much more in continuing whites into the future then sperging out on dipshits who'll die in days once they aren't getting the GIB'Me's
higher quality version finished rendering
I've tried to do what you're suggesting and just got endless no shows. Also I'm damaged in so many ways that I'm not really a valuable genetic asset to the race anyways, I reckon.
Hey I'm not suggesting YOU do anything, I'll be handling this myself, while you fap in the basement and hopefully make dank memes to remember me.
i'm suggesting you get a life fbi conspiracy to commit terrorism troll
Well you try and have a life when you're an ugly dysgenic fucker like me that nobody really wants to talk to or be around.
(o lawd)
Apparently Weedman is a Rosicrucian.
As of now you've done almost nothing in helping the cause. Wantonly acting to hurt our cause in the way it stands is far worse. Do you not have the gift of speech, can you not orchestrate accounts on other sites to redpill normies, if you think yourself too pathetic too actually fight in the war of the future.
except for the people from the rest of Illinois and the midwest who want it to burn
Why is it that BLM only care about thugs getting killed?
I've seen plenty of unjustified shootings they could protest about but they don't
Is it because the reason is to get whites pissed off at them on purpose?
Because niggers see their honorable nigger brethren getting rekt while whitey sees a criminal getting rekt
The problem is that there are stupid "crimes" like smoking plants or buying sex and the over enforcement of those stupid laws led to an erosion of respect. No one respects pickers today because of this, and also fecause so many abuse their position.
DOTR is coming and you'll find many cops hanging.
this machine kills fascists
praise kek
(❀◦‿◦) ( ° ʖ °) (卐つ◕◕)つ·︻┻═━一 Ͼ(ˣ◡ˣ)Ͽ
Are there actually going to be any chimpouts or nah?
Kek'd and check'd
They Started Targeting Israel. It's the Femen effect.
I have the gift of being hated by everyone I speak and having an effeminate voice and being hated by both sides while having forever loved the redpill.
Holla Forums is generally pro-police in these situations.
Holla Forums doesn't want police when they're invading your home for no reason and everyone knows police can be dicks. However, none of us actually want to deal with feral niggers because the government won't let Holla Forums go RWDS, which is what needs to be done.
For your average chimping nigger, I'll let the police deal with it. If a cop kills a nigger or a meth'd out trailer dweller waving around a shotgun, so be it. I'll stand behind them.
In my home, it's a different story. If it comes to my house, yes… I'll deal with it.
Paul O'Neill attempted trail by combat with Chicago PD and did not emerge victorious. Better luck next time.
I and Holla Forums are not but we do rejoice when cops kill niggers and I think us doing shrines and congratulating them and stuff when they do it and making the whole thing as overtly racist as possible would be great to rile up niggers. Otherwise it just looks like police doing their job and killing criminals; we don't want that. We don't want there to be a perception they're just men doing their job and being fair and equal to everyone. We want niggers to see white supremacists celebrating every single time a cop kills one of their own; then the chimp outs will be much more intense.
The only problem is that the police use chimping niggers/people of terror violence as a pretext to militarize and fuck with us. Since no one is allowed to say who is the real problem, we are lumped in along with everyone else as was the plan all along.
They started realizing who the actual oppressors were.
I agree. I won't want the police militarized and I definitely do not want them snooping in my back yard. However, in these particular situations, unique as they are, the police have my support - if only for the lulz of watching them get killed/teargassed/beaten.
rofl why do they look so weak and faggy?
Drive a vehicle at a deadly speed towards officers which endangered their lives, while causing damage to government property.
Play stupid game, win stupid prizes
Does bring back fond 90s gaming memories growing up…
This (Checked)
because they're weak and faggy.
What strange specimens they are
We're talking about a tribe of people who tried to destroy Germany and when they were asked to leave, they refused.
Hitler finally had enough and rounded them up. They didn't even try to leave or fight back. They're weak faggots.
White supremacist terrorist black baby killer Sam Hyde has been confirmed as on the scene and is threatening black protesters
It's like a bored scorpion vs a cricket.
Bump for high quality OC.
Suggestion: Lower the volume of the voice a little and let more of the music come through. The subtitles will make all the lyrics audible but the sub average singing won't be as noticeable.
Honest and forthright: excellent work
Maybe this will obviate the toolish nature of subservience to the jew for black folk
If Blacks would protest against Jews instead of white folks, the Happening would end before it started.
So is it chimpening, guys?
Any new developments?
underrated post
bumping this
anyone got anymore shaun king memes?
Anglos forced their Irish servants to breed with blacks
One of his brothers looks like a fatter Gavin McInnes
This is cuckchan the post. MUH BAD WHITES MUH BASED NIGGERS.
That is a dude.
It's a Trandicap.
This is an old commie tactic.
Radicalise your base by choosing "victims" who the authorities would treat as criminals under any system. Then complain that the "system" is unfair.
The aim is to bring on conflict and use that to gain power, not to make the existing system work better.
They're so weak USA has to fight their wars for them.
Their "muh military" is funded entirely by burgers.
I fixed your post for you :^)
i know this particular one is from ytp koth, but what is the actual opening from?
cromartie high
Make a thread when the chimpout is confirmed, I'm tired of these niggers clickbaiting with chimpout imminent as soon as a nog is shot or a police officer gets off charges.
Nice dubs
I identify as a disabled person in a capable person’s body. I demand public assistance for my disability of not having a disability. Also the right to use the carts in stores. And compete in the paralympics.
What actually happened
BLM is just an excuse for niggers to have riots every time one of their worthless brethren is culled.
I'm not even a burger and I advocate shooting twats like this.
'Let the nigger get away' is not a winning tactic. See the end of slavery up to today for how well that works as a policy.
Is it habbening?
Any police confrontation that ends with a nigger shot is a win, even if it's the cop.
You'd have a leg to stand on if anyone else was hit but instead you have a lot of 'what ifs', hyperbole and finger wagging.
Female cops are like comedy police, it's adorable but since they can't handle anything serious I wonder why they're issued with weapons. Seems like a hop skip and jump to some nigger lifting their guns or whathaveyou and flipping their shit.
They had time to prepare no?
No, not unless you're an uncontrolled violent criminal piece of shit who moves to america in the next 10 minutes.
Build a house.
Teach someone.
Find something that needs doing.
No, instead just go out and demand to be given it, shake your fist and yell at no-one in a country that couldn't fucking care less about what amounts to the police sand blasting hood rats off yank streets.
Some people have nothing to do, time to waste on bullshit like this, hopefully none of them breed given the look of them.
BLM can't wait for another vermin nig to go apeshit and get himself put down by the bacon squad. In their collective mind another Tyrone or Jamal being put out of our misery justifies their going out destroying, looting and fighting in the streets.
Every criminal nigger killed means another 200 lesser crimes.
We need some quality chimpouts, it's been far too long since the last one. This is unacceptable. Comfy levels are the lowest they've been at in weeks.
And yet they hold the puppet strings of the US military.
Sounds like the USA is the little bitch in the relationship to me,
Why is Shaun King still around?
I thought he would have gone underground even everyone found out he was whiter than driven snow.
The drug deals alone being done in BLM protest crowd would account for 80% of the crime committed in that location that year.
Does the sheboon realize that he was in said car while the aforementioned events transpired?