Hey there Holla Forums

Hey there Holla Forums

Many of you know about Game and PUA, but this is not a thread about that. I only bring it up as a similar example of what I'm about to dive into.

Fighting. Or that is, developing the fighting instinct.

Game teaches you to internally recalibrate yourself to become more Alpha. Its a set of techniques, both physical, but mostly mental that can make you more successful with women.

Are there similar techniques for fighting? Ways to lower your inhibitions and strike the first blow. Ways to get over the inhibitions that society has put into you head about getting into a scrap.

I believe this is integral to fostering a new generation of young men that are tough enough mentally and physically to do what needs to be done in the near future.

To those who have been in a fight, the rush is hard to describe, but it is something else. It's similar to the rush you get after successfully approaching a girl.

I think this is an area of development that all young men should look into.

Anyone know any materials or thinker that go into this thing? Preferably from this century, not some Zen samurai stuff. I really like Storm of Steel, because it describes that warrior mentality well, without any shame, or kvetching about the banality of violence.

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All I know is what I was taught by my dad. Don't be the one to start the fight. But if you're forced into a confrontation or need to step in the middle of one…

Then even if you lose, you make damn sure that person will forever remember who he just fought that day.

What are you fighting? Go get a life ffs

First, learn how to fight. The actual skills and techniques. This will increase your confidence in your own abilities. Even better if you're taking a martial art with live practice.

Bot ultimately, OP, it's just an internal process. Read the right kinds of philosophy and it'll come, or just test yourself in the face of true, actual adversity. If you test yourself, your true inner self will manifest, as a sculpture wrought from stone. If it's just a simulation, with no chance of failure, it won't work. There are a lot of really intellectually dense thinkers that would help, but The Way of Men by Jack Donovan is a pretty easy to read and concise place to start.

I've read The Way of Men and have been boxing for about 6 years.

But I am talking about techniques to bring out the inner animal/warrior/fighter.

Ways to approach the initial hurdle of getting over the inhibitions you have about fighting,

Like the hesitation one faces before approaching a pretty girl.

Are there ways to get yourself really angry really quickly?

Ways to get the adrenaline pumping before the first blow to not feel any pain?

Ways to cultivate the bloodlust necessary to not shy from a fight.

It's much better to scare off would be attackers. Even the fights you win aren't worth the damage to your body.

t. someone who has been in dozens of adult fights.

Uh I meant to say over a dozen. Like I said brain damage.

Do you wait until they throw the first blow?

I read a book by…I forget who but its called The Fence.

And in the book he goes over the mental processes that one goes through when going through a fight build up.

A ritual of sorts.

You get the EYE LOCK

followed by THE QUESTION- "what you looking at?"- or something

Then the poof up.

Then the pushing/invading personal space.

And then the fight is on.

The symptoms one feels when a fight is imminent are the flight or flight responces.

Irregular breathing, tunnel vision, the urge to void bowels to make oneself lighter, sweaty palms and tongue-tied from adrenaline rush and blood rushing to extremeties away from brain.

But how do you combat this? Is it through anger?

The PUA feels the same shit because of the Caveman's Shadow concept- approaching a cute girl in nature is dangerous because there might be a caveman lurking who the girl belongs to. So approaching gives you same symptoms of getting ready for a fight.

But how do you get over these symptoms/use them to your benefit/ develop a mentality like the PUA does and start to relish the challenge?

Questions that I hope someone can point me to a blog or book for answers.

This is a shill thread encouraging violence.

Fist fighting is for niggers. It's an action for under evolved monkey's. The only time you should fight is if you or someone you care about is at risk, otherwise avoid it at all cost. That being said knowing how to fight is necessary and will give you a lot of confidence in ever day life. But having the self control to not chimp out and start hitting people is just as important. Just find a martial art and start doing it.

I'm biased, but the path of the Berserker and Ulfhedinn of the Norse appeals to me on a spiritual level.

Like I said, you have to fucking test yourself. The Norse warrior-shamans would go out into the woods and live as animals, on the edge of survival. They might have used psychedelics to face what we might call demons. The above is not required to just git gud at getting angry; it carried with it the power to very literally transform the spirit into something more primal, savage, and filled with rage.

I would imagine there is some analogue to that in the modern world, but again, the key here is to bring yourself to the brink. Do it right, and that faggot over there ain't shit. I don't know how you'll find you should do it, but if you really want to tap into almost transcendent rage that eliminates that fear, there isn't some breathing technique or 5 minute mental prep that'll do the job. You need an initiation, a rite of passage that even Basic Training doesn't provide anymore, though it's a lot closer. Norse, Abbos, Injuns, every warrior society has a form of this.

t. someone who has only been in a handful of fights, and hasn't gone and lived in the woods for days or weeks. But if the bear shirts and wolf skins and woad warriors are any indication, a rite of passage in the truest sense of the term is what you (and I) need

Yes, anger is what will transcend fear, if it's the right kind of anger.

Read the thread next time, faggot.

Yes, I think you're onto something. Initiation rites are pretty important in every warrior culture to foster that sort of mentality.

Any reading material on the topic?

Sorry user, I don't have any books on it.

I happen to have come across this website norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/others/berserkers-and-other-shamanic-warriors/

Maybe you'll read through it and find direction elsewhere. I also strongly suspect that the author is a Hermetist, so he's definitely on some other shit. Good luck

Thanks, user.

I believe masculine struggle and fighting are nothing bad, but in fact an aspect of our lives that we are missing.

As well as a sense of tribal belonging, social purpose, and masculinity.

I would like to expand the scope of the inquiry.

Are there any works that deal with the spiritual context of fighting.

A lot of Zen stuff talks about the transcendent nature of fighting a good fight. Reaching enlightenment poised on the edge of life and death.

Is there any Western material on the transcendent spirtual qualities of fostering a martial spirit?

No substitute for doing. Get down to the dojo or boxing/MMA gym, learn the techniques, and spar, spar, spar. Habituate yourself to the idea of hitting and getting hit.

The gym is simply not enough.

I dont feel fear in the gym. And no sense of being in a fight. It becomes a game, like a sport.

In the gym, you know you're going to fight, and there is preparation, everything is simplified.

But in real life, its not that cut and dry. You yell, you shove, you can get outnumbered, you can feel social pressure to not fight back.

Night and Day.

I believe that there is only one group of people in society that can handle themselves in a modern fight and it is bouncers at a dive bar.

They are ruthless, efficient, and know what they are doing.

The gym is important, the harder the better, but at the end of the day it's a safe space, by definition. I know exactly what OP means, it's a general call for toughness and hardening. On a psychological level.

bas rutten has dvd on this type of shit

Thanks user, will check this out.

Based Frisian

You want my advice??

There's no such thing as a fair fight. Fuck being fair, exception being if you are somehow fighting your best friend or some such.

If it's a nigger or a mexicunt or a liberal, either fucking avoid the fight, or just suddenly start beating them if you don't think you can avoid it. Either GTFO or sneak attack the fucker. If you hate them enough to make you initiate the fight regardless of what happens, de-escalate a bit, then attack with full force when they don't expect it. Like in the following post, the EYE LOCK etc, what I would do, is let them do the eye lock, submissive, cuck eyes feigned for just a second to let them become confident, then bash them in the fucking head, preferably with a weapon of some sorts. Lighter in your fist minimum. If they're doing it to your bro, take first action and choke the fucker out with a rear naked or else break a bottle over their skull. Decide whether they deserve to be hurt, then take initiative and hurt them the most effective way possible if they deserve it. Example, in high school, a fucker slammed a qt 3.14 I wanted to fuck into a locker at school for who knows what. I told him bad things happen to faggots that hurt women, left, then later when he was walking the 1/4 mile to his car, bashed him in the head with a short piece of iron pipe filled with melted fishing weights and wrapped with fake leather. Don't be a nigger concerned with the honor of yourself vs your enemies, only honorably engage with your peers, view all enemies as potential mob-style hits.
Source- been in actual DOZENS of fights if you consider MMA bouts along with shit in school, etc, got fucked up many times, never 'lost' a fight.

first you learn how to fight.
then you learn to not attack anybody that annoys you the slightest immediately.
anger is not a good emotion to guide you safely through a fight.

anger helps a lot in a fight. It can get you over your inhibitions and make you far stronger.

You don't go into a fight like a Jedi knight, you go in to do damage.

Still looking for some good sources either esoteric, historical or technical about fighting, fam.

Thinking of how horribly corrupted most everything has become, including but not limited to; women, politics, culture, the existence of our people, law, our lakes and rivers, etc, and the fact that trying to fix all that is grounds for becoming an outcast. That gets me pissed off in my regular daily life just fine.

not pissed off, but explosive rage.

Theres a difference, one is soul-crushing the other can be marshalled to overcome great obstacles.

No, I'm pretty sure my mood gets ruined by complete fucking lividity when I stop to contemplate about it at least once every other day. If that doesn't work, envision a pampered Rothschild in front of you, taunting you about what he's done to your people.

Did we ever hear back from that user in Canada that wanted to fight some antifa to the death?

That sounds like a great story.


A few weeks back, there was an user in Canada that wanted to die, and he challenged all antifa on craigslist that there was a natsoc looking for a fight in such and such park. He was apparently trained in combat and could go into berserker mode, and was going to bring a knife and some basic equipment, and hopefully kill as many as he could before they or the police got him.

We would have heard about that I should think.

Your boy is Geoff Thompson. His autobiography is Watch My Back.

Him and James LaFond are the two men I would suggest you look for guidance from, because they're about street fighting / urban predation, not something based on rules.

Yes user, thats exactly what I'm talking about.

I've started to read Geoff Thompson, and he is the only guy who tries to explain the ritual of the fight in any detail.

Any specific books you can recommend?

He covers it in the autobiography bit by bit. The Fence is good for technique too. But, Thompson learnt to conquer his fear as a doorman, which meant pretty much every fight he had was with someone who had something to prove. So he learnt how to read the body language of people when they're psyching themselves to fight you, and learnt to finish them first. If someone has decided to hurt you on the grounds that you have something they want, it's James LaFond you should look for. He is an angry Neanderthal living in Baltimore and is all about improvised weapons and staying frosty in dindustan. His blog (under his name) is extensive and his books (I have "When You're Food") are about how to not be the victim. Which most times means looking psycho, or nopeing the fuck out.

Thompson recognises the limitations of bouncer-style fighting, which is why he initiated "Animal Days" (should be on youtube somewhere). The essential premise there is that the only way to know how a real fight will go is when you train with an intensity that may get someone killed, and in places where improvised weapons can be used.

God bless, user.

anger is unreliable and exhausting, what you need is reflexive violence and a cool head (and maybe drugs)




This is the first I've ever heard of this. I thought approach anxiety was quite literally because, as a shy, socially awkward introvert, as you prepare to approach this woman, you prepare to confront her and present yourself to her. That is, present your self to her. Unlike with extroverts that are merely interacting with the woman, an introvert is interacting with his impression of the woman, an impression that's created by the accumulation of his previous interactions with women and is then projected onto her. Her rejection of your self is basically interpreted by the introvert as an actual threat to his actual self. This is why he reacts as though he's approaching a real, physical danger as with violent, wild animals.

I think the Caveman's shadow is less Freudian and therefore more likely to be correct.

It's called the Will to Power

I agree approach anxiety probably isn't about being scared of other males due to some subconscious caveman thought process. Humans are supposed to live in groups of about 100 so you would probably know who is sleeping with who in that situation.

That's exactly how niggers fight. They sucker punch and fight without any sense of honor. Something that should be noted. Around blacks NEVER relax

And a weapon will get you put in prison. Back of the head shot will do just fine

I did that for a living. You learn to drop them quick. That's the secret to real world fighting. Everything else is fucking around.

That NEVER goes away, even Mystery (who has approached thousands of girls so far) still gets it.
The 3 second rule can help - when you see a girl, say something to her within 3 seconds, otherwise the approach anxiety sets in.

Increase your testosterone, become sadistic/violent (personality wise), leave empathy and humanity behind.

Anger will get your ass handed to you, user. Mike Tyson always fought scared and played angry.

That's called sanity. It's also a pain killer needed to endure.

do you have anything to contribute except boasts?

how, how, how?

No, because you're a snotty little shit. You should have learned from what I just wrote but you're too fucking stupid.

Is this a slide thread? Are you a CTR shill?
Use google for my suggestions you doublenigger.

What signs are there of fear in Mike Tyson's fighting performance? I do recall him saying that he was always scared when he was preparing for a fight but I also recall him saying that when he gets closer and closer to the ring, he gets more and more confident and when he steps in, he's "a God".

I'm sure there's some kind of "Mike Tyson Intimidation" video on YT.

It's the third post in the thread, you dumb nigger.

lurk more newfag.